271 resultados para textured insoles


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This project involved the evaluation of several aggregates previously rated poor to excellent with respect to skid resistance and certain mix design parameters. An open graded asphalt friction course was evaluated using 4 comparably graded aggregates: quartzite, fine grained limestone, coarse limestone and lightweight expanded shale. The performance investigations involved the verification of observations of the quartzite test sections, evaluation of the effect of blending the superior quartzite with a typical coarse grained-textured limestone, and the evaluation of the limestone. The effects of traffic on the aggregates used in the test sections were studied, as well as the relationship between asphalt content levels and traffic with respect to performance. The bond of the open graded friction course mixture was also evaluated. The SN performance of all test sections after sixteen months of exposure was found to be satisfactory in that none of the material combinations had polished to the point where unacceptable SN levels developed. When material combinations were compared, significant differences were noted.


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Heusler alloy Mn50Ni40In10 was produced as preferentially textured ribbon flakes by melt spinning, finding the existence of martensitic-austenic transformation with both phases exhibiting ferromagnetic ordering. A microcrystalline three-layered microstructure of ordered columnar grains grown perpendicularly to ribbon plane was formed between two thin layers of smaller grains. The characteristic temperatures of the martensitic transformation were MS=213 K, Mf=173 K, AS=222 K, and Af=243 K. Austenite phase shows a cubic L21 structure (a=0.6013(3) nm at 298 K and a Curie point of 311 K), transforming into a modulated fourteen-layer modulation monoclinic martensite


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This study aimed to use the plantar pressure insole for estimating the three-dimensional ground reaction force (GRF) as well as the frictional torque (T(F)) during walking. Eleven subjects, six healthy and five patients with ankle disease participated in the study while wearing pressure insoles during several walking trials on a force-plate. The plantar pressure distribution was analyzed and 10 principal components of 24 regional pressure values with the stance time percentage (STP) were considered for GRF and T(F) estimation. Both linear and non-linear approximators were used for estimating the GRF and T(F) based on two learning strategies using intra-subject and inter-subjects data. The RMS error and the correlation coefficient between the approximators and the actual patterns obtained from force-plate were calculated. Our results showed better performance for non-linear approximation especially when the STP was considered as input. The least errors were observed for vertical force (4%) and anterior-posterior force (7.3%), while the medial-lateral force (11.3%) and frictional torque (14.7%) had higher errors. The result obtained for the patients showed higher error; nevertheless, when the data of the same patient were used for learning, the results were improved and in general slight differences with healthy subjects were observed. In conclusion, this study showed that ambulatory pressure insole with data normalization, an optimal choice of inputs and a well-trained nonlinear mapping function can estimate efficiently the three-dimensional ground reaction force and frictional torque in consecutive gait cycle without requiring a force-plate.


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We propose a compressive sensing algorithm that exploits geometric properties of images to recover images of high quality from few measurements. The image reconstruction is done by iterating the two following steps: 1) estimation of normal vectors of the image level curves, and 2) reconstruction of an image fitting the normal vectors, the compressed sensing measurements, and the sparsity constraint. The proposed technique can naturally extend to nonlocal operators and graphs to exploit the repetitive nature of textured images to recover fine detail structures. In both cases, the problem is reduced to a series of convex minimization problems that can be efficiently solved with a combination of variable splitting and augmented Lagrangian methods, leading to fast and easy-to-code algorithms. Extended experiments show a clear improvement over related state-of-the-art algorithms in the quality of the reconstructed images and the robustness of the proposed method to noise, different kind of images, and reduced measurements.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation used a high molecular weight methacrylate (HMWM) resin to seal a 3,340 ft. x 64 ft. bridge deck in October 1986. The sealing was necessary to prevent deicing salt brine from entering a substantial number of transverse cracks that coincided with the epoxy coated top steel and unprotected bottom steel. HMWM resin is a three component product composed of a monomer, a curnene hydroperoxide initiator and a cobalt naphthenate promoter. The HMWM was applied with a dual spray bar system and flat-fan nozzles. Initiated monomer delivered through one spray bar was mixed in the air with promoted monomer from the other spray bar. The application rate averaged 0.956 gallons per 100 square feet for the tined textured driving lanes. Dry sand was broadcast on the surface at an average coverage of 0.58 lbs. per square yard to maintain friction. Coring showed that the H.MWM resin penetrated the cracks more than two inches deep. Testing of the treated deck yielded Friction Numbers averaging 33 with a treaded tire compared to 36 prior to treatment. An inspection soon after treatment found five leaky cracks in one of the 15 spans. One inspection during a steady rain showed no leakage, but leakage from numerous cracks occurred during a subsequent rain. A second HMWM application was made on two spans to determine if a double application would prevent leakage. This evaluation has not been completed.


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Borrow areas are created where soil is needed to provide fill for construction projects. This research evaluated (1) the changes in row crop productivity resulting from removal of soil for highway construction in Iowa and (2) restoration methods which included: depth of topsoil, subsoil tillage, manure application, and two years of legume growth prior to row cropping. The research was carried out from 1977-1981 at four locations. Corn and soybean y1elds from borrow areas have been below, equal to; and greater than yields from undisturbed, neighboring farmland. Little or no yield increase was noted from restored topsoil at coarse textured sites. At finer textured sites, a marked yield increase of both crops occurred after the addition of 6 inches of topsoil but little added yield increase resulted from restoring 12 inches of topsoil. Subsoil tillage has shown little or no beneficial effect on crop yields. The manure treatment has resulted in a corn yield increase but only in the first year after application.


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Borrow areas are created where soil is needed to provide fill for construction projects. The changes in row-crop productivity resulting from removal of soil for highway construction in Iowa and restoration methods, which included addition to topsoil, subsoil tillage, manure application, and 2 yr of legume growth before row cropping, were evaluated. The research was carried out from 1977 to 1981 at four locations. Corn and soybean yields from borrow areas have been below, equal to, and greater than yields from undisturbed neighboring farmland. Little or no yield increase was noted from restored topsoil at coarse-textured sites. At finer-textured sites, a marked yield increase of both crops occurred after the addition of 6 in. of topsoil but little added yield increase resulted from restoring 12 in. of topsoil. Subsoil tillage has shown little or no beneficial effect on crop yields. The manure treatment has resulted in a corn yield increase but only in the first year after application.


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Previous studies assessed the outcome of ankle arthrodesis (AA) and total ankle replacement (TAR) surgeries; however, the extent of postoperative recovery towards bilateral gait mechanics (BGM) is unknown. We evaluated the outcome of the two surgeries at least 2 years post rehabilitation, focusing on BGM. 36 participants, including 12 AA patients, 12 TAR patients, and 12 controls were included. Gait assessment over 50 m distance was performed utilizing pressure insoles and 3D inertial sensors, following which an intraindividual comparison was performed. Most spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters in the TAR group were indicative of good gait symmetry, while the AA group presented significant differences. Plantar pressure symmetry among the AA group was also significantly distorted. Abnormality in biomechanical behavior of the AA unoperated, contralateral foot was observed. In summary, our results indicate an altered BGM in AA patients, whereas a relatively fully recovered BGM is observed in TAR patients, despite the quantitative differences in several parameters when compared to a healthy population. Our study supports a biomechanical assessment and rehabilitation of both operated and unoperated sides after major surgeries for ankle osteoarthrosis.


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PURPOSE: This study aimed to determine the neuro-mechanical and metabolic adjustments in the lower limbs induced by the running anaerobic sprint test (the so-called RAST). METHODS: Eight professional football players performed 6 × 35 m sprints interspersed with 10 s of active recovery on artificial turf with their football shoes. Sprinting mechanics (plantar pressure insoles), root mean square activity of the vastus lateralis (VL), rectus femoris (RF), and biceps femoris (BF) muscles (surface electromyography, EMG) and VL muscle oxygenation (near-infrared spectroscopy) were monitored continuously. RESULTS: Sprint time, contact time and total stride duration increased from the first to the last repetition (+17.4, +20.0 and +16.6 %; all P < 0.05), while flight time and stride length remained constant. Stride frequency (-13.9 %; P < 0.001) and vertical stiffness decreased (-27.2 %; P < 0.001) across trials. Root mean square EMG activities of RF and BF (-18.7 and -18.1 %; P < 0.01 and 0.001, respectively), but not VL (-1.2 %; P > 0.05), decreased over sprint repetitions and were correlated with the increase in running time (r = -0.82 and -0.90; both P < 0.05). Together with a better maintenance of RF and BF muscles activation levels over sprint repetitions, players with a better repeated-sprint performance (lower cumulated times) also displayed faster muscle de- (during sprints) and re-oxygenation (during recovery) rates (r = -0.74 and -0.84; P < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively). CONCLUSION: The repeated anaerobic sprint test leads to substantial alterations in stride mechanics and leg-spring behaviour. Our results also strengthen the link between repeated-sprint ability and the change in neuromuscular activation as well as in muscle de- and re-oxygenation rates.


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Es va realitzar una sèrie d'assaigs d'adobat nitrogenat en diferents comarques de la Catalunya interior. En el conjunt d'aquests assaigs es varen comprovar tres mètodes diferents que es va considerar que eren prometedors per tal de millorar la fertilització nitrogenada. Els mètodes assajats eren el mètode del balanç de nitrogen, el del nitrogen mineral i el del contingut de nitrats al suc de la base de les tiges (CNSBT). Els sòls on es van realitzar els assaigs no presentaven cap limitació especial per al cultiu del blat i eren profunds, ben drenats, no salins i de textura mitjana; l'única excepció era un assaig sobre sòl moderadament profund. Per tant, i també pel que fa a la fertilitat química, els sòls s'han de considerar d'un potencial productiu mitjàalt. El mètode del balanç de nitrogen s'ha mostrat com a molt prometedor de cara a definir si cal la magnitud de l'adobat de cobertora per a les condicions estudiades. El mètode de nitrogen mineral també ha estat efectiu en aquest sentit, mentre que el del CNSBT s'ha revelat com a no aplicable en les condicions assajades, on en molts casos l'aigua és també factor limitant. Al llarg dels assaigs s'han identificat un seguit de factors que impedeixen ajustar la fertilitat nitrogenada. Entre aquests cal esmentar la mala estimació de la producció objectiu, la dificultat de predir el N disponible a partir dels adobs orgànics, dificultats de mostreig pel nitrogen nítric i l'efecte crític que té l'erràtica disponibilitat d'aigua que complica molt l'estratègia de fertilització nitrogenada a adoptar.


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Nowadays, one of the most important challenges to enhance the efficiency of thin film silicon solar cells is to increase the short circuit intensity by means of optical confinement methods, such as textured back-reflector structures. In this work, two possible textured structures to be used as back reflectors for n-i-p solar cells have been optically analyzed and compared to a smooth one by using a system which is able to measure the angular distribution function (ADF) of the scattered light in a wide spectral range (350-1000 nm). The accurate analysis of the ADF data corresponding to the reflector structures and to the μc-Si:H films deposited onto them allows the optical losses due to the reflector absorption and its effectiveness in increasing light absorption in the μc-Si:H layer, mainly at long wavelengths, to be quantified.


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BACKGROUND: Hallux valgus is one of the most common forefoot problems in females. Studies have looked at gait alterations due to hallux valgus deformity, assessing temporal, kinematic or plantar pressure parameters individually. The present study, however, aims to assess all listed parameters at once and to isolate the most clinically relevant gait parameters for moderate to severe hallux valgus deformity with the intent of improving post-operative patient prognosis and rehabilitation. METHODS: The study included 26 feet with moderate to severe hallux valgus deformity and 30 feet with no sign of hallux valgus in female participants. Initially, weight bearing radiographs and foot and ankle clinical scores were assessed. Gait assessment was then performed utilizing pressure insoles (PEDAR®) and inertial sensors (Physilog®) and the two groups were compared using a non-parametric statistical hypothesis test (Wilcoxon rank sum, P<0.05). Furthermore, forward stepwise regression was used to reduce the number of gait parameters to the most clinically relevant and correlation of these parameters was assessed with the clinical score. FINDINGS: Overall, the results showed clear deterioration in several gait parameters in the hallux valgus group compared to controls and 9 gait parameters (effect size between 1.03 and 1.76) were successfully isolated to best describe the altered gait in hallux valgus deformity (r(2)=0.71) as well as showed good correlation with clinical scores. INTERPRETATION: Our results, and nine listed parameters, could serve as benchmark for characterization of hallux valgus and objective evaluation of treatment efficacy.


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The possible use of polyethylene naphthalate as substrate for low-temperature deposited solar cells has been studied in this paper. The transparency of this polymer makes it a candidate to be used in both substrate and superstrate configurations. ZnO:Al has been deposited at room temperature on top of PEN. The resulting structure PEN/ZnO:Al presented good optical and electrical properties. PEN has been successfully textured (nanometer and micrometer random roughness) using hot-embossing lithography. Reflector structures have been built depositing Ag and ZnO:Al on top of the stamped polymer. The deposition of these layers did not affect the final roughness of the whole. The reflector structure has been morphologically and optically analysed to verify its suitability to be used in solar cells.


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Amorphous silicon n-i-p solar cells have been fabricated entirely by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapour Deposition (HW-CVD) at low process temperature < 150 °C. A textured-Ag/ZnO back reflector deposited on Corning 1737F by rf magnetron sputtering was used as the substrate. Doped layers with very good conductivity and a very less defective intrinsic a-Si:H layer were used for the cell fabrication. A double n-layer (μc-Si:H/a-Si:H) and μc-Si:H p-layer were used for the cell. In this paper, we report the characterization of these layers and the integration of these layers in a solar cell fabricated at low temperature. An initial efficiency of 4.62% has been achieved for the n-i-p cell deposited at temperatures below 150 °C over glass/Ag/ZnO textured back reflector.


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The effects of footwear and inclination on running biomechanics over short intervals are well documented. Although recognized that exercise duration can impact running biomechanics, it remains unclear how biomechanics change over time when running in minimalist shoes and on slopes. Our aims were to describe these biomechanical changes during a 50-minute run and compare them to those observed in standard shoes. Thirteen trained recreational male runners ran 50 minutes at 65% of their maximal aerobic velocity on a treadmill, once in minimalist shoes and once in standard shoes, 1 week apart in a random order. The 50-minute trial was divided into 5-minute segments of running at 0%, +5%, and -5% of treadmill incline sequentially. Data were collected using photocells, high-speed video cameras, and plantar-pressure insoles. At 0% incline, runners exhibited reduced leg stiffness and plantar flexion angles at foot strike and lower plantar pressure at the forefoot and toes in minimalist shoes from minute 34 of the protocol onward. However, only reduced plantar pressure at the toes was observed in standard shoes. Overall, similar biomechanical changes with increased exercise time were observed on the uphill and downhill inclines. The results might be due to the unfamiliarity of subjects to running in minimalist shoes.