979 resultados para terrestrial crabs


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During a computer-aided search of the Crustacea collection in the Department of Invertebrate Zoology at the Smithsonian Institution (USNM), a record was found for the existence of Hemilepistus klugii (Brandt, 1833) in Pakistan.


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Rate and pattern of spoilage of some of the economically important edible species of shell fishes Mytilus edulis (Mussel), Villorita cornucopia (Clam), Neptunus pelagicus (Crab) and Scylla serrata (Crab) have been discussed in this communication. Chemical indices used for objective evaluation of quality were water extractable nitrogen (WEN), non-protein nitrogen (NPN), free α-amino nitrogen (α - NH2 -N), glycogen, lactic acid and inorganic phosphorus in addition to the subjective tests. No significant difference in the spoilage pattern of the species during ice storage was observed and these species could be preserved in ice in organoleptic acceptable condition up to 8 days, 9 days, 8 days and 11 days respectively.


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In the present paper some preliminary remarks are made on the colour patterns of all the Potamonidae of Sri Lanka. In the opinion of the author more detailed studies will show that the colour pattern of each species is a useful diagnostic aid even with difficult species like those belonging to the "Ceylonensis" complex (Fernando, 1960). Fernando (1960, 1961) has described the species of Potamonidae. Eight species are known all belonging to the genus Paratelphusa. Only one species has been illustrated in colour so far (Fernando, 1960). Black and white pictures of all the other species except Paratelphusa soror (Zenthner) have been given in Fernando (1961). Paratelphusa soror is illustrated in the present paper.


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Very few accounts of African potamonids refer to natural colouration, and the author cannot recall any describing colour patterns. The generally undistinguished appearance of these crabs is well illustrated by Rathbun (1921) on the Congo Brachyura which includes collector's notes on a number of potamonid species. This article is based on remarks extracted from a communication sent to Dr. C. H. Fernando in connection with the article "Colour patterns in Ceylonese freshwater crabs (Patomonidae)", Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Station, Ceylon, v. 21.1(1970), pp. 1-4.


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The report deals with the material on freshwater crabs, collected by the Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission 1970 from the running waters of the mountains in south-west Ceylon. The locality records for Paratelphusa (Oziotelphusa) senex (Fabricius 1798) Paratelphusa (Ceylontelphusa) sorror (Zehntner 1894) and Paratelphusa (Ceylontelphusa) rugosa (Kingsley 1880), are described.


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The present study deals with the chemical, algal and faunal characteristics of the stream system at Horton Plains, the highest plains in Ceylon (altitude 2'225 m). The cultivation of seed potatoes and subsequent use of fertilizers have caused extensive silting and severe eutrophication of the stream systems. Since there are no indigenous fish, the trout Salmo gairdnerii has been introduced and it is the only fish found in these streams. The commonest fauna in the streams are crabs (Paratelphusa sp.), shrimps (Caridimr sp.), Simulium sp. and Chironomus sp. Their increase in number is probably correlated with increase in organic and detritus matter. The most important food items of the trout are the crabs living abundantly in the stream, insect larvae and terrestrial insects were also commonly found in the guts. Records of stocking and taking of trout in the Horton plains streams have shown that now less trout are taken relatively to the numbers stocked. This decrease may be possibly due to the eutrophication of the stream and also due to the possible use of pollutants in connection with the cultivation of seed potatoes.


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Four zoeal stages and one megalopal stage were identified in laboratory reared semiterrestrial mangrove sesarmine crab Chasmagnathus convexus. At an average salinity and temperature of 20±1% and 19.2±0.2°C, the megalopa was attained 24 days after hatching. Morphologically, the first zoae of C. convexz1s is very similar to those of other species of the genus Chasmagnathus as well as species of the genus Helice, in that view all share the following characteristics: lateral spine on the carapace, three pairs of setae on the posterior margin of the telson furca, one plus five setae on the endopod of the maxillule, and two plus two setae on the endopod of the maxilla. The differences between the first zoea and megalopa of and those of its congeners are discussed.


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Investigations on the fishery, utilization and development of the crabs in Indian waters have been reviewed. Various factors relating to the improvement of fishery, keeping quality of the crab meat and possibilities for an integrated farming of commercially important crabs are discussed.


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The present report deals with the history of work done on northern Arabian Sea majids, their zoogeographical consideration and recognition of present status of certain genera which are established by recent workers. I have nothing of substance to add to previous treatment by Griffin & Tranter (1986). Emphasis is given to species inhabiting coastal waters of Pakistan. The occurrence of the genus Pleistacantha in the Arabian Sea and its adjacent gulfs is discussed in detail due to presence of a unique female which was taken by Fridtj of Nansen Cruise in 1977. This seems to be an undescribed species. At the moment the female is just given as Pleistacantha sp1 till more specimens obtained determine its position. Some interesting features of Doclea muricata are also considered.


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Both colonies and free-living cells of the terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc flagelliforme (Berk. & Curtis) Bornet & Flahault, were cultured under aquatic conditions to develop the techniques for the cultivation and restoration of this endangered resource. The colonial filaments disintegrated with their sheaths ruptured in about 2 days without any desiccating treatments. Periodic desiccation played an important role in preventing the alga from decomposing, with greater delays to sheath rupture with a higher frequency of exposure to air. The bacterial numbers in the culture treated with seven periods of desiccation per day were about 50% less compared with the cultures without the desiccation treatment. When bacteria in the culture were controlled, the colonial filaments did not disintegrate and maintained the integrity of their sheath for about 20 days even without the desiccation treatments, indicating the importance of desiccation for N. flagelliforme to prevent them from being disintegrated by bacteria. On the other hand, when free-living cells obtained from crushed colonial filaments were cultured in liquid medium, they developed into single filaments with sheaths, within which multiple filaments were formed later on as a colony. Such colonial filaments were developed at 15, 25, and 30degreesC at either 20 or 60 mumol photons.m(-2).s(-1); colonies did not develop at 180 mumol photons.m(-2).s(-1), though this light level resulted in the most rapid growth of the cells. Conditions of 60 mumol photons.m(-2).s(-1) and 25degrees C appeared to result in the best colonial development and faster growth of the sheath-held colonies of N. flagelliforme when cultured indoor under aquatic conditions.


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The photosynthetic characteristics of the terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc flagelliforme, after complete recovery by rewetting, was investigated to see whether it could use bicarbonate as the external inorganic carbon source when submerged. The photosynthesis-pH relationship and high pH compensation point suggested that the terrestrial alga could use bicarbonate to photosynthesize when submerged. The photosynthetic oxygen evolution rates were significantly inhibited in Na+-free and Na+ + Li+ media but were not affected by the absence of Cl-, implying that the bicarbonate uptake was associated with Na+/HCO3- symport rather than Cl-/HCO3- exchange system.


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Enchytraeid surveys were made in China, mainly along the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Basin, during the period 1991-1999. Among the findings, four terrestrial species of Marionina are new to science and well illustrate the taxonomic complexity of the genus as currently defined. Marionina sinica sp. n. is characterized by a specific chaetal distribution, the marionine pattern of the dorsal blood vessel, and elongate, fusiform, spermathecal ectal ducts. Marionina sacculata sp. n. is distinguished by the possession of a pair of pouch-like oesophageal appendages in IV, the lack of lateral chaetae in VII-XI, a marionine pattern of the dorsal blood vessel, and short spermathecal ectal ducts gradually expanding into spherical ampullae. Both M. sinica and M. sacculata have minute bodies (2-3 mm long in vivo) and lack spermathecal accessory glands. The former species shows its closest aYnities with the European M. brendae Rota, 1995, whereas the latter is closest to the German M. hoVbaueri Moller, 1971, for which an amended diagnosis is provided. Marionina seminuda sp. n. has only ventral chaetal bundles, distributed from III onwards and bisetose. It is similar to the Holarctic M. subterranea (Knollner, 1935) in lacking entirely the lateral chaetae and in having the brain incised posteriorly, the dorsal vessel bifurcating behind the pharynx, and coelomocytes containing opaque granules, but diVers from it in having the longest chaetae in preclitellar segments and gland cells distributed all over the spermathecal ectal ducts. Marionina righiana sp. n. is diagnosed by the location of the head pore on the prostomium, the absence of lateral chaetae from VIII ( VII or IX) onwards, the possession of free spermathecae extending backwards through one to four segments, the brain deeply incised posteriorly, the lumbricilline pattern of the dorsal blood vessel, and the opacity of coelomocytes in vivo. Prior to this study, members of the genus so atypical as M. righiana with respect to the position of the head pore and the structure of the spermathecae were known only from South American soils. Until the taxonomy of Marionina has been more thoroughly assessed and revised, the assignment of the four species to this large assemblage should be regarded as tentative.


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Photosynthetic responses of rewetted Nostoc flagelliforme to CO2, desiccation, light and temperature were investigated under emersed conditions in order to characterize its ecophysiological behaviour in nature. Net photosynthesis increased to a maximum rate at about 30 % water loss, then decreased, while dark respiration always decreased with the progress of desiccation. Light-saturated photosynthesis and dark respiration were significantly reduced at 8 degreesC, but remained little affected by changes of temperature within the range of 15-35 degreesC. Photosynthetic efficiency (alpha) was maximal at the beginning of desiccation and then reduced with increased water loss. Saturating irradiance for photosynthesis was about 194-439 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1), being maximal at about 30 % water loss. No photoinhibition was observed at irradiances up to 1140 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). Light compensation points were about 41-93 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). Photosynthesis of N. flagelliforme was CO2-limited at the present atmospheric CO2 level. The CO2-saturated photosynthesis increased with increase of irradiance (190-1140 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) and temperature (8-25 degreesC) and decreased significantly with water loss (0-75 %). Photosynthetic affinity for CO2 was sensitive to temperature and irradiance. The CO2 compensation point (Gamma) increased significantly with increased temperature and was insensitive to irradiance. Desiccation did not affect Gamma values before water loss exceeded 70 %. Photorespiratory CO2 release did not occur in N. flagelliforme at the current atmospheric CO2 level.


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Stocking experiments with Eriocheir sinensis were conducted in two small, shallow lakes to study its growth pattern in 1994-1997. For the initially immature crabs, carapace width (CW) increases from 21.2 +/- 0.4 mm (mean +/- s.e.) for females and 22.3 +/- 0.5 mm for males in January, to 65.4 +/- 0.5 mm for females and 66.9 +/- 0.6 mm for males in October. There is no significant difference in CW and carapace length (CL), although there is a large difference in body weight (BW) between sexes in every month from January to August when crabs are juvenile, however, there are significant differences in CW, CL. and BW between sexes after September when the crabs become sexually mature. The growth curve from January to October fits a logistic equation and may be expressed as CW = 75.7 (1 + exp (0.914 - 0.011t))(-1) for females, and CW = 77.5 (1 + exp (0.889 - 0.011t))-1 for males, where CW is in mm, t in days. For precocious crabs (reaching maturity by the first autumn, CW does not change much from January to July, which indicates that precocious crabs stop growing. Like juveniles, the precocious crabs show no differences in CW and CL, but do show a statistically significant difference in BW between sexes.


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Fridericia nanningensis, a new species from wetland soil of Nanhu Park, Nanning city, the capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southwest China, is described. It is characterized by 2-4 chaetae per bundle, poorly-developed clitellar glands, slender, unbranched peptonephridia, and spermathecae with 2 ampullar diverticula, a deep constriction in the middle of the ampulla and one large ectal gland. It is closely related to the European species, F. alata Nielsen & Christensen, 1959 and the East European species, F. tubulosa Dozsa-Farkas, 1972 by the shape of peptonephridia and the undeveloped clitellar glands. It differs from F. alata by its shorter body length and fewer chaetae per bundle, its type of coelomocytes (type "c"), its deep constriction in the middle of the spermathecae ampulla and a larger ectal gland, and it differs from F. tubulosa by its pale epidermal glands, its more anterior origin of the dorsal vessel, a deep constriction in the middle of the spermathecae ampulla, shorter ectal duct, and only one ectal gland at the spermathecal orifice.