988 resultados para telecom operator
This thesis examines the determinants of financial leverage ratio of large publicly listed companies within Nordic Telecom sector. The study is done as a case study and it covers 5 case companies headquartered in Nordic countries during period of 2002 - 2014 and by using restated values of quarterly observations from each case company’s interim reports. The chosen hypotheses are tested with multiple linear regressions firm by firm. The Findings of the study showed that uniqueness of Telecom sector and the region of our sample could not provide us unequivocal determinants of leverage ratio within the sector. However, e.g. Pecking order theory’s statement of Liquidity was widely confirmed by 3 out of 5 case companies which is worth to be taken into account in the big picture. The findings also showed that theories and earlier empirical evidence are confirmed by our case companies individually and non-systematically. Though Telecom sector is considered as quite unique industry and we did not discover absolute common relationships that would have held through all the Nordic case companies, we got unique and valuable evidence to conduct the research of this sector in future.
The object of this thesis is to formulate a basic commutative difference operator theory for functions defined on a basic sequence, and a bibasic commutative difference operator theory for functions defined on a bibasic sequence of points, which can be applied to the solution of basic and bibasic difference equations. in this thesis a brief survey of the work done in this field in the classical case, as well as a review of the development of q~difference equations, q—analytic function theory, bibasic analytic function theory, bianalytic function theory, discrete pseudoanalytic function theory and finally a summary of results of this thesis
Biometrics has become important in security applications. In comparison with many other biometric features, iris recognition has very high recognition accuracy because it depends on iris which is located in a place that still stable throughout human life and the probability to find two identical iris's is close to zero. The identification system consists of several stages including segmentation stage which is the most serious and critical one. The current segmentation methods still have limitation in localizing the iris due to circular shape consideration of the pupil. In this research, Daugman method is done to investigate the segmentation techniques. Eyelid detection is another step that has been included in this study as a part of segmentation stage to localize the iris accurately and remove unwanted area that might be included. The obtained iris region is encoded using haar wavelets to construct the iris code, which contains the most discriminating feature in the iris pattern. Hamming distance is used for comparison of iris templates in the recognition stage. The dataset which is used for the study is UBIRIS database. A comparative study of different edge detector operator is performed. It is observed that canny operator is best suited to extract most of the edges to generate the iris code for comparison. Recognition rate of 89% and rejection rate of 95% is achieved
This article surveys the classical orthogonal polynomial systems of the Hahn class, which are solutions of second-order differential, difference or q-difference equations. Orthogonal families satisfy three-term recurrence equations. Example applications of an algorithm to determine whether a three-term recurrence equation has solutions in the Hahn class - implemented in the computer algebra system Maple - are given. Modifications of these families, in particular associated orthogonal systems, satisfy fourth-order operator equations. A factorization of these equations leads to a solution basis.
We investigate for very general cases the multiplet and fine structure splitting of muonelectron atoms arising from the coupling of the electron and muon angular momenta, including the effect of the Breit operator plus the electron state-dependent screening. Although many conditions have to be fulfilled simultaneously to observe these effeets, it should be possible to measure them in the 6h- 5g muonic transition in the Sn region.
A large class of special functions are solutions of systems of linear difference and differential equations with polynomial coefficients. For a given function, these equations considered as operator polynomials generate a left ideal in a noncommutative algebra called Ore algebra. This ideal with finitely many conditions characterizes the function uniquely so that Gröbner basis techniques can be applied. Many problems related to special functions which can be described by such ideals can be solved by performing elimination of appropriate noncommutative variables in these ideals. In this work, we mainly achieve the following: 1. We give an overview of the theoretical algebraic background as well as the algorithmic aspects of different methods using noncommutative Gröbner elimination techniques in Ore algebras in order to solve problems related to special functions. 2. We describe in detail algorithms which are based on Gröbner elimination techniques and perform the creative telescoping method for sums and integrals of special functions. 3. We investigate and compare these algorithms by illustrative examples which are performed by the computer algebra system Maple. This investigation has the objective to test how far noncommutative Gröbner elimination techniques may be efficiently applied to perform creative telescoping.
Durante la década de los 80 se comenzó, en buena parte de Europa oriental, a gestar una ola de privatizaciones que habría de golpear con fuerza los países americanos en los 90. En Colombia, los efectos de esta onda se sienten ahora más que nunca. Justamente el período de privatizaciones en Colombia entre el 2002 y el 2006 se identifica como la etapa más profunda de este tipo que se ha dado en América Latina desde los años 90. La empresa TELECOM constituye un ejemplo que sirve para estudiar el fenómeno de las privatizaciones durante la administración de Álvaro Uribe Vélez. La pregunta que se tratará de responder a lo largo de esta monografía es ¿Cuales son los temas que involucra la reestructuración de TELECOM vía privatización de la empresa, en el marco del proceso de reforma del Estado? La hipótesis que sustenta este estudio es la de que la reestructuración de Telecom vía privatización en el marco del proceso de reforma del Estado busca reducir las presiones fiscales a las que el Estado se ve sometido por el pago de nóminas, el mantenimiento y la ampliación de las redes de comunicación. Estas presiones no le dejan a la compañía un margen de maniobra suficiente para mejorar los servicios que debe prestar y permanecer en el mercado como una empresa competitiva que debe hacer frente a cambios tecnológicos inminentes en un mundo que se globaliza. Para darle solución a dicha hipótesis se van a tomar los presupuestos de la teoría neoliberal, para entender la actitud del gobierno en su toma de decisiones.
Es defineix l'expansió general d'operadors com una combinació lineal de projectors i s'exposa la seva aplicació generalitzada al càlcul d'integrals moleculars. Com a exemple numèric, es fa l'aplicació al càlcul d'integrals de repulsió electrònica entre quatre funcions de tipus s centrades en punts diferents, i es mostren tant resultats del càlcul com la definició d'escalat respecte a un valor de referència, que facilitarà el procés d'optimització de l'expansió per uns paràmetres arbitraris. Es donen resultats ajustats al valor exacte
O estudo realizado abriu discursão sobre a gestão de processos de ativação e recuperação e o conhecimento dos gestores desses processos relacionados com o uso das tecnologias. A análise objetivou observar a qualidade no atendimento das empresas de Telecom aos clientes da região Oeste do Pará, foi observado as estratégias empregadas por essas empresas para que seus serviços pudessem se tornar mais viáveis, certamente que o compromisso e responsabilidade dos gestores das empresas de Telecom tem sido bastante árdua, as problemáticas geográficas da região em estudo são muitas. Um dos problemas impactantes é a via de acesso da cidade mãe até as cidades vizinhas, depende de barcos, lanchas, balsas ou via terrestre; as adversidades são inúmeras e podem modificar comportamento e forma estratégica de se trabalhar nos processos analisados, inclusive em tempos de chuva a situação fica mais comprometedora aos técnicos de ativação e recuperação. Percebe que esses fatores alteram resultados estipulados pelas empresas, isso faz com que os gestores repensem e refaçam suas estratégias nos dois processos. O trabalho avaliou a estratégia usada pelos gestores de TI (Tecnologia da Informação) ou gestores geral das empresas usuárias para melhor atender sua clientela interna, e conseguir discernir as práticas dos serviços Telecom, melhorando o diálogo com os gestores Telecom, aumentando a qualidade e satisfação de seus clientes internos, tendo um equilíbrio de conhecimento nos conceitos tecnológicos.
The authors propose a bit serial pipeline used to perform the genetic operators in a hardware genetic algorithm. The bit-serial nature of the dataflow allows the operators to be pipelined, resulting in an architecture which is area efficient, easily scaled and is independent of the lengths of the chromosomes. An FPGA implementation of the device achieves a throughput of >25 million genes per second