940 resultados para taxonomy of metacognitive development


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This thesis studies the effect of income inequality on economic growth. This is done by analyzing panel data from several countries with both short and long time dimensions of the data. Two of the chapters study the direct effect of inequality on growth, and one chapter also looks at the possible indirect effect of inequality on growth by assessing the effect of inequality on savings. In Chapter two, the effect of inequality on growth is studied by using a panel of 70 countries and a new EHII2008 inequality measure. Chapter contributes on two problems that panel econometric studies on the economic effect of inequality have recently encountered: the comparability problem associated with the commonly used Deininger and Squire s Gini index, and the problem relating to the estimation of group-related elasticities in panel data. In this study, a simple way to 'bypass' vagueness related to the use of parametric methods to estimate group-related parameters is presented. The idea is to estimate the group-related elasticities implicitly using a set of group-related instrumental variables. The estimation results with new data and method indicate that the relationship between income inequality and growth is likely to be non-linear. Chapter three incorporates the EHII2.1 inequality measure and a panel with annual time series observations from 38 countries to test the existence of long-run equilibrium relation(s) between inequality and the level of GDP. Panel unit root tests indicate that both the logarithmic EHII2.1 inequality measure and the logarithmic GDP per capita series are I(1) nonstationary processes. They are also found to be cointegrated of order one, which implies that there is a long-run equilibrium relation between them. The long-run growth elasticity of inequality is found to be negative in the middle-income and rich economies, but the results for poor economies are inconclusive. In the fourth Chapter, macroeconomic data on nine developed economies spanning across four decades starting from the year 1960 is used to study the effect of the changes in the top income share to national and private savings. The income share of the top 1 % of population is used as proxy for the distribution of income. The effect of inequality on private savings is found to be positive in the Nordic and Central-European countries, but for the Anglo-Saxon countries the direction of the effect (positive vs. negative) remains somewhat ambiguous. Inequality is found to have an effect national savings only in the Nordic countries, where it is positive.


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This thesis explores the link between South-South remittance and development. It attempts to establish improved understanding about the role of immigrants as agents of constituency growth and development. By doing so, it illuminates the dark corners of the policy implications that the unconventional development agency of immigrants might have for countries in the Organization ft Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The thesis problematises the existence of state-centric international cooperation as providing the recipe for failed Aid in the face of global poverty menace. In the last half a century, the relative shi' of focus to non-state actors brought about the proliferation of NGOs. That, intrun, helped improve international access to crisis situations; however, their long-term remedial impacts on poverty and development have been contested. Major misgivings for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are, on one hand, low level goal-bound expenditures and lack of independence from influence of the state, on the other. Therefore, the thesis enterprises to empirically verify its fundamental question whether remitting immigrants constitute an alternative development agency to the traditional players: the State and NGOs. Its main arguments are: due to state's failures in bringing sustainable development in many countries of the South, the future of poverty reduction and development also rests in immigrants' remittances. Nonetheless, in the last decade, remittance security-nexus dominated its discourse. Because of that remittance was viewed as something requiring global regime and restrictions. These temptations to tightly regulate remittance flows carry the danger of overlooking its trans-boundary nature and its strong link with livelihood of the poor. Therefore, to avoid unintended consequences of interventions, there need to be clear policy that bases itself on a discursive knowledge on the issues of North-South and South-South remittances The study involved both literature based and empirical research. It employed Discourse Analysis (C as main method for the former and snow-balling as its approach for the latter. For the first part the thesis constructed three conceptual models, these are: metrological model, police model and ecological model on remittance development-nexus. Through this modeling, the thesis achieved better deconstruction on the concepts remittance, immigrants and development agency. The protagonists of each model, the values and interests they represent, and their main arguments along various lines of dichotomies have been discussed. For instance, the main treats of meteorological model include: it sees remittance as transitional economic variable which require constant speculations and global management; it acts as meteorological station for following up or predicting the level, direction, flow and movement of global remittance. It focuses on official lines and considers the state as legitimate recipient of advic and positive consequence of remittance. On the other hand, police model views remittance as beir at best, development neutral or as an illicit activity requiring global regulations and tight control. Both immigrants and remittance viewed as subversive to establishments. It gives primacy to state stable agent of development and a partner for international cooperation. The anti-thesis to the police model is supplied by ecological model, which this thesis is a part. Ecological model on remittance and immigrants argues that, tight global regulations alone cannot be a panacea for possible abuse of informal remittance system. Ecological model, not only links remittance to poverty reduction, the main trust of development, but also considers the development agency of immigrants as critical factor for 21st century north-south development intervention. It sees immigrants as development conscious and their remittance instrument as most stable flow of finance to the developing countries. Besides, it sees remittance as effective poverty solutions than Foreign Direct Investment and international AID. This thesis focuses on the significance of South-South remittance and investigates the South Africa - Ethiopia remittance corridor, as case study; and empirically verifies the role of Ethiopian (Kembata and Hadiya) immigrants in South Africa as agents of local development back home. The study involved techniques of interview, group discussions, observations and investigative study. It also looked into the determinants of their migration to South Africa, and their remittance to Ethiopia. The theoretical models in the first part of the thesis have been operationalised throughout the empirical part to verify if the Kembata and Hadiya immigrants played the crucial role in their household poverty and local development in comparison with the Ethiopian state and the NGOs involved in the system. As evidenced by the research the thesis has made three distinct contributions to the discourse of remittance development-nexus. Fist, it systematized the debate about linkages between remittance, immigrants, development agency and policy of international cooperation by creating three conceptual models (school of thoughts); second, it singled out remitting immigrants as new agents of development in the South; third, it deconstructed concept of remittance and established South¬South remittance as additional sphere of academic investigation. In addition to the above contributions, the thesis finds that Kembata and Hadiya immigrants have engaged in various developmental activities in their locality than usually anticipated. Hence, it concludes that Ethiopian immigrants constitute an alternative development agency to the state and other non-state actors in their country, and the lesson can be applied to poverty reduction strategies in most developing countries.


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Plants exhibit certain intra-fruit positional patterns in the development of seeds. These patterns have been generally interpreted to be a consequence of resource and fertilization gradients. However, such positional patterns might also be shaped by the 'neighbour effect', wherein formation and development of a seed at any position might positively or negatively influence those of other seeds in the neighbourhood. In this article, we examine the role of such neighbour effect in shaping the positional pattern of seeds in the pods of Erythrina suberosa. The results suggest the existence of a positive neighbour effect leading to a higher frequency of seeds in contiguous positions.


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Flower development provides a model system to study mechanisms that govern pattern formation in plants. Most flowers consist of four organ types that are present in a specific order from the periphery to the centre of the flower. Reviewed here are studies on flower development in two model species: Arabidopsis thaliana and Antirrhinum majus that focus on the molecular genetic analysis of homeotic mutations affecting pattern formation in the flower. Based on these studies a model was proposed that explains how three classes of regulatory genes can together control the development of the correct pattern of organs in the flower. The universality of the basic tenets of the model is apparent from the analysis of the homologues of the Arabidopsis genes from other plant species


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A product is reflects the constraints, beliefs and aspirations of a society. Product development both influences and is influenced by the growth of a society and its economy. India is a fast growing economy. We use a brief historical, socioeconomic account of India as a backdrop to detect the drivers and roadblocks to its economic and social growth. In this context, current and future trends of PD practice, education and research are sketched. Products are taken as artefacts of the act of designing, without limiting to only those created by industry in a market-economic context.


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The role of gypsum on the strength of lime treated soils after a long period of interaction is not well understood yet. The present study is performed to scrutinize the physical and strength behavior of lime treated soil with varying gypsum content. Lime and gypsum contents varying from 0 to 6% are considered in the present study for curing periods up to 28 days. To understand the long-term effects, the work has been extended up to 365 days, particularly with the use of 6% lime content and varying gypsum contents. Atterberg's limits turned out to be marginally affected by cation exchange. Unconfined compressive strength behavior of lime treated soil varies considerably with gypsum content and curing period. However, trivial alteration in strength is observed in the soil treated with lower lime content (up to 4%) and gypsum content up to 6%. On the contrary, strength of soil-6% lime mixture with addition of varying gypsum content shows acceleration in early strength at 14 days curing period. However, the strength at 28 days of curing declines but regains afterwards for 90 days. The trend at longer curing period for 180 and 365 days is, however, not unique but varies with gypsum contents. An attempt has been made to explain these changes on the basis of the form of gypsum, formation and conversion of reacted compounds (CASHH, CASH, MI and Ettringite). The proposed explanations were supported by detailed characterization through thermal analysis, XRD, SEM and EDAX studies of soil-lime-gypsum mixtures. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is paramount that any child or adolescent with a suspected disorder of sex development (DSD) is assessed by an experienced clinician with adequate knowledge about the range of conditions associated with DSD. If there is any doubt, the case should be discussed with the regional team. In most cases, particularly in the case of the newborn, the paediatric endocrinologist within the regional DSD team acts as the first point of contact. The underlying pathophysiology of DSD and the strengths and weaknesses of the tests that can be performed should be discussed with the parents and affected young person and tests undertaken in a timely fashion. This clinician should be part of a multidisciplinary team experienced in management of DSD and should ensure that the affected person and parents are as fully informed as possible and have access to specialist psychological support. Finally, in the field of rare conditions, it is imperative that the clinician shares the experience with others through national and international clinical and research collaboration. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Una debilidad en las aplicaciones de insecticidas para el control de plagas del sorgo, es el desconocimiento existente acerca del efecto de los volúmenes de agua sobre la efectividad del producto químico aplicado. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el efecto de diferentes volúmenes de agua aplicados en diferentes etapas fonológicas del cultivo sobre la efectividad de clorpirifos sobre el gusano cogollero (Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (lnsecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)) . El ensayo se estableció el 20 de Septiembre de 2001, en terrenos de la es~ación experimental numero 2 del Centro Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria y Forestal (CENTA), ubicado en SanAndrés, departamento de la Libertad, El Salvador .. Se efectuaron aplicaciones de chlorpyrifos en dosis de ~ .4 1 ha·, utilizando 285 y ~42 litros de agua, aplicado en dos etapas de crecimiento del cultivo de sorgo (25 y 45 días después de siembra). Los tratamientos incluyeron una aplicación a un determinado volumen y tiempo (25 días después de siembra), y dos a aplicaciones a determinados volúmenes y tiempo, una a los 25 y otra a los 45 días después de siembra. La aplicación de Chlorpyrifos redujo de significativamente la intestación de larvas a las 24 horas después de la primera aplicación, cuando se le compara con el tratamiento control. Sin embargo, no se determinaron diferencias significativas en la eficacia del insecticida, cuando se comparó la infestación de larvas en parcelas tratadas con diferentes cantidades de agua. El volumen mayor de agua pareciera que mejora la distribución del producto qufmico sobre la planta, lo que conduce a una mayor mortalidad de larvas. Una segunda aplicación de insecticida, 20 días después de la primera aplicación, redujo significativamente la infestación de larvas comparada con una sola aplicación. Esta información indica que el incremento en los volúmenes de agua mejora la eficacia del insecticida Chlorpyrifos contra el gusano cogollero en el cultivo de sorgo. Una segunda aplicación del tratamiento insecticida es efectiva contra relnfestaciones de larvas y sugiere que el cogollero que se alimenta de estructuras vegetativas del sorgo, en los ntveles encontrados en este estudio en el Salvador, puede reducir la producción de grano del sorgo.


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