997 resultados para super-heavy nuclei


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We consider the influence of breakup channels on the complete fusion of weakly bound systems in terms of dynamic polarization potentials. It is argued that the enhancement of the cross section at sub-barrier energies may be consistent with recent experimental observations that nucleon transfer, often leading to breakup, is dominant compared to direct breakup. The main trends of the experimental complete fusion cross sections are analyzed in the framework of the DPP approach. The qualitative conclusions are supported by CDCC calculations including a sequential breakup channel, the one neutron stripping of Li-7 followed by the breakup of Li-6.


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Seyfert galaxies are the closest active galactic nuclei. As such, we can use them to test the physical properties of the entire class of objects. To investigate their general properties, I took advantage of different methods of data analysis. In particular I used three different samples of objects, that, despite frequent overlaps, have been chosen to best tackle different topics: the heterogeneous BeppoS AX sample was thought to be optimized to test the average hard X-ray (E above 10 keV) properties of nearby Seyfert galaxies; the X-CfA was thought the be optimized to compare the properties of low-luminosity sources to the ones of higher luminosity and, thus, it was also used to test the emission mechanism models; finally, the XMM–Newton sample was extracted from the X-CfA sample so as to ensure a truly unbiased and well defined sample of objects to define the average properties of Seyfert galaxies. Taking advantage of the broad-band coverage of the BeppoS AX MECS and PDS instruments (between ~2-100 keV), I infer the average X-ray spectral propertiesof nearby Seyfert galaxies and in particular the photon index (~1.8), the high-energy cut-off (~290 keV), and the relative amount of cold reflection (~1.0). Moreover the unified scheme for active galactic nuclei was positively tested. The distribution of isotropic indicators used here (photon index, relative amount of reflection, high-energy cut-off and narrow FeK energy centroid) are similar in type I and type II objects while the absorbing column and the iron line equivalent width significantly differ between the two classes of sources with type II objects displaying larger absorbing columns. Taking advantage of the XMM–Newton and X–CfA samples I also deduced from measurements that 30 to 50% of type II Seyfert galaxies are Compton thick. Confirming previous results, the narrow FeK line is consistent, in Seyfert 2 galaxies, with being produced in the same matter responsible for the observed obscuration. These results support the basic picture of the unified model. Moreover, the presence of a X-ray Baldwin effect in type I sources has been measured using for the first time the 20-100 keV luminosity (EW proportional to L(20-100)^(−0.22±0.05)). This finding suggests that the torus covering factor may be a function of source luminosity, thereby suggesting a refinement of the baseline version of the unifed model itself. Using the BeppoSAX sample, it has been also recorded a possible correlation between the photon index and the amount of cold reflection in both type I and II sources. At a first glance this confirms the thermal Comptonization as the most likely origin of the high energy emission for the active galactic nuclei. This relation, in fact, naturally emerges supposing that the accretion disk penetrates, depending to the accretion rate, the central corona at different depths (Merloni et al. 2006): the higher accreting systems hosting disks down to the last stable orbit while the lower accreting systems hosting truncated disks. On the contrary, the study of the well defined X–C f A sample of Seyfert galaxies has proved that the intrinsic X-ray luminosity of nearby Seyfert galaxies can span values between 10^(38−43) erg s^−1, i.e. covering a huge range of accretion rates. The less efficient systems have been supposed to host ADAF systems without accretion disk. However, the study of the X–CfA sample has also proved the existence of correlations between optical emission lines and X-ray luminosity in the entire range of L_(X) covered by the sample. These relations are similar to the ones obtained if high-L objects are considered. Thus the emission mechanism must be similar in luminous and weak systems. A possible scenario to reconcile these somehow opposite indications is assuming that the ADAF and the two phase mechanism co-exist with different relative importance moving from low-to-high accretion systems (as suggested by the Gamma vs. R relation). The present data require that no abrupt transition between the two regimes is present. As mentioned above, the possible presence of an accretion disk has been tested using samples of nearby Seyfert galaxies. Here, to deeply investigate the flow patterns close to super-massive black-holes, three case study objects for which enough counts statistics is available have been analysed using deep X-ray observations taken with XMM–Newton. The obtained results have shown that the accretion flow can significantly differ between the objects when it is analyzed with the appropriate detail. For instance the accretion disk is well established down to the last stable orbit in a Kerr system for IRAS 13197-1627 where strong light bending effect have been measured. The accretion disk seems to be formed spiraling in the inner ~10-30 gravitational radii in NGC 3783 where time dependent and recursive modulation have been measured both in the continuum emission and in the broad emission line component. Finally, the accretion disk seems to be only weakly detectable in rk 509, with its weak broad emission line component. Finally, blueshifted resonant absorption lines have been detected in all three objects. This seems to demonstrate that, around super-massive black-holes, there is matter which is not confined in the accretion disk and moves along the line of sight with velocities as large as v~0.01-0.4c (whre c is the speed of light). Wether this matter forms winds or blobs is still matter of debate together with the assessment of the real statistical significance of the measured absorption lines. Nonetheless, if confirmed, these phenomena are of outstanding interest because they offer new potential probes for the dynamics of the innermost regions of accretion flows, to tackle the formation of ejecta/jets and to place constraints on the rate of kinetic energy injected by AGNs into the ISM and IGM. Future high energy missions (such as the planned Simbol-X and IXO) will likely allow an exciting step forward in our understanding of the flow dynamics around black holes and the formation of the highest velocity outflows.


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Ultra-relativistic heavy ions generate strong electromagnetic fields which offer the possibility to study γ-γ and γ-nucleus processes at the LHC in the so called ultra-peripheral collisions (UPC). The photoproduction of J/ψ vector mesons in UPC is sensitive to the gluon distribution of the interacting nuclei. In this thesis the study of coherent and incoherent J/ψ production in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV is described. The J/ψ has been measured via its leptonic decay in the rapidity range -0.9 < y < 0.9. The cross section for coherent and incoherent J/ψ are given. The results are compared to theoretical models for J/ψ production and the coherent cross section is found to be in good agreement with those models which include nuclear gluon shadowing consistent with EPS09 parametrization. In addition the cross section for the process γ γ→ e+e− has been measured and found to be in agreement with the STARLIGHT Monte Carlo predictions. The analysis has been published by the ALICE Collaboration in the European Physical Journal C, with one of its main plot depicted on the cover-front of the November 2013 issue.


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Il progetto di questa tesi affronta le tematiche relative agli interventi di riqualificazione, adeguamento e rigenerazione urbana di un edificio residenziale di 15 unità abitative situato nella zona della Bolognina in Via Tibaldi. Le condizioni di vetustà dell’edificato e l’evoluzione economico sociale del quartiere hanno portato negli anni all’insorgere di nuove situazioni di criticità. Si sono riscontrati problemi relativi alle dimensioni degli alloggi (troppo grandi per le esigenze dei nuovi nuclei familiari), ai bassi livelli di comfort interni (rapporti illuminanti non rispettati e dimensioni dei vani non confacenti a normativa), all’accessibilità (vano ascensore inefficiente) e alla bassa efficienza energetica, che produce elevati costi di esercizio. L’analisi degli spazi esterni invece ha evidenziato uno stato di abbandono della corte, caratterizzata dalla disorganizzazione dei percorsi e delle aree verdi oltre a una carenza del numero di posti auto necessari agli abitanti dell’isolato. L’obiettivo che si pone la tesi è quello di adeguare l’area alle nuove esigenze dell’utenza e di migliorare gli standard qualitativi dell’edificato, considerando la fattibilità dell’intervento e ipotizzando misure che si pongano in alternativa ad una demolizione completa dell’edificio. Inoltre, le soluzioni proposte sono state studiate in modo da poter essere applicate non solo sul caso studio, ma anche sull’intero isolato, in un’ottica di riqualificazione urbana.Per gli spazi interni, le scelte adottate riguardano la demolizione e ricostruzione puntuali delle murature non portanti o collaboranti e l’ampliamento delle superfici finestrate, conformando a normativa i vani degli alloggi, dotandoli di una maggior superficie utile e riducendo la condizione di discomfort luminoso interno. La stessa strategia è stata adottata anche per ridefinire e diversificare il taglio degli alloggi. Infine per migliorare l’accessibilità all’edificio e agli alloggi le soluzioni prevedono l’inserimento un sistema loggiato per rendere raggiungibili direttamente dal vano ascensore preesistente, che presentava uno sbarco solo interpiano, due appartamenti per piano (dal primo al quarto). Per raggiungere invece le unità abitative collocate nel piano rialzato si è previsto di innalzare la quota del terreno fino all’altezza della soglia di ingresso ai vani. Parallelamente ci si è occupati della riprogettazione degli spazi esterni, optando per un’azione a scala urbana. La riorganizzazione delle aree è avvenuta attraverso l’inserimento di nuovi percorsi pedonali di collegamento all’edificato e mediante la progettazione e riqualificazione di spazi per la socializzazione. Infine, per arginare le problematiche relative al fabbisogno di parcheggi, si è agito diversificando e ponendo su livelli differenti la viabilità carrabile e gli spazi verdi attraverso l’inserimento di un parcheggio seminterrato.


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Bicaudal-D (Bic-D), Egalitarian (Egl), microtubules and their motors form a transport machinery that localizes a remarkable diversity of mRNAs to specific cellular regions during oogenesis and embryogenesis. Bic-D family proteins also promote dynein-dependent transport of Golgi vesicles, lipid droplets, synaptic vesicles and nuclei. However, the transport of these different cargoes is still poorly understood. We searched for novel proteins that either mediate Bic-Ddependent transport processes or are transported by them. Clathrin heavy chain (Chc) co-immunopurifies with Bic-D in embryos and ovaries, and a fraction of Chc colocalizes with Bic-D. Both proteins control posterior patterning of the Drosophila oocyte and endocytosis. Although the role of Chc in endocytosis is well established, our results show that Bic-D is also needed for the elevated endocytic activity at the posterior of the oocyte. Apart fromaffecting endocytosis indirectly by its role in osk mRNA localization, Bic-D is also required to transport Chc mRNA into the oocyte and for transport and proper localization of Chc protein to the oocyte cortex, pointing to an additional,more direct role of Bic-D in the endocytic pathway. Furthermore, similar to Bic-D, Chc also contributes to proper localization of osk mRNA and to oocyte growth. However, in contrast to other endocytic components and factors of the endocytic recycling pathway, such as Rabenosyn-5 (Rbsn-5) and Rab11, Chc is needed during early stages of oogenesis (from stage 6 onwards) to localize oskmRNA correctly.Moreover,we also uncovered a novel, presumably endocytosis-independent, role of Chc in the establishment of microtubule polarity in stage 6 oocytes.


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Migration of nuclei throughout the mycelium is essential for the growth and differentiation of filamentous fungi. In Aspergillus nidulans, the nudA gene, which is involved in nuclear migration, encodes a cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain. In this paper we use antibodies to characterize the Aspergillus cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain (ACDHC) and to show that the ACDHC is concentrated at the growing tip of the fungal mycelium. We demonstrate that four temperature-sensitive mutations in the nudA gene result in a striking decrease in ACDHC protein. Cytoplasmic dynein has been implicated in nuclear division in animal cells. Because the temperature-sensitive nudA mutants are able to grow slowly with occasional nuclei found in the mycelium and are able to undergo nuclear division, we have created a deletion/disruption nudA mutation and a tightly downregulated nudA mutation. These mutants exhibit a phenotype very similar to that of the temperature-sensitive nudA mutants with respect to growth, nuclear distribution, and nuclear division. This suggests that there are redundant backup motor proteins for both nuclear migration and nuclear division.


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The Pax5 transcription factor BSAP (B-cell-specific activator protein) is known to bind to and repress the activity of the immunoglobulin heavy chain 3' alpha enhancer. We have detected an element--designated alpha P--that lies approximately 50 bp downstream of the BSAP binding site 1 and is required for maximal enhancer activity. In vitro binding experiments suggest that the 40-kDa protein that binds to this element (NF-alpha P) is a member of the Ets family present in both B-cell and plasma-cell nuclei. However, in vivo footprint analysis suggests that the alpha P site is occupied only in plasma cells, whereas the BSAP site is occupied in B cells but not in plasma cells. When Pax5 binding to the enhancer in B cells was blocked in vivo by transfection with a triple-helix-forming oligonucleotide an alpha P footprint appeared and endogenous immunoglobulin heavy chain transcripts increased. The triple-helix-forming oligonucleotide also increased enhancer activity of a transfected construct in B cells, but only when the alpha P site was intact. Pax5 thus regulates the 3' alpha enhancer and immunoglobulin gene transcription by blocking activation by NF-alpha P.


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To study the dynamics of protein recruitment to DNA lesions, ion beams can be used to generate extremely localized DNA damage within restricted regions of the nuclei. This inhomogeneous spatial distribution of lesions can be visualized indirectly and rapidly in the form of radiation-induced foci using immunocytochemical detection or GFP-tagged DNA repair proteins. To analyze faster protein translocations and a possible contribution of radiation-induced chromatin movement in DNA damage recognition in live cells, we developed a remote-controlled system to obtain high-resolution fluorescence images of living cells during ion irradiation with a frame rate of the order of seconds. Using scratch replication labeling, only minor chromatin movement at sites of ion traversal was observed within the first few minutes of impact. Furthermore, time-lapse images of the GFP-coupled DNA repair protein aprataxin revealed accumulations within seconds at sites of ion hits, indicating a very fast recruitment to damaged sites. Repositioning of the irradiated cells after fixation allowed the comparison of live cell observation with immunocytochemical staining and retrospective etching of ion tracks. These results demonstrate that heavy-ion radiation-induced changes in sub-nuclear structures can be used to determine the kinetics of early protein recruitment in living cells and that the changes are not dependent on large-scale chromatin movement at short times postirradiation. © 2005 by Radiation Research Society.


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We performed an immunogenetic analysis of 345 IGHV-IGHD-IGHJ rearrangements from 337 cases with primary splenic small B-cell lymphomas of marginal-zone origin. Three immunoglobulin (IG) heavy variable (IGHV) genes accounted for 45.8% of the cases (IGHV1-2, 24.9%; IGHV4-34, 12.8%; IGHV3-23, 8.1%). Particularly for the IGHV1-2 gene, strong biases were evident regarding utilization of different alleles, with 79/86 rearrangements (92%) using allele (*)04. Among cases more stringently classified as splenic marginal-zone lymphoma (SMZL) thanks to the availability of splenic histopathological specimens, the frequency of IGHV1-2(*)04 peaked at 31%. The IGHV1-2(*)04 rearrangements carried significantly longer complementarity-determining region-3 (CDR3) than all other cases and showed biased IGHD gene usage, leading to CDR3s with common motifs. The great majority of analyzed rearrangements (299/345, 86.7%) carried IGHV genes with some impact of somatic hypermutation, from minimal to pronounced. Noticeably, 75/79 (95%) IGHV1-2(*)04 rearrangements were mutated; however, they mostly (56/75 cases; 74.6%) carried few mutations (97-99.9% germline identity) of conservative nature and restricted distribution. These distinctive features of the IG receptors indicate selection by (super)antigenic element(s) in the pathogenesis of SMZL. Furthermore, they raise the possibility that certain SMZL subtypes could derive from progenitor populations adapted to particular antigenic challenges through selection of VH domain specificities, in particular the IGHV1-2(*)04 allele.


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The work presented in my thesis addresses the two cornerstones of modern astronomy: Observation and Instrumentation. Part I deals with the observation of two nearby active galaxies, the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1433 and the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 1566, both at a distance of $\sim10$ Mpc, which are part of the Nuclei of Galaxies (NUGA) sample. It is well established that every galaxy harbors a super massive black hole (SMBH) at its center. Furthermore, there seems to be a fundamental correlation between the stellar bulge and SMBH masses. Simulations show that massive feedback, e.g., powerful outflows, in Quasi Stellar Objects (QSOs) has an impact on the mutual growth of bulge and SMBH. Nearby galaxies follow this relation but accrete mass at much lower rates. This gives rise to the following questions: Which mechanisms allow feeding of nearby Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)? Is this feeding triggered by events, e.g., star formation, nuclear spirals, outflows, on $\sim500$ pc scales around the AGN? Does feedback on these scales play a role in quenching the feeding process? Does it have an effect on the star formation close to the nucleus? To answer these questions I have carried out observations with the Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observation in the Near Infrared (SINFONI) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) situated on Cerro Paranal in Chile. I have reduced and analyzed the recorded data, which contain spatial and spectral information in the H-band ($1.45 \mic-1.85 \mic$) and K-band ($1.95 \mic-2.45 \mic$) on the central $10\arcsec\times10\arcsec$ of the observed galaxies. Additionally, Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) data at $350$ GHz ($\sim0.87$ mm) as well as optical high resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images are used for the analysis. For NGC 1433 I deduce from comparison of the distributions of gas, dust, and intensity of highly ionized emission lines that the galaxy center lies $\sim70$ pc north-northwest of the prior estimate. A velocity gradient is observed at the new center, which I interpret as a bipolar outflow, a circum nuclear disk, or a combination of both. At least one dust and gas arm leads from a $r\sim200$ pc ring towards the nucleus and might feed the SMBH. Two bright warm H$_2$ gas spots are detected that indicate hidden star formation or a spiral arm-arm interaction. From the stellar velocity dispersion (SVD) I estimate a SMBH mass of $\sim1.74\times10^7$ \msol. For NGC 1566 I observe a nuclear gas disk of $\sim150$ pc in radius with a spiral structure. I estimate the total mass of this disk to be $\sim5.4\times10^7$ \msol. What mechanisms excite the gas in the disk is not clear. Neither can the existence of outflows be proven nor is star formation detected over the whole disk. On one side of the spiral structure I detect a star forming region with an estimated star formation rate of $\sim2.6\times10^{-3}$ \msol\ yr$^{-1}$. From broad Br$\gamma$ emission and SVD I estimate a mean SMBH mass of $\sim5.3\times10^6$ \msol\ with an Eddington ratio of $\sim2\times10^{-3}$. Part II deals with the final tests of the Fringe and Flexure Tracker (FFTS) for LBT INterferometric Camera and the NIR/Visible Adaptive iNterferometer for Astronomy (LINC-NIRVANA) at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona, USA, which I conducted. The FFTS is the subsystem that combines the two separate beams of the LBT and enables near-infrared interferometry with a significantly large field of view. The FFTS has a cryogenic system and an ambient temperature system which are separated by the baffle system. I redesigned this baffle to guarantee the functionality of the system after the final tests in the Cologne cryostat. The redesign did not affect any scientific performance of LINC-NIRVANA. I show in the final cooldown tests that the baffle fulfills the temperature requirement and stays $<110$ K whereas the moving stages in the ambient system stay $>273$ K, which was not given for the old baffle design. Additionally, I test the tilting flexure of the whole FFTS and show that accurate positioning of the detector and the tracking during observation can be guaranteed.


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We exploit the possibility of new configurations in three-body halo nuclei, Samba type (the neutron-core form a bound system) as a doorway to Borromean systems. The nuclei Be-12, B-15, N-23 and F-27 are of such nature, in particular N-23 with a half-life of 37.7 s and a halo radius of 6.07 fm is an excellent example of Samba-halo configuration. The fusion below the barrier of the Samba halo nuclei with heavy targets could reveal the so far elusive enhancement and a dominance of one-neutron over two-neutron transfers, in contrast to what was found recently for the Borromean halo nucleus He-6 + U-238.