939 resultados para subglottic stenosis


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Renin angiotensin system (RAS) blockers are generally considered as contraindicated when an atheromatous renal artery stenosis (ARAS) is diagnosed. The main reason is the fear of inducing renal ischemia and, hence, accelerating renal fibrosis and the progression towards end stage renal disease, albeit RAS blocker have been shown to be highly effective in controlling blood pressure. Part of the solution came by the development of the revascularization. There is now growing evidence showing no superiority of angioplasty over medical treatment on cardiovascular events and mortality, renal function and blood pressure control. Hence, RAS blockers resurfaced based on their proven beneficial effects on blood pressure control and cardiovascular prevention in high risk atherosclerotic patients. Thus, RAS blockers belong today to the standard treatment of hypertensive patients with ARAS. However they were not systematically prescribed in trials focusing on ARAS. The ongoing CORAL trial will give us further information on the place of this class of antihypertensive drugs in patients with ARAS.


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Biomarkers of blood lipid modification and oxidative stress have been associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity. We sought to determine whether these biomarkers were related to functional indices of stenosis severity among patients with stable coronary artery disease. We studied 197 consecutive patients with stable coronary artery disease due to single vessel disease. Fractional flow reserve (FFR) ≤ 0.80 was assessed as index of a functionally significant lesion. Serum levels of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) activity, secretory phospholipase A2 type IIA (sPLA2-IIA), myeloperoxydase (MPO), lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2), and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OxLDL) were assessed using commercially available assays. Patients with FFR > 0.8 had higher sPLA2 activity, sPLA2 IIA, and OxLDL levels than patients with FFR ≤ 0.8 (21.25 [16.03-27.28] vs 25.85 [20.58-34.63] U/mL, p < 0.001, 2.0 [1.5-3.4] vs 2.6 [2.0-3.4] ng/mL, p < 0.01; and 53.0 [36.0-71.0] vs 64.5 [50-89.25], p < 0.001 respectively). Patients with FFR > 0.80 had similar Lp-PLA2 and MPO levels versus those with FFR ≤ 0.8. sPLA2 activity, sPLA2 IIA significantly increased area under the curve over baseline characteristics to predict FFR ≤ 0.8 (0.67 to 0.77 (95 % confidence interval [CI]: 0.69-0.85) p < 0.01 and 0.67 to 0.77 (95 % CI: 0.69-0.84) p < 0.01, respectively). Serum sPLA2 activity as well as sPLA2-IIA level is related to functional characteristics of coronary stenoses in patients with stable coronary artery disease.


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Renovascular hypertension is due to reduced renal parenchymal perfusion. The correct diagnosis can be difficult. It is important to note that the demonstration of renal artery stenosis in a patient with hypertension does not necessarily constitute renovascular hypertension. Often, clinically nonsignificant and asymptomatic renal artery stenosis are found in patients with essential hypertension, or renal failure of other origin. Renovascular disease is a complex disorder with various clinical presentations. In patients with significant renovascular hypertension plasma renin is increased. For this reason the therapy aims to block the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Bilateral renal artery stenosis causes renal sodium retention. In this situation a diuretic drug has to be added to the therapy. Endovascular or surgical therapy has to be considered in patients with flash pulmonary edema or fibromuscular dysplasia. The control of cardiovascular risk factors is important.


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BACKGROUND: Carotid artery stenosis is associated with the occurrence of acute and chronic ischemic lesions that increase with age in the elderly population. Diffusion Imaging and ADC mapping may be an appropriate method to investigate patients with chronic hypoperfusion consecutive to carotid stenosis. This non-invasive technique allows to investigate brain integrity and structure, in particular hypoperfusion induced by carotid stenosis diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a carotid stenosis on the parenchyma using ADC mapping. METHODS: Fifty-nine patients with symptomatic (33) and asymptomatic (26) carotid stenosis were recruited from our multidisciplinary consultation. Both groups demonstrated a similar degree of stenosis. All patients underwent MRI of the brain including diffusion-weighted MR imaging with ADC mapping. Regions of interest were defined in the anterior and posterior paraventricular regions both ipsilateral and contralateral to the stenosis (anterior circulation). The same analysis was performed for the thalamic and occipital regions (posterior circulation). RESULTS: ADC values of the affected vascular territory were significantly higher on the side of the stenosis in the periventricular anterior (P<0.001) and posterior (P<0.01) area. There was no difference between ipsilateral and contralateral ADC values in the thalamic and occipital regions. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that carotid stenosis is associated with significantly higher ADC values in the anterior circulation, probably reflecting an impact of chronic hypoperfusion on the brain parenchyma in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. This is consistent with previous data in the literature.


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STUDY DESIGN.: Retrospective radiologic study on a prospective patient cohort. OBJECTIVE.: To devise a qualitative grading of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), study its reliability and clinical relevance. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA.: Radiologic stenosis is assessed commonly by measuring dural sac cross-sectional area (DSCA). Great variation is observed though in surfaces recorded between symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. METHODS.: We describe a 7-grade classification based on the morphology of the dural sac as observed on T2 axial magnetic resonance images based on the rootlet/cerebrospinal fluid ratio. Grades A and B show cerebrospinal fluid presence while grades C and D show none at all. The grading was applied to magnetic resonance images of 95 subjects divided in 3 groups as follows: 37 symptomatic LSS surgically treated patients; 31 symptomatic LSS conservatively treated patients (average follow-up, 2.5 and 3.1 years); and 27 low back pain (LBP) sufferers. DSCA was also digitally measured. We studied intra- and interobserver reliability, distribution of grades, relation between morphologic grading and DSCA, as well relation between grades, DSCA, and Oswestry Disability Index. RESULTS.: Average intra- and interobserver agreement was substantial and moderate, respectively (k = 0.65 and 0.44), whereas they were substantial for physicians working in the study originating unit. Surgical patients had the smallest DSCA. A larger proportion of C and D grades was observed in the surgical group. Surface measurementsresulted in overdiagnosis of stenosis in 35 patients and under diagnosis in 12. No relation could be found between stenosis grade or DSCA and baseline Oswestry Disability Index or surgical result. C and D grade patients were more likely to fail conservative treatment, whereas grades A and B were less likely to warrant surgery. CONCLUSION.: The grading defines stenosis in different subjects than surface measurements alone. Since it mainly considers impingement of neural tissue it might be a more appropriate clinical and research tool as well as carrying a prognostic value.


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BACKGROUND: The limitations of the medical management of symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis encourage the development of new therapeutic strategies such as intracranial stenting. OBJECTIVE: To report and analyze the results of a series of 42 patients treated with 3 different endovascular techniques: isolated angioplasty, balloon-expandable coronary stents, and the Wingspan self-expandable intracranial stent system. METHODS: Forty-two patients presenting with symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis were treated with one of these techniques. Computed tomography angiography was performed 6 months after the procedure, and the clinical neurological statuses were categorized using the modified Rankin Scale and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. RESULTS: A total of 42 lesions were treated: 9 with isolated angioplasty, 14 with balloon-expandable coronary stents, and 19 with Wingspan self-expandable intracranial stents. The mean patient age was 62.9 years, and the mean arterial diameter stenosis was 73.9%. Technical success was achieved in 97.6% of the patients. The overall incidence of procedural complications was 21.4%, and the postoperative permanent morbidity/mortality rate was 7.1%. There were 3 cases of in-stent thrombosis (1 fatal) and 5 cases of asymptomatic restenosis (11.9%), 3 in the isolated angioplasty group and 2 in the Wingspan self-expandable intracranial stent group (mean follow-up 20.4 months). The rate of restenosis was higher in the angioplasty group (33%) than in the coronary (0%) and Wingspan stent (10.5%) groups. CONCLUSION: Endovascular treatment of symptomatic intracranial stenosis has significant overall morbidity and mortality rates. Nevertheless, the very critical natural history of severe refractory lesions and the relatively favorable postoperative evolution suggest that it should be considered the first alternative strategy in cases in which medical therapy has failed.


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Adult and pediatric laryngotracheal stenoses (LTS) comprise a wide array of various conditions that require precise preoperative assessment and classification to improve comparison of different therapeutic modalities in a matched series of patients. This consensus paper of the European Laryngological Society proposes a five-step endoscopic airway assessment and a standardized reporting system to better differentiate fresh, incipient from mature, cicatricial LTSs, simple one-level from complex multilevel LTSs and finally "healthy" from "severely morbid" patients. The proposed scoring system, which integrates all of these parameters, may be used to help define different groups of LTS patients, choose the best treatment modality for each individual patient and assess distinct post-treatment outcomes accordingly.


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Introduction Le canal lombaire étroit symptomatique est de plus en plus fréquent. Le traitement dépend des signes cliniques et des résultats radiologiques. Mais actuellement il n'y a pas de consensus concernant la classification radiologique. Le but de notre article est d'étudier la relation entre deux paramètres morphologiques radiologiques récemment décrits sur des examens par IRM. Le premier est le « signe de sédimentation » (Sedimentation Sign) et le second est le grade morphologique de la sténose lombaire (Morphological Grade), tous deux décrit en 2010. Matériel et méthode Nous avons étudié des examens IRM de 137 patients suivit dans notre établissement. De ces 137, 110 étaient issus d'une base de donnée de patients avec une sténose lombaire dont la Symptomatologie était typique. Dans ce groupe, 73 patients avaient été traité chirurgicalement et 37 conservativement, dépendant de la sévérité des symptômes. Un troisième groupe, le groupe contrôle, était formé de 27 patients ne présentant que des douleurs lombaires basses sans sciatalgie. La sévérité de la sténose a été évaluée sur les examens IRM au niveau du disque en utilisant les 4 grades de la classification morphologique, de A à D. La présence d'un signe de sédimentation a été, quand à lui, notée au niveau du pédicule, au-dessus et au-dessous du niveau présentant la sténose maximale, comme décrit dans l'article original. Résultat La présence d'un signe de sédimentation positif a été observée chez 58% des patients présentant un grade morphologique B, 69% chez les patients avec un grade C et 76% des patients avec un grade D. Dans le groupe de patient traité chirurgicalement pour une sténose canalaire, 67% des patients présentaient un signe de sédimentation positif, 35% dans le groupe du traitement conservateur, et 8 % dans le groupe contrôle. En ce qui concerne la classification du grade morphologique, nous avons regroupé les grade C et D. Il y avait 97% de patients avec un grade C et D dans le groupe du traitement chirurgical, 35 % dans le groupe du traitement conservateur et 18% dans le groupe contrôle. Nous avons donc calculé que la présence d'un signe de sédimentation positif chez les patients avec une sténose lombaire symptomatique augmente le risque d'avoir besoin d'une intervention de l'ordre de 3.5 fois (OR=3.5). En utilisant la classification du grade morphologique, nous avons calculé un risque encore plus élevé. Un patient avec une sténose canalaire de grade C ou D a 65 fois plus de risque d'avoir besoin d'une intervention (OR=65). Conclusion : Les résultats montrent une corrélation entre ces deux paramètres morphologiques. Mais la prédiction du besoin d'une intervention n'est pas équivalente. Un tiers des patients dans le groupe du traitement chirurgical n'avaient pas de signe de sédimentation positif. Ce signe apparaît donc comme un moins bon prédicteur pour le choix du traitement comparé à la sévérité de la sténose jugée avec le grade morphologique (OR 3.5 vs 65).


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PURPOSE: We aimed to study the relationship between two morphological parameters recently described on MRI images in relation to lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS): the first is the sedimentation sign (SedS) and the second is the morphological grading of lumbar stenosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MRIs from a total of 137 patients were studied. From those, 110 were issued from a prospective database of symptomatic LSS patients, of whom 73 were treated surgically and 37 conservatively based on symptom severity. A third group consisting of 27 subjects complaining of low back pain (LBP) served as control. Severity of stenosis was judged at disc level using the four A to D grade morphological classification. The presence of a SedS was judged at pedicle level, above or below the site of maximal stenosis. RESULTS: A positive SedS was observed in 58, 69 and 76 % of patients demonstrating B, C and D morphology, respectively, but in none with grade A morphology. The SedS was positive in 67 and 35 % of the surgically and conservatively treated patients, respectively, and in 8 % of the LBP group. C and D morphological grades were present in 97 and 35 % of patients in the surgically and conservatively treated group, respectively, and in 18 % of the LBP group. Presence of a positive SedS carried an increased risk of being submitted to surgery in the symptomatic LSS group (OR 3.5). This risk was even higher in the LSS patients demonstrating grade C or D morphology (OR 65). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: One-third of surgically treated LSS patients do not present a SedS. This sign appears to be a lesser predictor of treatment modality in our setting of symptomatic LSS patients compared to the severity of stenosis judged by the morphological grade.


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Pulmonary artery sarcomas are uncommon intracardiac tumours with poor prognosis. We report the case of a 69-year-old woman in good health presenting with rapidly progressive dyspnoea and an unfamiliar systolic murmur. Echocardiography revealed pulmonary valve stenosis due to an obstructing mobile mass. Imaging studies confirmed the presence of a contrast-enhancing lesion adherent to the valve, extending into the pulmonary trunk and right ventricular outflow tract, and suggestive of malignancy. Endovascular biopsy was attempted with no success. Surgical resection with autologous graft valve replacement and pulmonary artery reconstruction was performed. Postoperative histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma. Pulmonary artery sarcoma should be considered as a rare differential diagnosis in patients presenting with dyspnoea and a crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur increasing with inspiration. Echocardiography is a useful first diagnostic approach but multi-imaging assessment is almost always necessary for definite diagnosis. Our case provides insights into the challenges met by cardiologists, radiologists and cardiac surgeons in the management of such cases.