966 resultados para stock markets


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This paper applied MDS and Fourier transform to analyze different periods of the business cycle. With such purpose, four important stock market indexes (Dow Jones, Nasdaq, NYSE, S&P500) were studied over time. The analysis under the lens of the Fourier transform showed that the indexes have characteristics similar to those of fractional noise. By the other side, the analysis under the MDS lens identified patterns in the stock markets specific to each economic expansion period. Although the identification of patterns characteristic to each expansion period is interesting to practitioners (even if only in a posteriori fashion), further research should explore the meaning of such regularities and target to find a method to estimate future crisis.


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We investigate whether the positive relation between accounting accruals and information asymmetry documented for U.S. stock markets also holds for European markets, considered as a whole and at the country level. This research is relevant because this relation is likely to be affected by differences in accounting standards used by companies for financial reporting, in the traditional use of the banking system or capital markets for firm financing, in legal systems and cultural environment. We find that in European stock markets discretionary accruals are positively related with the Corwin and Schultz high-low spread estimator used as a proxy for information asymmetry. Our results suggest that the earnings management component of accruals outweighs the informational component, but the significance of the relation varies across countries. Further, such association tends to be stronger for firms with the highest levels of positive discretionary accruals. Consistent with the evidence provided by the authors, our results also suggest that the high-low spread estimator is more efficient than the closing bid-ask spread when analysing the impact of information quality on information asymmetry.


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This paper analyses, through a dynamic panel data model, the impact of the Financial and the European Debt crisis on the equity returns of the banking system. The model is also extended to specifically investigate the impact on countries who received rescue packages. The sample under analysis considers eleven countries from January 2006 to June 2013. The main conclusion is that there was in fact a structural change in banks’ excess returns due to the outbreak of the European Debt Crisis, when stock markets were still recovering from the Financial Crisis of 2008.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics and Maastricht University School of Business and Economics


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This work aims at combining the Chaos theory postulates and Artificial Neural Networks classification and predictive capability, in the field of financial time series prediction. Chaos theory, provides valuable qualitative and quantitative tools to decide on the predictability of a chaotic system. Quantitative measurements based on Chaos theory, are used, to decide a-priori whether a time series, or a portion of a time series is predictable, while Chaos theory based qualitative tools are used to provide further observations and analysis on the predictability, in cases where measurements provide negative answers. Phase space reconstruction is achieved by time delay embedding resulting in multiple embedded vectors. The cognitive approach suggested, is inspired by the capability of some chartists to predict the direction of an index by looking at the price time series. Thus, in this work, the calculation of the embedding dimension and the separation, in Takens‘ embedding theorem for phase space reconstruction, is not limited to False Nearest Neighbor, Differential Entropy or other specific method, rather, this work is interested in all embedding dimensions and separations that are regarded as different ways of looking at a time series by different chartists, based on their expectations. Prior to the prediction, the embedded vectors of the phase space are classified with Fuzzy-ART, then, for each class a back propagation Neural Network is trained to predict the last element of each vector, whereas all previous elements of a vector are used as features.


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While previous listed property trust (LPT) initial public offering (IPO) studies have identified low under pricing returns, this study specifically examines the amount of money left on the table by the pre-IPO owners in this category of IPO. This study investigates 58 property trust IPOs in Australia from 1994 to 2004 and finds that the amount of money left by LPT IPOs is considerably less than industrial company IPOs, implying considerably less uncertainty about the valuation of such IPOs compared to industrials. We also find that more recent (post 2000) LPT IPOs in Australia appear to be significantly different to previous LPT IPOs in both money left and under pricing terms.


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Prior research by Bouman and Jacobsen (2002) document unusually high monthly returns over the period November-April for both United States (U.S.) and foreign stock markets and label this phenomenon the Halloween effect. The implication is that the Halloween effect represents an exploitable anomaly, which has negative implications for stock market efficiency. We extend this research to the S&P 500 futures contract and find no evidence of an exploitable Halloween effect over the period April 1982 through April 2003. Re-examining Bouman and Jacobsen’s empirical results for the U.S., we find that two outliers drive their results. These two outliers are associated with the “Crash” in October 1987 and collapse of the hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management in August 1998. After inserting a dummy variable to account for the impact of the two identified outliers, the Halloween effect disappears.


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Bouman and Jacobsen (American Economic Review 92(5), 1618–1635, 2002) examine monthly stock returns for major world stock markets and conclude that returns are significantly lower during the May–October periods versus the November–April periods in 36 of 37 markets examined. They argue that, in general, the Halloween strategy outperforms the buy and hold strategy thereby casting doubt on the validity of the efficient market paradigm. More recently, Maberly and Pierce (Econ Journal Watch 1(1), 29–46, 2004) re-examine the evidence for U.S. equity prices and conclude that Bouman and Jacobsen’s results are not robust to alternative model specifications. Extending prior research, this paper examines the robustness of the Halloween strategy to alternative model specifications for Japanese equity prices. The Halloween effect is concentrated in the period prior to the introduction of Nikkei 225 index futures in September 1986. After the internationalization of Japanese financial markets in the mid-1980s, the Halloween effect disappears.


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Purpose – This paper aims to investigate whether the accounting reform in China has improved the relevance of China's accounting information. It seeks to investigate the association between earnings and book value of equity to share returns before and after the introduction of the Accounting System for Business Enterprises (ASBE) in 2001 for A- and A&B-share firms.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper employs the return regression model. The pre-ASBE period is designated as 1997 through to 2000, and the post-ASBE period is designated as 2002 through to 2004. All firms listed on the Chinese stock market during the investigation period constitute the sample.

Findings – It is found that accounting information better explains share returns for both A-share firms and A&B-share firms in the post-ASBE period. The paper also finds that the book value of equity for A&B-share firms is incrementally value relevant to that of A-share firms in the post-ASBE period.

Research limitations/implications – Further studies will contribute to understanding how governance mechanisms and liquidity influence the association between accounting information and share returns in the Chinese A-share market.

Practical implications
– The findings provide empirical evidence regarding the relevance of accounting information in emerging markets.

Originality/value – The paper contributes to the extant value relevance literature by investigating time periods surrounding the issue of ASBE in 2001 in the Chinese stock market.


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This article uses panel data from 1976 to 2003 to investigate the ways in which banking and stock markets influence economic growth in situations of high and low country risk. The mean and Standard Deviation (SD) of country risk are adopted to classify 28 countries into Low Risk Low Volatility (LRLV) and High Risk High Volatility (HRHV) subgroups. Through the technique of error correction-based panel co-integration developed by Westerlund (2007), several results are obtained. First, LRLV countries can expand the capitalization of stock market to enhance long-term economic growth. Second, HRHV countries, on the other hand, use two distinct strategies to promote long-term economic growth. Initially they develop their equity markets, which promote economic growth directly. Strengthened equity markets, in turn, aid in the development of credit markets, which subsequently brings an economic boom. Finally, regardless of selected subgroups, the contribution of stock market capitalization to economic growth appears to be substantially larger than that of bank credit, highlighting the importance of stock markets.


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Purpose – The aim of this paper is to investigate stakeholder power changes and their impact on firms' disclosure decisions in the Chinese stock market. Using legitimacy theory and stakeholder theory, the paper identifies newly emerged stakeholder groups for listed Chinese firms during three distinguished periods of the development of the Chinese stock market.

Design/methodology/approach – Panel data analysis was undertaken over a period from 1995-2006 with an aim to examine the influence of stakeholder power changes on voluntary disclosures made by 297 listed firms in their 12 years of annual reports. A voluntary disclosure checklist has been used for hand-collecting data from annual reports.

Findings – The finding shows that different stakeholder groups exert different degrees of influence on firms' decision-making in respect of information disclosure during different stages of the development of the Chinese stock market.

Research limitations/implications – The impact of a stakeholder power changes on corporate disclosure has not been well addressed and how listed Chinese firms respond to these changes is still a significant gap in the Chinese corporate disclosure literature. In this study, the paper uses proxies to represent each stakeholder group, discuss power changes of each group and predict the impact of power changes on firms' voluntary disclosure.

Originality/value – The paper identifies the new content of the “social contract” between listed firms and Chinese society and identifies various stakeholder groups of listed Chinese firms in the context of a new “social contract”. The paper predicts that voluntary corporate disclosure is the result of stakeholder pressures and firms use voluntary disclosure as one of their strategies to manage the firm-stakeholder relationship.


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In this paper, we investigate the psychological barrier effect induced by the oil price on firm returns when the oil price reaches US$100 or more per barrel. We find evidence of the negative effect of the US$100 oil price barrier for: (a) the entire sample of 1559 firms listed on the American stock exchanges; (b) both foreign and domestic firms, with domestic firms significantly more affected; (c) the 10 different sizes of firms, with the smaller firms less affected compared to the larger firms; and (d) 17 sectors of firms, with firms in the utilities, mining, and administration sectors being the least affected.


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As empresas brasileiras tendem a colocar apenas ações preferenciais no mercado. Este trabalho discute algumas das conseqüências dessa prática, procurando demonstrar que esta afugenta os investidores de longo prazo que podem exercer uma dupla função: monitorar algumas atividades da empresa coibindo certas práticas indesejadas da direção e estabilizar o mercado reduzindo as chances de takeovers hostis, mas não dos takeovers sob os quais o monitoramento ocorre, levando em consideração sua natureza de bem público e o problema de reputação, que tipicamente levam a uma oferta subótima desse tipo de atividade. Também é analisado como a presença dos investidores de longo prazo afeta a ação dos arbitradores que procuram extrair sinais do mercado para auferir ganhos com preços fora dos fundamentos.


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This research argues that Brazil should create conditions for long run financing of development. The end of the inflationary process is just a first step. A second step is the development of an institutional framework to offer good alternatives to investors that have long run targets, such as pension funds etc. Particularly, in the Brazilian market predominates the trade of preferred shares instead of common shares that give more prerrogatives for investors that plan to hold these shares on long term basis. This attitude turns the market more volatile and in this way corporations lose the chance of financing their projects with large amounts of capital and have to rely instead on more debt which weakens their financial strenght.


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Esta dissertação investiga a efetividade das práticas de governança corporativa contidas no Regulamento do Novo Mercado (RNM), segmento especial de listagem da BM&FBOVESPA criado em 2000. Em tese, tais práticas deveriam assegurar a proteção efetiva dos direitos dos investidores de companhias desse segmento. Contudo, alguns casos ocorridos ao longo da primeira década do Novo Mercado lançaram dúvida sobre o respeito aos direitos dos acionistas de suas companhias. Entre eles, dois casos se destacam: Cosan, em 2007, e Tenda, em 2008. Especificamente, a presente pesquisa analisa qualitativamente e em profundidade ambos os casos a fim de verificar se as regras do RNM e as instituições responsáveis por sua aplicabilidade foram suficientes para proteger os investidores. Metodologicamente, utilizou-se a abordagem de estudo de caso de “crise corporativa” e “autopsia institucional” baseada em MILHAUPT e PISTOR (2008). Observou-se que o Novo Mercado foi resultado de um transplante jurídico e que a mera adoção de regras do segmento não foi suficiente para garantir a proteção efetiva aos investidores. Como resultado principal, concluiu-se que as operações societárias lideradas pelos controladores das companhias não só contrariaram regras do segmento (e princípios de governança que nortearam sua criação) como também podem ter infringido a regulação. Com isso, evidencia-se a falta de fiscalização do cumprimento das regras e de punição por parte da BM&FBOVESPA, bem como uma atitude insuficiente da CVM quando de potenciais infrações a dispositivos do ambiente regulatório brasileiro. Por outro lado, o Novo Mercado foi, no mínimo, indiretamente responsável pelo aprimoramento do arcabouço regulatório brasileiro na incorporação de novos instrumentos de proteção aos investidores. Os resultados deste trabalho podem auxiliar na elaboração de reformas na regulação e autorregulação a fim de facilitar a executoriedade das normas já existentes, a qual pode proporcionar maior credibilidade ao mercado de valores mobiliários e fomentar, em última instância, o desenvolvimento do mercado de capitais brasileiro. Trata-se de discussão fundamental, haja vista que a credibilidade do segmento mais exigente quanto às práticas de governança da Bolsa depende da proteção efetiva aos investidores, razão de criação do Novo Mercado.