951 resultados para static random access memory


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Past studies of memory interference in multiprocessor systems have generally assumed that the references of each processor are uniformly distributed among the memory modules. In this paper we develop a model with local referencing, which reflects more closely the behavior of real-life programs. This model is analyzed using Markov chain techniques and expressions are derived for the multiprocessor performance. New expressions are also obtained for the performance in the traditional uniform reference model and are compared with other expressions-available in the literature. Results of a simulation study are given to show the accuracy of the expressions for both models.


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Fast content addressable data access mechanisms have compelling applications in today's systems. Many of these exploit the powerful wildcard matching capabilities provided by ternary content addressable memories. For example, TCAM based implementations of important algorithms in data mining been developed in recent years; these achieve an an order of magnitude speedup over prevalent techniques. However, large hardware TCAMs are still prohibitively expensive in terms of power consumption and cost per bit. This has been a barrier to extending their exploitation beyond niche and special purpose systems. We propose an approach to overcome this barrier by extending the traditional virtual memory hierarchy to scale up the user visible capacity of TCAMs while mitigating the power consumption overhead. By exploiting the notion of content locality (as opposed to spatial locality), we devise a novel combination of software and hardware techniques to provide an abstraction of a large virtual ternary content addressable space. In the long run, such abstractions enable applications to disassociate considerations of spatial locality and contiguity from the way data is referenced. If successful, ideas for making content addressability a first class abstraction in computing systems can open up a radical shift in the way applications are optimized for memory locality, just as storage class memories are soon expected to shift away from the way in which applications are typically optimized for disk access locality.


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A discrete-time dynamics of a non-Markovian random walker is analyzed using a minimal model where memory of the past drives the present dynamics. In recent work N. Kumar et al., Phys. Rev. E 82, 021101 (2010)] we proposed a model that exhibits asymptotic superdiffusion, normal diffusion, and subdiffusion with the sweep of a single parameter. Here we propose an even simpler model, with minimal options for the walker: either move forward or stay at rest. We show that this model can also give rise to diffusive, subdiffusive, and superdiffusive dynamics at long times as a single parameter is varied. We show that in order to have subdiffusive dynamics, the memory of the rest states must be perfectly correlated with the present dynamics. We show explicitly that if this condition is not satisfied in a unidirectional walk, the dynamics is only either diffusive or superdiffusive (but not subdiffusive) at long times.


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Effects of context on the perception of, and incidental memory for, real-world objects have predominantly been investigated in younger individuals, under conditions involving a single static viewpoint. We examined the effects of prior object context and object familiarity on both older and younger adults' incidental memory for real objects encountered while they traversed a conference room. Recognition memory for context-typical and context-atypical objects was compared with a third group of unfamiliar objects that were not readily named and that had no strongly associated context. Both older and younger adults demonstrated a typicality effect, showing significantly lower 2-alternative-forced-choice recognition of context-typical than context-atypical objects; for these objects, the recognition of older adults either significantly exceeded, or numerically surpassed, that of younger adults. Testing-awareness elevated recognition but did not interact with age or with object type. Older adults showed significantly higher recognition for context-atypical objects than for unfamiliar objects that had no prior strongly associated context. The observation of a typicality effect in both age groups is consistent with preserved semantic schemata processing in aging. The incidental recognition advantage of older over younger adults for the context-typical and context-atypical objects may reflect aging-related differences in goal-related processing, with older adults under comparatively more novel circumstances being more likely to direct their attention to the external environment, or age-related differences in top-down effortful distraction regulation, with older individuals' attention more readily captured by salient objects in the environment. Older adults' reduced recognition of unfamiliar objects compared to context-atypical objects may reflect possible age differences in contextually driven expectancy violations. The latter finding underscores the theoretical and methodological value of including a third type of objects-that are comparatively neutral with respect to their contextual associations-to help differentiate between contextual integration effects (for schema-consistent objects) and expectancy violations (for schema-inconsistent objects).


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A series of biodegradable polyurethanes (PUs) are synthesized from the copolymer diols prepared from L-lactide and epsilon-caprolactone (CL), 2,4-toluene diisocyanate, and 1,4-butanediol. Their thermal and mechanical properties are characterized via FTIR, DSC, and tensile tests. Their T(g)s are in the range of 28-53 degrees C. They have high modulus, tensile strength, and elongation ratio at break. With increasing CL content, the PU changes from semicrystalline to completely amorphous. Thermal mechanical analysis is used to determine their shape-memory property. When they are deformed and fixed at proper temperatures, their shape-recovery is almost complete for a tensile elongation of 150% or a compression of 2-folds. By changing the content of CL and the hard-to-soft ratio, their T(g)s and their shape-recovery temperature can be adjusted. Therefore, they may find wide applications.


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Great demand in power optimized devices shows promising economic potential and draws lots of attention in industry and research area. Due to the continuously shrinking CMOS process, not only dynamic power but also static power has emerged as a big concern in power reduction. Other than power optimization, average-case power estimation is quite significant for power budget allocation but also challenging in terms of time and effort. In this thesis, we will introduce a methodology to support modular quantitative analysis in order to estimate average power of circuits, on the basis of two concepts named Random Bag Preserving and Linear Compositionality. It can shorten simulation time and sustain high accuracy, resulting in increasing the feasibility of power estimation of big systems. For power saving, firstly, we take advantages of the low power characteristic of adiabatic logic and asynchronous logic to achieve ultra-low dynamic and static power. We will propose two memory cells, which could run in adiabatic and non-adiabatic mode. About 90% dynamic power can be saved in adiabatic mode when compared to other up-to-date designs. About 90% leakage power is saved. Secondly, a novel logic, named Asynchronous Charge Sharing Logic (ACSL), will be introduced. The realization of completion detection is simplified considerably. Not just the power reduction improvement, ACSL brings another promising feature in average power estimation called data-independency where this characteristic would make power estimation effortless and be meaningful for modular quantitative average case analysis. Finally, a new asynchronous Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) with a ripple carry adder implemented using the logically reversible/bidirectional characteristic exhibiting ultra-low power dissipation with sub-threshold region operating point will be presented. The proposed adder is able to operate multi-functionally.


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Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) technology holds promise to replace SRAM and DRAM at various levels of the memory hierarchy. The interest in NVM is motivated by the difficulty faced in scaling DRAM beyond 22 nm and, long-term, lower cost per bit. While offering higher density and negligible static power (leakage and refresh), NVM suffers increased latency and energy per memory access. This paper develops energy and performance models of memory systems and applies them to understand the energy-efficiency of replacing or complementing DRAM with NVM. Our analysis focusses on the application of NVM in main memory. We demonstrate that NVM such as STT-RAM and RRAM is energy-efficient for memory sizes commonly employed in servers and high-end workstations, but PCM is not. Furthermore, the model is well suited to quickly evaluate the impact of changes to the model parameters, which may be achieved through optimization of the memory architecture, and to determine the key parameters that impact system-level energy and performance.


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The current industry trend is towards using Commercially available Off-The-Shelf (COTS) based multicores for developing real time embedded systems, as opposed to the usage of custom-made hardware. In typical implementation of such COTS-based multicores, multiple cores access the main memory via a shared bus. This often leads to contention on this shared channel, which results in an increase of the response time of the tasks. Analyzing this increased response time, considering the contention on the shared bus, is challenging on COTS-based systems mainly because bus arbitration protocols are often undocumented and the exact instants at which the shared bus is accessed by tasks are not explicitly controlled by the operating system scheduler; they are instead a result of cache misses. This paper makes three contributions towards analyzing tasks scheduled on COTS-based multicores. Firstly, we describe a method to model the memory access patterns of a task. Secondly, we apply this model to analyze the worst case response time for a set of tasks. Although the required parameters to obtain the request profile can be obtained by static analysis, we provide an alternative method to experimentally obtain them by using performance monitoring counters (PMCs). We also compare our work against an existing approach and show that our approach outperforms it by providing tighter upper-bound on the number of bus requests generated by a task.


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The problem of calculating the probability of error in a DS/SSMA system has been extensively studied for more than two decades. When random sequences are employed some conditioning must be done before the application of the central limit theorem is attempted, leading to a Gaussian distribution. The authors seek to characterise the multiple access interference as a random-walk with a random number of steps, for random and deterministic sequences. Using results from random-walk theory, they model the interference as a K-distributed random variable and use it to calculate the probability of error in the form of a series, for a DS/SSMA system with a coherent correlation receiver and BPSK modulation under Gaussian noise. The asymptotic properties of the proposed distribution agree with other analyses. This is, to the best of the authors' knowledge, the first attempt to propose a non-Gaussian distribution for the interference. The modelling can be extended to consider multipath fading and general modulation


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The Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ) has been shown to have acceptable reliability and factorial, predictive, and concurrent validity. However, the PRMQ has never been administered to a probability sample survey representative of all ages in adulthood, nor have previous studies controlled for factors that are known to influence metamemory, such as affective status. Here, the PRMQ was applied in a survey adopting a probabilistic three-stage cluster sample representative of the population of Sao Paulo, Brazil, according to gender, age (20-80 years), and economic status (n=1042). After excluding participants who had conditions that impair memory (depression, anxiety, used psychotropics, and/or had neurological/psychiatric disorders), in the remaining 664 individuals we (a) used confirmatory factor analyses to test competing models of the latent structure of the PRMQ, and (b) studied effects of gender, age, schooling, and economic status on prospective and retrospective memory complaints. The model with the best fit confirmed the same tripartite structure (general memory factor and two orthogonal prospective and retrospective memory factors) previously reported. Women complained more of general memory slips, especially those in the first 5 years after menopause, and there were more complaints of prospective than retrospective memory, except in participants with lower family income.


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Background : The emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) has the potential to assist in reducing unintended pregnancy and abortion rates. Since its rescheduling to pharmacy availability without prescription in Australia in January 2004, there is little information about Australian women's knowledge, attitudes and use of the ECP. The aim of this study was to measure the knowledge about the ECP and sociodemographic patterns of and barriers to use of the ECP.

Study Design : A cross-sectional study, using a computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) survey conducted with a national random sample of 632 Australian women aged 16–35 years.

Results : Most women had heard of the ECP (95%) and 26% had used it. The majority of women agreed with pharmacy availability of the ECP (72%); however, only 48% were aware that it was available from pharmacies without a prescription. About a third (32%) believed the ECP to be an abortion pill. The most common reason for not using the ECP was that women did not think they were at risk of getting pregnant (57%). Logistic regression showed that women aged 20–29 years (OR 2.58; CI: 1.29–5.19) and 30–35 years (OR 3.16; CI: 1.47–6.80) were more likely to have used the ECP than those aged 16–19 years. Women with poor knowledge of the ECP were significantly less likely to have used it than those with very good knowledge (OR 0.28; CI: 0.09–0.77). Those in a de facto relationship (OR 2.21; CI: 1.27–3.85), in a relationship but not living with the partner (OR 2.46; 95% CI 1.31–4.63) or single women (OR 2.40; CI: 1.33–4.34) were more likely to have used the ECP than married women.

Conclusions : Women in Australia have a high level of awareness of the ECP, but more information and education about how to use it and where to obtain it are still needed.


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Most superdiffusive Non-Markovian random walk models assume that correlations are maintained at all time scales, e. g., fractional Brownian motion, Levy walks, the Elephant walk and Alzheimer walk models. In the latter two models the random walker can always "remember" the initial times near t = 0. Assuming jump size distributions with finite variance, the question naturally arises: is superdiffusion possible if the walker is unable to recall the initial times? We give a conclusive answer to this general question, by studying a non-Markovian model in which the walker's memory of the past is weighted by a Gaussian centered at time t/2, at which time the walker had one half the present age, and with a standard deviation sigma t which grows linearly as the walker ages. For large widths we find that the model behaves similarly to the Elephant model, but for small widths this Gaussian memory profile model behaves like the Alzheimer walk model. We also report that the phenomenon of amnestically induced persistence, known to occur in the Alzheimer walk model, arises in the Gaussian memory profile model. We conclude that memory of the initial times is not a necessary condition for generating (log-periodic) superdiffusion. We show that the phenomenon of amnestically induced persistence extends to the case of a Gaussian memory profile.


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As the performance gap between microprocessors and memory continues to increase, main memory accesses result in long latencies which become a factor limiting system performance. Previous studies show that main memory access streams contain significant localities and SDRAM devices provide parallelism through multiple banks and channels. These locality and parallelism have not been exploited thoroughly by conventional memory controllers. In this thesis, SDRAM address mapping techniques and memory access reordering mechanisms are studied and applied to memory controller design with the goal of reducing observed main memory access latency. The proposed bit-reversal address mapping attempts to distribute main memory accesses evenly in the SDRAM address space to enable bank parallelism. As memory accesses to unique banks are interleaved, the access latencies are partially hidden and therefore reduced. With the consideration of cache conflict misses, bit-reversal address mapping is able to direct potential row conflicts to different banks, further improving the performance. The proposed burst scheduling is a novel access reordering mechanism, which creates bursts by clustering accesses directed to the same rows of the same banks. Subjected to a threshold, reads are allowed to preempt writes and qualified writes are piggybacked at the end of the bursts. A sophisticated access scheduler selects accesses based on priorities and interleaves accesses to maximize the SDRAM data bus utilization. Consequentially burst scheduling reduces row conflict rate, increasing and exploiting the available row locality. Using a revised SimpleScalar and M5 simulator, both techniques are evaluated and compared with existing academic and industrial solutions. With SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks, bit-reversal reduces the execution time by 14% on average over traditional page interleaving address mapping. Burst scheduling also achieves a 15% reduction in execution time over conventional bank in order scheduling. Working constructively together, bit-reversal and burst scheduling successfully achieve a 19% speedup across simulated benchmarks.