954 resultados para spiral-wound module
Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 3 is a pleiotropic transcription factor with important functions in cytokine signaling in a variety of tissues. However, the role of STAT3 in the intestinal epithelium is not well understood. We demonstrate that development of colonic inflammation is associated with the induction of STAT3 activity in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). Studies in genetically engineered mice showed that epithelial STAT3 activation in dextran sodium sulfate colitis is dependent on interleukin (IL)-22 rather than IL-6. IL-22 was secreted by colonic CD11c(+) cells in response to Toll-like receptor stimulation. Conditional knockout mice with an IEC-specific deletion of STAT3 activity were highly susceptible to experimental colitis, indicating that epithelial STAT3 regulates gut homeostasis. STAT3(IEC-KO) mice, upon induction of colitis, showed a striking defect of epithelial restitution. Gene chip analysis indicated that STAT3 regulates the cellular stress response, apoptosis, and pathways associated with wound healing in IECs. Consistently, both IL-22 and epithelial STAT3 were found to be important in wound-healing experiments in vivo. In summary, our data suggest that intestinal epithelial STAT3 activation regulates immune homeostasis in the gut by promoting IL-22-dependent mucosal wound healing.
Healing of cutaneous wounds, which is crucial for survival after an injury, proceeds via a well-tuned pattern of events including inflammation, re-epithelialisation, and matrix and tissue remodelling. These events are regulated spatio-temporally by a variety of growth factors and cytokines. The inflammation that immediately follows injury increases the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-beta in the wound edge keratinocytes and triggers the production of endogenous PPARbeta ligands that activate the newly produced receptor. This elevated PPARbeta activity results in increased resistance of the keratinocytes to the apoptotic signals released during wounding, allowing faster re-epithelialisation. The authors speculate that, in parallel, ligand activation of PPARbeta in infiltrated macrophages attenuates the inflammatory response, which also promotes repair. Thus, current understanding of the roles of PPARbeta in different cell types implicated in tissue repair has revealed an intriguing intercellular cross-talk that coordinates, spatially and temporally, inflammation, keratinocyte survival, proliferation and migration, which are all essential for efficient wound repair. These novel insights into the orchestrating roles of PPARbeta during wound healing may be helpful in the development of drugs for acute and chronic wound disorders.
BACKGROUND:: Mechanical forces play an important role in tissue neovascularization and are a constituent part of modern wound therapies. The mechanisms by which vacuum assisted closure (VAC) modulates wound angiogenesis are still largely unknown. OBJECTIVE:: To investigate how VAC treatment affects wound hypoxia and related profiles of angiogenic factors as well as to identify the anatomical characteristics of the resultant, newly formed vessels. METHODS:: Wound neovascularization was evaluated by morphometric analysis of CD31-stained wound cross-sections as well as by corrosion casting analysis. Wound hypoxia and mRNA expression of HIF-1α and associated angiogenic factors were evaluated by pimonidazole hydrochloride staining and quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), respectively. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) protein levels were determined by western blot analysis. RESULTS:: VAC-treated wounds were characterized by the formation of elongated vessels aligned in parallel and consistent with physiologically function, compared to occlusive dressing control wounds that showed formation of tortuous, disoriented vessels. Moreover, VAC-treated wounds displayed a well-oxygenated wound bed, with hypoxia limited to the direct proximity of the VAC-foam interface, where higher VEGF levels were found. By contrast, occlusive dressing control wounds showed generalized hypoxia, with associated accumulation of HIF-1α and related angiogenic factors. CONCLUSIONS:: The combination of established gradients of hypoxia and VEGF expression along with mechanical forces exerted by VAC therapy was associated with the formation of more physiological blood vessels compared to occlusive dressing control wounds. These morphological changes are likely a necessary condition for better wound healing.
Biologicals have been used for decades in biopharmaceutical topical preparations. Because cellular therapies are rou-tinely used in the clinic they have gained significant attention. Different derivatives are possible from different cell and tissue sources, making the selection of cell types and establishment of consistent cell banks crucial steps in the initial whole-cell bioprocessing. Various cell and tissue types have been used in treatment of skin wounds including autolo-gous and allogenic skin cells, platelets, placenta and amniotic extracts from either human or animal sources. Experience with progenitor cells show that they may provide an interesting cell choice due to facility of out-scaling and known properties for wound healing without scar. Using defined animal cell lines to develop cell-free derivatives may provide initial starting material for pharmaceutical formulations that help in overall stability. Cell lines derived from ovine tis-sue (skin, muscle, connective tissue) can be developed in short periods of time and consistency of these cell lines was monitored by cellular life-span, protein concentrations, stability and activity. Each cell line had long culture periods up to 37 - 41 passages and protein measures for each cell line at passages 2 - 15 had only 1.4-fold maximal difference. Growth stimulation activity towards two target skin cell lines (GM01717 and CRL-1221; 40 year old human males) at concentrations ranging up to 6 μg/ml showed 2-3-fold (single extracts) and 3-7-fold (co-cultured extracts) increase. Proteins from co-culture remained stable up to 1 year in pharmaceutical preparations shown by separation on SDS- PAGE gels. Pharmaceutical cell-free preparations were used for veterinary and human wounds and burns. Cell lines and cell-free extracts can show remarkable consistency and stability for preparation of biopharmaceutical creams, moreover when cells are co-cultured, and have positive effects for tissue repair.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors control many cellular and metabolic processes. They are transcription factors belonging to the family of ligand-inducible nuclear receptors. Three isotypes called PPARalpha, PPARbeta/delta and PPARgamma have been identified in lower vertebrates and mammals. They display differential tissue distribution and each of the three isotypes fulfills specific functions. PPARalpha and PPARgamma control energy homoeostasis and inflammatory responses. Their activity can be modulated by drugs such as the hypolipidaemic fibrates and the insulin sensitising thiazolidinediones (pioglitazone and rosiglitazone). Thus, these receptors are involved in the control of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and atherosclerosis. Little is known about the main function of PPARbeta, but it has been implicated in embryo implantation, tumorigenesis in the colon, reverse cholesterol transport, and recently in skin wound healing. Here, we present recent developments in the PPAR field with particular emphasis on both the function of PPARs in lipid metabolism and energy homoeostasis (PPARalpha and PPARgamma), and their role in epidermal maturation and skin wound repair (PPARalpha and PPARbeta).
La cicatrisation cutanée requiert de nombreux mécanismes et un nombre toujours croissant de molécules participant à ces réactions sont identifiées. La compréhension de cette cinétique et des différents facteurs impliqués dans ce processus permet d'accélérer la guérison des plaies. Certains facteurs de croissance (PDGF, FGF, EGF) ont déjà été utilisés localement sur des plaies mais leurs effets relatés sont inconsistants et contradictoires, probablement en raison de l'absence de cinétique ou de concentration physiologique. Les plaquettes jouent un rôle fondamental dans la cicatrisation cutanée, principalement par la formation du clou plaquettaire et le relargage de divers facteurs de croissance et de cytokines. De même, les kératinocytes ont un rôle similaire dans l'épithélialisation des plaies. Ainsi, l'apport de plaquettes et de kératinocytes sur une plaie pourrait accélérer sa cicatrisation. L'étude rapportée ici tente de vérifier si une solution de kératinocytes autologues en suspension dans un concentré plaquettaire ou un concentré plaquettaire seul pourrait stimuler la cicatrisation cutanée. Pour ce faire, nous avons comparé trois groupes de 15 patients bénéficiant, sur une prise de greffe de profondeur similaire, d'un traitement standard fait de pansement simple, d'un concentré plaquettaire seul ou de kératinocytes autologues suspendus dans un concentré plaquettaire. Sur ces plaies, la durée de cicatrisation ainsi que la douleur au cours de la guérison ont été étudiés. Nos résultats montrent une réduction significative de la durée de cicatrisation dans le groupe traité avec un concentré plaquettaire, passant de 13.9 +/- 0.5 à 7.2 +/- 0.2 jours. Cet effet est encore plus marqué dans le groupe traité avec des kératinocytes en suspension dans un concentré plaquettaire passant de 13.9 +/- 0.5 à 5.7 +/- 0.2 jours. De même, la douleur évaluée au cinquième jour montre une nette diminution dans les deux groupes traités avec des cellules. En conclusion, notre travail montre que l'application de plaquettes autologues ou de kératinocytes en suspension dans un concentré plaquettaire permet d'accélérer la cicatrisation cutanée et de diminuer les douleurs, sans aucun effet indésirable constaté. Notre étude montre également qu'un concentré plaquettaire peut être utilisé comme vecteur pour une suspension de kératinocytes. L'identification de la cinétique d'apparition et de la concentration de chacun des facteurs de croissance lors de la cicatrisation cutanée permettrait dans le futur d'analyser plus finement et de traiter physiologiquement des plaies chroniques.
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the influence of deep sternal wound infection on long-term survival following cardiac surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In our institutional database we retrospectively evaluated medical records of 4732 adult patients who received open-heart surgery from January 1995 through December 2005. The predictive factors for DSWI were determined using logistic regression analysis. Then, each patient with deep sternal wound infection (DSWI) was matched with 2 controls without DSWI, according to the risk factors identified previously. After checking balance resulting from matching, short-term mortality was compared between groups using a paired test, and long-term survival was compared using Kaplan-Meier analysis and a Cox proportional hazard model. RESULTS: Overall, 4732 records were analyzed. The mean age of the investigated population was 69.3±12.8 years. DSWI occurred in 74 (1.56%) patients. Significant independent predictive factors for deep sternal infections were active smoking (OR 2.19, CI95 1.35-3.53, p=0.001), obesity (OR 1.96, CI95 1.20-3.21, p=0.007), and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (OR 2.09, CI95 1.05-10.06, p=0.016). Mean follow-up in the matched set was 125 months, IQR 99-162. After matching, in-hospital mortality was higher in the DSWI group (8.1% vs. 2.7% p=0.03), but DSWI was not an independent predictor of long-term survival (adjusted HR 1.5, CI95 0.7-3.2, p=0.33). CONCLUSIONS: The results presented in this report clearly show that post-sternotomy deep wound infection does not influence long-term survival in an adult general cardio-surgical patient population.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Recent developments of magnetic resonance imaging enabled free-breathing coronary MRA (cMRA) using steady-state-free-precession (SSFP) for endogenous contrast. The purpose of this study was a systematic comparison of SSFP cMRA with standard T2-prepared gradient-echo and spiral cMRA. METHODS: Navigator-gated free-breathing T2-prepared SSFP-, T2-prepared gradient-echo- and T2-prepared spiral cMRA was performed in 18 healthy swine (45-68 kg body-weight). Image quality was investigated subjectively and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and vessel sharpness were compared. RESULTS: SSFP cMRA allowed for high quality cMRA during free breathing with substantial improvements in SNR, CNR and vessel sharpness when compared with standard T2-prepared gradient-echo imaging. Spiral imaging demonstrated the highest SNR while image quality score and vessel definition was best for SSFP imaging. CONCLUSION: Navigator-gated free-breathing T2-prepared SSFP cMRA is a promising new imaging approach for high signal and high contrast imaging of the coronary arteries with improved vessel border definition.
Résumé : Les jasmonates (JA), une famille d'hor1none végétale, jouent un rôle central dans la réponse à la blessure, et aux attaques d'insectes et de pathogènes. Les JA sont principalement dérivés d'un acide gras, l'acide linolénique. L'addition par une lipoxygénase d'une molécule d'oxygène à l'acide linolénique initie la synthèse de JA. Cependant les mécanismes régulant l'activation de la biosynthèse de JA ne sont pas encore connus. C'est pour cette raison que dans ce travail, nous avons caractérisé chez Arabidopsis thaliana (l'Arabette des Dames) un mutant fou2 dont l'activité lipoxygénase est plus élevée que celle d'une plante sauvage. Les niveaux de JA sont constitutivement plus élevés et l'activation de la synthèse de JA après blessure est fortement plus induite chez fou2 que chez le type sauvage. En outre, fou2 est plus résistant au pathogène Botrytis cinerea et à la chenille Spodoptera littoralis. Afin de comprendre quel mécanisme chez fou2 génére ce phénotype, nous avons cloné le gène responsable du phénotype de fou2. Le mutant fou2 porte une mutation dans le gène d'un canal à deux pores transportant probablement du potassium, du lumen de la vacuole végétale vers le compartiment cytosolique. L'analyse du protéome de fou2 a permis d'identifier une expression plus élevée de sept protéines régulées par les JA ou le stress. La découverte de l'implication d'un canal dans le phénotype de fou2 renforce l'hypothèse que les flux de cations pourraient être impliqués dans les étapes précoces de la synthèse des JA. Nous avons également étudié le protéome et la physiologie d'une feuille blessée, Pour évaluer les changements d'expression protéique en réponse à la blessure et contrôlés par les JA, nous avons quantifié l'expression de 5937 protéines chez une plante d'Arabidopsis sauvage et chez un mutant incapable de synthétiser des JA. Parmi ces 5937 protéines, nous avons identifié 99 protéines régulées par la blessure chez le type sauvage. Nous avons observé pour 65% des protéines dont l'expression protéique changeait après blessure une bonne corrélation entre la quantité de transcrits et de protéines. Plusieurs enzymes de la voie des chorismates impliquées dans la biosynthèse des acides aminés phénoliques étaient induites par les JA après blessure. Une quantification des acides aminés a montré que les niveaux d'acides aminés phénoliques augmentaient significativement après blessure. La blessure induisait aussi des changements dans l'expression de protéines impliquées dans la réponse au stress et particulièrement au stress oxydatif. Nous avons quantifié l'état réduit et oxydé du glutathion, un tripeptide qui, sous sa forme réduite, est l'antioxydant majeur des cellules. Nous avons trouvé une quantité significativement plus élevée de glutathion oxydé chez le type sauvage blessé que chez la plante aus blessée. Ce résultat suggère que la génération d'un stress oxydatif et la proportion relative de glutathions réduits et oxydés sont contrôlés par les JA après blessure. Abstract : Plants possess a family of potent fatty acid-derived wound-response and developmental regulators: the jasmonates. These compounds are derived from the tri?unsaturated fatty acid a-linolenic-acid (18:3). Addition of an oxygen molecule to 18:3 by 13-lipoxygenases (13-LOX) initiates JA biosynthesis. Actually components regulating the activation of JA biosynthesis are poorly defined. Therefore we characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana the fatty acid Qxygenation upregulated 2 (fou2) mutant, which was previously isolated in a screen for mutants with an enhanced 13-LOX activity. As a consequence of this increased 13-LOX activity, JA levels in fou2 are higher than in wild type (WT) and wounding strongly increased JA biosynthesis compared to WT. fou2 was more resistant to the fungus Botrytis cinerea and the generalist caterpillar Spodaptera littomlis, The fou2 mutant carries a missense mutation in the Two Pore Channel 1 gene (TPCJ), which encodes a vacuolar cation channel transporting probably K* into the cytosol. Patchclamp analysis of fou2 vacuolar membranes showed faster time-dependent conductivity and activation of the mutated channel at lower membrane potentials than wild-type. Proteomic analysis of fou2 leaves identified increased levels of seven biotic stress- and JA- inducible proteins. The discovery of the implication of a channel in the fou2 phenotype strenghtens the hypothesis that cation fluxes might be implicated in early steps of JA synthesis. We further concentrated on the proteome and leaf physiology in the region proximal to wounds in Arabidopsis using the WT and the aos JA-biosynthesis deficient mutant in order to find JA- induced proteins changes. We used two successive proteomic methods to assess protein changes in response to wounding Arabidopsis leaves, two dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) and linear trap quadrupole ion-trap mass spectrometry. In total 5937 proteins were quantified. We identified 99 wound-regulated proteins in the WT. Most these proteins were also wound-regulated at the transcript level showing a good correlation between transcript and protein abundance. We identified several wound-regulated enzymes involved in amino acid biosynthesis and confirmed this result by amino acid quantification. Proteins involved in stress reponses were upregulated, particularly in redox species regulation. We found a significantly higher quantity of oxidized glutathione in wounded WT relative to wounded aos leaves. This result suggests that levels of reduced glutathione are controlled by JA after wounding.
No earlier study has investigated the microbiology of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) foam using a standardized manner. The purpose of this study is to investigate the bacterial load and microbiological dynamics in NPWT foam removed from chronic wounds (>3 months). To determine the bacterial load, a standardized size of the removed NPWT foam was sonicated. The resulting sonication fluid was cultured, and the colony-forming units (CFU) of each species were enumerated. Sixty-eight foams from 17 patients (mean age 63 years, 71% males) were investigated. In 65 (97%) foams, â0/00¥âeuro0/001 and in 37 (54%) â0/00¥2 bacterial types were found. The bacterial load remained high during NPWT treatment, ranging from 10(4) to 10(6) CFU/ml. In three patients (27%), additional type of bacteria was found in subsequent foam cultures. The mean bacterial countâeuro0/00±âeuro0/00standard deviation was higher in polyvinyl alcohol foam (6.1âeuro0/00±âeuro0/000.5 CFU/ml) than in polyurethane (5.5âeuro0/00±âeuro0/000.8 CFU/ml) (pâeuro0/00=âeuro0/000.02). The mean of log of sum of CFU/ml in foam from 125âeuro0/00mmHg (5.5âeuro0/00±âeuro0/000.8) was lower than in foam from 100âeuro0/00mmHg pressure (5.9âeuro0/00±âeuro0/000.5) (pâeuro0/00=âeuro0/000.01). Concluding, bacterial load remains high in NPWT foam, and routine changing does not reduce the load.
Our objective was a prospective comparison of MR enteroclysis (MRE) with multidetector spiral-CT enteroclysis (MSCTE). Fifty patients with various suspected small bowel diseases were investigated by MSCTE and MRE. The MSCTE was performed using slices of 2.5 mm, immediately followed by MRE, obtaining T1- and T2-weighted sequences, including gadolinium-enhanced acquisition with fat saturation. Three radiologists independently evaluated MSCTE and MRE searching for 12 pathological signs. Interobserver agreement was calculated. Sensitivities and specificities resulted from comparison with pathological results ( n=29) and patient's clinical evolution ( n=21). Most pathological signs, such as bowel wall thickening (BWT), bowel wall enhancement (BWE) and lymphadenopathy (ADP), showed better interobserver agreement on MSCTE than on MRE (BWT: 0.65 vs 0.48; BWE: 0.51 vs 0.37; ADP: 0.52 vs 0.15). Sensitivity of MSCTE was higher than that of MRE in detecting BWT (88.9 vs 60%), BWE (78.6 vs 55.5%) and ADP (63.8 vs 14.3%). Wilcoxon signed-rank test revealed significantly better sensitivity of MSCTE than that of MRE for each observer ( p=0.028, p=0.046, p=0.028, respectively). Taking the given study design into account, MSCTE provides better sensitivity in detecting lesions of the small bowel than MRE, with higher interobserver agreement.
Intracellular signals elicited by LDLs are likely to play a role in the pathogenesis associated with increased LDL blood levels. We have previously determined that LDL stimulation of human skin fibroblasts, used as a model system for adventitial fibroblasts, activates p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), followed by IL-8 production and increased wound-healing capacity of the cells. The proximal events triggering these responses had not been characterized, however. Here we show that MAPK kinases MKK3 and MKK6, but not MKK4, are the upstream kinases responsible for the activation of the p38 MAPKs and stimulation of wound closure in response to LDLs. Phosphoinositide 3 kinases (PI3Ks) and Ras have been suggested to participate in lipoprotein-induced MAPK activation. However, specific PI3K inhibitors or expression of a dominant-negative form of Ras failed to blunt LDL-induced p38 MAPK activation. The classical LDL receptor does not participate in LDL signaling, but the contribution of other candidate lipoprotein receptors has not been investigated. Using cells derived from scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) knockout mice or the BLT-1 SR-BI inhibitor, we now show that this receptor is required for LDLs to stimulate p38 MAPKs and to promote wound healing. Identification of MKK3/6 and SR-BI as cellular relays in LDL-mediated p38 activation further defines the signaling events that could participate in LDL-mediated pathophysiological responses.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a volume of plasma fraction of autologous blood having platelet concentrations above baseline whole-blood values due to processing and concentration. PRP is used in various surgical fields to enhance soft-tissue and bone healing by delivering supra-physiological concentrations of autologous platelets at the site of tissue damage. These preparations may provide a good cellular source of various growth factors and cytokines, and modulate tissue response to injury. Common clinically available materials for blood preparations combined with a two-step centrifugation protocol at 280g each, to ensure cellular component integrity, provided platelet preparations which were concentrated 2-3 fold over total blood values. Costs were shown to be lower than those of other methods which require specific equipment and high-cost disposables, while safety and traceability can be increased. PRP can be used for the treatment of wounds of all types including burns and also of split-thickness skin graft donor sites, which are frequently used in burn management. The procedure can be standardized and is easy to adapt in clinical settings with minimal infrastructure, thus enabling large numbers of patients to benefit from a form of cellular therapy.