947 resultados para somatomedin binding protein 1


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We have investigated the possible role of trans-acting factors interacting with the untranslated regions (UTRs) of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) RNA. We show here that polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) binds specifically to both 5' and 3' UTRs, but with different affinity. We have demonstrated that PTB is a bona fide internal ribosome entry site (IRES) trans-acting factor (ITAF) for CVB3 RNA by characterizing the effect of partial silencing of FIB ex vivo in He La cells. Furthermore, IRES activity in BSC-1 cells, which are reported to have a very low level of endogenous FIB, was found to be significantly lower than that in He La cells. Additionally, we have mapped the putative contact points of PTB on the 5' and 3' UTRs by an RNA toe-printing assay. We have shown that the 3' UTR is able to stimulate CVB3 IRES-mediated translation. Interestingly, a deletion of 15 nt at the 5' end or 14 rut at the 3' end of the CVB3 3' UTR reduced the 3' UTR-mediated enhancement of IRES activity ex vivo significantly, and a reduced interaction was shown with PTB. It appears that the FIB protein might help in circularization of the CVB3 RNA by bridging the ends necessary for efficient translation of the viral RNA.


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Penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) are membrane-associated proteins that catalyze the final step of murein biosynthesis. These proteins function as either transpeptidases or carboxypeptidases and in a few cases demonstrate transglycosylase activity. Both transpeptidase and carboxypeptidase activities of PBPs occur at the D-Ala-D-Ala terminus of a murein precursor containing a disaccharide pentapeptide comprising N-acetyl-glucosamine and N-acetyl-muramic acid-L-Ala-D-Glu-L-Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala. beta-Lactam antibiotics inhibit these enzymes by competing with the pentapeptide precursor for binding to the active site of the enzyme. Here we describe the crystal structure, biochemical characteristics, and expression profile of PBP4, a low-molecular-mass PBP from Staphylococcus aureus strain COL. The crystal structures of PBP4-antibiotic complexes reported here were determined by molecular replacement, using the atomic coordinates deposited by the New York Structural Genomics Consortium. While the pbp4 gene is not essential for the viability of S. aureus, the knockout phenotype of this gene is characterized by a marked reduction in cross-linked muropeptide and increased vancomycin resistance. Unlike other PBPs, we note that expression of PBP4 was not substantially altered under different experimental conditions, nor did it change across representative hospital- or community-associated strains of S. aureus that were examined. In vitro data on purified recombinant S. aureus PBP4 suggest that it is a beta-lactamase and is not trapped as an acyl intermediate with beta-lactam antibiotics. Put together, the expression analysis and biochemical features of PBP4 provide a framework for understanding the function of this protein in S. aureus and its role in antimicrobial resistance.


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A number of studies have shown that the structure and composition of bacterial nucleoid influences many a processes related to DNA metabolism. The nucleoid-associated proteins modulate not only the DNA conformation but also regulate the DNA metabolic processes such as replication, recombination, repair and transcription. Understanding of how these processes occur in the context of Mycobacterium tuberculosis nucleoid is of considerable medical importance because the nucleoid structure may be constantly remodeled in response to environmental signals and/or growth conditions. Many studies have concluded that Escherichia coli H-NS binds to DNA in a sequence-independent manner, with a preference for A-/T-rich tracts in curved DNA; however, recent studies have identified the existence of medium- and low-affinity binding sites in the vicinity of the curved DNA. Here, we show that the M. tuberculosis H-NS protein binds in a more structure-specific manner to DNA replication and repair intermediates, but displays lower affinity for double-stranded DNA with relatively higher GC content. Notably, M. tuberculosis H-NS was able to bind Holliday junction (HJ), the central recombination intermediate, with substantially higher affinity and inhibited the three-strand exchange promoted by its cognate RecA. Likewise, E. coli H-NS was able to bind the HJ and suppress DNA strand exchange promoted by E. coli RecA, although much less efficiently compared to M. tuberculosis H-NS. Our results provide new insights into a previously unrecognized function of H-NS protein, with implications for blocking the genome integration of horizontally transferred genes by homologous and/or homeologous recombination.


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The modes of binding of alpha- and beta-anomers of D-galactose, D-fucose and D-glucose to L-arabinose-binding protein (ABP) have been studied by energy minimization using the low resolution (2.4 A) X-ray data of the protein. These studies suggest that these sugars preferentially bind in the alpha-form to ABP, unlike L-arabinose where both alpha- and beta-anomers bind almost equally. The best modes of binding of alpha- and beta-anomers of D-galactose and D-fucose differ slightly in the nature of the possible hydrogen bonds with the protein. The residues Arg 151 and Asn 232 of ABP from bidentate hydrogen bonds with both L-arabinose and D-galactose, but not with D-fucose or D-glucose. However in the case of L-arabinose, Arg 151 forms hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl group at the C-4 atom and the ring oxygen, whereas in case of D-galactose it forms bonds with the hydroxyl groups at the C-4 and C-6 atoms of the pyranose ring. The calculated conformational energies also predict that D-galactose is a better inhibitor than D-fucose and D-glucose, in agreement with kinetic studies. The weak inhibitor D-glucose binds preferentially to one domain of ABP leading to the formation of a weaker complex. Thus these studies provide information about the most probable binding modes of these sugars and also provide a theoretical explanation for the observed differences in their binding affinities.


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The CCEM method (Contact Criteria and Energy Minimisation) has been developed and applied to study protein-carbohydrate interactions. The method uses available X-ray data even on the native protein at low resolution (above 2.4 Å) to generate realistic models of a variety of proteins with various ligands.The two examples discussed in this paper are arabinose-binding protein (ABP) and pea lectin. The X-ray crystal structure data reported on ABP-β-l-arabinose complex at 2.8, 2.4 and 1.7 Å resolution differ drastically in predicting the nature of the interactions between the protein and ligand. It is shown that, using the data at 2.4 Å resolution, the CCEM method generates complexes which are as good as the higher (1.7 Å) resolution data. The CCEM method predicts some of the important hydrogen bonds between the ligand and the protein which are missing in the interpretation of the X-ray data at 2.4 Å resolution. The theoretically predicted hydrogen bonds are in good agreement with those reported at 1.7 Å resolution. Pea lectin has been solved only in the native form at 3 Å resolution. Application of the CCEM method also enables us to generate complexes of pea lectin with methyl-α-d-glucopyranoside and methyl-2,3-dimethyl-α-d-glucopyranoside which explain well the available experimental data in solution.


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1. 1. The binding parameters of prealbumin-2 with retinol-binding protein and thyroxine (T4) revealed the existence of distinct and multiple sites for both retinol-binding protein and T4. 2. 2. From the analysis of binding parameters of retinol-binding protein with prealbumin-2 it is clear that under steady-state conditions about 99% of the holo-retinol-binding protein remains bound to prealbumin-2. 3. 3. Equilibrium dialysis studies on binding properties of thyroid hormones with prealbumin-2 revealed that it has a single high affinity site and three low affinity sites. 4. 4. The occurrence of three carrier proteins for thyroid hormones, thyroxine-binding globulin, prealbumin-2 and albumin has been demonstrated. However, the chicken thyroxine-binding globulin differs from human thyroxine-binding globulin by being relatively less acidic and occuring at a two-fold lower concentration. But the thyroid hormone binding parameters are comparable. 5. 5. Highly sensitive methods were developed for determination of T4 binding capacities of the various proteins and plasma level of total T4 by fractionation of carrier proteins and further quantitatively employing in electrophoresis and equilibrium dialysis. 6. 6. The thyroxine-binding proteins were found to be two types, one (viz., thyroxine-binding globulin) of great affinity but of low binding capacity, which mainly acts as reservoir of T4, and another (viz.,prealbumin-2) of low affinity but of high binding capacity, which can participate predominantly in the control of the free T4 pool.


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The diverse biological activities of the insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1 and IGF-2) are mediated by the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R). These actions are modulated by a family of six IGF-binding proteins (ICFBP-1-6; 22-31 kDa) that via high affinity binding to the IGFs (K-D similar to 300-700 pM) both protect the IGFs in the circulation and attenuate IGF action by blocking their receptor access In recent years, IGFBPs have been implicated in a variety of cancers However, the structural basis of their interaction with IGFs and/or other proteins is not completely understood A critical challenge in the structural characterization of full-length IGFBPs has been the difficulty in expressing these proteins at levels suitable for NMR/X-ray crystallography analysis Here we describe the high-yield expression of full-length recombinant human IGFBP-2 (rhIGFBP-2) in Eschericha coli Using a single step purification protocol, rhIGFBP-2 was obtained with >95% purity and structurally characterized using NMR spectroscopy. The protein was found to exist as a monomer at the high concentrations required for structural studies and to exist in a single conformation exhibiting a unique intra-molecular disulfide-bonding pattern The protein retained full biologic activity. This study represents the first high-yield expression of wild-type recombinant human IGFBP-2 in E coli and first structural characterization of a full-length IGFBP (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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The crystal structures of two forms of Mycobacterium leprae single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) have been determined at 2.05 and 2.8 A resolution. Comparison of these structures with the structures of other eubacterial SSBs indicates considerable variation in their quaternary association, although the DNA-binding domains in all of them exhibit the same OB-fold. This variation has no linear correlation with sequence variation, but could be related to variation in protein stability. Molecular-dynamics simulations have been carried out on tetrameric molecules derived from the two forms and the prototype Escherichia coli SSB and the individual subunits of both proteins. Together, the X-ray studies and molecular-dynamics simulations yield information on the relatively rigid and flexible regions of the molecule and on the effect of oligomerization on flexibility. The simulations provide insight into the changes in subunit structure on oligomerization. They also provide insight into the stability and time evolution of the hydrogen bonds/water bridges that connect the two pairs of monomers in the tetramer.


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A simple and efficient procedure for the purification of the riboflavin-binding protein from hen's egg yolk is described. This method involves the removal by exclusion of lipoproteins and subsequent fractionation of soluble yolk proteins held on a DEAE-cellulose column by a salt gradient which is followed by purification by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. The protein thus isolated is homogeneous by various physicoehemical, immunological, and functional criteria.


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A thiamin-binding protein was isolated and characterized from chicken egg white by affinity chromatography on thiamin pyrophosphate coupled to aminoethyl-Sepharose. The high specificity of interaction between the thiamin-binding protein and the riboflavin-binding protein of the egg white, with a protein/protein molar ratio of 1.0, led to the development of an alternative procedure that used the riboflavin-binding protein immobilized on CNBr-activated Sepharose as the affinity matrix. The thiamin-binding protein thus isolated was homogeneous by the criteria of polyacrylamide-gel disc electrophoresis, double immunodiffusion and sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, had a mol.wt. of 38,000 +/- 2000 and was not a glycoprotein. The protein bound [14C]thiamin was a molar ratio of 1.0, with dissociation constant (Kd) 0.3 micrometer.


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The mechanism underlying homeostatic regulation of the plasma levels of free retinol-binding protein and free thyroxine, the systemic distribution of which is of great importance, has been investigated. A simple method has been developed to determine the rate of dissociation of a ligand from the binding protein. Analysis of the dissociation process of retinol-binding protein from prealbumin-2 reveals that the free retinol-binding protein pool undergoes massive flux, and the prealbumin-2 participates in homeostatic regulation of the free retinol-binding protein pool. Studies on the dissociation process of thyroxine from its plasma carrier proteins show that the various plasma carrier proteins share two roles. Of the two types of protein, the thyroxine-binding globulin (the high affinity binding protein) contributes only 27% of the free thyroxine in a rapid transition process, despite its being the major binding protein. But prealbumin-2, which has lower affinity towards thyroxine, participates mainly in a rapid flux of the free thyroxine pool. Thus thyroxine-binding globulin acts predominantly as a plasma reservoir of thyroxine, and also probably in the �buffering� action on plasma free thyroxine level, in the long term, while prealbumin-2 participates mainly in the maintainance of constancy of free thyroxine levels even in the short term. The existence of these two types of binding protein facilitates compensation for the metabolic flux of the free ligand and maintenance of the thyroxine pool within a very narrow range.


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A specific membrane receptor for plasma retinol-binding protein has been demonstrated in testicular cells. Prealbumin-2 did not show any specific binding to the membrane. The affinity of retinol-binding protein for receptor drastically decreases upon delivery of retinol and the retinol-binding protein does not enter the cell. The mechanism of delivery of retinol to the target cell by plasma retinol-binding protein has been investigated. The process involves two steps: direct binding of retinol-binding protein to the receptor and uptake of retinol by the target cell with a concomitant drastic reduction in the affinity of the retinol-binding protein to the receptor. Probably the second step of the process needs a cytosolic factor, possibly the cellular retinol-binding protein or an enzyme.The binding of retinol-binding protein to the receptor is saturable and reverible. The interaction shows a Kd value of 2.1 · 10−10 M. The specific binding of a retinol-binding protein with great affinity has been employed in the development of a method for radioassay of the receptor. The receptor level of the gonadal cell has been found to vary with the stage of differentiation. The receptor concentrations in 11-week-old birds and adult birds are comparable. Testoterone treatment of 11-week-old birds produced a substantial increase in the receptor concentration over control, while the protein content increased marginally, indicating that, probably, synthesis of the receptor is specifically induced by testoterone during spermatogenesis, and the concentration of receptor is relatively higher before the formation of the acrosome.


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A specific radioimmunoassay procedure was developed to monitor the plasma concentrations of thiamin-binding protein, a minor yolk constituent of the chicken egg. By using this sensitive assay, the kinetics of oestrogen-induced elaboration of this specific protein in immature chicks was investigated. After a single injection of the steroid hormone, with an initial lag period of 4–5h the thiamin-binding protein rapidly accumulated in the plasma, attaining peak concentrations around 75h and declining thereafter. A 4-fold amplification of the response was noticed during the secondary stimulation, and this increased to 9-fold during the tertiary stimulation with the steroid hormone. The magnitude of the response was dependent on the hormone dose, and the initial latent period and the duration of the ascending phase of induction were unchanged for the hormonal doses tested during both the primary and secondary stimulations. The circulatory half-life of the protein was 6h as calculated from the measurement of the rate of disappearance of the exogenously administered 125I-labelled protein. Simultaneous administration of progesterone, dihydrotestosterone or corticosterone did not alter the pattern of induction. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism markedly decreased the oestrogenic response, whereas propylthiouracil-induced hypothyroidism had the opposite effect. The anti-oestrogen E- and Z-clomiphene citrates, administered 30min before oestrogen, effectively blocked the hormonal induction. a-Amanitin and cycloheximide administered along with or shortly after the sex steroid severely curtailed the protein elaboration. A comparison of the kinetics of induction of thiamin- and riboflavin-binding proteins by oestrogen revealed that, beneath an apparent similarity, a clear-cut difference exists between the two vitamin-binding proteins, particularly with regard to hormonal dose-dependent sensitivity of induction and the half-life in circulation. The steroid-mediated elaboration of the two yolk proteins thus appears to be not strictly co-ordinated, despite several common regulatory features underlying their induction.


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A protein which binds specifically to [3H]-zeatin has been isolated from cucumber cotyledons by chromatographic techniques. Its binding to [3H]-zeatin was inhibited remarkably by the addition of non-radioactive cytokinins and the order of inhibition was zeatin > -zeatin riboside > N6-(Delta2-isopentenyl)adenine > N6-(Delta2-isopentenyl)adenosine > N6-benzyl-adenosine > kinetin riboside. This protein behaved as a soluble protein with an apparent molecular size of 43,000 daltons on gel filtration through calibrated Sephadex G-100 column. The dissociation constant, Kd, of the protein-zeatin complex was about 4 × 10–7 M.


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Maltose binding protein (MBP) is a large, monomeric two domain protein containing 370 amino acids. In the absence of denaturant at neutral pH, the protein is in the native state, while at pH 3.0 it forms a molten globule. The molten globule lacks a tertiary circular dichroism signal but has secondary structure similar to that of the native state. The molten globule binds 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS). The unfolding thermodynamics of MBP at both pHs were measured by carrying out a series of isothermal urea melts at temperatures ranging from 274–329 K. At 298 K, values of [Delta]G°, [Delta]Cp, and Cm were 3.1 ± 0.2 kcal mol−1, 5.9 ± 0.8 kcal mol−1 K−1 (15.9 cal (mol-residue)−1 K−1), and 0.8 M, respectively, at pH 3.0 and 14.5 ± 0.4 kcal mol−1, 8.3 ± 0.7 kcal mol−1 K−1 (22.4 kcal (mol-residue)−1 K−1), and 3.3 M, respectively, at pH 7.1. Guanidine hydrochloride denaturation at pH 7.1 gave values of [Delta]G° and [Delta]Cp similar to those obtained with urea. The m values for denaturation are strongly temperature dependent, in contrast to what has been previously observed for small globular proteins. The value of [Delta]Cp per mol-residue for the molten globule is comparable to corresponding values of [Delta]Cp for the unfolding of typical globular proteins and suggests that it is a highly ordered structure, unlike molten globules of many small proteins. The value of [Delta]Cp per mol-residue for the unfolding of the native state is among the highest currently known for any protein.