942 resultados para societal healing


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Every time another corporate scandal captures media headlines, the 'bad apple vs. bad barrel' discussion starts anew. Yet this debate overlooks the influence of the broader societal context on organizational behavior. In this article, we argue that misbehaviors of organizations (the 'barrels') and their members (the 'apples') cannot be addressed properly without a clear understanding of their broader context (the 'larder'). Whereas previously, a strong societal framework dampened the practical application of the Homo economicus concept (business actors as perfectly rational and egocentric utility-maximizing agents without any moral concern), specialization, individualization and globalization led to a business world disembedded from broader societal norms. This emancipated business world promotes a literal interpretation of Homo economicus among business organizations and their members. Consequently, we argue that the first step toward 'healthier' apples and barrels is to sanitize the larder, that is, adapt the framework in which organizations and their members evolve.Chaque fois qu'un nouveau scandale fait la une des médias, la question de savoir si le problème se situe au niveau des individus (des 'pommes isolées') ou au niveau des organisations (les 'caisses de pommes') refait surface. Ce débat tend néanmoins à sous-estimer l'influence du contexte sociétal plus large sur le comportement dans les organisations. Dans cet article, nous soutenons l'idée que les scandales éthiques dans les organisations ou parmi leurs membres ne peuvent être compris correctement sans une vision plus précise de leur contexte plus large (la 'cave à pommes'). Si dans le passé un contexte sociétal fort permettait d'adoucir les applications pratiques de l'Homo economicus (qui considère l'acteur économique comme un agent parfaitement rationnel et égocentrique cherchant à maximiser son utilité sans réflexion morale), l'individualisation et la globalisation ont conduit à un monde économique désencastré et déconnecté des normes sociales plus larges. Ce monde économique autonome promouvoit une interprétation littérale de l'Homo economicus parmi les entreprises et leurs employés. Il en résulte que le premier pas vers des pommes moins pourries passe par un assainissement de la cave, c'est-à-dire l'adoption d'un cadre socio-normatif qui permet un recadrage du contexte dans lequel les organisations économiques et leurs acteurs agissent.


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In this paper we address the complexity of the analysis of water use in relation to the issue of sustainability. In fact, the flows of water in our planet represent a complex reality which can be studied using many different perceptions and narratives referring to different scales and dimensions of analysis. For this reason, a quantitative analysis of water use has to be based on analytical methods that are semantically open: they must be able to define what we mean with the term “water” when crossing different scales of analysis. We propose here a definition of water as a resource that deal with the many services it provides to humans and ecosystems. WE argue that water can fulfil so many of them since the element has many characteristics that allow for the resource to be labelled with different attributes, depending on the end use –such as drinkable. Since the services for humans and the functions for ecosystems associated with water flows are defined on different scales but still interconnected it is necessary to organize our assessment of water use across different hierarchical levels. In order to do so we define how to approach the study of water use in the Societal Metabolism, by proposing the Water Metabolism, tganized in three levels: societal level, ecosystem level and global level. The possible end uses we distinguish for the society are: personal/physiological use, household use, economic use. Organizing the study of “water use” across all these levels increases the usefulness of the quantitative analysis and the possibilities of finding relevant and comparable results. To achieve this result, we adapted a method developed to deal with multi-level, multi-scale analysis - the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) approach - to the analysis of water metabolism. In this paper, we discuss the peculiar analytical identity that “water” shows within multi-scale metabolic studies: water represents a flow-element when considering the metabolism of social systems (at a small scale, when describing the water metabolism inside the society) and a fund-element when considering the metabolism o ecosystems (at a larger scale when describing the water metabolism outside the society). The theoretical analysis is illustrated using two case which characterize the metabolic patterns regarding water use of a productive system in Catalonia and a water management policy in Andarax River Basin in Andalusia.


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In my first project, I analyzed the role of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel ENaC) in the skin during wound healing. ENaC is present in the skin and a function in keratinocyte differentiation and barrier formation has been demonstrated. Previous findings suggested, that ENaC might be implicated in keratinocyte migration, although its role in wound healing was not analyzed yet. Using skin-specific (K14-Cre) conditional ENaC knockout and overexpressing mice, I determined the wound closure kinetic and performed morphometric measurements. The time course of wound repair was not significantly different in knockouts or transgenics when compared to control mice and the morphology of the closing wound was not altered. In my second project, I studied the glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ, Tsc22d3). GILZ is widely expressed and an important role has been predicted in immunity, adipogenesis and renal sodium handling. Mice were generated that constitutively lack all the functional domains of the Gilz gene. In these mice, the expression of GILZ mRNA transcripts and protein were completely abolished in all tissues tested. Surprisingly, knockout mice survived. To test whether GILZ mimicks glucocorticoid action, we studied its implication in T- and B- cell development and in a model of sepsis. We measured cytokine secretion in different inflammatory models, like in peritoneal and bone marrow-derived macrophages, in splenocytes and a model of sepsis. In all our experiments, cytokine secretion from GILZ- deficient cells was not different from controls. From 6 months onwards, knockout mice contained significantly less body fat and were lighter. Following sodium and water deprivation experiments, water and salt homeostasis was preserved. Sterility of knockout males was associated with a severe testis dysplasia, smaller seminiferous tubules, the number of Sertoli and germ cell was reduced while increased apoptosis, but not cell proliferation, was evidenced. The interstitial Leydig cell population was augmented, and higher plasma FSH and testosterone levels were found. Interestingly, the expression of the target gene Ppar2 was diminished in the testis and in the liver, but not in the skin, kidney or fat. Tsc22d1 mRNA transcript level was found to be upregulated in testis, but not in the kidney or fat tissue. In most tissue, excepted the testis, GILZ-deficient mice reveal functional redundancy amongst members of the Tsc22d family or genes involved in the same regulatory pathways. In summary, contrarily to the published in vitro data, GILZ does not play a crucial role attributed in immunology or inflammation, but we identified a novel function in spermatogenesis. -- Dans mon premier projet, j'ai analysé le rôle du canal épithélial sodique sensible à l'amiloride (ENaC) dans la cicatrisation de la peau. ENaC est présent dans la peau et il a une fonction dans la différenciation des kératinocytes et dans la formation de la barrière. Des études suggèrent qu'ENaC pourrait être impliqué dans la migration des kératinocytes, cependant, son rôle dans la cicatrisation n'a pas encore été étudié. A l'aide de souris qui surexpriment ou qui sont knockout pour ENaC, spécifiquement dans la peau (K14-Cre), j'ai analysé le temps de clôture de la cicatrice et j'ai aussi étudié la morphologie de la plaie guérissant. Chez les souris qui surexpriment ou chez les knockouts, la vitesse de fermeture et la morphologie de la cicatrice étaient identiques aux souris contrôles. Dans mon second projet, j'ai étudié le glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ, Tsc22d3). GILZ est largement exprimé et un rôle important a été prédit dans l'immunité, l'adipogénèse et le transport sodique rénal. Des souris ont été générées dont les domaines fonctionnels du gène Gilz sont éliminés. L'expression de GILZ en ARNm et protéine a été complètement abolie dans tous les tissus testés. Étonnamment, ces souris knockout survivent. Afin de tester si GILZ imite les effets des glucocorticoïdes, nous avons étudié son implication dans le développement des cellules T et B ainsi qu'un modèle de septicémie. Nous avons mesuré la sécrétion de cytokines à partir de différents modèles d'inflammation tels que des macrophages péritonéaux ou de moelle, de splénocytes ou encore d'un modèle de septicémie. Dans toutes nos expériences, la sécrétion de cytokines de cellules GILZ-déficientes était semblable. Dès 6 mois, les knockouts contenaient significativement moins de graisses et étaient plus légères. Suite à une privation sodique et aqueuse, l'homéostasie du sel et de l'eau était préservée. Les mâles knockouts présentaient une stérilité accompagnée d'une dysplasie testiculaire sévère, de tubules séminifères étaient plus petits et contenaient un nombre réduit de cellules de Sertoli et de cellules germinales. L'apoptose était augmentée dans ces cellules mais pas la prolifération cellulaire. Le nombre de cellules de Leydig était aussi plus élevé, ainsi que la FSH et la testostérone. L'expression du gène cible Pparγ2 était diminuée dans le testicule et le foie, mais pas dans la peau, le rein ou le tissu adipeux. L'ARNm de Tsc22d1 était plus exprimé dans le testicule, mais pas dans le rein ou le tissu adipeux. Dans la plupart des tissus, sauf le testicule, les souris knockouts révélaient une redondance fonctionnelle des autres membres de la famille Tsc22d ou de gènes impliqués dans les mêmes voies de régulation. En résumé, contrairement aux données in vitro, GILZ ne joue pas un rôle essentiel en immunologie, mais nous avons identifié une nouvelle fonction dans la spermatogénèse.


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The growth and differentiation factor activin A is a key regulator of tissue repair, inflammation, fibrosis, and tumorigenesis. However, the cellular targets, which mediate the different activin functions, are still largely unknown. In this study, we show that activin increases the number of mature mast cells in mouse skin in vivo. To determine the relevance of this finding for wound healing and skin carcinogenesis, we mated activin transgenic mice with CreMaster mice, which are characterized by Cre recombinase-mediated mast cell eradication. Using single- and double-mutant mice, we show that loss of mast cells neither affected the stimulatory effect of overexpressed activin on granulation tissue formation and reepithelialization of skin wounds nor its protumorigenic activity in a model of chemically induced skin carcinogenesis. Furthermore, mast cell deficiency did not alter wounding-induced inflammation and new tissue formation or chemically induced angiogenesis and tumorigenesis in mice with normal activin levels. These findings reveal that mast cells are not major targets of activin during wound healing and skin cancer development and also argue against nonredundant functions of mast cells in wound healing and skin carcinogenesis in general.


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Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis whose interaction with the host may lead to a cell-mediated protective immune response. The presence of interferon-g (IFN-gamma) is related to this response. With the purpose of understanding the immunological mechanisms involved in this protection, the lymphoproliferative response, IFN-g and other cytokines like interleukin (IL-5, IL-10), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) were evaluated before and after the use of anti-TB drugs on 30 patients with active TB disease, 24 healthy household contacts of active TB patients, with positive purified protein derivative (PPD) skin tests (induration > 10 mm), and 34 asymptomatic individuals with negative PPD skin test results (induration < 5 mm). The positive lymphoproliferative response among peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients showed high levels of IFN-g, TNF-a, and IL-10. No significant levels of IL-5 were detected. After treatment with rifampicina, isoniazida, and pirazinamida, only the levels of IFN-g increased significantly (p < 0.01). These results highlight the need for further evaluation of IFN-g production as a healing prognostic of patients treated.


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Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 3 is a pleiotropic transcription factor with important functions in cytokine signaling in a variety of tissues. However, the role of STAT3 in the intestinal epithelium is not well understood. We demonstrate that development of colonic inflammation is associated with the induction of STAT3 activity in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). Studies in genetically engineered mice showed that epithelial STAT3 activation in dextran sodium sulfate colitis is dependent on interleukin (IL)-22 rather than IL-6. IL-22 was secreted by colonic CD11c(+) cells in response to Toll-like receptor stimulation. Conditional knockout mice with an IEC-specific deletion of STAT3 activity were highly susceptible to experimental colitis, indicating that epithelial STAT3 regulates gut homeostasis. STAT3(IEC-KO) mice, upon induction of colitis, showed a striking defect of epithelial restitution. Gene chip analysis indicated that STAT3 regulates the cellular stress response, apoptosis, and pathways associated with wound healing in IECs. Consistently, both IL-22 and epithelial STAT3 were found to be important in wound-healing experiments in vivo. In summary, our data suggest that intestinal epithelial STAT3 activation regulates immune homeostasis in the gut by promoting IL-22-dependent mucosal wound healing.


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Healing of cutaneous wounds, which is crucial for survival after an injury, proceeds via a well-tuned pattern of events including inflammation, re-epithelialisation, and matrix and tissue remodelling. These events are regulated spatio-temporally by a variety of growth factors and cytokines. The inflammation that immediately follows injury increases the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-beta in the wound edge keratinocytes and triggers the production of endogenous PPARbeta ligands that activate the newly produced receptor. This elevated PPARbeta activity results in increased resistance of the keratinocytes to the apoptotic signals released during wounding, allowing faster re-epithelialisation. The authors speculate that, in parallel, ligand activation of PPARbeta in infiltrated macrophages attenuates the inflammatory response, which also promotes repair. Thus, current understanding of the roles of PPARbeta in different cell types implicated in tissue repair has revealed an intriguing intercellular cross-talk that coordinates, spatially and temporally, inflammation, keratinocyte survival, proliferation and migration, which are all essential for efficient wound repair. These novel insights into the orchestrating roles of PPARbeta during wound healing may be helpful in the development of drugs for acute and chronic wound disorders.


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Nowadays, mucosal healing is regarded as a major end point in clinical trials and is increasingly used in clinical practice for the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The definition of mucosal healing varies across studies and validated endoscopic scoring indices are still lacking. The advent of anti-tumor necrosis factor agents has changed the way of treating inflammatory bowel disease and high rates of induction and maintenance of mucosal healing can be achieved with this drug class. Mucosal healing is desirable as it may change the natural course of the disease by decreasing surgery and hospitalization rates in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.


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The second scientific workshop of the European Crohn's and Colitis Organization (ECCO) focused on the relevance of intestinal healing for the disease course of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The objective was to better understand basic mechanisms, markers for disease prediction, detection and monitoring of intestinal healing, impact of intestinal healing on the disease course of IBD as well as therapeutic strategies. The results of this workshop are presented in four separate manuscripts. This section describes basic mechanisms of intestinal healing, identifies open questions in the field and provides a framework for future studies.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors control many cellular and metabolic processes. They are transcription factors belonging to the family of ligand-inducible nuclear receptors. Three isotypes called PPARalpha, PPARbeta/delta and PPARgamma have been identified in lower vertebrates and mammals. They display differential tissue distribution and each of the three isotypes fulfills specific functions. PPARalpha and PPARgamma control energy homoeostasis and inflammatory responses. Their activity can be modulated by drugs such as the hypolipidaemic fibrates and the insulin sensitising thiazolidinediones (pioglitazone and rosiglitazone). Thus, these receptors are involved in the control of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and atherosclerosis. Little is known about the main function of PPARbeta, but it has been implicated in embryo implantation, tumorigenesis in the colon, reverse cholesterol transport, and recently in skin wound healing. Here, we present recent developments in the PPAR field with particular emphasis on both the function of PPARs in lipid metabolism and energy homoeostasis (PPARalpha and PPARgamma), and their role in epidermal maturation and skin wound repair (PPARalpha and PPARbeta).


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La cicatrisation cutanée requiert de nombreux mécanismes et un nombre toujours croissant de molécules participant à ces réactions sont identifiées. La compréhension de cette cinétique et des différents facteurs impliqués dans ce processus permet d'accélérer la guérison des plaies. Certains facteurs de croissance (PDGF, FGF, EGF) ont déjà été utilisés localement sur des plaies mais leurs effets relatés sont inconsistants et contradictoires, probablement en raison de l'absence de cinétique ou de concentration physiologique. Les plaquettes jouent un rôle fondamental dans la cicatrisation cutanée, principalement par la formation du clou plaquettaire et le relargage de divers facteurs de croissance et de cytokines. De même, les kératinocytes ont un rôle similaire dans l'épithélialisation des plaies. Ainsi, l'apport de plaquettes et de kératinocytes sur une plaie pourrait accélérer sa cicatrisation. L'étude rapportée ici tente de vérifier si une solution de kératinocytes autologues en suspension dans un concentré plaquettaire ou un concentré plaquettaire seul pourrait stimuler la cicatrisation cutanée. Pour ce faire, nous avons comparé trois groupes de 15 patients bénéficiant, sur une prise de greffe de profondeur similaire, d'un traitement standard fait de pansement simple, d'un concentré plaquettaire seul ou de kératinocytes autologues suspendus dans un concentré plaquettaire. Sur ces plaies, la durée de cicatrisation ainsi que la douleur au cours de la guérison ont été étudiés. Nos résultats montrent une réduction significative de la durée de cicatrisation dans le groupe traité avec un concentré plaquettaire, passant de 13.9 +/- 0.5 à 7.2 +/- 0.2 jours. Cet effet est encore plus marqué dans le groupe traité avec des kératinocytes en suspension dans un concentré plaquettaire passant de 13.9 +/- 0.5 à 5.7 +/- 0.2 jours. De même, la douleur évaluée au cinquième jour montre une nette diminution dans les deux groupes traités avec des cellules. En conclusion, notre travail montre que l'application de plaquettes autologues ou de kératinocytes en suspension dans un concentré plaquettaire permet d'accélérer la cicatrisation cutanée et de diminuer les douleurs, sans aucun effet indésirable constaté. Notre étude montre également qu'un concentré plaquettaire peut être utilisé comme vecteur pour une suspension de kératinocytes. L'identification de la cinétique d'apparition et de la concentration de chacun des facteurs de croissance lors de la cicatrisation cutanée permettrait dans le futur d'analyser plus finement et de traiter physiologiquement des plaies chroniques.


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OBJECTIVES This study was designed to assess effects of cholinergic stimulation using acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs), a group of drugs that stimulate cholinergic receptors and are used to treat Alzheimer's disease (AD), on healing of hip fractures. METHODS A retrospective cohort study was performed using 46-female AD patients, aged above 75 years, who sustained hip fractures. Study analyses included the first 6-months after hip fracture fixation procedure. Presence of AChEIs was used as predictor variable. Other variables that could affect study outcomes: age, body mass index (BMI), mental state or type of hip fracture, were also included. Radiographic union at fracture site (Hammer index), bone quality (Singh index) and fracture healing complications were recorded as study outcomes. The collected data was analyzed by student's-t, Mann-Whitney-U and chi-square tests. RESULTS No significant differences in age, BMI, mental state or type of hip fracture were observed between AChEIs-users and nonusers. However, AChEIs-users had better radiographic union at the fracture site (relative risk (RR),2.7; 95%confidence interval (CI),0.9-7.8), better bone quality (RR,2.0; 95%CI,1.2-3.3) and fewer healing complications (RR,0.8; 95%CI,0.7-1.0) than nonusers. CONCLUSION In elderly female patients with AD, the use of AChEIs might be associated with an enhanced fracture healing and minimized complications.


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Intracellular signals elicited by LDLs are likely to play a role in the pathogenesis associated with increased LDL blood levels. We have previously determined that LDL stimulation of human skin fibroblasts, used as a model system for adventitial fibroblasts, activates p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), followed by IL-8 production and increased wound-healing capacity of the cells. The proximal events triggering these responses had not been characterized, however. Here we show that MAPK kinases MKK3 and MKK6, but not MKK4, are the upstream kinases responsible for the activation of the p38 MAPKs and stimulation of wound closure in response to LDLs. Phosphoinositide 3 kinases (PI3Ks) and Ras have been suggested to participate in lipoprotein-induced MAPK activation. However, specific PI3K inhibitors or expression of a dominant-negative form of Ras failed to blunt LDL-induced p38 MAPK activation. The classical LDL receptor does not participate in LDL signaling, but the contribution of other candidate lipoprotein receptors has not been investigated. Using cells derived from scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) knockout mice or the BLT-1 SR-BI inhibitor, we now show that this receptor is required for LDLs to stimulate p38 MAPKs and to promote wound healing. Identification of MKK3/6 and SR-BI as cellular relays in LDL-mediated p38 activation further defines the signaling events that could participate in LDL-mediated pathophysiological responses.