999 resultados para social wasps


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The wasps of the genus Polistes have been considered the key to understanding the evolution of social behavior in Hymenoptera. Several studies have shown that the development of organized insect societies was accompanied by the evolution of structures like exocrine glands, which became specialized to perform specific functions. This article investigates the ultrastructural and cytochemical features of the hypopharyngeal glands of Polistes versicolor. These glands have been studied in depth in social bees, where they occur only in nurses and produce the royal jelly. Our results revealed that these glands basically did not vary among individuals or between sexes. They are constituted by spherical cells, each with a large nucleus and well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum. Secretion vesicles are abundant, but lipid droplets were not observed, indicating that these glands may not have a role in pheromone synthesis. Acid phosphatase was detected in lysosomes, and also free in the cytosol, but did not seem to be related with cell death. Thus, our results suggest that the hypopharyngeal glands of P. versicolor may not have a specialized social role, but could produce digestive enzymes.


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Reproductive castes are compared in species of swarming wasps representing all currently recognized genera of Epiponini (Polistinae). New morphometric data for nine measures of body parts and ovarian data are presented for 13 species. These are integrated with all similarly conducted available studies, giving a total of 30 species. Analysis reveals several syndromes relating reproductive and nonreproductive individuals: no meaningful distinction, physiological differences only, reproductives larger than nonreproductives with intermediate individuals present, reproductives different in shape from nonreproductives with no intermediates, and reproductives smaller in some aspects than nonreproductives. Distribution of these syndromes among species is consistent with phylogenetic relationships derived from other data. Optimizing these syndromes on the cladogram indicates that the basal condition of Epiponini is a casteless society that is not comparable to the primitively social genus Polistes where dominant queens control reproduction. Castes originate several times in Epiponini, with different results in different lineages. The best documented evolutionary sequence passes from casteless societies, to those with reproductives larger, to those with reproductives differing in shape from nonreproductives, to those with reproductives smaller in some measures. This sequence is consistent with Wheeler's theory of the origin of caste through developmental switches, and represents the most thorough test of that theory to date.


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The present study was carried out under field conditions in Rio Claro, Southeastern Brazil. The following average life-spans of adults of Mischocyttarus cerberus styx were observed: queens 191.1 days, workers 14.0 days, and males 10.7 days. The short longevity of workers is attributed to the early foraging activity which was performed since the first week of adult age. The life table of the workers revealed high mortality rates during the first three weeks of life. Twenty-four behavioral categories were reported for these wasps and a comparative behavioral catalogue showed that the solitary foundresses (pre-emergence stage) are significantly more active than the queens (post-emergence stage) because they have to perform all the tasks for the nest maintenance. On the other hand, the queens were highly active even in the presence of the workers. The small number of individuals on the nest was the probable cause of the high activity of the queens in the post-emergence colonies. There was no clear division of tasks among workers according to their age (in weeks), so that most of the behavior categories were potentially performed by any worker of any age. Dead queens were replaced by their daughters.


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The cocoon, produced by most holometabolous insects, is built with silk that is usually produced by the larval salivary gland. Although this silk has been widely studied in the Lepidoptera, its composition and macromolecular arrangement remains unknown in the Hymenoptera. The macromolecular array patterns of the silk in the larval salivary gland of some meliponids, wasps, and ants were analyzed with polarized-light microscopy, and they were compared with those of Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera). There is a birefringent secretion in the glandular lumen of all larvae, due to filamentous structural proteins that display anisotropy. The silk in the distal, middle and proximal regions of the secretory portion of Formicidae and Vespidae glands presented a lattice optical pattern. We found a different pattern in the middle secretory portion of the Meliponini, with a zigzag rather than a lattice pattern. This indicates that the biopolymer fibers begin their macromolecular reorganization at this glandular region, different from the Formicidae and the Vespidae, in which the zigzag optical pattern was only found at the lateral duct. Probably, the mechanism of silk production in the Hymenoptera is a characteristic inherited from a common ancestor of Vespoidea and Sphecoidea; the alterations in the pattern observed in the Meliponini could be a derived characteristic in the Hymenoptera. We found no similarity in the macromolecular reorganization patterns of the silk between the Hymenoptera species and the silkworm.


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Using histochemical techniques, the present work describes the basic histochemical characteristics of the secretion in hypopharyngeal glands of Polistes versicolor (Olivier) and estimates the secretory activity in specimens of different ages. The secretory activity was determined by glandular cell diameter and by the amount of secretion present in the glands. The results did not reveal a relationship between these parameters and the age of the wasps, not allowing us to determine the development cycle of these glands throughout the wasps' life. Also, a relationship between glandular cell diameter and amount of secretion present in the glands was not observed.


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The results on the nutritional influence in the social hierarchy establishment among females from six colonies of Mischocyttarus cassununga show that: - there was no caste determination in the pre-imaginal period concerning ingested food quantities, however, in relation to qualification (proteins and carbohydrate) the Mann-Whitney test applied showed variation among colonies: in two colonics (colony 3, p=0.0209; colony 4, p=0.0090) the larvae which ingested a higher quantity of solid food became adults of hierarchically higher position, however in two other colonies, colony 1 (p=0.6744) and colony 2 (p=0.3367) this difference was not statistically significant; in two experimentally manipulated colonies the caste determination was observed in the imaginal phase (it was verified that the larger the food quantity consumed, the higher the assumed hierarchical position by the individuals); - adult individuals of hierarchically higher position in two colonies ingested a greater amount of solid than liquid food (Mann-Whitney; p ≤ 0.05), however in the other three colonies there was no difference. It can be seen that for all colonies (2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) the high tendency to solid food ingestion occurs. In colony 1, this data was not collected because the observation purpose was different); - inside the colony hierarchy, the older individuals were the ones that occupied higher hierarchical positions; - more than one inseminated female per colony was found in the two experimentally manipulated colonies ; - ovarian development is greater in inseminated females; - the average height of the 3rd tergite was greater for inseminated females, indicating an adaptation to accommodate larger ovary development (t-Student test; p ≤ 0.05).


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The genus Mischocyttarus comprises 245 species of neotropical basal eusocial wasps. They form small colonies (rarely more than few tens of individuals); castes are morphologically undifferentiated and determined behaviorally by agonistic interactions. The aim of this study was to verify the effects of the experimental disruption of social hierarchy on foraging activity of Mischocyttarus cerberus styx. We observed six colonies in postemergence phase and recorded data on the foraging activity under two experimental conditions: (1) removal of lower-ranked females and (2) removal of higher ranked females, except the queen. Our results showed that the removal of higher-ranked females had higher effect on the number of foraging trips of M. cerberus styx than the removal of lower-ranked females (the number of foraging trips/hour decreased by 66.4 and 32.7, resp.). Such results are likely due to the social organization of this species and the presence of a distinct class of females, which in this study were regarded as intermediates. Our data also showed that, irrespective of the hierarchical status of the females, the removal of two or three individuals affected significantly the number of foraging trips in this species. Copyright 2011 Vanderlei Conceio Costa Filho et al.


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Peptides isolated from animal venoms have shown the ability to regulate pancreatic beta cell function. Characterization of wasp venoms is important, since some components of these venoms present large molecular variability, and potential interactions with different signal transduction pathways. For example, the well studied mastoparan peptides interact with a diversity of cell types and cellular components and stimulate insulin secretion via the inhibition of ATP dependent K + (K ATP) channels, increasing intracellular Ca 2+ concentration. In this study, the insulin secretion of isolated pancreatic islets from adult Swiss mice was evaluated in the presence of synthetic Agelaia MP-I (AMP-I) peptide, and some mechanisms of action of this peptide on endocrine pancreatic function were characterized. AMP-I was manually synthesized using the Fmoc strategy, purified by RP-HPLC and analyzed using ESI-IT-TOF mass spectrometry. Isolated islets were incubated at increasing glucose concentrations (2.8, 11.1 and 22.2 mM) without (Control group: CTL) or with 10 μM AMP-I (AMP-I group). AMP-I increased insulin release at all tested glucose concentrations, when compared with CTL (P < 0.05). Since molecular analysis showed a potential role of the peptide interaction with ionic channels, insulin secretion was also analyzed in the presence of 250 μM diazoxide, a K ATP channel opener and 10 μM nifedipine, a Ca 2+ channel blocker. These drugs abolished insulin secretion in the CTL group in the presence of 2.8 and 11.1 mM glucose, whereas AMP-I also enhanced insulin secretory capacity, under these glucose conditions, when incubated with diazoxide and nifedipine. In conclusion, AMP-I increased beta cell secretion without interfering in K ATP and L-type Ca 2+ channel function, suggesting a different mechanism for this peptide, possibly by G protein interaction, due to the structural similarity of this peptide with Mastoparan-X, as obtained by modeling. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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In this study, we describe the cDNA cloning, sequencing, and 3-D structure of the allergen hyaluronidase from Polybia paulista venom (Pp-Hyal). Using a proteomic approach, the native form of Pp-Hyal was purified to homogeneity and used to produce a Pp-specific polyclonal antibody. The results revealed that Pp-Hyal can be classified as a glycosyl hydrolase and that the full-length Pp-Hyal cDNA (1315 bp; GI: 302201582) is similar (80-90%) to hyaluronidase from the venoms of endemic Northern wasp species. The isolated mature protein is comprised of 338 amino acids, with a theoretical pI of 8.77 and a molecular mass of 39,648.8 Da versus a pI of 8.13 and 43,277.0 Da indicated by MS. The Pp-Hyal 3D-structural model revealed a central core (α/β)7 barrel, two sulfide bonds (Cys 19-308 and Cys 185-197), and three putative glycosylation sites (Asn79, Asn187, and Asn325), two of which are also found in the rVes v 2 protein. Based on the model, residues Ser299, Asp107, and Glu109 interact with the substrate and potential epitopes (five conformational and seven linear) located at surface-exposed regions of the structure. Purified native Pp-Hyal showed high similarity (97%) with hyaluronidase from Polistes annularis venom (Q9U6V9). Immunoblotting analysis confirmed the specificity of the Pp-Hyal-specific antibody as it recognized the Pp-Hyal protein in both the purified fraction and P. paulista crude venom. No reaction was observed with the venoms of Apis mellifera, Solenopsis invicta, Agelaia pallipes pallipes, and Polistes lanio lanio, with the exception of immune cross-reactivity with venoms of the genus Polybia (sericea and ignobilis). Our results demonstrate cross-reactivity only between wasp venoms from the genus Polybia. The absence of cross-reactivity between the venoms of wasps and bees observed here is important because it allows identification of the insect responsible for sensitization, or at least of the phylogenetically closest insect, in order to facilitate effective immunotherapy in allergic patients. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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DNA methylation plays an important role in the epigenetic control of developmental and behavioral plasticity, with connections to the generation of striking phenotypic differences between castes (larger, reproductive queens and smaller, non-reproductive workers) in honeybees and ants. Here, we provide the first comparative investigation of caste- and life stage-associated DNA methylation in several species of bees and vespid wasps displaying different levels of social organization. Our results reveal moderate levels of DNA methylation in most bees and wasps, with no clear relationship to the level of sociality. Strikingly, primitively social Polistes dominula paper wasps show unusually high overall DNA methylation and caste-related differences in site-specific methylation. These results suggest DNA methylation may play a role in the regulation of behavioral and physiological differences in primitively social species with more flexible caste differences. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC