958 resultados para simian-virus-40 (SV40) large tumour-antigen nuclear localization sequence


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OBJECTIVE: Human defensins and cathelicidins are a family of cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), which play multiple roles in both innate and adaptive immune systems. They have direct antimicrobial activity against several microorganisms including burn pathogens. The majority of components of innate and adaptive immunity either express naturally occurring defensins or are otherwise chemoattracted or functionally affected by them. They also enhance adaptive immunity and wound healing and alter antibody production. All mechanisms to explain multiple functions of AMPs are not clearly understood. Prior studies to localize defensins in normal and burned skin using deconvolution fluorescence scanning microscopy indicate localization of defensins in the nucleus, perinuclear regions, and cytoplasm. The objective of this study is to further confirm the identification of HBD-1 in the nucleus by deconvolution microscopic studies involving image reconstruction and wire frame modeling. RESULTS: Our study demonstrated the presence of intranuclear HBD-1 in keratinocytes throughout the stratum spinosum by costaining with the nuclear probe DAPI. In addition, HBD-1 sequence does show some homology with known cationic nuclear localization signal sequences. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first report to localize HBD-1 in the nuclear region, suggesting a role for this peptide in gene expression and providing new data that may help determine mechanisms of defensin functions.


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B-lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS also called BAFF), is a potent cell survival factor expressed in many hematopoietic cells. BLyS levels are elevated in the serum of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) patients, and have been reported to be associated with disease progression, and prognosis. To understand the mechanisms involved in BLyS gene expression and regulation, we examined expression, function, and regulation of the BLyS gene in B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL-B) cells. BLyS is constitutively expressed in aggressive NHL-B cells including large B cell lymphoma (LBCL) and mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) contributing to survival and proliferation of malignant B cells. Two important transcription factors, NF-κB and NFAT, were found to be involved in regulating BLyS expression through at least one NF-κB and two NFAT binding sites in the BLyS promoter. Further study indicates that the constitutive activation of NF-κB and BLyS in NHL-B cells forms a positive feedback loop contributing to cell survival and proliferation. In order to further investigate BLyS signaling pathway, we studied the function of BAFF-R, a major BLyS receptor, on B cells survival and proliferation. Initial study revealed that BAFF-R was also found in the nucleus, in addition to its presence on plasma membrane of B cells. Nuclear presentation of BAFF-R can be increased by anti-IgM and soluble BLyS treatment in normal peripheral B lymphocytes. Inhibition of BLyS expression decreases nuclear BAFF-R level in LBCL cells. Furthermore, we showed that BAFF-R translocated to nucleus through the classic karyopherin pathway. A candidate nuclear localization sequence (NLS) was identified in the BAFF-R protein sequence and mutation of this putative NLS can block BAFF-R entering nucleus and LBCL cell proliferation. Further study showed that BAFF-R co-localized with NF-κB family member, c-rel in the nucleus. We also found BAFF-R mediated transcriptional activity, which could be increased by c-rel. We also found that nuclear BAFF-R could bind to the NF-κB binding site on the promoters of NF-κB target genes such as BLyS, CD154, Bcl-xL, Bfl-1/A1 and IL-8. These findings indicate that BAFF-R may also promote survival and proliferation of normal B cells and NHL-B cells by directly functioning as a transcriptional co-factor with NF-κB family member. ^


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T-DNA nuclear import is a central event in genetic transformation of plant cells by Agrobacterium. Presumably, the T-DNA transport intermediate is a single-stranded DNA molecule associated with two bacterial proteins, VirD2 and VirE2, which most likely mediate the transport process. While VirE2 cooperatively coats the transported single-stranded DNA, VirD2 is covalently attached to its 5′ end. To better understand the mechanism of VirD2 action, a cellular receptor for VirD2 was identified and its encoding gene cloned from Arabidopsis. The identified protein, designated AtKAPα, specifically bound VirD2 in vivo and in vitro. VirD2–AtKAPα interaction was absolutely dependent on the carboxyl-terminal bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence of VirD2. The deduced amino acid sequence of AtKAPα was homologous to yeast and animal nuclear localization signal-binding proteins belonging to the karyopherin α family. Indeed, AtKAPα efficiently rescued a yeast mutant defective for nuclear import. Furthermore, AtKAPα specifically mediated transport of VirD2 into the nuclei of permeabilized yeast cells.


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We have cloned and sequenced cDNA for human karyopherin β2, also known as transportin. In a solution binding assay, recombinant β2 bound directly to recombinant nuclear mRNA-binding protein A1. Binding was inhibited by a peptide representing A1’s previously characterized M9 nuclear localization sequence (NLS), but not by a peptide representing a classical NLS. As previously shown for karyopherin β1, karyopherin β2 bound to several nucleoporins containing characteristic peptide repeat motifs. In a solution binding assay, both β1 and β2 competed with each other for binding to immobilized repeat nucleoporin Nup98. In digitonin-permeabilized cells, β2 was able to dock A1 at the nuclear rim and to import it into the nucleoplasm. At low concentrations of β2, there was no stimulation of import by the exogenous addition of the GTPase Ran. However, at higher concentrations of β2 there was marked stimulation of import by Ran. Import was inhibited by the nonhydrolyzable GTP analog guanylyl imidodiphosphate by a Ran mutant that is unable to hydrolyze GTP and also by wheat germ agglutinin. Consistent with the solution binding results, karyopherin β2 inhibited karyopherin α/β1-mediated import of a classical NLS containing substrate and, vice versa, β1 inhibited β2-mediated import of A1 substrate, suggesting that the two import pathways merge at the level of docking of β1 and β2 to repeat nucleoporins.


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Cdc48p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its highly conserved mammalian homologue VCP (valosin-containing protein) are ATPases with essential functions in cell division and homotypic fusion of endoplasmic reticulum vesicles. Both are mainly attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, but relocalize in a cell cycle-dependent manner: Cdc48p enters the nucleus during late G1; VCP aggregates at the centrosome during mitosis. The nuclear import signal sequence of Cdc48p was localized near the amino terminus and its function demonstrated by mutagenesis. The nuclear import is regulated by a cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation of a tyrosine residue near the carboxy terminus. Two-hybrid studies indicate that the phosphorylation results in a conformational change of the protein, exposing the nuclear import signal sequence previously masked by a stretch of acidic residues.


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Human basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) occurs in four isoforms: a low molecular weight (LMW FGF-2, 18 kDa) and three high molecular weight (HMW FGF-2, 22, 22.5, and 24 kDa) forms. LMW FGF-2 is primarily cytoplasmic and functions in an autocrine manner, whereas HMW FGF-2s are nuclear and exert activities through an intracrine, perhaps nuclear, pathway. Selective overexpression of HMW FGF-2 forms in fibroblasts promotes growth in low serum, whereas overexpression of LMW FGF-2 does not. The HMW FGF-2 forms have two functional domains: an amino-terminal extension and a common 18-kDa amino acid sequence. To investigate the role of these regions in the intracrine signaling of HMW FGF-2, we produced stable transfectants of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts overexpressing either individual HMW FGF-2 forms or artificially nuclear-targeted LMW FGF-2. All of these forms of FGF-2 localize to the nucleus/nucleolus and induce growth in low serum. The nuclear forms of FGF-2 trigger a mitogenic stimulus under serum starvation conditions and do not specifically protect the cells from apoptosis. These data indicate the existence of a specific role for nuclear FGF-2 and suggest that LMW FGF-2 represents the biological messenger in both the autocrine/paracrine and intracrine FGF-2 pathways.


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In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, microtubules are organized by the spindle pole body (SPB), which is embedded in the nuclear envelope. Microtubule organization requires the γ-tubulin complex containing the γ-tubulin Tub4p, Spc98p, and Spc97p. The Tub4p complex is associated with cytoplasmic and nuclear substructures of the SPB, which organize the cytoplasmic and nuclear microtubules. Here we present evidence that the Tub4p complex assembles in the cytoplasm and then either binds to the cytoplasmic side of the SPB or is imported into the nucleus followed by binding to the nuclear side of the SPB. Nuclear import of the Tub4p complex is mediated by the essential nuclear localization sequence of Spc98p. Our studies also indicate that Spc98p in the Tub4p complex is phosphorylated at the nuclear, but not at the cytoplasmic, side of the SPB. This phosphorylation is cell cycle dependent and occurs after SPB duplication and nucleation of microtubules by the new SPB and therefore may have a role in mitotic spindle function. In addition, activation of the mitotic checkpoint stimulates Spc98p phosphorylation. The kinase Mps1p, which functions in SPB duplication and mitotic checkpoint control, seems to be involved in Spc98p phosphorylation. Our results also suggest that the nuclear and cytoplasmic Tub4p complexes are regulated differently.


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The minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins MCM2–MCM7 are conserved eukaryotic replication factors that assemble in a heterohexameric complex. In fission yeast, these proteins are nuclear throughout the cell cycle. In studying the mechanism that regulates assembly of the MCM complex, we analyzed the cis and trans elements required for nuclear localization of a single subunit, Mcm2p. Mutation of any single mcm gene leads to redistribution of wild-type MCM subunits to the cytoplasm, and this redistribution depends on an active nuclear export system. We identified the nuclear localization signal sequences of Mcm2p and showed that these are required for nuclear targeting of other MCM subunits. In turn, Mcm2p must associate with other MCM proteins for its proper localization; nuclear localization of MCM proteins thus requires assembly of MCM proteins in a complex. We suggest that coupling complex assembly to nuclear targeting and retention ensures that only intact heterohexameric MCM complexes remain nuclear.


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The A mating type genes of the mushroom Coprinus cinereus encode two families of dissimilar homeodomain proteins (HD1 and HD2). The proteins heterodimerize when mating cells fuse to generate a transcriptional regulator that promotes expression of genes required for early steps in sexual development. In previous work we showed that heterodimerization brings together different functional domains of the HD1 and HD2 proteins; a potential activation domain at the C terminus of the HD1 protein and an essential HD2 DNA-binding motif. Two predicted nuclear localization signals (NLS) are present in the HD1 protein but none are in the HD2 protein. We deleted each NLS separately from an HD1 protein and showed that one (NLS1) is essential for normal heterodimer function. Fusion of the NLS sequences to the C terminus of an HD2 protein compensated for their deletion from the HD1 protein partner and permitted the two modified proteins to form a functional transcriptional regulator. The nuclear targeting properties of the A protein NLS sequences were demonstrated by fusing the region that encodes them to the bacterial uidA (β-glucuronidase) gene and showing that β-glucuronidase expression localized to the nuclei of onion epidermal cells. These observations lead to the proposal that heterodimerization regulates entry of the active transcription factor complex to the nucleus.


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The Rev protein of HIV-1 actively shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm and mediates the export of unspliced retroviral RNAs. The localization of shuttling proteins such as Rev is controlled by the relative rates of nuclear import and export. To study nuclear export in isolation, we generated cell lines expressing a green fluorescent protein-labeled chimeric protein consisting of HIV-1 Rev and a hormone-inducible nuclear localization sequence. Steroid removal switches off import thus allowing direct visualization of the Rev export pathway in living cells. After digitonin permeabilization of these cells, we found that a functional nuclear export sequence (NES), ATP, and fractionated cytosol were sufficient for nuclear export in vitro. Nuclear pore-specific lectins and leptomycin B were potent export inhibitors. Nuclear export was not inhibited by antagonists of calcium metabolism that block nuclear import. These data further suggest that nuclear pores do not functionally close when luminal calcium stores are depleted. The distinct requirements for nuclear import and export argue that these competing processes may be regulated independently. This system should have wide applicability for the analysis of nuclear import and export.


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Vsx-1 is a paired-like:CVC homeobox gene whose expression is linked to bipolar cell differentiation during zebrafish retinogenesis. We used a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify proteins interacting with Vsx-1 and isolated Ubc9, an enzyme that conjugates the small ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO-1. Despite its interaction with Ubc9, we show that Vsx-1 is not a substrate for SUMO-1 in COS-7 cells or in vitro. When a yeast two-hybrid assay is used, deletion analysis of the interacting domain on Vsx-1 shows that Ubc9 binds to a nuclear localization signal (NLS) at the NH2 terminus of the homeodomain. In SW13 cells, Vsx-1 localizes to the nucleus and is excluded from nucleoli. Deletion of the NLS disrupts this nuclear localization, resulting in a diffuse cytoplasmic distribution of Vsx-1. In SW13 AK1 cells that express low levels of endogenous Ubc9, Vsx-1 accumulates in a perinuclear ring and colocalizes with an endoplasmic reticulum marker. However, NLS-tagged STAT1 protein exhibits normal nuclear localization in both SW13 and SW13 AK1 cells, suggesting that nuclear import is not globally disrupted. Cotransfection of Vsx-1 with Ubc9 restores Vsx-1 nuclear localization in SW3 AK1 cells and demonstrates that Ubc9 is required for the nuclear localization of Vsx-1. Ubc9 continues to restore nuclear localization even after a C93S active site mutation has eliminated its SUMO-1-conjugating ability. These results suggest that Ubc9 mediates the nuclear localization of Vsx-1, and possibly other proteins, through a nonenzymatic mechanism that is independent of SUMO-1 conjugation.


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Reports of nuclear tRNA aminoacylation and its role in tRNA nuclear export (Lund and Dahlberg, 1998; Sarkar et al., 1999; Grosshans et al., 2000a) have led to the prediction that there should be nuclear pools of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. We report that in budding yeast there are nuclear pools of tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase, Tys1p. By sequence alignments we predicted a Tys1p nuclear localization sequence and showed it to be sufficient for nuclear location of a passenger protein. Mutations of this nuclear localization sequence in endogenous Tys1p reduce nuclear Tys1p pools, indicating that the motif is also important for nucleus location. The mutations do not significantly affect catalytic activity, but they do cause defects in export of tRNAs to the cytosol. Despite export defects, the cells are viable, indicating that nuclear tRNA aminoacylation is not required for all tRNA nuclear export paths. Because the tRNA nuclear exportin, Los1p, is also unessential, we tested whether tRNA aminoacylation and Los1p operate in alternative tRNA nuclear export paths. No genetic interactions between aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and Los1p were detected, indicating that tRNA nuclear aminoacylation and Los1p operate in the same export pathway or there are more than two pathways for tRNA nuclear export.


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The nuclear import of the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT)-family transcription factors is initiated by the protein phosphatase calcineurin. Here we identify a regulatory region of NFAT1, N terminal to the DNA-binding domain, that controls nuclear import of NFAT1. The regulatory region of NFAT1 binds directly to calcineurin, is a substrate for calcineurin in vitro, and shows regulated subcellular localization identical to that of full-length NFAT1. The corresponding region of NFATc likewise binds calcineurin, suggesting that the efficient activation of NFAT1 and NFATc by calcineurin reflects a specific targeting of the phosphatase to these proteins. The presence in other NFAT-family transcription factors of several sequence motifs from the regulatory region of NFAT1, including its probable nuclear localization sequence, indicates that a conserved protein domain may control nuclear import of all NFAT proteins.


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The R-sc gene of maize is a member of the R gene family of transcriptional activators that regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis. A derivative of R-sc, r-m9 conditions a reduced level of aleurone pigmentation due to the presence of a 2.1-kb Ds insertion near the 3' end of the coding region. Excision of Ds from r-m9 leaves a 7-bp insertion in the darker but still mutant v24 derivative. Both the 7-bp insertion in v24 and the 2.1-kb Ds in r-m9 are predicted to truncate their respective R proteins proximal to the carboxyl terminus, which was shown previously to contain one of three nuclear localization sequences. We find that the reduced expression of r-m9 and v24 are not due to mRNA or protein instability, but most likely reflect the inefficient localization of truncated R proteins to the nucleus. To our knowledge this is the first example of a transposable element insertion that alters gene expression by affecting nuclear localization. In addition, our data indicate that the carboxyl terminus of the R protein is far more important than previously suspected and illustrates the utility of natural mutations for defining functional domains in proteins.


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Srp1p, the protein encoded by SRP1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a nuclear-pore-associated protein. Its Xenopus homolog, importin, was recently shown to be an essential component required for nuclear localization signal (NLS)-dependent binding of karyophilic proteins to the nuclear envelope [Gorlich, D., Prehn, S., Laskey, R. A. & Hartman, E. (1994) Cell 79, 767-778]. We have discovered a protein kinase whose activity is stimulated by Srp1p (Srp1p fused to glutathione S-transferase and expressed in Escherichia coli) and is detected by phosphorylation of Srp1p and of a 36-kDa protein, a component of the protein kinase complex. The enzyme, called Srp1p kinase, is a protein-serine kinase and was found in extracts in two related complexes of approximately 180 kDa and 220 kDa. The second complex, when purified, contained four protein components including the 36-kDa protein. We observed that, upon purification of the kinase, phosphorylation of Srp1p became very weak, while activation of phosphorylation of the 36-kDa protein by Srp1p remained unaltered. Significantly, NLS peptides and the nuclear proteins we have tested greatly stimulated phosphorylation of Srp1p, suggesting that Srp1p, complexed with karyophilic proteins carrying an NLS, is the in vivo substrate of this protein kinase.