979 resultados para silicate surface chemistry


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A central composite rotatable design (CCRD) method was used to investigate the performance of the accelerated thermomolecular adhesion process (ATmaP), at different operating conditions. ATmaP is a modified flame-treatment process that features the injection of a coupling agent into the flame to impart a tailored molecular surface chemistry on the work piece. In this study, the surface properties of treated polypropylene were evaluated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). All samples showed a significant increase in the relative concentration of oxygen (up to 12.2%) and nitrogen (up to 2.4%) at the surface in comparison with the untreated sample (0.7% oxygen and no detectable nitrogen) as measured by XPS. ToF-SIMS and principal components analysis (PCA) showed that ATmaP induced multiple reactions at the polypropylene surface such as chain scission, oxidation, nitration, condensation, and molecular loss, as indicated by changes in the relative intensities of the hydrocarbon (C3H7+ , C3H5+ , C4H7+, and C5H9+), nitrogen and oxygen-containing secondary ions (C2H3O+, C3H8N+, C2H5NO+, C3H6NO+, and C3H7NO+). The increase in relative intensity of the nitrogen oxide ions (C2H5NO+ and C3H7NO+) correlates with the process of incorporating oxides of nitrogen into the surface as a result of the injection of the ATmaP coupling agent.


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Measurements are presented of the electrical double layer and van der Waals forces between the (0001) surfaces of two single-crystal sapphire platelets immersed in an aqueous solution of NaCl at pH values from 6.7 to 11. The results fit the standard Deryaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory, with a Hamaker constant of 6.7 × 10−20 J. These are the first measurements made using the Israelachvili surface forces apparatus without mica as a substrate material, and they demonstrate the possibility of using this technique to explore the surface chemistry of a wider range of materials.


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Nylon is a relatively inert polymer. The ability to easily functionalize nylon with biomolecules will improve the utilization of nylon in biological systems. A potential use of the biofunctionalized nylon scaffolds is in devices for cell therapeutics that can specifically select cells present in small numbers, such as hematopoietic stem cells. This study developed a versatile and simple two-step technique combining oxygen plasma treatment with wet silanization to graft biomolecules onto nylon 6,6 3D porous scaffolds. Scaffolds that were exposed to oxygen plasma exhibited up to 13-fold increase in silane attachment ((3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane/(3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane) compared to untreated scaffolds. To address the limitation of nondestructive characterization of the surface chemistry of 3D scaffolds, fluorescent CdSe/ZnS nanoparticles were used as a reporting tool for -NH(2) functionalized surfaces. Scaffolds that were covalently bound with neutravidin protein remained stable in phosphate buffered saline up to four months. Functionality of the neutravidin-grafted scaffolds was demonstrated by the specific binding of CD4 cells to the scaffold via CD4-specific antibody. Ultimately, these neutravidin-functionalized 3D nylon scaffolds could be easily customized on demand utilizing a plethora of biotinylated biomolecules (antibodies, enzymes and proteins) to select for specific cell of interest. This technique can be extended to other applications, including the enhancement of cell-scaffold interactions.


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The preparation of crack-free SnO2 supported membranes requires the development of new strategies of synthesis capable to allow controlled changes of surface chemistry and to improve the processability of supported layers. In this way, the controlled modification of the SnO2 nanoparticle surface by adding capping molecules like Tiron(R) ((OH)(2)C6H2(SO3Na)(2)) during the sol-gel process was studied, aiming to obtain high performance membranes. Colloidal suspensions were prepared by hydrolyzing SnCl4.5H(2)O aqueous solution with NH4OH in presence of Tiron(R). The effect of the amount of Tiro(R) (from I to 20 wt.%) on the structural features of nanoparticles, powder redispersability and particle-solution interface properties was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), quasi-elastic light scattering and electrophoretic mobility measurements. XRPD and EXAFS results showed that the addition of Tiron(R) up to 20 wt.% to colloidal suspensions does not affect the crystallite size of SnO2 primary particles, determined around 2-3 nm. This value is comparable to the hydrodynamic size measured after redispersion of powder prepared with amount of Tiro(R) higher than 7.5 wt.%, indicating the absence of condensation reactions between primary particles after the initial precipitation step. As a consequence the powder with amount of Tiron(R) > 7.5 wt.%, can be fully redispersed in aqueous solution at pH greater than or equal to I I until a nanoparticle concentration of 6 vol.%. The electrophoresis measurements showed a decrease of the isoelectric point by increasing the amount of grafted Tiron(R) at the SnO2 nanoparticle surface, resulting in negatively charged particle-solution interface in all the studied pH range (2-11). These features govern the gelation process favoring the preparation of crack-free SnO2 supported membranes. The control exercised by Tiron(R) modifying agent in the aggregation process allows the fine-tuning of the porosity, from 0.124 to 0.065 cm(3) g(-1), and mean pore size, from 6.4 to 1.9 nm, as the amount of grafted molecules increases from 0 to 10 wt.%. In consequence, the membrane cut-off determined by filtration of polyethylene glycol standard solutions can be screened from 1500 to 3500 g mol(-1). (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Biocompatible inorganic nano- and microcarriers can be suitable candidates for protein delivery. This study demonstrates facile methods of functionalization by using nanoscale linker molecules to change the protein adsorption capacity of hydroxyapatite (HA) powder. The adsorption capacity of bovine serum albumin as a model protein has been studied with respect to the surface modifications. The selected linker molecules (lysine, arginine, and phosphoserine) can influence the adsorption capacity by changing the electrostatic nature of the HA surface. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of linker-molecule interactions with the HA surface have been performed by using NMR spectroscopy, zeta-potential measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analyses. Additionally, correlations to theoretical isotherm models have been calculated with respect to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Lysine and arginine increased the protein adsorption, whereas phosphoserine reduced the protein adsorption. The results show that the adsorption capacity can be controlled with different functionalization, depending on the protein-carrier selections under consideration. The scientific knowledge acquired from this study can be applied in various biotechnological applications that involve biomolecule-inorganic material interfaces.


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The surface properties of minerals have important implications in geology, environment, industry and biotechnology and for certain aspects in the research on the origin of life. This research project aims to widen the knowledge on the nanoscale surface properties of chlorite and phlogopite by means of advanced methodologies, and also to investigate the interaction of fundamental biomolecules, such as nucleotides, RNA, DNA and amino acid glycine with the surface of the selected phyllosilicates. Multiple advanced and complex experimental approaches based on scanning probe microscopy and spatially resolved spectroscopy were used and in some cases specifically developed. The results demonstrate that chlorite exposes at the surface atomically flat terraces with 0.5 nm steps typically generated by the fragmentation of the octahedral sheet of the interlayer (brucitic-type). This fragmentation at the nanoscale generates a high anisotropy and inhomogeneity with surface type and isomorphous cationic substitutions determining variations of the effective surface potential difference, ranging between 50-100 mV and 400-500 mV, when measured in air, between the TOT surface and the interlayer brucitic sheet. The surface potential was ascribed to be the driving force of the observed high affinity of the surface with the fundamental biomolecules, like single molecules of nucleotides, DNA, RNA and amino acids. Phlogopite was also observed to present an extended atomically flat surface, featuring negative surface potential values of some hundreds of millivolts and no significant local variations. Phlogopite surface was sometimes observed to present curvature features that may be ascribed to local substitutions of the interlayer cations or the presence of a crystal lattice mismatch or structural defects, such as stacking faults or dislocation loops. Surface chemistry was found similar to the bulk. The study of the interaction with nucleotides and glycine revealed a lower affinity with respect to the brucite-like surface of chlorite.


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Polymers that are used in clinical practice as bone-defect-filling materials possess many essential qualities, such as moldability, mechanical strength and biodegradability, but they are neither osteoconductive nor osteoinductive. Osteoconductivity can be conferred by coating the material with a layer of calcium phosphate, which can be rendered osteoinductive by functionalizing it with an osteogenic agent. We wished to ascertain whether the morphological and physicochemical characteristics of unfunctionalized and bovine-serum-albumin (BSA)-functionalized calcium-phosphate coatings were influenced by the surface properties of polymeric carriers. The release kinetics of the protein were also investigated. Two sponge-like materials (Helistat® and Polyactive®) and two fibrous ones (Ethisorb and poly[lactic-co-glycolic acid]) were tested. The coating characteristics were evaluated using state-of-the-art methodologies. The release kinetics of BSA were monitored spectrophotometrically. The characteristics of the amorphous and the crystalline phases of the coatings were not influenced by either the surface chemistry or the surface geometry of the underlying polymer. The mechanism whereby BSA was incorporated into the crystalline layer and the rate of release of the truly incorporated depot were likewise unaffected by the nature of the polymeric carrier. Our biomimetic coating technique could be applied to either spongy or fibrous bone-defect-filling organic polymers, with a view to rendering them osteoconductive and osteoinductive.


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In addition to particle size and surface chemistry, the shape of particles plays an important role in their wetting and displacement by the surfactant film in the lung. The role of particle shape was the subject of our investigations using a model system consisting of a modified Langmuir-Wilhelmy surface balance. We measured the influence of sharp edges (lines) and other highly curved surfaces, including sharp corners or spikes, of different particles on the spreading of a dipalmitoylphosphatidyl (DPPC) film. The edges of cylindrical sapphire plates (circular curved edges, 1.65 mm radius) were wetted at a surface tension of 10.7 mJ/m2 (standard error (SE) = 0.45, n = 20) compared with that of 13.8 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.20, n = 20) for cubic sapphire plates (straight linear edges, edge length 3 mm) (p < 0.05). The top surfaces of the sapphire plates (cubic and cylindrical) were wetted at 8.4 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.54, n = 20) and 9.1 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.50, n = 20), respectively, but the difference was not significant (p > 0.05). The surfaces of the plates showed significantly higher resistance to spreading compared to that of the edges, as substantially lower surface tensions were required to initiate wetting (p < 0.05). Similar results were found for talc particles, were the edges of macro- and microcrystalline particles were wetted at 7.2 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.52, n = 20) and 8.2 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.30, n = 20) (p > 0.05), respectively, whereas the surfaces were wetted at 3.8 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.89, n = 20) and 5.8 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.52, n = 20) (p < 0.05), respectively. Further experiments with pollen of malvaceae and maize (spiky and fine knobbly surfaces) were wetted at 10.0 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.52, n = 10) and 22.75 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.81, n = 10), respectively (p < 0.05). These results show that resistance to spreading of a DPPC film on various surfaces is dependent on the extent these surfaces are curved. This is seen with cubic sapphire plates which have at their corners a radius of curvature of about 0.75 microm, spiky malvaceae pollen with an even smaller radius on top of their spikes, or talc with various highly curved surfaces. These highly curved surfaces resisted wetting by the DPPC film to a higher degree than more moderately curved surfaces such as those of cylindrical sapphire plates, maize pollens, or polystyrene spheres, which have a surface free energy similar to that of talc but a smooth surface. The macroscopic plane surfaces of the particles demonstrated the greatest resistance to spreading. This was explained by the extremely fine grooves in the nanometer range, as revealed by electron microscopy. In summary, to understand the effects of airborne particles retained on the surfaces of the respiratory tract, and ultimately their pathological potential, not only the particle size and surface chemistry but also the particle shape should be taken in consideration.


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Selective flocculation and dispersion processes rely on differences in the surface chemistry of fine mineral particles (<25 >ìm) to allow for the concentration of specific minerals from an ore body. The effectiveness of selective flocculation and dispersion processes for the concentration of hematite (Fe2O3) ore are strongly dependent on the ionic content of the process water. The goal of this research was to analyze the ionic content of an operating selective flocculation and dispersion type hematite ore concentrator and determine how carbon dioxide affects the filtration of the final product. A detailed water chemistry analysis of the entire process was determined to show concentration profiles throughout the process. This information was used to explain process phenomena and promote future research into this subject. A subsequent laboratory study was conducted to show how carbon dioxide affects filtration rate and relate this effect to the zeta potential of the constituents of the concentrated hematite ore.


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Dissolved barium has been shown to have the potential to distinguish Eurasian from North American (NA) river runoff. As part of the ARK-XXII/2 Polarstern expedition in summer 2007, Ba was analyzed in the Barents, Kara, Laptev seas, and the Eurasian Basins as well as the Makarov Basin up to the Alpha and Mendeleyev Ridges. By combining salinity, d18O and initial phosphate corrected for mineralization with oxygen (PO4*) or N/P ratios we identified the water mass fractions of meteoric water, sea ice meltwater, and marine waters of Atlantic as well as Pacific origin in the upper water column. In all basins inside the lower halocline layer and the Arctic intermediate waters we find Ba concentrations close to those of the Fram Strait branch of the lower halocline (41-45 nM), reflecting the composition of the incoming Atlantic water. A layer of upper halocline water (UHW) with higher Ba concentrations (45-55 nM) is identified in the Makarov Basin. Atop of the UHW, the Surface Mixed Layer (SML), including the summer and winter mixed layers, has high concentrations of Ba (58-67 nM). In the SML of the investigated area of the central Arctic the meteoric fraction can be identified by assuming a conservative behavior of Ba to be primarily of Eurasian river origin. However, in productive coastal regions biological removal compromises the use of Ba to distinguish between Eurasian and NA rivers. As a consequence, the NA river water fraction is underestimated in productive surface waters or waters that have passed a productive region, whereas this fraction is overestimated in subsurface waters containing remineralised Ba, particularly when these waters have passed productive shelf regions. Especially in the Laptev Sea and small regions in the Barents Sea, Ba concentrations are low in surface waters. In the Laptev Sea exceptionally high Ba concentrations in shelf bottom waters indicate that Ba is removed from surface waters to deep waters by biological activity enhanced by increasing ice-free conditions as well as by scavenging by organic matter of terrestrial origin. We interpret high Ba concentrations in the UHW of the Makarov Basin to result from enrichment by remineralisation in bottom waters on the shelf of the Chukchi Sea and therefore the calculated NA runoff is an artefact. We conclude that no NA runoff can be demonstrated unequivocally anywhere during our expedition with the set of tracers considered here. Small contributions of NA runoff may have been masked by Ba depletion and could only be resolved by supportive tracers on the uptake history. We thus suggest that Ba has to be used with care as it can put limits but not yield quantitative water mass distributions. Only if the extra Ba inputs exceed the cumulative biological uptake the signal can be unequivocally attributed to NA runoff.