980 resultados para sheet metal stamping


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This study examines the effect of sliding speed and surface temperature on the wear behavior of an unlubricated mild steel-tool steel contact pair using the pin-on-disc test. The operating conditions and contact pair are of interest to the automotive sheet metal stamping industry and the broader metal forming community, where high contact pressures and moderate forming speeds can result in significant frictional heating and thus affect tool life. It will be shown that, while adhesive wear is dominant at the tool steel surface for all sliding speeds examined, the adhesive wear rate is very sensitive to sliding speed during slow speed conditions but relatively insensitive to sliding speed during higher speed conditions. These higher sliding speeds result in high frictional heating, however, the effect of increasing bulk temperature results in a transition from adhesive wear to material removal-dominated mechanisms. It is concluded that there is a distinct difference in the wear response for comparable surface temperature and bulk temperature conditions, at the low to moderate sliding speeds and temperatures examined in this study. The SEM and profilometry analysis show that the technique of increasing sliding speed to replicate bulk temperature conditions (or vice versa), may not result in equivalent wear rates and mechanisms.


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Por parte da indústria de estampagem tem-se verificado um interesse crescente em simulações numéricas de processos de conformação de chapa, incluindo também métodos de engenharia inversa. Este facto ocorre principalmente porque as técnicas de tentativa-erro, muito usadas no passado, não são mais competitivas a nível económico. O uso de códigos de simulação é, atualmente, uma prática corrente em ambiente industrial, pois os resultados tipicamente obtidos através de códigos com base no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF) são bem aceites pelas comunidades industriais e científicas Na tentativa de obter campos de tensão e de deformação precisos, uma análise eficiente com o MEF necessita de dados de entrada corretos, como geometrias, malhas, leis de comportamento não-lineares, carregamentos, leis de atrito, etc.. Com o objetivo de ultrapassar estas dificuldades podem ser considerados os problemas inversos. No trabalho apresentado, os seguintes problemas inversos, em Mecânica computacional, são apresentados e analisados: (i) problemas de identificação de parâmetros, que se referem à determinação de parâmetros de entrada que serão posteriormente usados em modelos constitutivos nas simulações numéricas e (ii) problemas de definição geométrica inicial de chapas e ferramentas, nos quais o objetivo é determinar a forma inicial de uma chapa ou de uma ferramenta tendo em vista a obtenção de uma determinada geometria após um processo de conformação. São introduzidas e implementadas novas estratégias de otimização, as quais conduzem a parâmetros de modelos constitutivos mais precisos. O objetivo destas estratégias é tirar vantagem das potencialidades de cada algoritmo e melhorar a eficiência geral dos métodos clássicos de otimização, os quais são baseados em processos de apenas um estágio. Algoritmos determinísticos, algoritmos inspirados em processos evolucionários ou mesmo a combinação destes dois são usados nas estratégias propostas. Estratégias de cascata, paralelas e híbridas são apresentadas em detalhe, sendo que as estratégias híbridas consistem na combinação de estratégias em cascata e paralelas. São apresentados e analisados dois métodos distintos para a avaliação da função objetivo em processos de identificação de parâmetros. Os métodos considerados são uma análise com um ponto único ou uma análise com elementos finitos. A avaliação com base num único ponto caracteriza uma quantidade infinitesimal de material sujeito a uma determinada história de deformação. Por outro lado, na análise através de elementos finitos, o modelo constitutivo é implementado e considerado para cada ponto de integração. Problemas inversos são apresentados e descritos, como por exemplo, a definição geométrica de chapas e ferramentas. Considerando o caso da otimização da forma inicial de uma chapa metálica a definição da forma inicial de uma chapa para a conformação de um elemento de cárter é considerado como problema em estudo. Ainda neste âmbito, um estudo sobre a influência da definição geométrica inicial da chapa no processo de otimização é efetuado. Este estudo é realizado considerando a formulação de NURBS na definição da face superior da chapa metálica, face cuja geometria será alterada durante o processo de conformação plástica. No caso dos processos de otimização de ferramentas, um processo de forjamento a dois estágios é apresentado. Com o objetivo de obter um cilindro perfeito após o forjamento, dois métodos distintos são considerados. No primeiro, a forma inicial do cilindro é otimizada e no outro a forma da ferramenta do primeiro estágio de conformação é otimizada. Para parametrizar a superfície livre do cilindro são utilizados diferentes métodos. Para a definição da ferramenta são também utilizados diferentes parametrizações. As estratégias de otimização propostas neste trabalho resolvem eficientemente problemas de otimização para a indústria de conformação metálica.


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The current work used discrete event simulation techniques to model the economics of quality within an actual automotive stamping plant. Automotive stamping is a complex, capital intensive process requiring part-specific tooling and specialised machinery. Quality control and quality improvement is difficult in the stamping environment due to the general lack of process understanding and the large number to interacting variables. These factors have prevented the widespread use of statistical process control. In this work, a model of the quality control techniques used at the Ford Geelong Stamping plant is developed and indirectly validated against results from production. To date, most discrete event models are of systems where the quality control process is clearly defined by the rules of statistical process control. However, the quality control technique used within the stamping plant is for the operator to perform a 100% visual inspection while unloading the finished panels. In the developed model, control is enacted after a cumulative count of defective items is observed, thereby approximating the operator who allows a number of defective panels to accumulate before resetting the line. Analysis of this model found that the cost sensitivity to inspection error is dependent upon the level of control and that the level of control determines line utilisation. Additional analysis of this model demonstrated that additional inspection processes would lead to more stable cost structures but these structures many not necessarily be lower cost. The model was subsequently applied to investigate the economics of quality improvement. The quality problem of panel blemishes, induced by slivers (small metal fragments), was chosen as a case stuffy. Errors of 20-30% were observed during direct validation of the cost model and it was concluded that the use of discrete event simulation models for applications requiring high accuracy would not be possible unless the production system was of low complexity. However, the model could be used to evaluate the sensitivity of input factors and investigating the effects of a number of potential improvement opportunities. Therefore, the research concluded that it is possible to use discrete event simulation to determine the quality economics of an actual stamping plant. However, limitations imposed by inability of the model to consider a number of external factors, such as continuous improvement, operator working conditions or wear and the lack of reliable quality data, result in low cost accuracy. Despite this, it still can be demonstrated that discrete event simulation has significant benefits over the alternate modelling methods.


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The tryout process at an automotive sheet metal production plant is outlined and analysed with the aim of augmenting the process to improve robustness through an understanding of variation using Finite Element (FE) analysis and other tools. The result is tryout can produce a more robust stamping process.


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This dataset is comprised of a spreadsheet of simulation result files, cross-section geometries of stamped parts, strain results of cross-section of stamped parts, simulation data (strain stress displacement energies), and variation data of material properties of a single coil. This data is a collection of both experimental and simulation results from industrial and laboratory stamping of advanced high strength steels (AHSS). The steels that were stamped were a typical high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel, a transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel, a super HSLA steel, and a dual phase (DP) steel. The selected part was an automatic Ford Falcon front cross-member component using the Ford Geelong stamping plant. The variation of the material and stamped parts was also collected.


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Os componentes obtidos através da conformação plástica de chapas têm uma grande importância, tanto na etapa de concepção do produto como na etapa de produção na indústria automóvel. Isto comprova-se pelo facto de, em média, cada automóvel integrar cerca de 500 componentes estampados para construir o chassis e a carroçaria [Alves 2003]. Deste total de componentes, 50 são de grandes dimensões (portas, tejadilho, painéis inferior e laterais, entre outros) e necessitam, em média, de cinco ferramentas para o seu fabrico, sendo o custo estimado para cada ferramenta de 230 000 € [Col 2000, Alves 2003]. Para além da indústria automóvel, a conformação plástica de chapas metálicas é um processo tecnológico presente nas indústrias relativas à aeroespacial, petrolífera, decoração, alimentar, entre outras. Do ponto de vista do enquadramento económico, cerca de 20% do custo total de um automóvel novo é devido à incorporação de componentes metálicos estampados. [Alves 2003]. A pressão do “Mercado Global” faz com que os custos relativos à matéria-prima, energia e mão-de-obra sejam uma constante em termos de redução do seu impacte no orçamento das empresas fornecedoras destes produtos. É neste contexto que surge a necessidade da realização deste estudo de Benchmark de Softwares, tornando-se bastante importante, quer ao nível da competitividade industrial, quer ao nível da inovação para novos produtos. A análise por elementos finitos desempenha um papel primordial no tryout virtual e otimização das ferramentas e processos de conformação plástica. Os objetivos principais deste estudo de simulação numérica são a identificação e comparação dos resultados obtidos pelo AUTOFORM e pelo PAMSTAMP, para cada uma das variáveis identificadas como as mais influentes na robustez dos processos de estampagem de chapa metálica. Estas variáveis identificadas são: consumo de material (Draw-in) após conformação; forças de conformação; valores de variação de espessura e dos valores de extensão e resultados de Springback. Os resultados obtidos são comparados com os resultados experimentais e, desta forma, avalia-se a capacidade inovadora e a eficácia de cada um dos softwares, obtendo-se assim, uma orientação mais real para o software mais indicado aos objetivos impostos pela indústria automóvel. Para este efeito, a indústria automóvel, como maior impulsionador e motor da investigação na área da simulação numérica aplicada aos processos de estampagem, tem aderido em peso ao Benchmarking. Um exemplo disto, é o que acontece nas conferências Numisheet. O Benchmark #2 da conferência Numisheet 2008 é analisado pormenorizadamente e os resultados numéricos e experimentais são comparados e apresentados. Dois materiais distintos (aço HC260LAD e liga de alumínio AC170), assim como três modelos com geometrias diferentes (com e sem freios) são apresentados neste relatório. Com vista à redução dos ciclos tentativa-erro, tem-se adotado ciclos virtuais ou numéricos e tem-se incrementado a interatividade entre as fases de concepção e projeto, num conceito muito próprio, mas cada vez mais abrangente, denominado “produção virtual”. É nesta filosofia que se insere a simulação numérica dos processos de conformação de chapa.


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Un dels processos tradicionals de conformació de xapa més utilitzats a nivell industrial, degut a la seva rapidesa d’operació i la seva maduresa del procés, és l’embotició. Per a dur a terme aquest procés és necessària la construcció d’uns utillatges (matriu i punxó) per a cada tipus de producte. Aquests utillatges estan fabricats amb materials altament resistents ja que han de poder suportar càrregues molt importants durant la deformació. A més, s’han de garantir unes precisions dimensionals molt bones per tal d’evitar el xoc entre les dues parts de l’utillatge i per a assegurar que la peça obtinguda tingui les dimensions desitjades. Aquest fet implica que el procés d’obtenció de les matrius i punxons tingui un cost molt elevat i per a amortitzar-lo és necessari que la producció sigui en massa.L’objecte d’aquest projecte és adaptar el centre de mecanitzat Kondia HS1000 per tal de poder dur a terme recerca bàsica de la tecnologia de conformat incremental de xapa (ISF) en el Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria del Producte, Procés i Producció (GREP)


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Friction plays an important role in sheet metal forming (SMF) and the roughness of the surface of the sheet is a major factor that influences friction. In finite element method (FEM) models of metal forming, the roughness has usually been assumed to be constant; even though it is commonly observed that sheet drawn under tension over a tool radius results in the surface becoming shiny, indicating a major change in surface morphology. An elastic–plastic FEM model for micro-contact between a flat surface and a single roughness peak has been developed. The model was used to investigate the effect of the membrane stress in the sheet on the deformation of an artificial roughness peak. From the simulation results, the change in asperity, or deformation of the local peak, for a given nominal tool contact stress is significantly influenced by the local substrate stress. The height of the asperity decreases with increasing substrate stress and the local pressure is much higher than the nominal pressure. In addition, the local contact stress decreases with an increase in the substrate stress levels.


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Friction is a critical factor for sheet metal forming (SMF). The Coulomb friction model is usually used in most finite element (FE) simulation for SMF. However, friction is a function of the local contact deformation conditions, such as local pressure, roughness and relative velocity. Frictional behaviour between contact surfaces can be based on three cases: boundary, hydrodynamic and mixed lubrication. In our microscopic friction model based on the finite element method (FEM), the case of dry contact between sheet and tool has been considered. In the view of microscopic geometry, roughness depends upon amplitude and wavelength of surface asperities of sheet and tool. The mean pressure applied on the surface differs from the pressure over the actual contact area. The effect of roughness (microscopic geometric condition) and relative speed of contact surfaces on friction coefficient was examined in the FE model for the microscopic friction behaviour. The analysis was performed using an explicit FE formulation. In this study, it was found that the roughness of deformable sheet decreases during sliding and the coefficient of friction increases with increasing roughness of contact surfaces. Also, the coefficient of friction increases with the increase of relative velocity and adhesive friction coefficient between contact surfaces.


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Galvanneal is a form of zinc-coated sheet steel, where steel is dipped in molten zinc, and then heat treated in a furnace to produce a complex iron-zinc coating. Many industries, such as automotive, use galvanneal for components fabricated from sheet steel. The microstructural properties of galvanneal have a significant influence on how well the sheet metal changes shape on stamping. By means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and glow-discharge optical emission spectrometry, we present a study of the microstructure of several galvanneal samples, both stamped and unformed, relating the phases and morphology of the coatings to performance in stamping operations. Samples of galvanneal were subjected to different heat-treatment temperatures. The frequency of defects in stamped components was found to be related to the average alloy content in the coatings, which varied with furnace temperature. An increased average iron content in the coatings was related to increased powdering defects in stamping operations that use galvanneal coated sheet steel.


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In stamping operations, the sliding of the sheet metal over the drawbeads is of great importance. The geometry of the drawbead and the degree of penetration both influence material flow and alter the frictional effects between the work and the tool. The effect of drawbead penetration over drawbeads has been studied using the Drawbead Simulator (DBS) test. The contact phenomenon between the sheet and drawbeads was analysed by examining deformed samples with an image fitting technique. The results were compared with an FE simulation and with an approximate geometric analysis. The results give a useful relationship between the rates of change of the contact angle with increasing bead penetration.


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This thesis explores the elastic behaviour of the mechanical double action press and draw die system commonly used to draw sheet metal components in the automotive industry. High process variability in production and excessive time spent in die try-out are significant problems in automotive stamping. It has previously been suggested that the elastic behaviour of the system may contribute to these problems. However, the mechanical principles that cause the press system to affect the forming process have not been documented in detail. Due to a poor understanding of these problems in industry, the elasticity of the press and tools is currently not considered during the die design. The aim of this work was to explore the physical principles of press system elasticity and determine the extent to which it contributes to problems in try-out and production. On the basis of this analysis methods were developed for controlling or accounting for problems during the design process. The application of frictional restraining force to the edges of the blank during forming depends on the distribution and magnitude of the clamping force between the binders surfaces of the draw die. This is an important control parameter for the deep drawing process. It has been demonstrated in this work that the elasticity of the press and draw die can affect clamping force in two ways. The response of the press system, to the forces produced in the press during forming, causes the magnitude of clamping force to change during the stroke. This was demonstrated using measured data from a production press. A simple linear elastic model of the press system was developed to illustrate a definite link between the measured force variation and the elasticity of the press and tools. The simple model was extended into a finite element model of the complete press system, which was used to control a forming simulation. It was demonstrated that stiffness variation within the system could influence the final strains in a drawn part. At the conclusion of this investigation a method is proposed for assessing the sensitivity of a part to clamping force variation in the press during die design. A means of reducing variation in the press through the addition of a simple linear spring element is also discussed. The second part of the work assessed the influence of tool structure on the distribution of frictional restraining forces to the blank. A forming simulation showed that tool stiffness affects the distribution of clamping pressure between the binders. This was also shown to affect the final strains in a drawn part. However, the most significant influence on restraining force was the tendency of the blank to increase in thickness between the binders during forming. Using a finite element approximation of the try-out process it was shown that the structure of the tool would also contribute to the problems currently experienced in try-out where uneven contact pressure distributions are addressed by manually adjusting the tool surfaces. Finally a generalised approach to designing draw die structures was developed. Simple analysis methods were combined with finite element based topology optimisation techniques to develop a set of basic design guidelines. The aim of the guidelines was to produce a structure with uniform stiffness response to a pressure applied at the binder surface. The work concludes with a recommendation for introducing the methods developed in this thesis into the standard production process.


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Examines the sheared edge quality of different automotive sheet metals resulting from the trimming process using experimental tooling and finite element modelling. The significant differences in burr, sliver and edge profile formation have been explained in terms of the strain distribution and tensile properties of the materials.