970 resultados para sexual harassment


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Sexuelle Belästigung am Telefon ist ein in der bisherigen sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung vernachlässigtes Alltagsphänomen. Die vorliegende Studie zur Analyse dieses Phänomens wurde repräsentativ für Deutschland durchgeführt. In der ersten Phase der Studie wurde eine Ausgangsstich-probe von mehr als 3000 Personen mündlich mittels eines Fragebogens zu unerwünschten Ereignissen am Telefon im vorangegangenen Jahr befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, welche verschiedenen Formen von Belästigung in welchem Umfang vorkommen (Stöhnanrufe, sexuelle Beleidigungen etc.). Dabei wurden die Häufigkeit sowie das Ausmaß der durch die sexuelle Belästigung hervorgerufenen Belastung analysiert. In der zweiten Phase wurde den Personen, die im vorangegangenen Jahr oder jemals in ihrem Leben ein Ereignis am Telefon als sexuell belästigend erlebt hatten, ein ausführlicher Fragebogen zu der von ihnen erlebten Belästigung zur schriftlichen Beantwortung vorgegeben. Schwerpunkt war dabei die Analyse des Verarbeitungsprozesses. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, welches (verbreitete) unmittelbare emotionale und kognitive Reaktionen auf sexuelle Belästigung am Telefon sind (Angst, Ärger etc.) und welche Copingstrategien angewandt werden (Vermeidung, positive Selbstinstruktion, Informationssuche, Suche nach sozialer Unterstützung etc.). Dabei wurde untersucht, inwieweit attributions-, kontroll- und streßtheoretische Ansätze Vorhersagen für die Bewältigung dieser Erfahrung ermöglichen.


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Objetivos: Analizar las desigualdades de género en las condiciones de empleo, trabajo, conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar, y en los problemas de salud relacionados con el trabajo en una muestra de la población ocupada en España en el año 2007 teniendo en cuenta la clase social y el sector de actividad. Métodos: Las desigualdades de género se analizaron mediante 25 indicadores en los 11.054 trabajadores entrevistados en la VI Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo. Se calcularon las odds ratio (OR) y sus intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95%) mediante modelos de regresión logística multivariados, estratificando por clase social ocupacional y sector de actividad. Resultados: Más mujeres que hombres trabajaban sin contrato (OR = 1,83; IC95%: 1,51-2,21), con alto esfuerzo o baja recompensa (1,14:1,05-1,25) y sufriendo acoso sexual (2,85:1,75-4,62), discriminación (1,60:1,26-2,03) y más dolores osteomusculares (1,38:1,19-1,59). Más hombres que mujeres trabajaban a turnos (0,86:0,79-0,94), con altos niveles de ruido (0,34:0,30-0,40), altas exigencias físicas (0,58:0,54-0,63) y sufriendo más lesiones por accidentes de trabajo (0,67:0,59-0,76). Las trabajadoras no manuales mostraron trabajar con un contrato temporal (1,34:1,09-1,63), expuestas a más riesgos psicosociales y sufriendo mayor discriminación (2,47:1,49-4,09) y enfermedades profesionales (1,91:1,28-2,83). En el sector de la industria las desigualdades de género fueron más marcadas. Conclusiones: En España existen importantes desigualdades de género en las condiciones de empleo, trabajo y en los problemas de salud relacionados con el trabajo, que se ven influenciadas por la clase social y el sector de actividad, y que sería necesario tener en consideración en las políticas públicas de salud laboral.


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Monahan and Walker (1988) delineated three uses of social science evidence within the courts: social authority, social fact, and social framework. Social authority evidence is social science evidence used in making policy or law. Social fact evidence is social science evidence that describes research undertaken expressly for the case at hand. Social framework evidence involves providing conclusions from previously conducted social science research to assist jurors in evaluating the other evidence in the case. Although this type of evidence has traditionally been presented via expert testimony, Monahan and Walker (1988) have suggested that, because the social science research involved comes from the extant literature and is not the province of any particular expert, it would be more economical to have the judge present this information as part of the judicial instructions to the jury. This study tested the implicit assumption that the presentation of the social framework evidence by the judge will have the same impact on juror verdicts as presentation of this evidence by an expert. ^ Two hundred mock jurors watched a videotaped hostile work environment sexual harassment trial. The social framework evidence consisted of the discussion of factors that have been found to increase the likelihood of sex stereotyping of women by men. The trial included either no social framework evidence, social framework evidence presented by the expert, or social framework evidence presented in judicial instructions. ^ Results indicated that men who heard the social framework evidence from the judge were more likely to vote for the defendant than men who heard no social framework evidence. Men who heard the judicial instruction with the social framework evidence also rated the plaintiff as less credible than the other men and women in the study. Thus, it appears that, for men, social framework evidence presented by the judge harms the plaintiff's case by reducing ratings of her credibility, but the same evidence presented by an expert does not affect men's verdicts. For women, however, social framework evidence, irrespective of who presents it, enhances the plaintiff's case. ^


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In Daubert, the Supreme Court opined that opposing expert testimony is an effective safeguard against junk science in the courtroom. Although jurors maybe unable to identify flaws in scientific research without some assistance, social psychological research suggests that people can be trained to make more sophisticated judgments about scientific quality. Further, previous research demonstrated that an opposing expert who addresses the methodology of proffered expert testimony may not enable jurors to evaluate scientific validity. In three studies, I tested why this safeguard was ineffective using a variety of stimulus materials. In the first study, I examined the mediating effect of attitudes on juror decisions within the context of a sexual harassment trial. In the second study, I examined the moderating effect of the presentation of expert credentials on participant decisions regarding child suggestibility literature. In the third study, I tested several improvements to the safeguard using improvements designed to correct for the effects of attitudes and credential presentation on juror decisions within the context of a first-degree murder trial. I found that while opposing expert testimony may have potential as a safeguard, in its current form it is ineffective. That is, a traditional opposing expert caused jurors to be skeptical of all expert testimony rather than sensitizing them to the validity of the research presented at trial. Further, while the improvements tested in this study may have potential to assist jurors in making scientifically sound decisions, more research is needed to further test and refine these improvements. ^


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Labor management relations in the hospitality sector is an important aspect of effective management. Increasingly, unions are becoming proactive in organizing hospitality workers. This manifests itself in strikes, boycotts, picketing, sexual harassment complaints, and complaints to OSHA regarding safety and health workplace violations. This research monitors the current scene with respect to labor management relations and analyzes work issues that have been brought up for third-party resolution by NLRB staff or arbitrators. The study reports on 66 NLRB cases and 104 arbitration cases. Issues brought before the NLRB include mostly contract interpretations. In arbitration, there were mostly discipline issues, including work rule violations, disorderly conduct, poor performance and employee theft. Quite often, the proposed job action on the part of the employer was discharge. In NLRB cases, the employee usually prevailed, while in arbitration the employer usually prevailed.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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In June 1988, 1341 employees of the Iowa State Department of Transportation (DOT) were surveyed via a mailed questionnaire. The sample was selected such that conclusions about all DOT employees, male employees, female employees, majority employees; minority employees, employees under age 40, and employees 40 years of age or older could be made. These sampling characteristics were chosen in order to facilitate comparisons between current DOT employee attitudes and employee attitudes evaluated in 1984. In addition, the sample size and response rates were sufficiently high that conclusions could be made about each of the six districts, the Ames Highway Division, and the Ames complex, excluding the Highway Division. Altogether fifty-five percent (or 739) questionnaires were· returned. Thirty additional employees voluntarily completed the survey, resulting in a final sample size of 769. The survey covered topics related to job satisfaction, work environment or climate, skill utilization, sexual harassment, communication and information adequacy, and morale. The first four topics were evaluated in 198- while the last two were unique to this survey.


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The focus of this study is dignity in low status service work. Using labels such as bad jobs, McJobs and dirty work, these jobs have been described as low-skilled, low-paid, monotonous and physically demanding with lack of voice and no job security. Research on dignity at work is especially relevant in a time when different ambitions for more dignified work, initiated by political parties as well as unions, tend to be forgotten or down-prioritized. This study investigates what conditions are preventing dignity among low status service workers and how they create and maintain dignity for themselves. What briefly has been found is that dignity can be prevented by unreasonable demands, constant control, exposed work and mismanagement. Moreover, customerprerogative can prevent dignity when employees are being mistreated by disrespectful customers. Dignity is also hindered by frightening customers, especially in the case of sexual harassment, threats and violence. In this study theories about working conditions and professional status are brought together to explain experiences of dignity at work. Service workers do not only have managers to deal with, but also customers whose treatment is reflected by the status of the service occupation. Besides, working conditions and professional status are two mechanisms acting together when it comes to experiences of dignity at work and may thus result in double tensions in daily work.   Acts for dignity, meaning different ways in which the service workers create and maintain dignity for themselves, are reactions to the obstacles to dignity at work. Three different categories of acts for dignity can be found. The identity-bolstering acts help the workers maintain their professional identity or self-image when it is threatened by different obstacles to dignity. The justifying acts mean that the workers legitimize different obstacles to dignity. Finally, the compensating acts help the workers to even out different obstacles to dignity.


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Grounded in the intersection between gender politics and electoral studies, this dissertation examines the demobilizing effects of violations of personal space (in the form of domestic violence, control over mobility, emotional abuse, and sexual harassment) on the propensity to vote. Using quantitative methods across four survey datasets concerning Lebanon, the United States, Morocco, and Yemen, this research concludes that cross-regionally, familial control over mobility reduces the propensity to vote among women. Conversely, mechanisms of empowerment such as education and employment increase the propensity to vote.


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The ongoing, potentially worsening problem of sexual violence and harassment on university campuses has emerged in the last few years as an area of concern. Female students have been identified as one of the most likely groups to experience sexual violence and this violence is exacerbated by contemporary student cultures around alcohol consumption and gendered and sexual norms. University campuses have also become central to prevention efforts in many countries due to their relatively accessible populations and an ability to implement social policies at an institutional level.
Many of these measures are based around promoting or educating students about sexual consent, and particularly notions of affirmative consent, expressed as ‘Yes means Yes’. However, there exists little research around sexual ethics with students exploring whether consent is in fact the best way to tackle cultural problems of sexual violence on campus. This paper makes use of existing literature on sexual ethics and focus group research undertaken with Australian university students to argue for an approach to the problem of sexual ethics on campus that is broader than simply focusing on training programs in sexual consent. It identifies a number of limitations to the consent framework and argues that prevention efforts need to more seriously engage with broader cultural norms around heterosexuality and gendered relationships.