995 resultados para service discovery


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Scientific workflows are becoming a valuable tool for scientists to capture and automate e-Science procedures. Their success brings the opportunity to publish, share, reuse and repurpose this explicitly captured knowledge. Within the myGrid project, we have identified key resources that can be shared including complete workflows, fragments of workflows and constituent services. We have examined the alternative ways these can be described by their authors (and subsequent users), and developed a unified descriptive model to support their later discovery. By basing this model on existing standards, we have been able to extend existing Web Service and Semantic Web Service infrastructure whilst still supporting the specific needs of the e-Scientist. myGrid components enable a workflow life-cycle that extends beyond execution, to include discovery of previous relevant designs, reuse of those designs, and subsequent publication. Experience with example groups of scientists indicates that this cycle is valuable. The growing number of workflows and services mean more work is needed to support the user in effective ranking of search results, and to support the repurposing process.


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Grid computing and service oriented architectures improve the way computational tasks are performed. Through this research a management system, utilising the autonomic characteristics of self discovery and negotiation, self configuration and self healing, was designed and implemented, ultimately removing the need for users to know the intricacies of these systems.


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While the emergence of clouds had lead to a significant paradigm shift in business and research, cloud computing is still in its infancy. Specifically, there is no effective publication and discovery service nor are cloud services easy to use. This paper presents a new technology for offering ease of discovery, selection and use of clusters hosted within clouds. By improving these services, cloud clusters become easily accessible to all clients, software services to noncomputing human user.


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Clouds refer to computational resources (in particular, clusters) that are accessible as scalable, on demand, pay-as- you-go services provided in the Internet. However, clouds are in their infancy and lack a high level abstraction. Specifically, there is no effective discovery and selection service for clusters and offer little to no ease of use for clients. Here we show a technology that exposes clusters as Web services in the form of a Cluster as a Service for publishing via WSDL, discovering, selecting and using clusters.


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Multiplication, division and fractions are 'hotspots' for students in the middle years with many students experiencing difficulty with these concepts (Siemon, Virgona & Cornielle, 2001). Arrays effectively model multiplication and help children develop multiplicative thinking and learn multiplication facts (Young-Loveridge, 2005). In this article we show how an open-ended array problem enabled a Grade 5/6 student to think about the relationship between multiplication, division and fractions. In the article we describe the project and 'hot spot' mathematical tasks that we used and provide some background on multiplicative thinking before presenting the case and a commentary (Western Melbourne Roundtable, 1997) of one student's exploration. This case was documented whilst we were working on a collaborative project with a team of upper primary teachers and a group of pre-service teachers at a local primary school.


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Cloud-based service computing has started to change the way how research in science, in particular biology, medicine, and engineering, is being carried out. Researchers in the area of mammalian genomics have taken advantage of cloud computing technology to cost-effectively process large amounts of data and speed up discovery. Mammalian genomics is limited by the cost and complexity of analysis, which require large amounts of computational resources to analyse huge amount of data and biology specialists to interpret results. On the other hand the application of this technology requires computing knowledge, in particular programming and operations management skills to develop high performance computing (HPC) applications and deploy them on HPC clouds. We carried out a survey of cloud-based service computing solutions, as the most recent and promising instantiations of distributed computing systems, in the context their use in research of mammalian genomic analysis. We describe our most recent research and development effort which focuses on building Software as a Service (SaaS) clouds to simplify the use of HPC clouds for carrying out mammalian genomic analysis.


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Multidimensional WSNs are deployed in complex environments to sense and collect data relating to multiple attributes (multi-dimensional data). Such networks present unique challenges to data dissemination, data storage and in-network query processing (information discovery). Recent algorithms proposed for such WSNs are aimed at achieving better energy efficiency and minimizing latency. This creates a partitioned network area due to the overuse of certain nodes in areas which are on the shortest or closest or path to the base station or data aggregation points which results in hotspots nodes. In this paper, we propose a time-based multi-dimensional, multi-resolution storage approach for range queries that balances the energy consumption by balancing the traffic load as uniformly as possible. Thus ensuring a maximum network lifetime. We present simulation results to show that the proposed approach to information discovery offers significant improvements on information discovery latency compared with current approaches. In addition, the results prove that the Quality of Service (QoS) improvements reduces hotspots thus resulting in significant network-wide energy saving and an increased network lifetime.


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The presentation describes the technical aspects of the customisation of its discovery interface, which uses EBSCO Discovery Service software. The customisation required close collaboration with EBSCO software engineers and involved a high level of technical expertise.


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 The thesis proposed four novel algorithms of information discovery for Multidimensional Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) that can significantly increase network lifetime and minimize query processing latency, resulting in quality of service improvements that are of immense benefit to Multidimensional Autonomous WSNs are deployed in complex environments (e.g., mission-critical applications).


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Autonomous Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) have sensors that are usually deployed randomly to monitor one or more phenomena. They are attractive for information discovery in large-scale data rich environments and can add value to mission–critical applications such as battlefield surveillance and emergency response systems. However, in order to fully exploit these networks for such applications, energy efficient, load balanced and scalable solutions for information discovery are essential. Multi-dimensional autonomous WSNs are deployed in complex environments to sense and collect data relating to multiple attributes (multi-dimensional data). Such networks present unique challenges to data dissemination, data storage of in-network information discovery. In this paper, we propose a novel method for information discovery for multi-dimensional autonomous WSNs which sensors are deployed randomly that can significantly increase network lifetime and minimize query processing latency, resulting in quality of service (QoS) improvements that are of immense benefit to mission–critical applications. We present simulation results to show that the proposed approach to information discovery offers significant improvements on query resolution latency compared with current approaches.


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Over the past several years technology has been evolving in a way that it has become crucial for most businesses and companies to have interactive technology enabled touchpoints available online. Such interactive touchpoints can be developed as mobile application, webpages, or even through social networks. In the end such touchpoints will most surely represent the most easily reachable and marketable side of the business. Today selling a product alone is no longer enough to make consumers satisfied and complete, businesses and business models are changing. Increasingly, companies are choosing to not just sell products but to combine both sale and service. These service-based approaches will provide the client with a unique and personalized experience of what the company is selling. By selling a service the company transmits values that are more complex than the simple selling of a product. A service is something immaterial, happens over time and exists in the moment of the delivery. When conceiving and designing services, the use of the new technologies becomes a crucial step in order to craft touchpoints that facilitate the whole experience cycle of the service, from attracting, orienting, interacting and retaining the client, as well as providing later support to the consumer to advocate for the service itself. This thesis reports on the design and implementation of the online touchpoint of Cozinha da Madeira, which is a service designed to support tourism, specifically promoting the discovery of tradition and landscapes in the island of Madeira. Such touchpoint developed in the form of a website, embodies completely or partially various stages of the Service Experience cycle, from attracting and connecting, orienting, interacting as well as retaining and advocating. Through this thesis we will describe the design and implementation of such touchpoint as well as the evaluation and possible future implications.


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Este trabajo de Tesis se desarrolla en el marco de los escenarios de ejecución distribuida de servicios móviles y contribuye a la definición y desarrollo del concepto de usuario prosumer. El usuario prosumer se caracteriza por utilizar su teléfono móvil para crear, proveer y ejecutar servicios. Este nuevo modelo de usuario contribuye al avance de la sociedad de la información, ya que el usuario prosumer se transforma de creador de contenidos a creador de servicios (estos últimos formados por contenidos y la lógica para acceder a ellos, procesarlos y representarlos). El objetivo general de este trabajo de Tesis es la provisión de un modelo de creación, distribución y ejecución de servicios para entorno móvil que permita a los usuarios no programadores (usuarios prosumer), pero expertos en un determinado dominio, crear y ejecutar sus propias aplicaciones y servicios. Para ello se definen, desarrollan e implementan metodologías, procesos, algoritmos y mecanismos adaptables a dominios específicos, para construir entornos de ejecución distribuida de servicios móviles para usuarios prosumer. La provisión de herramientas de creación adaptadas a usuarios no expertos es una tendencia actual que está siendo desarrollada en distintos trabajos de investigación. Sin embargo, no se ha propuesto una metodología de desarrollo de servicios que involucre al usuario prosumer en el proceso de diseño, desarrollo, implementación y validación de servicios. Este trabajo de Tesis realiza un estudio de las metodologías y tecnologías más innovadoras relacionadas con la co‐creación y utiliza este análisis para definir y validar una metodología que habilita al usuario para ser el responsable de la creación de servicios finales. Siendo los entornos móviles prosumer (mobile prosumer environments) una particularización de los entornos de ejecución distribuida de servicios móviles, en este trabajo se tesis se investiga en técnicas de adaptación, distribución, coordinación de servicios y acceso a recursos identificando como requisitos las problemáticas de este tipo de entornos y las características de los usuarios que participan en los mismos. Se contribuye a la adaptación de servicios definiendo un modelo de variabilidad que soporte la interdependencia entre las decisiones de personalización de los usuarios, incorporando mecanismos de guiado y detección de errores. La distribución de servicios se implementa utilizando técnicas de descomposición en árbol SPQR, cuantificando el impacto de separar cualquier servicio en distintos dominios. Considerando el plano de comunicaciones para la coordinación en la ejecución de servicios distribuidos hemos identificado varias problemáticas, como las pérdidas de enlace, conexiones, desconexiones y descubrimiento de participantes, que resolvemos utilizando técnicas de diseminación basadas en publicación subscripción y algoritmos Gossip. Para lograr una ejecución flexible de servicios distribuidos en entorno móvil, soportamos la adaptación a cambios en la disponibilidad de los recursos, proporcionando una infraestructura de comunicaciones para el acceso uniforme y eficiente a recursos. Se han realizado validaciones experimentales para evaluar la viabilidad de las soluciones propuestas, definiendo escenarios de aplicación relevantes (el nuevo universo inteligente, prosumerización de servicios en entornos hospitalarios y emergencias en la web de la cosas). Abstract This Thesis work is developed in the framework of distributed execution of mobile services and contributes to the definition and development of the concept of prosumer user. The prosumer user is characterized by using his mobile phone to create, provide and execute services. This new user model contributes to the advancement of the information society, as the prosumer is transformed from producer of content, to producer of services (consisting of content and logic to access them, process them and represent them). The overall goal of this Thesis work is to provide a model for creation, distribution and execution of services for the mobile environment that enables non‐programmers (prosumer users), but experts in a given domain, to create and execute their own applications and services. For this purpose I define, develop and implement methodologies, processes, algorithms and mechanisms, adapted to specific domains, to build distributed environments for the execution of mobile services for prosumer users. The provision of creation tools adapted to non‐expert users is a current trend that is being developed in different research works. However, it has not been proposed a service development methodology involving the prosumer user in the process of design, development, implementation and validation of services. This thesis work studies innovative methodologies and technologies related to the co‐creation and relies on this analysis to define and validate a methodological approach that enables the user to be responsible for creating final services. Being mobile prosumer environments a specific case of environments for distributed execution of mobile services, this Thesis work researches in service adaptation, distribution, coordination and resource access techniques, and identifies as requirements the challenges of such environments and characteristics of the participating users. I contribute to service adaptation by defining a variability model that supports the dependency of user personalization decisions, incorporating guiding and error detection mechanisms. Service distribution is implemented by using decomposition techniques based on SPQR trees, quantifying the impact of separating any service in different domains. Considering the communication level for the coordination of distributed service executions I have identified several problems, such as link losses, connections, disconnections and discovery of participants, which I solve using dissemination techniques based on publish‐subscribe communication models and Gossip algorithms. To achieve a flexible distributed service execution in mobile environments, I support adaptation to changes in the availability of resources, while providing a communication infrastructure for the uniform and efficient access to resources. Experimental validations have been conducted to assess the feasibility of the proposed solutions, defining relevant application scenarios (the new intelligent universe, service prosumerization in hospitals and emergency situations in the web of things).


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Conferencia por invitación, impartida el 31 d mayo de 2014 en el Workshop on Language Technology Service Platforms: Synergies, Standards, Sharing at LREC2014


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We are indebted with Marnix Medema, Paul Straight and Sean Rovito, for useful discussions and critical reading of the manuscript, as well as with Alicia Chagolla and Yolanda Rodriguez of the MS Service of Unidad Irapuato, Cinvestav, and Araceli Fernandez for technical support in high-performance computing. This work was funded by Conacyt Mexico (grants No. 179290 and 177568) and FINNOVA Mexico (grant No. 214716) to FBG. PCM was funded by Conacyt scholarship (No. 28830) and a Cinvestav posdoctoral fellowship. JF and JFK acknowledge funding from the College of Physical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK.


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Many academic libraries are implementing discovery services as a way of giving their users a single comprehensive search option for all library resources. These tools are designed to change the research experience, yet very few studies have investigated the impact of discovery service implementation. This study examines one aspect of that impact by asking whether usage of publisher-hosted journal content changes after implementation of a discovery tool. Libraries that have begun using the four major discovery services have seen an increase in usage of this content, suggesting that for this particular type of material, discovery services have a positive impact on use. Though all discovery services significantly increased usage relative to a no discovery service control group, some had a greater impact than others, and there was extensive variation in usage change among libraries using the same service. Future phases of this study will look at other types of content.