104 resultados para scour


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"August 1988."


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"February 1994."


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"December 1975."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Freshwater Bay (FWB), Washington did not undergo significant erosion of its shoreline after the construction of the Elwha and Glines Canyon Dams, unlike the shoreline east of Angeles Point (the Elwha River’s lobate delta). In this paper I compare the wave energy density in the western and eastern ends of the Strait of Juan de Fuca with the wave energy density at the Elwha River delta. This indicates seasonal high- and low-energy regimes in the energy density data. I group multi-year surveys of four cross-shore transects in FWB along this seasonal divide and search for seasonal trends in profile on the foreshore. After documenting changes in elevation at specific datums on the foreshore, I compare digital images of one datum to determine the particle sizes that are transported during deposition and scour events on this section of the FWB foreshore. Repeat surveys of four cross-shore transects over a five-year period indicate a highly mobile slope break between the upper foreshore and the low-tide delta. Post-2011, profiles in eastern FWB record deposition in the landward portion of the low-tide terrace and also in the upper intertidal. Western FWB experiences transient deposition on the low-tide terrace and high intra-annual variability in beach profile. Profile elevation at the slope break in western FWB can vary 0.5 m in the course of weeks. Changes in surface sediment that range from sand to cobble are co-incident with these changes in elevation. High sediment mobility and profile variation are inconsistent with shoreline stability and decreased sediment from the presumed source on the Elwha River delta.


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In November 2006, the flood of record on the upper Nisqually River destroyed part of Sunshine Point Campground in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington. The Nisqually River migrated north and reoccupied five acres of its floodplain; Tahoma Creek partially avulsed into the west floodplain, topping banks of an undersized channel and flooding the campground. I assessed hazards to infrastructure at the old campground location, where the Park proposes to rebuild the remaining campground roads and sites. This assessment focuses on two major hazards: northward Nisqually River migration, which may reincorporate the floodplain into the river destroying infrastructure; and Tahoma Creek avulsions, which may flood the campgroud and deposit sediment burying campground infrastructure. I quantify northward migration by: estimating migration rates and changes to channel width; evaluating river occupation of the pre- and post-2006 campground; and estimating scour depths at revetments protecting the campground. I digitized the Nisqually River channels and channel centerlines from maps and images between 1955 and 2013 into a GIS, which I used to estimate migration rate and river width changes. Centerline migration rates average 9 ft/yr along the length of the Nisqually River study reach; at Sunshine Point lateral migration rates average 11 ft/yr. Maximum migration along the study reach was 19 ft/yr between 2006 and 2009. Greater than average migration rates and channel widths correspond to river confluences and include the Tahoma Creek confluence at Sunshine Point. To determine historical channel locations and the frequency that the river occupied different parts of its floodplain, I digitized the river from maps and images between 1903 and 2013. The Nisqually River flows through Sunshine Point Campground in eight out of 15 historical images. I assess scour at revetments protecting infrastructure from the Nisqually River during a 100-year recurrence interval flood using measured cross-sections. During a 100-year flood, the Nisqually River may scour up to 10 feet below the bed elevation. These scour depths can destabilize critical revetments leaving loose unconsolidated riverbanks exposed to Nisqually River flows. To determine the causes, locations, and frequency of flood hazards from Tahoma Creek avulsions, I field map avulsion channels and compare the results with imagery and channel width changes between 1955 and 2013. Mapped avulsion channels occur with swaths of dead vegetation or nascent vegetation; both dead and recent vegetation are visibly distinct from surrounding vegetation in aerial images. Times of changes to these vegetation anomalies correspond to increases in Tahoma Creek channel width. Avulsions have occurred at least three times in the study period: pre-1955, between 1979 and 1984, and in 2006. The 1984 and 2006 avulsions both occur after increases in Tahoma Creek reach averaged width. The NPS is considering two options to rebuild Sunshine Point Campground, both at the same location. The hazards posed by the Nisqually River and Tahoma Creek at Sunshine Point will affect both construction options equally. Migration hazards to the campground may be reduced by limiting the proposed campground infrastructure to an elevated ridge that has not been occupied by the Nisqually River since 1903. The hazards of damage from migration may be reduced by revetments, which were effective in preventing northward Nisqually River migration in 1959 and 1965. Tahoma Creek avulsions are related increased of Tahoma Creek reach averaged widths, which are near a 58- year maximum, and occurred during a 10-year flood in 1984. The campground may be as susceptible to flooding from avulsions during as little as a 10-year flood. A large avulsion may occur with the next significant Tahoma Creek width increase. Glacial retreat has been shown to increase debris flow activity and increase sediment delivery to Mount Rainier rivers. Increased sediment discharge has been correlated with aggradation, which will further encourage Tahoma Creek avulsions.


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In September 2013, the Colorado Front Range experienced a five-day storm that brought record-breaking precipitation to the region. As a consequence, many Front Range streams experienced flooding, leading to erosion, debris flows, bank failures and channel incision. I compare the effects that debris flows and flooding have on the channel bar frequency, frequency and location of wood accumulation, and on the shape and size of the channel along two flood impacted reaches located near Estes Park and Glen Haven, Colorado within Rocky Mountain National Park and Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest: Black Canyon Creek (BCC) and North Fork Big Thompson River (NFBT). The primary difference between the two study areas is that BCC was inundated by multiple debris flows, whereas NFBT only experienced flooding. Fieldwork consisted of recording location and size of large wood and channel bars and surveying reaches to produce cross-sections. Additional observations were made on bank failures in NFBT and the presence of boulders in channel bars in BCC to determine sediment source. The debris flow acted to scour and incise BCC causing long-term alteration. The post-flood channel cross-sectional area is as much as 7 to 23 times larger than the pre-flood channel, caused by the erosion of the channel bed to bedrock and the elimination of riparian vegetation. Large wood was forced out of the stream channel and deposited outside of the bankfull channel. Flooding in NFBT caused bank erosion and widening that contributed sediment to channel bars, but accomplished little stream-bed scour. As a result, there was relatively little damage to mid-channel and riparian vegetation, and most large wood remained within the wetted channel.


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The marine ecosystem on the eastern shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula was surveyed 5 and 12 years after the climate-induced collapse of the Larsen A and B ice shelves. An impoverished benthic fauna was discovered, that included deep-sea species presumed to be remnants from ice-covered conditions. The current structure of various ecosystem components appears to result from extremely different response rates to the change from an oligotrophic sub-ice-shelf ecosystem to a productive shelf ecosystem. Meiobenthic communities remained impoverished only inside the embayments. On local scales, macro- and mega-epibenthic diversity was generally low, with pioneer species and typical Antarctic megabenthic shelf species interspersed. Antarctic Minke whales and seals utilised the Larsen A/B area to feed on presumably newly established krill and pelagic fish biomass. Ecosystem impacts also extended well beyond the zone of ice-shelf collapse, with areas of high benthic disturbance resulting from scour by icebergs discharged from the Larsen embayments.


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During the "Polarstern"-expeditions ARK-IX/4 (1993) and ARK-XI/1 (1995), organised by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), acoustic subbottom profiles (Parasound) have been collected in the Laptev Sea Shelf, Siberia. These data have been interpreted as an indicator of ice scours frequency and off-shore permafrost patterns. An additional acoustic profile data-base was available by the results of the expedition of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) of the year 1994. The area of the expedition was located closer to the shelf, therefore supports a better understanding of ice scours frequency in shallower marine environments. The data-file consists of a 2930 km Parasound-traverse and has been subdivided into 586 working profiles. They are characterised by their location, number of ice scours, interpreted patterns of reflection and their extension and morphology. The data have been evaluated statistically and graphically and were presented in a map. Different patterns of sea floor reflection were established by different environments, outer influences (e.g. size of the icebergs, direction of the drift of icebergs) and the climatic history of the region. In the north-westerly region of the Laptev Sea at the continental slope of Severnaya Zemlya the sea floor in shallower depths has been ploughed intensely by recent icebergs. In some regions (40-60m), as an effect of intensely ploughing, the sea floor is hardly defined in acoustic profiles come along with relocation of marine deposits. Glacial diamiet deposits prevented the development of deep scours. Up to 355m deeper scours result from lower sea levels. The marginal north-easterly region of the Laptev Sea is characterised exclusively by this type of scour. Morphology and depth of these scours can be compared with those of the westerly Vilkitsky-Street so that similar conditions of development may be expected. Both, the north-easterly Laptev Sea and the Vilkitsky-Street, are not dominated by patterns ofrecent icebergs. In contrary the shelf-regions north-easterly ofthe Taimyr peninsula and north-westerly of the New Siberian Islands have been modified evidently by recent icebergs, which drifted with prevalent currents anticlockwise along the shelf edge of the Laptev Sea and cause the deepest scours of the whole region. The off-shore permafrost at the inner shelf regions has an important influence on the scours intensity. The permafrost layer can be recognised by the maximum depth of ice scours. It is represented by a Parasound reflector that can be made up for distances. The age of the ice scours cannot be determined absolutely by Parasound data but a relative order can be estimated whenever two scours are situated close to each other. When the Parasound-traverse ofthe expedition ARK-IX/4 (1993) (77°24'N 133°30'E-77°30'N 133°40'E) was repeated partially in expedition ARK-XI/l (1995) the ice scours of 1993 remained unchanged and uneroded and no new ice scours had been detected. It can be concluded that scours persist for a long time in the Laptev Sea, though after all with an average of 3 ice scours per kilometer there are not many at all in the Laptev Sea.


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Recent rapid changes of air temperature on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula results in increased sediment discharge and ice scouring frequencies in coastal regions. These changes are bound to especially affect slow growing, sessile filter feeders such as the Antarctic bivalve, Laternula elliptica, a long-lived and abundant key species with circumpolar distribution. We investigated the effect of sedimentation and ice scouring on small/young and large/old individuals at two closely located stations, distinctly influenced by both types of disturbance. Small individuals dealt better with disturbance in terms of their respiratory response to sediment exposure, reburrowing ability, and survival after injury, compared to larger animals. At the more disturbed station L. elliptica population density was lower, but larger animals reburrowed faster after iceberg disturbance and reduced their metabolic rate under strong sediment coverage, compared to larger animals of the less disturbed station, indicating that an adaptation or learning response to both types of disturbance may be possible. Smaller individuals were not influenced. Laternula elliptica seems capable of coping with the rapidly changing environmental conditions. Due to a decrease in population density and mean population lifespan, L. elliptica could however lose its key role in the bentho-pelagic carbon flux in areas of high sediment deposition.


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Dados batimétricos detalhados obtidos na antepraia adjacente ao Molhe Oeste conhecida como banco das Três Marias, evidenciaram a presença de uma fossa junto a extremidade do molhe e um banco na forma de domo a SO da depressão. O banco tem sua base e crista respectivamente nas cotas de 8 e 6 m. A feição é aproximadamente oval, com o eixo maior semiparalelo à costa (sentido NNE – SSO) medindo aproximadamente 1600 m. O eixo menor, quase transversal à costa (sentido L-O), apresenta cerca de 1200 m de extensão. O banco representa o resquício do lobo terminal do delta de maré vazante (barra) da laguna formado durante a fixação de sua desembocadura. A fossa junto ao cabeço do molhe apresenta pendente íngreme, que inicia na isóbata de 8 m e alcança a isóbata dos 17 m, sendo provavelmente formada pela ação da corrente longitudinal de SO para NE. Foram coletadas também amostras de sedimento. Estes dados evidenciaram ao menos três subambientes refletindo diferentes níveis de energia. Do mais enérgico para o menos: o banco, onde o sedimento é mais grosso e melhor selecionado, a antepraia, com o sedimento pouco mais fino e a fossa, onde foi amostrada lama, mal selecionada.


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Soil particle loss can result in strength and volume reductions which are difficult to predict. This paper investigates the influence of the removal of fractions of selected particle sizes under different confining pressures. The mass loss process was reproduced by the dissolution of selected salt particle sizes and fractions from uniform Leighton Buzzard sand. The dissolution tests were performed in a triaxial cell customised to allow circulation of pore-fluid thereby allowing the dissolution/removal of the salt fraction. Test results from previously conducted oedometric dissolution tests and subsequent triaxial dissolution tests all show increases in void ratio. From the triaxial tests, a reduction in shear strength with increasing ductility was observed. Volumetric and strength behaviour were found to be related to the particle size and fraction material removed while shear-wave measurements obtained pre- and post-particle removal indicate significant changes in small-strain stiffness.


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A large SAV bed in upper Chesapeake Bay has experienced several abrupt shifts over the past half-century, beginning with near-complete loss after a record-breaking flood in 1972, followed by an unexpected, rapid resurgence in the early 2000’s, then partial decline in 2011 following another major flood event. Together, these trends and events provide a unique opportunity to study a recovering SAV ecosystem from several different perspectives. First, I analyzed and synthesized existing time series datasets to make inferences about what factors prompted the recovery. Next, I analyzed existing datasets, together with field samples and a simple hydrodynamic model to investigate mechanisms of SAV bed loss and resilience to storm events. Finally, I conducted field deployments and experiments to explore how the bed affects internal physical and biogeochemical processes and what implications those effects have for the dynamics of the system. I found that modest reductions in nutrient loading, coupled with several consecutive dry years likely facilitated the SAV resurgence. Furthermore, positive feedback processes may have played a role in the sudden nature of the recovery because they could have reinforced the state of the bed before and after the abrupt shift. I also found that scour and poor water clarity associated with sediment deposition during the 2011 flood event were mechanisms of plant loss. However, interactions between the bed, water flow, and waves served as mechanisms of resilience because these processes created favorable growing conditions (i.e., clear water, low flow velocities) in the inner core of the bed. Finally, I found that that interactions between physical and biogeochemical processes led to low nutrient concentrations inside the bed relative to outside the bed, which created conditions that precluded algal growth and reinforced vascular plant dominance. This work demonstrates that positive feedbacks play a central role in SAV resilience to both chronic eutrophication as well as acute storm events. Furthermore, I show that analysis of long-term ecological monitoring data, together with field measurements and experiments, can be an effective approach for understanding the mechanisms underlying ecosystem dynamics.