996 resultados para same basic integrator
Today, designing informatics curricula is a major problem. As a technology, informatics is experiencing a dramatic evolution, with its rapidly expanding areas of application and everincreasing impact on society. At first glance, it seems that if we might need several different curricula for facing very different practical educational situations, and not just one or two curricula. The current deep discrepancies among some of our more prestigious computer scientists in relation to the focus of informatics education are in fact a form of recognition of this necessity and at the same time, proof we are at a turning point.
We proposed an optical communications system, based on a digital chaotic signal where the synchronization of chaos was the main objective, in some previous papers. In this paper we will extend this work. A way to add the digital data signal to be transmitted onto the chaotic signal and its correct reception, is the main objective. We report some methods to study the main characteristics of the resulting signal. The main problem with any real system is the presence of some retard between the times than the signal is generated at the emitter at the time when this signal is received. Any system using chaotic signals as a method to encrypt need to have the same characteristics in emitter and receiver. It is because that, this control of time is needed. A method to control, in real time the chaotic signals, is reported.
La óptica anidólica es una rama de la óptica cuyo desarrollo comenzó a mediados de la década de 1960. Este relativamente nuevo campo de la óptica se centra en la transferencia eficiente de la luz, algo necesario en muchas aplicaciones, entre las que destacamos los concentradores solares y los sistemas de iluminación. Las soluciones de la óptica clásica a los problemas de la transferencia de energía de la luz sólo son adecuadas cuando los rayos de luz son paraxiales. La condición paraxial no se cumple en la mayoría de las aplicaciones para concentración e iluminación. Esta tesis contiene varios diseños free-form (aquellos que no presentan ninguna simetría, ni de rotación ni lineal) cuyas aplicaciones van destinadas a estos dos campos. El término nonimaging viene del hecho de que estos sistemas ópticos no necesitan formar una imagen del objeto, aunque no formar la imagen no es una condición necesaria. Otra palabra que se utiliza a veces en lugar de nonimaging es la palabra anidólico, viene del griego "an+eidolon" y tiene el mismo significado. La mayoría de los sistemas ópticos diseñados para aplicaciones anidólicas no presentan ninguna simetría, es decir, son free-form (anamórficos). Los sistemas ópticos free-form están siendo especialmente relevantes durante los últimos años gracias al desarrollo de las herramientas para su fabricación como máquinas de moldeo por inyección y el mecanizado multieje. Sin embargo, solo recientemente se han desarrollado técnicas de diseño anidólicas capaces de cumplir con estos grados de libertad. En aplicaciones de iluminación el método SMS3D permite diseñar dos superficies free-form para controlar las fuentes de luz extensas. En los casos en que se requiere una elevada asimetría de la fuente, el objeto o las restricciones volumétricos, las superficies free-form permiten obtener soluciones de mayor eficiencia, o disponer de menos elementos en comparación con las soluciones de simetría de rotación, dado que las superficies free-form tienen más grados de libertad y pueden realizar múltiples funciones debido a su naturaleza anamórfica. Los concentradores anidólicos son muy adecuados para la captación de energía solar, ya que el objetivo no es la reproducción de una imagen exacta del sol, sino sencillamente la captura de su energía. En este momento, el campo de la concentración fotovoltaica (CPV) tiende hacia sistemas de alta concentración con el fin de compensar el gasto de las células solares multi-unión (MJ) utilizadas como receptores, reduciendo su área. El interés en el uso de células MJ radica en su alta eficiencia de conversión. Para obtener sistemas competitivos en aplicaciones terrestres se recurre a sistemas fotovoltaicos de alta concentración (HCPV), con factores de concentración geométrica por encima de 500x. Estos sistemas se componen de dos (o más) elementos ópticos (espejos y/o lentes). En los sistemas presentados a lo largo de este trabajo se presentan ejemplos de concentradores HCPV con elementos reflexivos como etapa primaria, así como concentradores con elementos refractivos (lente de Fresnel). Con la necesidad de aumentar la eficiencia de los sistemas HCPV reales y con el fin de proporcionar la división más eficiente del espectro solar, células conteniendo cuatro o más uniones (con un potencial de alcanzar eficiencias de más del 45% a una concentración de cientos de soles) se exploran hoy en día. En esta tesis se presenta una de las posibles arquitecturas de división del espectro (spectrum-splitting en la literatura anglosajona) que utilizan células de concentración comercial. Otro campo de aplicación de la óptica nonimaging es la iluminación, donde es necesario proporcionar un patrón de distribución de la iluminación específico. La iluminación de estado sólido (SSL), basada en la electroluminiscencia de materiales semiconductores, está proporcionando fuentes de luz para aplicaciones de iluminación general. En la última década, los diodos emisores de luz (LED) de alto brillo han comenzado a reemplazar a las fuentes de luz convencionales debido a la superioridad en la calidad de la luz emitida, elevado tiempo de vida, compacidad y ahorro de energía. Los colimadores utilizados con LEDs deben cumplir con requisitos tales como tener una alta eficiencia, un alto control del haz de luz, una mezcla de color espacial y una gran compacidad. Presentamos un colimador de luz free-form con microestructuras capaz de conseguir buena colimación y buena mezcla de colores con una fuente de LED RGGB. Una buena mezcla de luz es importante no sólo para simplificar el diseño óptico de la luminaria sino también para evitar hacer binning de los chips. La mezcla de luz óptica puede reducir los costes al evitar la modulación por ancho de pulso y otras soluciones electrónicas patentadas para regulación y ajuste de color. Esta tesis consta de cuatro capítulos. Los capítulos que contienen la obra original de esta tesis son precedidos por un capítulo introductorio donde se presentan los conceptos y definiciones básicas de la óptica geométrica y en el cual se engloba la óptica nonimaging. Contiene principios de la óptica no formadora de imagen junto con la descripción de sus problemas y métodos de diseño. Asimismo se describe el método de Superficies Múltiples Simultáneas (SMS), que destaca por su versatilidad y capacidad de controlar varios haces de rayos. Adicionalmente también se describe la integración Köhler y sus aplicaciones en el campo de la energía fotovoltaica. La concentración fotovoltaica y la iluminación de estado sólido son introducidas junto con la revisión de su estado actual. El Segundo y Tercer Capítulo contienen diseños ópticos avanzados con aplicación en la concentración solar principalmente, mientras que el Cuarto Capítulo describe el colimador free-form con surcos que presenta buena mezcla de colores para aplicaciones de iluminación. El Segundo Capítulo describe dos concentradores ópticos HCPV diseñados con el método SMS en tres dimensiones (SMS3D) que llevan a cabo integración Köhler en dos direcciones con el fin de proporcionar una distribución de irradiancia uniforme libre de aberraciones cromáticas sobre la célula solar. Uno de los diseños es el concentrador XXR free-form diseñado con el método SMS3D, donde el espejo primario (X) y la lente secundaria (R) se dividen en cuatro sectores simétricos y llevan a cabo la integración Köhler (proporcionando cuatro unidades del array Köhler), mientras que el espejo intermedio (X) presenta simetría rotacional. Otro concentrador HCPV presentado es el Fresnel-RXI (FRXI) con una lente de Fresnel funcionando como elemento primario (POE) y una lente RXI como elemento óptico secundario (SOE), que presenta configuración 4-fold con el fin de realizar la integración Köhler. Las lentes RXI son dispositivos nonimaging conocidos, pero su aplicación como elemento secundario es novedosa. Los concentradores XXR y FRXI Köhler son ejemplos académicos de muy alta concentración (más de 2,000x, mientras que los sistemas convencionales hoy en día no suelen llegar a 1,000x) preparados para las células solares N-unión (con N>3), que probablemente requerirán una mayor concentración y alta uniformidad espectral de irradiancia con el fin de obtener sistemas CPV terrestres eficientes y rentables. Ambos concentradores están diseñados maximizando funciones de mérito como la eficiencia óptica, el producto concentración-aceptancia (CAP) y la uniformidad de irradiancia sobre la célula libre de la aberración cromática (integración Köhler). El Tercer Capítulo presenta una arquitectura para la división del espectro solar basada en un módulo HCPV con alta concentración (500x) y ángulo de aceptancia alto (>1º) que tiene por objeto reducir ambas fuentes de pérdidas de las células triple unión (3J) comerciales: el uso eficiente del espectro solar y la luz reflejada de los contactos metálicos y de la superficie de semiconductor. El módulo para la división del espectro utiliza el espectro solar más eficiente debido a la combinación de una alta eficiencia de una célula de concentración 3J (GaInP/GaInAs/Ge) y una de contacto posterior (BPC) de concentración de silicio (Si), así como la técnica de confinamiento externo para la recuperación de la luz reflejada por la célula 3J con el fin de ser reabsorbida por la célula. En la arquitectura propuesta, la célula 3J opera con su ganancia de corriente optimizada (concentración geométrica de 500x), mientras que la célula de silicio trabaja cerca de su óptimo también (135x). El módulo de spectrum-splitting consta de una lente de Fresnel plana como POE y un concentrador RXI free-form como SOE con un filtro paso-banda integrado en él. Tanto POE como SOE realizan la integración Köhler para producir homogeneización de luz sobre la célula. El filtro paso banda envía los fotones IR en la banda 900-1,150nm a la célula de silicio. Hay varios aspectos prácticos de la arquitectura del módulo presentado que ayudan a reducir la complejidad de los sistemas spectrum-splitting (el filtro y el secundario forman una sola pieza sólida, ambas células son coplanarias simplificándose el cableado y la disipación de calor, etc.). Prototipos prueba-de-concepto han sido ensamblados y probados a fin de demostrar la fabricabilidad del filtro y su rendimiento cuando se combina con la técnica de reciclaje de luz externa. Los resultados obtenidos se ajustan bastante bien a los modelos y a las simulaciones e invitan al desarrollo de una versión más compleja de este prototipo en el futuro. Dos colimadores sólidos con surcos free-form se presentan en el Cuarto Capítulo. Ambos diseños ópticos están diseñados originalmente usando el método SMS3D. La segunda superficie ópticamente activa está diseñada a posteriori como una superficie con surcos. El diseño inicial de dos espejos (XX) está diseñado como prueba de concepto. En segundo lugar, el diseño RXI free-form es comparable con los colimadores RXI existentes. Se trata de un diseño muy compacto y eficiente que proporciona una muy buena mezcla de colores cuando funciona con LEDs RGB fuera del eje óptico como en los RGB LEDs convencionales. Estos dos diseños son dispositivos free-form diseñados con la intención de mejorar las propiedades de mezcla de colores de los dispositivos no aplanáticos RXI con simetría de revolución y la eficiencia de los aplanáticos, logrando una buena colimación y una buena mezcla de colores. La capacidad de mezcla de colores del dispositivo no-aplanático mejora añadiendo características de un aplanático a su homólogo simétrico sin pérdida de eficiencia. En el caso del diseño basado en RXI, su gran ventaja consiste en su menor coste de fabricación ya que el proceso de metalización puede evitarse. Aunque algunos de los componentes presentan formas muy complejas, los costes de fabricación son relativamente insensibles a la complejidad del molde, especialmente en el caso de la producción en masa (tales como inyección de plástico), ya que el coste del molde se reparte entre todas las piezas fabricadas. Por último, las últimas dos secciones son las conclusiones y futuras líneas de investigación. ABSTRACT Nonimaging optics is a branch of optics whose development began in the mid-1960s. This rather new field of optics focuses on the efficient light transfer necessary in many applications, among which we highlight solar concentrators and illumination systems. The classical optics solutions to the problems of light energy transfer are only appropriate when the light rays are paraxial. The paraxial condition is not met in most applications for the concentration and illumination. This thesis explores several free-form designs (with neither rotational nor linear symmetry) whose applications are intended to cover the above mentioned areas and more. The term nonimaging comes from the fact that these optical systems do not need to form an image of the object, although it is not a necessary condition not to form an image. Another word sometimes used instead of nonimaging is anidolic, and it comes from the Greek “an+eidolon” and has the same meaning. Most of the optical systems designed for nonimaging applications are without any symmetry, i.e. free-form. Free-form optical systems become especially relevant lately with the evolution of free-form tooling (injection molding machines, multi-axis machining techniques, etc.). Nevertheless, only recently there are nonimaging design techniques that are able to meet these degrees of freedom. In illumination applications, the SMS3D method allows designing two free-form surfaces to control very well extended sources. In cases when source, target or volumetric constrains have very asymmetric requirements free-form surfaces are offering solutions with higher efficiency or with fewer elements in comparison with rotationally symmetric solutions, as free-forms have more degrees of freedom and they can perform multiple functions due to their free-form nature. Anidolic concentrators are well suited for the collection of solar energy, because the goal is not the reproduction of an exact image of the sun, but instead the collection of its energy. At this time, Concentration Photovoltaics (CPV) field is turning to high concentration systems in order to compensate the expense of multi-junction (MJ) solar cells used as receivers by reducing its area. Interest in the use of MJ cells lies in their very high conversion efficiency. High Concentration Photovoltaic systems (HCPV) with geometric concentration of more than 500x are required in order to have competitive systems in terrestrial applications. These systems comprise two (or more) optical elements, mirrors and/or lenses. Systems presented in this thesis encompass both main types of HCPV architectures: concentrators with primary reflective element and concentrators with primary refractive element (Fresnel lens). Demand for the efficiency increase of the actual HCPV systems as well as feasible more efficient partitioning of the solar spectrum, leads to exploration of four or more junction solar cells or submodules. They have a potential of reaching over 45% efficiency at concentration of hundreds of suns. One possible architectures of spectrum splitting module using commercial concentration cells is presented in this thesis. Another field of application of nonimaging optics is illumination, where a specific illuminance distribution pattern is required. The Solid State Lighting (SSL) based on semiconductor electroluminescence provides light sources for general illumination applications. In the last decade high-brightness Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) started replacing conventional light sources due to their superior output light quality, unsurpassed lifetime, compactness and energy savings. Collimators used with LEDs have to meet requirements like high efficiency, high beam control, color and position mixing, as well as a high compactness. We present a free-form collimator with microstructures that performs good collimation and good color mixing with RGGB LED source. Good light mixing is important not only for simplifying luminaire optical design but also for avoiding die binning. Optical light mixing may reduce costs by avoiding pulse-width modulation and other patented electronic solutions for dimming and color tuning. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapters containing the original work of this thesis are preceded by the introductory chapter that addresses basic concepts and definitions of geometrical optics on which nonimaging is developed. It contains fundamentals of nonimaging optics together with the description of its design problems, principles and methods, and with the Simultaneous Multiple Surface (SMS) method standing out for its versatility and ability to control several bundles of rays. Köhler integration and its applications in the field of photovoltaics are described as well. CPV and SSL fields are introduced together with the review on their background and their current status. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 contain advanced optical designs with primarily application in solar concentration; meanwhile Chapter 4 portrays the free-form V-groove collimator with good color mixing property for illumination application. Chapter 2 describes two HCPV optical concentrators designed with the SMS method in three dimensions (SMS3D). Both concentrators represent Köhler integrator arrays that provide uniform irradiance distribution free from chromatic aberrations on the solar cell. One of the systems is the XXR free-form concentrator designed with the SMS3D method. The primary mirror (X) of this concentrator and secondary lens (R) are divided in four symmetric sectors (folds) that perform Köhler integration; meanwhile the intermediate mirror (X) is rotationally symmetric. Second HCPV concentrator is the Fresnel-RXI (FRXI) with flat Fresnel lens as the Primary Optical Element (POE) and an RXI lens as the Secondary Optical Element (SOE). This architecture manifests 4-fold configuration for performing Köhler integration (4 array units), as well. The RXI lenses are well-known nonimaging devices, but their application as SOE is novel. Both XXR and FRXI Köhler HCPV concentrators are academic examples of very high concentration (more than 2,000x meanwhile conventional systems nowadays have up to 1,000x) prepared for the near future N-junction (N>3) solar cells. In order to have efficient and cost-effective terrestrial CPV systems, those cells will probably require higher concentrations and high spectral irradiance uniformity. Both concentrators are designed by maximizing merit functions: the optical efficiency, concentration-acceptance angle (CAP) and cell-irradiance uniformity free from chromatic aberrations (Köhler integration). Chapter 3 presents the spectrum splitting architecture based on a HCPV module with high concentration (500x) and high acceptance angle (>1º). This module aims to reduce both sources of losses of the actual commercial triple-junction (3J) solar cells with more efficient use of the solar spectrum and with recovering the light reflected from the 3J cells’ grid lines and semiconductor surface. The solar spectrum is used more efficiently due to the combination of a high efficiency 3J concentration cell (GaInP/GaInAs/Ge) and external Back-Point-Contact (BPC) concentration silicon (Si) cell. By employing external confinement techniques, the 3J cell’s reflections are recovered in order to be re-absorbed by the cell. In the proposed concentrator architecture, the 3J cell operates at its optimized current gain (at geometrical concentration of 500x), while the Si cell works near its optimum, as well (135x). The spectrum splitting module consists of a flat Fresnel lens (as the POE), and a free-form RXI-type concentrator with a band-pass filter embedded in it (as the SOE), both POE and SOE performing Köhler integration to produce light homogenization. The band-pass filter sends the IR photons in the 900-1,150nm band to the Si cell. There are several practical aspects of presented module architecture that help reducing the added complexity of the beam splitting systems: the filter and secondary are forming a single solid piece, both cells are coplanar so the heat management and wiring is simplified, etc. Two proof-of-concept prototypes are assembled and tested in order to prove filter manufacturability and performance, as well as the potential of external light recycling technique. Obtained measurement results agree quite well with models and simulations, and show an opened path to manufacturing of the Fresnel RXI-type secondary concentrator with spectrum splitting strategy. Two free-form solid V-groove collimators are presented in Chapter 4. Both free-form collimators are originally designed with the SMS3D method. The second mirrored optically active surface is converted in a grooved surface a posteriori. Initial two mirror (XX) design is presented as a proof-of-concept. Second, RXI free-form design is comparable with existing RXI collimators as it is a highly compact and a highly efficient design. It performs very good color mixing of the RGGB LED sources placed off-axis like in conventional RGB LEDs. Collimators described here improve color mixing property of the prior art rotationally symmetric no-aplanatic RXI devices, and the efficiency of the aplanatic ones, accomplishing both good collimation and good color mixing. Free-form V-groove collimators enhance the no-aplanatic device's blending capabilities by adding aplanatic features to its symmetric counterpart with no loss in efficiency. Big advantage of the RXI design is its potentially lower manufacturing cost, since the process of metallization may be avoided. Although some components are very complicated for shaping, the manufacturing costs are relatively insensitive to the complexity of the mold especially in the case of mass production (such as plastic injection), as the cost of the mold is spread in many parts. Finally, last two sections are conclusions and future lines of investigation.
Immune mechanisms contribute to cerebral ischemic injury. Therapeutic immunosuppressive options are limited due to systemic side effects. We attempted to achieve immunosuppression in the brain through oral tolerance to myelin basic protein (MBP). Lewis rats were fed low-dose bovine MBP or ovalbumin (1 mg, five times) before 3 h of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). A third group of animals was sensitized to MBP but did not survive the post-stroke period. Infarct size at 24 and 96 h after ischemia was significantly less in tolerized animals. Tolerance to MBP was confirmed in vivo by a decrease in delayed-type hypersensitivity to MBP. Systemic immune responses, characterized in vitro by spleen cell proliferation to Con A, lipopolysaccharide, and MBP, again confirmed antigen-specific immunologic tolerance. Immunohistochemistry revealed transforming growth factor β1 production by T cells in the brains of tolerized but not control animals. Systemic transforming growth factor β1 levels were equivalent in both groups. Corticosterone levels 24 h after surgery were elevated in all sham-operated animals and ischemic control animals but not in ischemic tolerized animals. These results demonstrate that antigen-specific modulation of the immune response decreases infarct size after focal cerebral ischemia and that sensitization to the same antigen may actually worsen outcome.
The prolamin box (P-box) is a highly conserved 7-bp sequence element (5′-TGTAAAG-3′) found in the promoters of many cereal seed storage protein genes. Nuclear factors from maize endosperm specifically interact with the P-box present in maize prolamin genes (zeins). The presence of the P-box in all zein gene promoters suggests that interactions between endosperm DNA binding proteins and the P-box may play an important role in the coordinate activation of zein gene expression during endosperm development. We have cloned an endosperm-specific maize cDNA, named prolamin-box binding factor (PBF), that encodes a member of the recently described Dof class of plant Cys2-Cys2 zinc-finger DNA binding proteins. When tested in gel shift assays, PBF exhibits the same sequence-specific binding to the P-box as factors present in maize endosperm nuclei. Additionally, PBF interacts in vitro with the basic leucine zipper protein Opaque2, a known transcriptional activator of zein gene expression whose target site lies 20 bp downstream of the P-box in the 22-kDa zein gene promoter. The isolation of the PBF gene provides an essential tool to further investigate the functional role of the highly conserved P-box in regulating cereal storage protein gene expression.
Hematopoiesis gives rise to blood cells of different lineages throughout normal life. Abnormalities in this developmental program lead to blood cell diseases including leukemia. The establishment of a cell culture system for the clonal development of hematopoietic cells made it possible to discover proteins that regulate cell viability, multiplication and differentiation of different hematopoietic cell lineages, and the molecular basis of normal and abnormal blood cell development. These regulators include cytokines now called colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) and interleukins (ILs). There is a network of cytokine interactions, which has positive regulators such as CSFs and ILs and negative regulators such as transforming growth factor beta and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). This multigene cytokine network provides flexibility depending on which part of the network is activated and allows amplification of response to a particular stimulus. Malignancy can be suppressed in certain types of leukemic cells by inducing differentiation with cytokines that regulate normal hematopoiesis or with other compounds that use alternative differentiation pathways. This created the basis for the clinical use of differentiation therapy. The suppression of malignancy by inducing differentiation can bypass genetic abnormalities that give rise to malignancy. Different CSFs and ILs suppress programmed cell death (apoptosis) and induce cell multiplication and differentiation, and these processes of development are separately regulated. The same cytokines suppress apoptosis in normal and leukemic cells, including apoptosis induced by irradiation and cytotoxic cancer chemotherapeutic compounds. An excess of cytokines can increase leukemic cell resistance to cytotoxic therapy. The tumor suppressor gene wild-type p53 induces apoptosis that can also be suppressed by cytokines. The oncogene mutant p53 suppresses apoptosis. Hematopoietic cytokines such as granulocyte CSF are now used clinically to correct defects in hematopoiesis, including repair of chemotherapy-associated suppression of normal hematopoiesis in cancer patients, stimulation of normal granulocyte development in patients with infantile congenital agranulocytosis, and increase of hematopoietic precursors for blood cell transplantation. Treatments that decrease the level of apoptosis-suppressing cytokines and downregulate expression of mutant p53 and other apoptosis suppressing genes in cancer cells could improve cytotoxic cancer therapy. The basic studies on hematopoiesis and leukemia have thus provided new approaches to therapy.
Expression of mitogenic basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in the central nervous system is inhibited by direct cell contact and is implicated in reactive and neoplastic transformation of astrocytes. The molecular mechanisms controlling expression of bFGF were examined in cultures of human astrocytes. Cell-density-dependent depletion of bFGF mRNA levels parallels changes in bFGF gene protein. Regulation of transcription of a bFGF luciferase reporter gene containing an upstream region (bp -1800 to +314) of the bFGF gene promoter mimicks the density-dependent regulation of the endogenous bFGF gene in transfected astrocytes. Deletion analysis has identified a fragment (bp -650 to -513) and sequences further downstream (bp -274 to +314) as the regions required for the regulation of bFGF gene activity by cell density. Unlike in astrocytes, changing the cell density of glioma cell cultures does not affect the levels of bFGF protein and mRNA. bFGF luciferase constructs were expressed at the same level in high- or low-density cultures of glioma cells, indicating altered regulation of the bFGF gene promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed binding of nuclear proteins to a fragment of bFGF gene promoter from bp -650 to -453. This binding was abolished by a deletion of the upstream cell-density-responsive region (bp -650 to -512). Binding was observed with nuclear extracts from subconfluent astrocytes but was reduced in extracts from confluent astrocytes. Our results indicate that induction of bFGF in astrocytes upon reduction of cell density is mediated transcriptionally by positive trans-acting factors interacting with bFGF promoter. In contrast, nuclear proteins from glioma cells bind to the promoter region from bp -650 to -453 independent of cell density. Thus, the constitutive binding of trans-acting factor(s) to the region of the bFGF promoter from bp -650 to -453 may be responsible for the continuous expression of bFGF that leads to the uncontrolled growth of glioma cells.
Orally administered antigens induce a state of immunologic hyporesponsiveness termed oral tolerance. Different mechanisms are involved in mediating oral tolerance depending on the dose fed. Low doses of antigen generate cytokine-secreting regulatory cells, whereas high doses induce anergy or deletion. We used mice transgenic for a T-cell receptor (TCR) derived from an encephalitogenic T-cell clone specific for the acetylated N-terminal peptide of myelin basic protein (MBP) Ac-1-11 plus I-Au to test whether a regulatory T cell could be generated from the same precursor cell as that of an encephalitogenic Th1 cell and whether the induction was dose dependent. The MBP TCR transgenic mice primarily have T cells of a precursor phenotype that produce interleukin 2 (IL-2) with little interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-4, or transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta). We fed transgenic animals a low-dose (1 mg x 5) or high-dose (25 mg x 1) regimen of mouse MBP and without further immunization spleen cells were tested for cytokine production. Low-dose feeding induced prominent secretion of IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta, whereas minimal secretion of these cytokines was observed with high-dose feeding. Little or no change was seen in proliferation or IL-2/IFN-gamma secretion in fed animals irrespective of the dose. To demonstrate in vivo functional activity of the cytokine-secreting cells generated by oral antigen, spleen cells from low-dose-fed animals were adoptively transferred into naive (PLJ x SJL)F1 mice that were then immunized for the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Marked suppression of EAE was observed when T cells were transferred from MBP-fed transgenic animals but not from animals that were not fed. In contrast to oral tolerization, s.c. immunization of transgenic animals with MBP in complete Freund's adjuvant induced IFN-gamma-secreting Th1 cells in vitro and experimental encephalomyelitis in vivo. Despite the large number of cells reactive to MBP in the transgenic animals, EAE was also suppressed by low-dose feeding of MBP prior to immunization. These results demonstrate that MBP-specific T cells can differentiate in vivo into encephalitogenic or regulatory T cells depending upon the context by which they are exposed to antigen.
Based on data from 2091 call centre representatives working in 85 call centres in the UK, central assumptions of affective events theory (AET) are tested. AET predicts that specific features of work (e.g. autonomy) have an impact on the arousal of emotions and moods at work that, in turn, co-determine job satisfaction of employees. AET further proposes that job satisfaction is an evaluative judgement that mainly explains cognitive-based behaviour, whereas emotions and moods better predict affective-based behaviour. The results support these assumptions. A clear separation of key constructs (job satisfaction, positive and negative emotions) was possible. Moreover, correlations between several work features (e.g. supervisory support) and job satisfaction were, in part, mediated by work emotions, even when controlling for gender, age, call centre type (in-house versus outsourced centres) and call centre size. Predictions regarding consequences of satisfaction and affect were partly corroborated as continuance commitment was more strongly related to job satisfaction than to positive emotions. In addition, affective commitment and health complaints were related to both emotions and job satisfaction to the same extent. Thus, AET is a fruitful framework for explaining why and how specific management strategies used for designing work features influence important organizational attitudes and well-being of employees. © 2006 British Academy of Management.
The purpose of this research was to analyze whether the use of technological resources may be feasible in the implementation of the environmental culture cross-cutting factor for sustainable development, which focuses on environmental issues related to the contents of the Science study program for the seventh year of the basic general education. The research design is qualitative with a dominant approach and uses some quantitative elements specifically in the design of instruments and some data analysis techniques. The type of study was developed with a multi-method approach; a trend that has been shaping a research style which integrates various methods in a single design. For this, we identified the didactic strategies and their relationship to both, technology and the environmental axis for sustainable development, used by six Science teachers of the 7th grade, in public institutions of the province of Heredia, Central Valley, Costa Rica, as well as the opinion of 20 students from that same grade. The main results include the opinions of the students, who showed a considerable interest in classes where technological resources are used. However, teachers do not show great interest or positive opinions on this matter; in addition, they are not well trained on the use of technological resources. It was also identified that the teaching personal who participated in the study do not develop this curricular axis.
This study sought to identify factors involved in access to the services of a basic health unit. It is a cross-sectional, population-based study involving 101 randomly-selected families residing in the area covered by the health unit. An adult resident of each household was interviewed. The response variable was whether or not the resident frequented the health unit if he/she or anyone in the family required assistance to resolve a health issue. The independent variables investigated were service provision aspects, demographic and socio-economic characteristics, individual habits, morbidities and use of the health unit. In addition to descriptive and univariate analysis, logistic regression was applied in the multivariate analysis. The results show that access to the basic health unit is associated with the treatment received previously (OR = 3,224) with accessibility (OR = 0,146) and micro-area of residence (OR = 10,918). These findings suggest that access is related to the impressions created by the care received at the health unit and is based on experiences with the service, but can also be strongly modulated by individual aspects and factors related to the territory.
A monomeric basic PLA2 (PhTX-II) of 14149.08 Da molecular weight was purified to homogeneity from Porthidium hyoprora venom. Amino acid sequence by in tandem mass spectrometry revealed that PhTX-II belongs to Asp49 PLA2 enzyme class and displays conserved domains as the catalytic network, Ca2+-binding loop and the hydrophobic channel of access to the catalytic site, reflected in the high catalytic activity displayed by the enzyme. Moreover, PhTX-II PLA2 showed an allosteric behavior and its enzymatic activity was dependent on Ca2+. Examination of PhTX-II PLA2 by CD spectroscopy indicated a high content of alpha-helical structures, similar to the known structure of secreted phospholipase IIA group suggesting a similar folding. PhTX-II PLA2 causes neuromuscular blockade in avian neuromuscular preparations with a significant direct action on skeletal muscle function, as well as, induced local edema and myotoxicity, in mice. The treatment of PhTX-II by BPB resulted in complete loss of their catalytic activity that was accompanied by loss of their edematogenic effect. On the other hand, enzymatic activity of PhTX-II contributes to this neuromuscular blockade and local myotoxicity is dependent not only on enzymatic activity. These results show that PhTX-II is a myotoxic Asp49 PLA2 that contributes with toxic actions caused by P. hyoprora venom.
To report on the use of chronic myeloid leukemia as a theme of basic clinical integration for first year medical students to motivate and enable in-depth understanding of the basic sciences of the future physician. During the past thirteen years we have reviewed and updated the curriculum of the medical school of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas. The main objective of the new curriculum is to teach the students how to learn to learn. Since then, a case of chronic myeloid leukemia has been introduced to first year medical students and discussed in horizontal integration with all themes taught during a molecular and cell biology course. Cell structure and components, protein, chromosomes, gene organization, proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis, signaling and so on are all themes approached during this course. At the end of every topic approached, the students prepare in advance the corresponding topic of clinical cases chosen randomly during the class, which are then presented by them. During the final class, a paper regarding mutations in the abl gene that cause resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors is discussed. After each class, three tests are solved in an interactive evaluation. The course has been successful since its beginning, 13 years ago. Great motivation of those who participated in the course was observed. There were less than 20% absences in the classes. At least three (and as many as nine) students every year were interested in starting research training in the field of hematology. At the end of each class, an interactive evaluation was performed and more than 70% of the answers were correct in each evaluation. Moreover, for the final evaluation, the students summarized, in a written report, the molecular and therapeutic basis of chronic myeloid leukemia, with scores ranging from 0 to 10. Considering all 13 years, a median of 78% of the class scored above 5 (min 74%-max 85%), and a median of 67% scored above 7. Chronic myeloid leukemia is an excellent example of a disease that can be used for clinical basic integration as this disorder involves well known protein, cytogenetic and cell function abnormalities, has well-defined diagnostic strategies and a target oriented therapy.
The family Malpighiaceae presents species with different habits, fruit types and cytological characters. Climbers are considered the most derived habit, followed, respectively, by the shrubby and arboreal ones. The present study examines the relationship between basic chromosome numbers and the derivation of climbing habit and fruit types in Malpighiaceae. A comparison of all the chromosome number reports for Malpighiaceae showed a predominance of chromosome numbers based on x=5 or 10 in the genera of sub-family Malpighioideae, mainly represented by climbers with winged fruits, whereas non-climbing species with non-winged fruits, which predominate in sub-family Byrsonimoideae, had counts based on x=6, which is considered the less derived basic number for the family. Based on such data, confirmed by statistic assays, and on the monophyletic origin of this family, we admit the hypothesis that morphological derivation of habit and fruit is correlated with chromosome basic number variation in the family Malpighiaceae.