579 resultados para sagnac interferometer


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The link between natural ion-line enhancements in radar spectra and auroral activity has been the subject of recent studies but conclusions have been limited by the spatial and temporal resolution previously available. The next challenge is to use shorter sub-second integration times in combination with interferometric programmes to resolve spatial structure within the main radar beam, and so relate enhanced filaments to individual auroral rays. This paper presents initial studies of a technique, using optical and spectral satellite signatures, to calibrate the received phase of a signal with the position of the scattering source along the interferometric baseline of the EISCAT Svalbard Radar. It is shown that a consistent relationship can be found only if the satellite passage through the phase fringes is adjusted from the passage predicted by optical tracking. This required adjustment is interpreted as being due to the vector between the theoretical focusing points of the two antennae, i.e. the true radar baseline, differing from the baseline obtained by survey between the antenna foot points. A method to obtain a measurement of the true interferometric baseline using multiple satellite passes is outlined.


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We present a simple analytic solution for the condition of constructive interference for light transmitted through an interferometer incorporating three ideally transparent layers of arbitrary thickness and refractive index. We also consider the effect of adding two metallic coatings to the outer surfaces of the interferometer and give empirical expressions for the associated phase changes for silver coatings on silica, sapphire, and mica substrates. A particular application to fringes of equal chromatic order can be utilized to obtain precise measurements of the thickness of extremely thin films sandwiched between two substrates.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Synthetic-heterodyne demodulation is a useful technique for dynamic displacement and velocity detection in interferometric sensors, as it can provide an output signal that is immune to interferometric drift. With the advent of cost-effective, high-speed real-time signal-processing systems and software, processing of the complex signals encountered in interferometry has become more feasible. In synthetic heterodyne, to obtain the actual dynamic displacement or vibration of the object under test requires knowledge of the interferometer visibility and also the argument of two Bessel functions. In this paper, a method is described for determining the former and setting the Bessel function argument to a set value, which ensures maximum sensitivity. Conventional synthetic-heterodyne demodulation requires the use of two in-phase local oscillators; however, the relative phase of these oscillators relative to the interferometric signal is unknown. It is shown that, by using two additional quadrature local oscillators, a demodulated signal can be obtained that is independent of this phase difference. The experimental interferometer is aMichelson configuration using a visible single-mode laser, whose current is sinusoidally modulated at a frequency of 20 kHz. The detected interferometer output is acquired using a 250 kHz analog-to-digital converter and processed in real time. The system is used to measure the displacement sensitivity frequency response and linearity of a piezoelectric mirror shifter over a range of 500 Hz to 10 kHz. The experimental results show good agreement with two data-obtained independent techniques: the signal coincidence and denominated n-commuted Pernick method.


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Piezoelectric transducers are widely used in high-resolution positioning systems. This paper reports the experimental analysis of a novel piezoelectric flextensional actuator (PFA), which is designed by using the topology-optimization method through a low-cost homodyne Michelson interferometer. By applying the J(1) - J(4) method for signal demodulation, which provides a linear and direct measurement of dynamic optical phase shift independent of fading, the nanometric displacements of the PFA were determined. Linearity and frequency response of the PFA were evaluated up to 50 kHz. PFA calibration factor and amplification rate were determined for the PFA operating in the quasi-static regime. To confirm the observed frequencies of resonance, an impedance analyzer is also utilized to measure the magnitude and phase of the PFA admittance.


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Abstract (deutsch)Zielsetzung des Dissertationsvorhabens war die Beobachtung und Analyse von Gast-Wirt-Wechselwirkungen an oxidischen Oberflächen. Einer der Wechselwirkungspartner sollte dabei auf der Oberfläche immobilisiert, der andere in wäßriger Lösung darüber vorliegen.Eine empfindliche und oberflächensensitive Methode zur Beobachtung der Anlagerung unmarkierter Moleküle ist die Wellenleiterspektroskopie, insbesondere mit dem hier verwendeten und weiterentwickelten integriert-optischen Mach-Zehnder-Interferometer in Siliziumtechnik (Siliziumoxynitrid auf oxidiertem Siliziumwafer). Mit Hilfe des Interferometers wurden unterschiedliche Wirt-Gast-Systeme untersucht. Grundlage der Immobilisierung war jeweils die Funktionalisierung der Sensoroberfläche durch Selbstadsorption von Organosilanen. Durch unterschiedliche Organosilane, die zum Teil im Rahmen dieser Arbeit synthetisiert wurden, ließen sich die Wirtmoleküle beta-Cyclodextrin, Streptavidin, sowie unterschiedliche monoklonale Antikörperfragmente immobilisieren.- Der Einfluß der Oberfläche auf die Bindungsstärke des Wirtmoleküls beta-Cyclodextrin und unterschiedlicher Gastmoleküle wurde konzentrationsabhängig untersucht.- Silan-Biotinderivate mit unterschiedlicher Streptavidin-Affinität wurden an die Oberfläche immobilisiert und die Adsorption von Streptavidin an die Biotinderivate beobachtet. Dabei konnte unter anderem nachgewiesen werden, daß das Streptavidinadsorbat gequollen ist.- Als mögliche Anwendung wurde geprüft, ob das vorgestellte Interferometer durch die Funktionalisierung mit Antikörperfragmenten als Biosensor in Frage kommt. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, daß sich Antikörper auf der Sensoroberfläche immobilisieren lassen und Antigene spezifisch an diese Antikörper adsorbieren.


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Am Mainzer Mikrotron MAMI wurde ein neuartiges Interferometer entwickelt und getestet, mit dem magneto-optische Effekte an dünnen, freitragenden Folien von 3d-Übergangsmetallen wie Eisen, Kobalt oder Nickel an den L_{2,3}-Absorptionskanten (im Spektralbereich der weichen Röntgenstrahlung) gemessen werden können. Es handelt sich um eine Weiterentwicklung eines an MAMI erprobten Interferometers, das im wesentlichen aus einer kollinearen Anordnung zweier identischer Undulatoren, zwischen die die dünne Probefolie eingebracht wird, und einem Gitterspektrometer besteht. Aus den als Funktion des Abstands der Undulatoren beobachtbaren Intensitätsoszillation lassen sich das Dekrement des Realteils δ und der Absorptionskoeffizient β des komplexen Brechungsindex bestimmen.rnIm Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Apparatur derart weiterentwickelt, dass auch die magnetisch zirkulare Doppelbrechung Δδ und der magnetisch zirkulare Dichroismus Δβ an den L_{2,3}-Absorptionskanten von Übergangsmetallen gemessen werden können. Der zweite Undulator wurde um die Elektronenstrahlachse um den Winkel Ψ = ±107° drehbar gemacht. Damit dient er auch als Analysator der aus der Folie austretenden elliptisch polarisierten weichen Röntgenstrahlung, für die - wie bei der Faraday-Rotation - die Polarisationsebene gedreht ist. Weiterhin kann die Spaltbreite der 10-poligen Hybrid-Undulatoren mit einer Periodenlänge von 12 mm und damit der Undulatorparameter über eine Antriebsmechanik kontinuierlich variiert werden, wodurch eine optimale Anpassung der Amplituden der Undulatorstrahlung aus den beiden Undulatoren möglich wird. Der maximale Undulatorparameter beträgt K = 1.1. Auch das Spektrometer, das auf einem selbstfokussierenden Gitter mit variierter Liniendichte (im Mittel 1400 Linien / mm) basiert, wurde weiterentwickelt. Als Detektor kommt jetzt eine fensterlose CCD mit 1024 x 1024 Pixeln und einer Pixelgröße von 13 μm x 13 μm zum Einsatz, die im Bildmodus betrieben wird, was die gleichzeitige Messung eines Energieintervalls von ca. 50 eV ermöglicht. Die totale Linienbreite wurde bei einer vertikalen Strahlfleckausdehnung von σ_y = 70 μm (rms) am Neon 1s-3p Übergang bei (867.18 ±0.02) eV zu Δħω = (0.218 ±0.002) eV (FWHM) gemessen. Das hohe Auflösungsvermögen von 4000 und die Möglichkeit der Eichung gegen den 1s-3p Übergang von Neon wurden ausgenutzt, um die Energie der Maxima an den Absorptionskanten von Nickel (weiße Linien) neu zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnisse E_{L_2}=(869.65_{-0.16}^{+0.27}) eV und E_{L_3}=(852.37_{-0.11}^{+0.16}) eV stellen eine Verbesserung früherer Messungen dar, die große Streuungen aufwiesen.rnAus systematischen Messungen als Funktion des Abstandes der Undulatoren und des Drehwinkels Ψ wurden die magnetisch zirkulare Doppelbrechung Δδ im Energiebereich 834 eV ≤ ħω ≤ 885 eV an einer freitragenden, bis zur Sättigung magnetisierten Nickelfolie der Dicke von (96.4 ±2.7) nm gemessen. Sowohl das Auflösungsvermögen als auch die Genauigkeit der Messungen für Δδ übersteigen bekannte Literaturangaben signifikant, so dass eine bisher nicht bekannte Feinstruktur gefunden werden konnte. Außerdem wurde der Betrag des magnetisch zirkularen Dichroismus |Δβ| im Bereich des Maximums an der L_3-Absorptionskante mit hoher Genauigkeit gemessen.rn


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A spatial, electro-optical autocorrelation (EOA) interferometer using the vertically polarized lobes of coherent transition radiation (CTR) has been developed as a single-shot electron bunch length monitor at an optical beam port downstream the 100 MeV preinjector LINAC of the Swiss Light Source. This EOA monitor combines the advantages of step-scan interferometers (high temporal resolution) [D. Mihalcea et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 082801 (2006) and T. Takahashi and K. Takami, Infrared Phys. Technol. 51, 363 (2008)] and terahertz-gating technologies [U. Schmidhammer et al., Appl. Phys. B: Lasers Opt. 94, 95 (2009) and B. Steffen et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 12, 032802 (2009)] (fast response), providing the possibility to tune the accelerator with an online bunch length diagnostics. While a proof of principle of the spatial interferometer was achieved by step-scan measurements with far-infrared detectors, the single-shot capability of the monitor has been demonstrated by electro-optical correlation of the spatial CTR interference pattern with fairly long (500 ps) neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser pulses in a ZnTe crystal. In single-shot operation, variations of the bunch length between 1.5 and 4 ps due to different phase settings of the LINAC bunching cavities have been measured with subpicosecond time resolution.


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Heterodyne receivers at millimeter and submillimeter wavelength are widely used for radiometric spectral line observations for atmospheric remote sensing or radio astronomy. The quantitative analysis of such observations requires an accurate knowledge of the mixers's sideband ratio. In addition, its potential sensitivity to spurious harmonics needs to be well understood. In this paper, we discuss a measurement technique for these receiver characteristics, which is based on a scanning Martin Puplett Interferometer used in conjunction with a wide band digital autocorrelation spectrometer for the analysis of the intermediate frequency band. We present measurement results of different double sideband and sideband separating mixers, which were developed for the proposed 340GHz multi-beam limb sounder STEAMR.


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We propose a pulse shaping and shortening technique for pulses generated from gain switched single mode semiconductor lasers, based on a Mach Zehnder interferometer with variable delay. The spectral and temporal characteristics of the pulses obtained with the proposed technique are investigated with numerical simulations. Experiments are performed with a Distributed Feedback laser and a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser, emitting at 1.5 µm, obtaining pulse duration reduction of 25-30%. The main asset of the proposed technique is that it can be applied to different devices and pulses, taking advantage of the flexibility of the gain switching technique.


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In this work a novel point diffraction interferometer based on a variable liquid crystal wave plate (LCWP) has been implemented. The LCWP consists of a 3x3 cm2 monopixel cell with parallel alignment. The monopixel cell was manufactured such that the electrode covers the entire surface except in a centered circular area of 50 μm of diameter. This circle acts as a point perturbation which diffracts the incident wave front giving rise to a spherical reference wave. By applying a voltage to the LCWP we can change the phase of the wave front that passes through the monopixel, except at the center. Phase shifting techniques are used in order to calculate the amplitude and phase distribution of the object wave front. The system allows a digital hologram to be obtained, and by using the Fresnel diffraction integral it is possible to digitally reconstruct the different planes that constitute the three dimensional object.


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In this paper, a novel method to generate ultrawideband (UWB) doublets is proposed and experimentally demonstrated, which is based on exploiting the cross-phase modulation in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). The key component is an integrated SOA Mach-Zehnder interferometer pumped with an optical carrier modulated by a Gaussian pulse. The transfer function of the nonlinear conversion process leads to the generation of UWB doublet pulses by tuning the SOA currents to different values.


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In the present article, an innovative approach for generation of an UWB monocycle is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The proposed design features the combination of an interferometric device (SOA-Mach Zehnder interferometer) with an optical processor unit. The fusion of such components permits to generate, combine and customize UWB pulses. An optical pulse is used as pump signal and two optical carriers represent and the optical input of the system. The selection of a specific wavelength and therefore of a particular port provides the possibility of modifying the systems output pulse polarity. The capacity of transmitting several data sequence has been also evidenced.


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In this paper, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel technique to generate ultrawideband (UWB) doublet pulses by exploiting the cross-phase modulation (XPM) in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). The key component in the proposed system consists on an integrated SOA Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) pumped with a Gaussian pulse modulated optical carrier. The transfer function of the nonlinear conversion process leads to the generation of UWB doublet pulses through the control of the biasing point of the SOA-MZI.


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In this work, we present a novel interferometer based on liquid crystal and photonic crystal fiber technology. The objective of this project is the development of a tunable (switchable) modal (Mach-Zehnder) interferometer for optical communications or sensing.