950 resultados para role perception


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Background: Psychological models of behaviour change are used to predict patients’ health behaviours but have rarely been used to explore healthcare professionals’ health-related behaviour. Aim: To explore the association between self-reported handwashing and a range of psychological variables in a sample of nurses in a large acute hospital. Results and discussion: Nurses in this study were more likely to wash their hands if they perceived it to be important and if they thought their workplace helped them in doing so. The best predictor of perceived importance was how strongly a nurse believed that poor handwashing practice contributes to spreading infection. Conclusion: In this study, psychological variables such as perception of importance, perception of workplace support, occupational stress and perception of risk were important predictors of handwashing behaviour.


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Objective: The research aimed to determine the extent to which illness cognitions and coping explain psychological distress (fear of cancer recurrence, anxiety and depression symptoms) among family carers of survivors of oesophageal cancer.

Methods: Carers of patients registered with the Oesophageal Patients' Association in the UK were mailed a questionnaire booklet containing questions about medical and demographic variables, the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, the Cancer Coping Questionnaire, the Concerns about Recurrence Scale and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.

Results: Complete responses were received from 382 family carers (75% male; mean (SD) age=62 (10.91) years). Regression models indicated that the variables measured could explain between 35 and 49% of the variance in psychological distress among carers. Illness cognitions (particularly perceptions of the cause of, consequences of and personal control over oesophageal cancer and the carer's understanding of the condition) explained the majority of this variance. Positive focus coping strategies were also found to be important in explaining psychological distress.

Conclusion: The results of this study are consistent with previous research demonstrating that illness cognitions are significant correlates of adaptive outcomes, thereby suggesting that cognition-based interventions could potentially be effective in minimizing emotional distress among family carers of oesophageal cancer survivors.


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Leventhal's common sense model has provided a useful framework for explaining psychological distress in several chronic illnesses. The model indicates that a person's perception of their illness and their coping strategies are the key determinants of their experience of psychological distress. The present research examines whether illness perceptions and coping strategies are related to levels of psychological distress among survivors of esophageal cancer. Everyone registered with the Oesophageal Patients' Association in the UK was mailed a questionnaire booklet, which included the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, the Cancer Coping Questionnaire, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Complete responses were received from 484 people. Regression models indicated that the variables measured could explain 51% of the variance in anxiety and 42% of the variance in depression. Perceptions of esophageal cancer explained the majority of this variance. Positive focus coping strategies were also found to be important in explaining psychological distress. The results of this study are consistent with previous research demonstrating that illness perceptions are stronger correlates of adaptive outcomes than coping strategies. The findings suggest that cognition-based interventions could potentially be most effective in minimizing emotional distress among survivors of esophageal cancer.


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FMRFamide-like peptides (FLPs) are a diverse group of neuropeptides that are expressed abundantly in nematodes. They exert potent physiological effects on locomotory, feeding and reproductive musculature and also act as neuromodulators. However, little is known about the specific expression patterns and functions of individual peptides. The current study employed rapid amplification of cDNA ends-polymerase chain reaction (RACE-PCR) to characterize flp genes from infective juveniles of the root knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne minor. The peptides identified from these transcripts are sequelogs of FLPs from the free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans; the genes have therefore been designated as Mi-flp-1, Mi-flp-7, Mi-flp-12, Mm-flp-12 and Mi-flp-14. Mi-flp-1 encodes five FLPs with the common C-terminal moiety, NFLRFamide. Mi-flp-7 encodes two copies of APLDRSALVRFamide and APLDRAAMVRFamide and one copy of APFDRSSMVRFamide. Mi-flp-12 and Mm-flp-12 encode the novel peptide KNNKFEFIRFamide (a longer version of RNKFEFIRFamide found in C. elegans). Mi-flp-14 encodes a single copy of KHEYLRFamide (commonly known as AF2 and regarded as the most abundant nematode FLP), and a single copy of the novel peptide KHEFVRFamide. These FLPs share a high degree of conservation between Meloidogyne species and nematodes from other clades, including those of humans and animals, perhaps suggesting a common neurophysiological role which may be exploited by novel drugs. FLP immunoreactivity was observed for the first time in Meloidogyne, in the circumpharyngeal nerve ring, pharyngeal nerves and ventral nerve cord. Additionally, in situ hybridization revealed Mi-flp-12 expression in an RIR-like neuron and Mi-flp-14 expression in SMB-like neurons, respectively. These localizations imply physiological roles for FLP-12 and FLP-14 peptides, including locomotion and sensory perception.


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The effect of restructuring the form of three unfamiliar pop/rock songs was investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment, listeners' judgements of the likely location of sections of novel popular songs were explored by requiring participants to place the eight sections (Intro - Verse 1 - Chorus 1 - Verse 2 - Chorus 2 - Bridge (solo) - Chorus 3 - Extro) of the songs into the locations they thought them most likely to occur within the song. Results revealed that participants were able to place the sections in approximately the right location with some accuracy, though they were unable to differentiate between choruses. In Experiment 2, three versions of each of the songs were presented in three different structures: intact (original form), medium restructured (the sections in a moderately changed order), and highly restructured (more severe restructuring). The results show that listeners' judgments of predictability and liking were largely uninfluenced by the restructuring of the songs, in line with findings for classical music. Moment-by-moment liking judgements of the songs demonstrated a change in liking judgements with repeated exposure, though the trend was downwards with repeated exposure rather than upwards. Detailed analysis of moment-by-moment judgements at the ends and beginnings of sections showed that listeners were able to respond quickly to intact songs, but not to restructured songs. The results suggest that concatenism prevails in listening to popular song at the expense of paying attention to larger structural features. © 2012 by the regents of the university of california all rights reserved.


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Rising levels of urban deprivation and a perception that poverty has become more concentrated in such areas and has taken on a qualitatively different character have provoked a variety of popular and academic responses. The potentially most fruitful set of hypotheses focuses on the unintended of weak labour force attachment and social isolation is perceived to lead to behaviour and orientations that contribute to a vicious circle of deprivation. In examining the value of this conceptual framework in the Irish case we proceed by measuring directly the social-psychological factors which ave hypothesized to mediate the 'underclass' process.

A significantly higher level of poverty is found in urban public-sector tenant households. This finding cannot be accounted for entirely by socio-demographic differences. It is the assessment of this net or residual effect that is crucial to an evaluation of vicious circle explanations. Controlling for the critical social-psychological factors we found that net effect was reduced by less than a quarter and concluded that the remaining effect is more plausibly attributed to the role of selection than to underclass processes. Analysis of the changing relationship between urban public-sector tenancy and poverty provides support for this interpretation.

For the main part the distinctiveness of social housing tenants is a consequence of the disadvantages they stiffer in relation to employment opportunities and living standards. Ultimately it is these problems that policy interventions, whatever the level at which they take place, must address.


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The incidence of chronic illnesses is increasing globally. Non-adherence to medications and other medication-related problems are common among patients receiving long-term medications. Medication use review (MUR) is a service provision with an accredited pharmacist undertaking structured, adherence-centered reviews with patients receiving multiple medications. MUR services are not yet available in community pharmacies in Qatar.

The current study aims to evaluate community pharmacists' knowledge, attitudes, and perception towards establishing MUR as an extended role in patient care.

Private community pharmacies in Qatar including chains and independent pharmacies.

A cross-sectional survey using a self-administered questionnaire was conducted among licensed community pharmacists from December 2012 to January 2013. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Main outcome measures
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to MUR concept and services.

Results A total of 123 participants responded to the survey (response rate 56 %). The mean total knowledge score was 71.4 ± 14.7 %. An overwhelming proportion of the participants (97 %) were able to identify the scope of MUR in relation to chronic illnesses and at enhancing the quality of pharmaceutical care. Furthermore, 80 % of the respondents were able to identify patients of priority for inclusion in an MUR program. However, only 43 % of the participants knew that acute medical conditions were not the principal focus of an MUR service, while at least 97 % acknowledged that the provision of MUR services is a great opportunity for an extended role of community pharmacists and that MUR makes excellent use of the pharmacist's professional skills in the community. The participants generally reported concerns about time, dedicated consultation area, and support staff as significant barriers towards MUR implementation.

This study suggests that community pharmacists in Qatar had sufficient knowledge about the concept of MUR and its scope, but there were still important deficiencies that warrant further education. The findings have important implications on policy and practice pertaining to the implementation of MUR as an extended role of pharmacists and as part of Qatar's National Health Strategy to move primary health care forward.


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Laughter is a ubiquitous social signal in human interactions yet it remains understudied from a scientific point of view. The need to understand laughter and its role in human interactions has become more pressing as the ability to create conversational agents capable of interacting with humans has come closer to a reality. This paper reports on three aspects of the human perception of laughter when context has been removed and only the body information from the laughter episode remains. We report on ability to categorise the laugh type and the sex of the laugher; the relationship between personality factors with laughter categorisation and perception; and finally the importance of intensity in the perception and categorisation of laughter.


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Early visual cortex (EVC) participates in visual feature memory and the updating of remembered locations across saccades, but its role in the trans-saccadic integration of object features is unknown. We hypothesized that if EVC is involved in updating object features relative to gaze, feature memory should be disrupted when saccades remap an object representation into a simultaneously perturbed EVC site. To test this, we applied transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over functional magnetic resonance imaging-localized EVC clusters corresponding to the bottom left/right visual quadrants (VQs). During experiments, these VQs were probed psychophysically by briefly presenting a central object (Gabor patch) while subjects fixated gaze to the right or left (and above). After a short memory interval, participants were required to detect the relative change in orientation of a re-presented test object at the same spatial location. Participants either sustained fixation during the memory interval (fixation task) or made a horizontal saccade that either maintained or reversed the VQ of the object (saccade task). Three TMS pulses (coinciding with the pre-, peri-, and postsaccade intervals) were applied to the left or right EVC. This had no effect when (a) fixation was maintained, (b) saccades kept the object in the same VQ, or (c) the EVC quadrant corresponding to the first object was stimulated. However, as predicted, TMS reduced performance when saccades (especially larger saccades) crossed the remembered object location and brought it into the VQ corresponding to the TMS site. This suppression effect was statistically significant for leftward saccades and followed a weaker trend for rightward saccades. These causal results are consistent with the idea that EVC is involved in the gaze-centered updating of object features for trans-saccadic memory and perception.


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Background: Spatially localized duration compression of a briefly presented moving stimulus following adaptation in the same location is taken as evidence for modality-specific neural timing mechanisms.

Aims: The present study used random dot motion stimuli to investigate where these mechanisms may be located.

Method: Experiment 1 measured duration compression of the test stimulus as a function of adaptor speed and revealed that duration compression is speed tuned. These data were then used to make predictions of duration compression responses for various models which were tested in experiment 2. Here a mixed-speed adaptor stimulus was used with duration compression being measured as a function of the adaptor’s ‘speed notch’ (the removal of a central band from the speed range).

Results: The results were consistent with a local-mean model.

Conclusions: Local-motion mechanisms are involved in duration perception of brief events.


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During the last 30 years governments almost everywhere in the world are furthering a global neoliberal agenda by withdrawing the state from the delivery of services, decreasing social spending and lowering corporate taxation etc. This restructuring has led to a massive transfer of wealth from the welfare state and working class people into capital. In order to legitimize this restructuring conservative governments engage in collective blaming towards their denizens. This presentation will examine some of the well circulated phrases that have been used by the dominant elite in some countries during the last year to legitimize the imposition of austerity measures. Phrases such as, ‘We all partied’ used by the Irish finance minister, Brian Lenihan, to explain the Irish crisis and collectively blame all Irish people, ‘We must all share the pain’, deployed by another Irish Minister Gilmore and the UK coalition administration’s sound bite ‘We are all in this together’, legitimize the imposition of austerity measures. Utilizing the Gramscian concept of common sense (Gramsci, 1971), I call these phrases ‘austerity common sense’. They are austerity common sense because they both reflect and legitimate the austerity agenda. By deploying these phrases, the ruling economic and political elite seek to influence the perception of the people and pre-empt any intention of resistance. The dominant theme of these phrases is that there is no alternative and that austerity measures are somehow self-inflicted and, as such, should not be challenged because we are all to blame. The purpose of this presentation is to explore the “austerity common sense” theme from a Gramscian approach, focus on its implications for the social work profession and discuss the ways to resist the imposition of the global neoliberal agenda.


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Background: Cachexia has been defined as an on-going loss of skeletal muscle mass that cannot be fully reversed by conventional nutritional support. It can be found in up to 80% of patients with advanced cancer and has profound psycho-social consequences for patients and their families. There is a paucity of studies examining the role and experience of healthcare professionals in relation to cachexia and existing studies suggest that professional staff have limited understanding and do not intervene effectively.
Aim: To identify barriers and facilitators to good practice in cachexia care in order to inform future developments in service provision.
Design: An exploratory qualitative study was conducted employing semi-structured interviews with a range of healthcare professionals recruited purposefully from an Australian hospital. Interviews were conducted in private rooms within the hospital.
Setting/participants: A range of healthcare professionals responsible for cancer care were recruited from a large Australian teaching hospital.
Results: Interviews were conducted with 8 healthcare professionals responsible for delivering cancer care. Four themes were identified: formal and informal education, knowledge and understanding, truth telling in cachexia and palliative care, and, a multi-disciplinary approach. Findings show how improved knowledge and understanding across a staff body can lead to improved staff confidence and a willingness to address cancer cachexia and its consequences with patients and their families.
Conclusion: Comparison with previous studies illustrates the importance of improving knowledge and understanding about cachexia and how this can contribute to staff having the skills and experience necessary to address cachexia and provide an improved care experience for patients and carers.


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Esta tese tem como principal objetivo analisar as características, a importância e o papel da inovação territorial em turismo e o seu impacto no desenvolvimento dos destinos. Consiste num estudo multidisciplinar suportado numa exaustiva revisão da literatura sobre temas como desenvolvimento, inovação e modelos de inovação territorial. Com base nas principais conclusões de natureza conceptual, considerou-se o modelo dos sistemas regionais de inovação como o mais adequado para aplicação ao sistema turístico, e a constituição de redes como estruturas fundamentais para a sua operacionalização. A partir desta abordagem teórica, foi desenvolvido um quadro conceptual para a análise da inovação sistémica no sector do turismo. Esta abordagem permitiu a definição de um conjunto de hipóteses, as quais foram testadas através dos resultados da parte empírica da tese. Foram desenvolvidos dois estudos empíricos distintos, mas complementares nas regiões do Douro e de Aveiro. O primeiro teve como objetivo inquirir empresas turísticas, enquanto o segundo foi dirigido a instituições regionais com intervenção no sector do turismo ou na inovação. Os resultados obtidos conduziram a importantes conclusões sobre o desempenho das empresas e regiões em termos de inovação, os padrões de networking desenvolvidos no âmbito de processos de inovação, a importância do conhecimento existente nas regiões e os fatores específicos das mesmas para a inovação em turismo, a perceção das empresas turísticas sobre o ambiente de inovação e o seu contributo para a evolução e para o sucesso dos destinos turísticos. A tese recorre a uma abordagem quantitativa que inclui estatística descritiva e indutiva e ao método da análise de redes (sociometria). A combinação de métodos levou a importantes conclusões sobre a inovação em turismo, com uma focalização especial no que a relaciona com os sistemas regionais de inovação. As conclusões permitem avançar com um conjunto de implicações e sugestões para futuros projetos de investigação sobre o tema, bem como para a gestão dos destinos turísticos, uma vez que contribui para um maior e mais aprofundado conhecimento do fenómeno da inovação em turismo desenvolvida a nível regional. Os resultados demonstram que diferentes regiões apresentam sistemas regionais de inovação distintos. Assim, não existe um modelo único que possa ser aplicado indistintamente em todas as regiões. Contudo, as conclusões apontam para a existência de padrões e práticas que aperfeiçoam o seu funcionamento, aumentando o desempenho ao nível da inovação, bem como a competitividade global do destino.


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This thesis addresses the problem of word learning in computational agents. The motivation behind this work lies in the need to support language-based communication between service robots and their human users, as well as grounded reasoning using symbols relevant for the assigned tasks. The research focuses on the problem of grounding human vocabulary in robotic agent’s sensori-motor perception. Words have to be grounded in bodily experiences, which emphasizes the role of appropriate embodiments. On the other hand, language is a cultural product created and acquired through social interactions. This emphasizes the role of society as a source of linguistic input. Taking these aspects into account, an experimental scenario is set up where a human instructor teaches a robotic agent the names of the objects present in a visually shared environment. The agent grounds the names of these objects in visual perception. Word learning is an open-ended problem. Therefore, the learning architecture of the agent will have to be able to acquire words and categories in an openended manner. In this work, four learning architectures were designed that can be used by robotic agents for long-term and open-ended word and category acquisition. The learning methods used in these architectures are designed for incrementally scaling-up to larger sets of words and categories. A novel experimental evaluation methodology, that takes into account the openended nature of word learning, is proposed and applied. This methodology is based on the realization that a robot’s vocabulary will be limited by its discriminatory capacity which, in turn, depends on its sensors and perceptual capabilities. An extensive set of systematic experiments, in multiple experimental settings, was carried out to thoroughly evaluate the described learning approaches. The results indicate that all approaches were able to incrementally acquire new words and categories. Although some of the approaches could not scale-up to larger vocabularies, one approach was shown to learn up to 293 categories, with potential for learning many more.