969 resultados para rhoptry protein 2
RESUME Staphylococcus aureus est un important pathogène à gram-positif, à la fois responsable d'infections nosocomiales et communautaires. Le S. aureus résistant à la méthicilline est intrinsèquement résistant aux bêta-lactamines, inhibiteurs de la synthèse de la paroi bactérienne, grâce à une enzyme nouvellement acquise, la protéine liant la pénicilline 2A, caractérisée par une faible affinité pour ces agents et pouvant poursuivre la synthèse de la paroi, alors que les autres enzymes sont bloquées. Ce micro-organisme a également développé des résistances contre quasiment tous les antibiotiques couramment utilisés en clinique. Parallèlement au développement de molécules entièrement nouvelles, il peut être utile d'explorer d'éventuelles caractéristiques inattendues de médicaments déjà existants, par exemple en les combinant, dans l'espoir d'un potentiel effet synergique. Comprendre les mécanismes de tels effets synergiques pourrait contribuer à la justification de leur utilisation clinique potentielle. Récemment, un effet synergique contre le S. aureus résistant à la méthicilline a été décrit entre la streptogramine quinupristine-datfopristine et les bêta-lactamines, aussi bien in vitro qu'in vivo. Le présent travail a pour but de proposer un modèle pour le mécanisme de cette interaction positive et de l'étendre à d'autres classes d'antibiotiques. Premièrement, un certain nombre de méthodes microbiologiques ont permis de mieux cerner la nature de cette interaction, en montrant qu'elle agissait spécifiquement sur le S. aureus résistant à la méthicilline et qu'elle était restreinte à l'association entre inhibiteurs de la synthèse des protéines et bêta-lactamines. Deuxièmement, L'observation de l'influence des inhibiteurs de la synthèse des protéines sur la machinerie de la paroi bactérienne, c'est-à-dire sur l'expression des protéines liant la pénicilline, responsables de la synthèse du peptidoglycan, a montré une diminution de la quantité de ta protéine liant la pénicilline 2, connue pour posséder une activité de transglycosylation, indispensable au bon fonctionnement de la protéine liant la pénicilline 2A, responsable de la résistance à la méthicilline. Troisièmement, l'analyse fine de la composition du peptidoglycan extrait de bactéries, avant ou après traitement par des inhibiteurs de la synthèse des protéines, a montré des altérations corrélant avec leur capacité à agir en synergie avec les bêta-lactamines contre S. aureus résistant à ta méthicilline. Ces altérations dans les muropeptides pourraient représenter une signature de la diminution de la quantité de la protéine liant la pénicilline 2. Le modèle mécanistique retenu considère que les inhibiteurs de la synthèse des protéines pourraient diminuer l'expression de la protéine Liant la pénicilline 2, indispensable à la résistance à la méthiciltine, et que ce déséquilibre dans les enzymes synthétisant la paroi bactérienne pourrait générer une signature dans les muropeptides. SUMMARY Staphylococcus aureus is a major gram-positive pathogen causing both hospital-acquired and community-acquired infections. Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus is intrinsically resistant to the cell wall inhibitors beta-lactams by virtue of a newly acquired cell-wall-building enzyme, tow-affinity penicillin-binding protein 2A, which can build the wall when other penicillin-binding proteins are blocked. Moreover, the microorganism has developed resistance to virtually all non-experimental antibiotics. In addition of producing entirely new molecules, it is useful to explore unexpected features of existing drugs, for example by using them in combination, expecting drug synergisms. Understanding the mechanisms of such synergisms would help justify their putative clinical utilization. Recently, a synergism between the streptogramin quinupristin-dalfopristin and beta-lactams was reported against methicillin-resistant S. aureus, both in vitro and in vivo. The present work intends to propose a model for the mechanism of this positive interaction and to extend it to other drug classes. First, microbiological experimentation helped better defining the nature of this interaction, restricting it to methicillin-resistant S. aureus, and to the association of protein synthesis inhibitors with beta-lactams. Second, the observation of inhibitors of protein synthesis influence on the cell-wall-building machinery, i.e. on the expression of penicillin-binding proteins responsible for peptidoglycan synthesis, showed a decrease in the amount of penicillin-binding protein 2, known to provide a transglycosylase activity for glycan chain elongation, indispensable for the functionality of the low-affinity penicillin-binding protein 2A responsible for methicillin resistance. Third, the fine analysis of the peptidoglycan composition purified from bacteria before or after treatment with inhibitors of protein synthesis showed alterations that correlated with their ability to synergize with beta-lactams against methicillin-resistant S. aureus. These muropeptide alterations could be the signature of decrease in the amount of penicillin-binding protein 2. The retained mechanistic model is that inhibitors of protein synthesis could decrease the expression of penicillin-binding protein 2, wich is indispensable for methicillin-resistance, and that this imbalance in cell-wall-building enzymes could generate a muropeptide signature.
Smad (Sma and Mad-related protein) 2/3 are downstream signaling molecules for TGF-β and myostatin (Mstn). Recently, Mstn was shown to induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skeletal muscle via canonical Smad3, nuclear factor-κB, and TNF-α pathway. However, mice lacking Smad3 display skeletal muscle atrophy due to increased Mstn levels. Hence, our aims were first to investigate whether Mstn induced muscle atrophy in Smad3(-/-) mice by increasing ROS and second to delineate Smad3-independent signaling mechanism for Mstn-induced ROS. Herein we show that Smad3(-/-) mice have increased ROS levels in skeletal muscle, and inactivation of Mstn in these mice partially ablates the oxidative stress. Furthermore, ROS induction by Mstn in Smad3(-/-) muscle was not via nuclear factor-κB (p65) signaling but due to activated p38, ERK MAPK signaling and enhanced IL-6 levels. Consequently, TNF-α, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase, and xanthine oxidase levels were up-regulated, which led to an increase in ROS production in Smad3(-/-) skeletal muscle. The exaggerated ROS in the Smad3(-/-) muscle potentiated binding of C/EBP homology protein transcription factor to MuRF1 promoter, resulting in enhanced MuRF1 levels leading to muscle atrophy.
Ran, the small, predominantly nuclear GTPase, has been implicated in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes including cell cycle progression, nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of RNA and protein, nuclear structure, and DNA synthesis. It is not known whether Ran functions directly in each process or whether many of its roles may be secondary to a direct role in only one, for example, nuclear protein import. To identify biochemical links between Ran and its functional target(s), we have generated and examined the properties of a putative Ran effector mutation, T42A-Ran. T42A-Ran binds guanine nucleotides as well as wild-type Ran and responds as well as wild-type Ran to GTP or GDP exchange stimulated by the Ran-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, RCC1. T42A-Ran·GDP also retains the ability to bind p10/NTF2, a component of the nuclear import pathway. In contrast to wild-type Ran, T42A-Ran·GTP binds very weakly or not detectably to three proposed Ran effectors, Ran-binding protein 1 (RanBP1), Ran-binding protein 2 (RanBP2, a nucleoporin), and karyopherin ß (a component of the nuclear protein import pathway), and is not stimulated to hydrolyze bound GTP by Ran GTPase-activating protein, RanGAP1. Also in contrast to wild-type Ran, T42A-Ran does not stimulate nuclear protein import in a digitonin permeabilized cell assay and also inhibits wild-type Ran function in this system. However, the T42A mutation does not block the docking of karyophilic substrates at the nuclear pore. These properties of T42A-Ran are consistent with its classification as an effector mutant and define the exposed region of Ran containing the mutation as a probable effector loop.
Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 are multifunctional cytokines both proposed as stimulants for cartilage repair. Thus it is crucial to closely examine and compare their effects on the expression of key markers of the chondrocyte phenotype, at the gene and protein level. In this study, the expression of alpha 10 and alpha 11 integrin subunits and the IIA/IIB spliced forms of type II procollagen have been monitored for the first time in parallel in the same in vitro model of mouse chondrocyte dedifferentiation/redifferentiation. We demonstrated that TGF-beta1 stimulates the expression of the non-chondrogenic form of type II procollagen, IIA isoform, and of a marker of mesenchymal tissues, i.e. the alpha 11 integrin subunit. On the contrary, BMP-2 stimulates the cartilage-specific form of type II procollagen, IIB isoform, and a specific marker of chondrocytes, i.e. the alpha 10 integrin subunit. Collectively, our results demonstrate that BMP-2 has a better capability than TGF-beta1 to stimulate chondrocyte redifferentiation and reveal that the relative expressions of type IIB to type IIA procollagens and alpha 10 to alpha 11 integrin subunits are good markers to define the differentiation state of chondrocytes. In addition, adenoviral expression of Smad6, an inhibitor of BMP canonical Smad signaling, did not affect expression of total type II procollagen or the ratio of type IIA and type IIB isoforms in mouse chondrocytes exposed to BMP-2. This result strongly suggests that signaling pathways other than Smad proteins are involved in the effect of BMP-2 on type II procollagen expression.
BACKGROUND: PCSK9 (Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin Kexin type 9) is a circulating protein that promotes hypercholesterolemia by decreasing hepatic LDL receptor protein. Under non interventional conditions, its expression is driven by sterol response element binding protein 2 (SREBP2) and follows a diurnal rhythm synchronous with cholesterol synthesis. Plasma PCSK9 is associated to LDL-C and to a lesser extent plasma triglycerides and insulin resistance. We aimed to verify the effect on plasma PCSK9 concentrations of dietary interventions that affect these parameters. METHODS: We performed nutritional interventions in young healthy male volunteers and offspring of type 2 diabetic (OffT2D) patients that are more prone to develop insulin resistance, including: i) acute post-prandial hyperlipidemic challenge (n=10), ii) 4 days of high-fat (HF) or high-fat/high-protein (HFHP) (n=10), iii) 7 (HFruc1, n=16) or 6 (HFruc2, n=9) days of hypercaloric high-fructose diets. An acute oral fat load was also performed in two patients bearing the R104C-V114A loss-of-function (LOF) PCSK9 mutation. Plasma PCSK9 concentrations were measured by ELISA. For the HFruc1 study, intrahepatocellular (IHCL) and intramyocellular lipids were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Hepatic and whole-body insulin sensitivity was assessed with a two-step hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp (0.3 and 1.0 mU.kg-1.min-1). FINDINGS: HF and HFHP short-term diets, as well as an acute hyperlipidemic oral load, did not significantly change PCSK9 concentrations. In addition, post-prandial plasma triglyceride excursion was not altered in two carriers of PCSK9 LOF mutation compared with non carriers. In contrast, hypercaloric 7-day HFruc1 diet increased plasma PCSK9 concentrations by 28% (p=0.05) in healthy volunteers and by 34% (p=0.001) in OffT2D patients. In another independent study, 6-day HFruc2 diet increased plasma PCSK9 levels by 93% (p<0.0001) in young healthy male volunteers. Spearman's correlations revealed that plasma PCSK9 concentrations upon 7-day HFruc1 diet were positively associated with plasma triglycerides (r=0.54, p=0.01) and IHCL (r=0.56, p=0.001), and inversely correlated with hepatic (r=0.54, p=0.014) and whole-body (r=-0.59, p=0.0065) insulin sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS: Plasma PCSK9 concentrations vary minimally in response to a short term high-fat diet and they are not accompanied with changes in cholesterolemia upon high-fructose diet. Short-term high-fructose intake increased plasma PCSK9 levels, independent on cholesterol synthesis, suggesting a regulation independent of SREBP-2. Upon this diet, PCSK9 is associated with insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis and plasma triglycerides.
We purified from activated T lymphocytes a novel, highly conserved, 116-kDa, intracellular protein that occurred at high levels in the large, dividing cells of the thymus, was up-regulated when resting T or B lymphocytes or hemopoietic progenitors were activated, and was down-regulated when a monocytic leukemia, M1, was induced to differentiate. Expression of the protein was highest in the thymus and spleen and lowest in tissues with a low proportion of dividing cells such as kidney or muscle, although expression was high in the brain. The protein was localized to the cytosol and was phosphorylated, which is consistent with a previous report that the Xenopus laevis ortholog was phosphorylated by a mitotically activated kinase (1 ). The cDNA was previously mischaracterized as encoding p137, a 137-kDa GPI-linked membrane protein (2 ). We propose that the authentic protein encoded by this cDNA be called cytoplasmic activation/proliferation-associated protein-1 (caprin-1), and show that it is the prototype of a novel family of proteins characterized by two novel protein domains, termed homology regions-1 and -2 (HR-1, HR-2). Although we have found evidence for caprins only in urochordates and vertebrates, two insect proteins exhibit well-conserved HR-1 domains. The HR-1 and HR-2 domains have no known function, although the HR-1 of caprin-1 appeared necessary for formation of multimeric complexes of caprin-1. Overexpression of a fusion protein of enhanced green fluorescent protein and caprin-1 induced a specific, dose-dependent suppression of the proliferation of NIH-3T3 cells, consistent with the notion that caprin-1 plays a role in cellular activation or proliferation.
The aim of the present study was to determine the expression of the genes for type 1 (SDR5A1) and type 2 (SDR5A2) 5alpha-reductase isoenzymes in scalp hairs plucked from 33 hirsute patients (20 with polycystic ovary syndrome and 13 with idiopathic hirsutism) and compare it with that of 10 men and 15 normal women. SDR5A1 and SDR5A2 expression was estimated by RT-PCR using the gene of the ubiquitously expressed protein ß2-microglobulin as an internal control. The results are expressed as arbitrary units in relation to ß2-microglobulin absorbance (mean ± SEM). SDR5A2 expression was not detected in any hair samples analyzed in this study. No differences were found in SDR5A1 mRNA levels between men and normal women (0.78 ± 0.05 vs 0.74 ± 0.06, respectively). SDR5A1 gene expression in the cells of hair plucked from the scalp of normal women (0.85 ± 0.04) and of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (0.78 ± 0.05) and idiopathic hirsutism (0.80 ± 0.06) was also similar. These results indicate that SDR5A1 gene expression in the follicular keratinocytes from the vertex area of the scalp seems not to be related to the differences in hair growth observed between normal men and women and hirsute patients. Further studies are needed to investigate the expression of the 5alpha-reductase genes in other scalp follicular compartments such as dermal papillae, and also in hair follicles from other body sites, in order to elucidate the mechanism of androgen action on the hair growth process and related diseases.
Tissue transglutaminase (type II, TG2) has long been postulated to directly promote skeletal matrix calcification and play an important role in ossification. However, limited information is available on the expression, function and modulating mechanism of TG2 during osteoblast differentiation and mineralization. To address these issues, we cultured the well-established human osteosarcoma cell line SAOS-2 with osteo-inductive conditioned medium and set up three time points (culture days 4, 7, and 14) to represent different stages of SAOS-2 differentiation. Osteoblast markers, mineralization, as well as TG2 expression and activity, were then assayed in each stage. Furthermore, we inhibited TG activity with cystamine and then checked SAOS-2 differentiation and mineralization in each stage. The results showed that during the progression of osteoblast differentiation SAOS-2 cells presented significantly high levels of osteocalcin (OC) mRNA, bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) and collagen I, significantly high alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and the increased formation of calcified matrix. With the same tendency, TG2 expression and activity were up-regulated. Furthermore, inhibition of TG activity resulted in a significant decrease of OC, collagen I, and BMP-2 mRNA and of ALP activity and mineralization. This study demonstrated that TG2 is involved in osteoblast differentiation and may play a role in the initiation and regulation of the mineralization processes. Moreover, the modulating effects of TG2 on osteoblasts may be related to BMP-2.
A previous study showed that BMP-2 (bone morphogenetic protein-2) and wear debris can separately support osteoclast formation induced by the receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL). However, the effect of BMP-2 on wear debris-induced osteoclast formation is unclear. In this study, we show that neither titanium particles nor BMP-2 can induce osteoclast formation in RAW 264.7 mouse leukemic monocyte macrophage cells but that BMP-2 synergizes with titanium particles to enhance osteoclast formation in the presence of RANKL, and that at a low concentration, BMP-2 has an optimal effect to stimulate the size and number of multinuclear osteoclasts, expression of osteoclast genes, and resorption area. Our data also clarify that the effects caused by the increase in BMP-2 on phosphorylated SMAD levels such as c-Fos expression increased throughout the early stages of osteoclastogenesis. BMP-2 and titanium particles stimulate the expression of p-JNK, p-P38, p-IkB, and P50 compared with the titanium group. These data suggested that BMP-2 may be a crucial factor in titanium particle-mediated osteoclast formation.
Lipid movement in cells occurs by a variety of methods. Lipids diffuse freely along the lateral plane of a membrane and can translocate between the lipid leaflets, either spontaneously or with the help of enzymes. Lipid translocation between the different cellular compartments predominantly takes place through vesicular transport. Specialized lipid transport proteins (LTPs) have also emerged as important players in lipid movement, as well as other cellular processes. In this thesis we have studied the glycolipid transport protein (GLTP), a protein that transports glycosphingolipids (GSLs). While the in vitro properties of GLTP have been well characterized, its cell biological role remains elusive. By altering GSL and GLTP levels in cells, we have extracted clues towards the protein's function. Based on the results presented in this thesis and in previous works, we hypothesize that GLTP is involved in the GSL homeostasis in cells. GLTP most likely functions as a transporter or sensor of newly synthesized glucosylceramide (GlcCer), at or near the site of GlcCer synthesis. GLTP also seems to be involved in the synthesis of globotriacylceramide, perhaps in a manner that is similar to that of the fourphosphate adaptor protein 2, another GlcCer-transporting LTP. Additionally, we have developed and studied a novel method of introducing ceramides to cells, using a solvent-free approach. Ceramides are important lipids that are implicated in several cellular functions. Their role as proapoptotic molecules is particularly evident. Ceramides form stable bilayer structures when complexed with cholesterol phosphocholine (CholPC), a large-headgroup sterol. By adding ceramide/CholPC complexes to the growth medium, various chain length ceramides were successfully delivered to cells in culture. The uptake rate was dependent on the chain length of the ceramide, where shorter lipids were internalized more quickly. The rate of uptake also determined how the cells metabolised the ceramides. Faster uptake favored conversion of ceramide to GlcCer, whereas slower delivery resulted mainly in breakdown of the lipid.
La proprotéine convertase subtilisine/kexine type 9 (PCSK9) favorise la dégradation post-transcriptionnelle du récepteur des lipoprotéines de faible densité (LDLr) dans les hépatocytes et augmente le LDL-cholestérol dans le plasma. Cependant, il n’est pas clair si la PCSK9 joue un rôle dans l’intestin. Dans cette étude, nous caractérisons les variations de la PCSK9 et du LDLr dans les cellules Caco-2/15 différentiées en fonction d’une variété d’effecteurs potentiels. Le cholestérol (100 µM) lié à l’albumine ou présenté en micelles a réduit de façon significative l’expression génique (30%, p<0,05) et l’expression protéique (50%, p<0,05) de la PCSK9. Étonnamment, une diminution similaire dans le LDLr protéique a été enregistrée (45%, p<0,05). Les cellules traitées avec le 25-hydroxycholestérol (50 µM) présentent également des réductions significatives dans l’ARNm (37%, p<0,01) et la protéine (75%, p<0,001) de la PCSK9. Une baisse des expressions génique (30%, p<0,05) et protéique (57%, p<0,01) a également été constatée dans le LDLr. Des diminutions ont aussi été observées pour la HMG CoA réductase et la protéine liant l’élément de réponse aux stérols SREBP-2. Il a été démontré que le SREBP-2 peut activer transcriptionnellement la PCSK9 par le biais de la liaison de SREBP-2 à son élément de réponse aux stérols situé dans la région proximale du promoteur de la PCSK9. Inversement, la déplétion du contenu cellulaire en cholestérol par l’hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrine a augmenté l’expression génique de la PCSK9 (20%, p<0,05) et son contenu protéique (540%, p<0,001), en parallèle avec les niveaux protéiques de SREBP-2. L’ajout des acides biliaires taurocholate et déoxycholate dans le milieu apical des cellules intestinales Caco-2/15 a provoqué une baisse d’expression génique (30%, p<0,01) et une hausse d’expression protéique (43%, p<0,01) de la PCSK9 respectivement, probablement via la modulation du FXR (farnesoid X receptor). Ces données combinées semblent donc indiquer que la PCSK9 fonctionne comme un senseur de stérols dans le petit intestin.
The release of growth factors from tissue engineering scaffolds provides signals that influence the migration, differentiation, and proliferation of cells. The incorporation of a drug delivery platform that is capable of tunable release will give tissue engineers greater versatility in the direction of tissue regeneration. We have prepared a novel composite of two biomaterials with proven track records - apatite and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) – as a drug delivery platform with promising controlled release properties. These composites have been tested in the delivery of a model protein, bovine serum albumin (BSA), as well as therapeutic proteins, recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) and rhBMP-6. The controlled release strategy is based on the use of a polymer with acidic degradation products to control the dissolution of the basic apatitic component, resulting in protein release. Therefore, any parameter that affects either polymer degradation or apatite dissolution can be used to control protein release. We have modified the protein release profile systematically by varying the polymer molecular weight, polymer hydrophobicity, apatite loading, apatite particle size, and other material and processing parameters. Biologically active rhBMP-2 was released from these composite microparticles over 100 days, in contrast to conventional collagen sponge carriers, which were depleted in approximately 2 weeks. The released rhBMP-2 was able to induce elevated alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin expression in pluripotent murine embryonic fibroblasts. To augment tissue engineering scaffolds with tunable and sustained protein release capabilities, these composite microparticles can be dispersed in the scaffolds in different combinations to obtain a superposition of the release profiles. We have loaded rhBMP-2 into composite microparticles with a fast release profile, and rhBMP-6 into slow-releasing composite microparticles. An equi-mixture of these two sets of composite particles was then injected into a collagen sponge, allowing for dual release of the proteins from the collagenous scaffold. The ability of these BMP-loaded scaffolds to induce osteoblastic differentiation in vitro and ectopic bone formation in a rat model is being investigated. We anticipate that these apatite-polymer composite microparticles can be extended to the delivery of other signalling molecules, and can be incorporated into other types of tissue engineering scaffolds.
Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) has the ability to induce osteoblast differentiation of undifferentiated cells, resulting in the healing of skeletal defects when delivered with a suitable carrier. We have applied a versatile delivery platform comprising a novel composite of two biomaterials with proven track records – apatite and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) – to the delivery of BMP-2. Sustained release of this growth factor was tuned with variables that affect polymer degradation and/or apatite dissolution, such as polymer molecular weight, polymer composition, apatite loading, and apatite particle size. The effect of released BMP-2 on C3H10T1/2 murine pluripotent mesenchymal cells was assessed by tracking the expression of osteoblastic makers, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and osteocalcin. Release media collected over 100 days induced elevated ALP activity in C3H10T1/2 cells. The expression of osteocalcin was also upregulated significantly. These results demonstrated the potential of apatite-PLGA composite particles for releasing protein in bioactive form over extended periods of time.
Background Several studies have reported certain bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) to have positive effects on bone generation Although some investigators have studied the effects of human recombinant BMP (rhBMP-2) in sinus augmentation in sheep, none of these studies looked at the placement of implants at the time of sinus augmentation Furthermore, no literature could be found to report on the impact that different implant systems, as well as the positioning of the implants had on bone formation if rhBMP-2 was utilized in sinus-lift procedures Purpose The aim of this study was to compare sinus augmentation with rhBMP-2 on a poly-D, L-lactic-co-glycolic acid gelatine (PLPG) sponge with sinus augmentation with autologous pelvic cancellous bone in the maxillary sinus during the placement of different dental Implants Materials and methods Nine adult female sheep were submitted to bilateral sinus-floor elevation In one side (test group) the sinus lift was performed with rhBMP-2 on a PLPG-sponge, while the contralateral side served as the control by using cancellous bone from the iliac crest Three different implants (Branemark (R), 31 (R) and Straumann (R)) were inserted either simultaneously with the sinus augmentation or as a two staged procedure 6 weeks later The animals were sacrificed at 6 and 12 weeks for histological and histomorphometrical evaluations during which bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone density (BD) were evaluated Results BD and BIC were significantly higher at 12 weeks in the test group if the Implants were placed at the time of the sinus lift (p < 0 05) No difference was observed between the different implant systems or positions Conclusions The use of rhBMP-2 with PLPG-sponge increased BIC as well as BD in the augmented sinuses if compared to autologous bone Different implant systems and positions of the implants had no effect on BIC or BD (C) 2010 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery
The circumsporozoite protein (CSP) of Plasmodium vivax, a major target for malaria vaccine development, has immunodominant B-cell epitopes mapped to central nonapeptide repeat arrays. To determine whether rearrangements of repeat motifs during mitotic DNA replication of parasites create significant CSP diversity under conditions of low effective meiotic recombination rates, we examined csp alleles from sympatric P. vivax isolates systematically sampled from an area of low malaria endemicity in Brazil over a period of 14 months. Nine unique csp types, comprising six different nona peptide repeats, were observed in 45 isolates analyzed. Identical or nearly identical repeats predominated in most arrays, consistent with their recent expansion. We found strong linkage disequilibrium at sites across the chromosome 8 segment flanking the csp locus, consistent with rare meiotic recombination in this region. We conclude that CSP repeat diversity may not be severely constrained by rare meiotic recombination in areas of low malaria endemicity. New repeat variants may be readily created by nonhomologous recombination even when meiotic recombination is rare, with potential implications for CSP-based vaccine development. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.