834 resultados para review of the health inequalities infant mortality PSA target
Report of the Project Group
Report of the Project Group
Report of the Project Group
Report of the Project Group
Final Report May 2001
Review of the Nursing Home Subvention Scheme The government decided in 1997 to approve proposals from the Minister for Finance for a process of expenditure reviews as a key part of the financial management systems that are central to the Strategic Management Initiative and are intended to ensure greater predictability in resource planning. The aims of the expenditure review process are as follows: Click here to download PDF 873kb
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2004 marked the half-way point of the National Drugs Strategy and a mid-term review was initiated in June last year. The review was overseen by a Steering Group chaired by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.The overall aim of the review was to examine the progress being made in achieving the key strategic goals set out in the Strategy and to enable priorities for future action to be identified â?" and a re-focussing of the Strategy if necessary â?" for the remaining period up to 2008. The Steering Group was also asked to examine the relevance of the Strategy in tackling the current nature and extent of drug misuse in Ireland, including emerging trends, and to identify any gaps presenting and how they might be addressed Download the Report here
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The Government Decision1 on the Structural, Organisational, Financial Management and Systems Reform of the Health Sector of June, 2003 acknowledged that in order to increase the effectiveness of the health service generally, and its capacity to deliver the reform agenda, it was important that the service was fully concentrated on addressing its core health objectives. The Minister for Health and Children and Minister for Finance felt that there could be scope to transfer certain functions out of the health service and locate them more appropriately within other functional areas of Government. As part of the overall decision, it was agreed that a working group would be established, to include the Departments of Health and Children, Finance and An Taoiseach, to examine the scope for transfer of certain activities to other, more appropriate, Departments and agencies and that on completion of this review, the Minister for Health and Children would bring proposals to Government. Read the Report (PDF, 70kb) Â
Mid-term Review of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session Declaration of Committment on HIV/AIDS – Department of Health and Children 2006 Read the Report (PDF, 165kb)
This review aims to provide good quality, up-to-date biomedical evidence of the therapies available to women in Ireland to treat breast, cervical and ovarian cancer. This review summarises evidence from guidelines and high quality studies. It should be noted however that scientific evidence is not infallible, and knowledge in this field is constantly evolving. The evidence summarised in this review presents the current consensus. Download document here  Download summary of report
Infertility Treatments for Women: A Review of the Bio-medical Evidence Click here to download PDF 1.5mb Summary of Report PDF 971kb