1000 resultados para retirada percutânea
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This paper analyzes the evolution of the protection to the minority stockholders of the stock market, through their right to withdrawal when the society is reorganized. Thus, a triple study was done: In the first place, it analyzes the evolution of legal protection for the minority stockholders with relation to possible abuses that can be committed by the majority stockholders of public traded corporations when there is a Public Offering for Stocks Acquisition (POSAs). In the second place, it studies opinions about this legal protection of portfolio managers and lawyers who deal with corporate law. Finally, it verified the POSAs which occurred in recent periods, comparing the values used by the majority stockholders to reimburse the stocks from minority shareholders in those POSAs. Comparing the results of these three above studies, we conclude that: A) The current legislation does not protect adequately the minority stockholders; B) There is a great dispersion of opinions among the two categories of professionals, concerning their approval or not of important details of the current legislation, and also of the old legislation; C) A great dispersion also exists about the suggestions concerning what should be modified in the legislation to improve it; D) The Brazilian Securities Commission (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários ¿ CVM) did not prevent the distortions observed in the POSAs studied; E) The legislation is not always well known by these professionals, and this suggests that the knowledge of small investors must be precarious. This insecurity and ignorance of the legal protection become obstacles for nonspecialized persons to invest in stocks, resulting in an important limitation for the development and popularization of the Brazilian stock market.
O presente trabalho dedica-se à análise da possibilidade do exercício do direito de retirada parcial por parte de acionista de sociedade anônima. Para tanto, fez-se, primeiramente, um estudo das bases essenciais do instituto do direito de retirada, para, então, analisar a possibilidade do exercício do direito de retirada parcial. Concluiu-se que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não veda o exercício do direito de retirada com apenas parte das ações do sócio de sociedade anônima.
The objective of this trial, using 21 abomasal fistulated bovines, eight months of age and 187 kg of liveweight, was to evaluate the digestibility coefficients of diets containing different protein sources (dry yeast, urea, and cottonseed meal) used in ruminant feeding, the analyses of digestibility coefficients took into account the withdrawal or not of abomasal digesta (phases 2 and I, respectively). There was an increase on the digestibility coefficients of crude protein (52.7 to 55.0%), when abomasal digests was withdrawn. Therefore, it is important that the collection of abomasal digesta in ruminal digestion studies be collected in different periods for studies of total digestion. The ingestion of nutrients/MSU and digestible nutrients/MSU was not affected, independent of abomasal digesta withdrawal.
Introduction: Radical prostatectomy surgery is the best treatment currently adopted by detecting prostate cancer. The urinary incontinence is one more common and difficult to treat postoperative complications, which causes a negative impact on quality of life of the individual prostatectomy . The surface electrical nerve stimulation involves the transmission of electrical impulses from an external stimulator for peripheral nerve through surface electrodes attached to skin. It is an easy and efficient technique, widely used for pain relief, rehabilitation and muscle strengthening. Objective: To analyze the effect of T10-L2 percutaneous electrical stimulation, in individuals with urinary incontinence who underwent radical prostatectomy by the laparoscopic technique. Methods: Six patients had previously undergone radical prostatectomy were submitted to 20 sections of surface electrical stimulation with frequency of 4 Hz, pulse width of 1ms during 20 minutes. All subjects fillid a quality of life - International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire- Short FormI - ICIQ-SF questionnaire evaluating. Results: Results showed reduction in the use of the number of pads, number of leaks before and after treatment, and reduced voiding frequency and consequent improvement in quality of life. No side effects were reported. Conclusion: Percutanous electrical stimulation in T10-L2 may be an effective technique to treat urinary incontinence (UI) after radical prostatectomy video laparoscopy
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
No presente caso, relatamos a realização de angioplastia coronariana com implante de stent na artéria coronariana direita de paciente com quadro de angina instável de alto risco, portadora de artéria coronariana única com origem no seio coronariano direito. As artérias descendente anterior e circunflexa originavam-se isoladamente no terço proximal da artéria coronariana direita. Trata-se de rara anomalia coronariana com poucos relatos de intervenção coronariana percutânea na literatura. Este caso ilustra a necessidade da avaliação anatômica pormenorizada do trajeto das artérias coronarianas, precedendo a realização da angioplastia transluminal percutânea, objetivando-se a prevenção de complicações.
Foram avaliados 10 eqüinos da raça Manga Larga, machos, inteiros clinicamente sadios, submetidos à punção cecal percutânea. Analisou-se a resposta clínica, celular, bioquímica e microbiológica do líquido peritoneal por um período de 24 horas após a punção cecal, nos tempos T0, T6, T12 e T24. Foi observada elevação na freqüência respiratória em T6 e na temperatura retal entre T6 e T12. Decorridas 24 horas da punção cecal, ocorreu aumento na concentração de proteínas totais do líquido peritoneal e na atividade da fosfatase alcalina. Tanto a atividade da ALT quanto os níveis de hemoglobina apresentaram diminuição em T6. Não foram registradas alterações na celularidade do plasma ou do líquido peritoneal e obteve-se resultado negativo para a cultura microbiológica do líquido. Considerando a inexistência de efeitos adversos, além das poucas alterações descritas, conclui-se que a punção cecal percutânea é um procedimento seguro e factível, se praticada criteriosamente.
A gastrostomia percutânea endoscópica foi introduzida na prática clínica como via alternativa de alimentação enteral. É procedimento que não necessita de anestesia ou laparotomia, como a gastrostomia cirúrgica. A gastrostomia percutânea endoscópica tem como objetivos a manutenção do aporte nutricional e a melhoria da qualidade de vida e sobrevida dos pacientes. É indicada quando o paciente necessita de dieta enteral por período superior a um mês. A freqüência de complicações varia de 1,0% a 10,0% e a mortalidade de 0,3% a 1,0%. É propósito deste trabalho abordar aspectos relevantes desse método de alimentação enteral, aprimorar seu manejo, bem como facilitar o manejo pelos pacientes que dele se utilizam. Para isso, vamos comentar as indicações e contra-indicações da gastrostomia percutânea endoscópica, técnica de colocação, material das sondas, antibiótico profilático, início de utilização, custo do procedimento, além de suas complicações, aspectos legais e éticos.
Background: Fondaparinux is considered an agent with a well-established safety and efficacy profile in the treatment of non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes, but when used alone, is associated to a higher incidence of thrombotic complications during invasive coronary procedures, requiring the supplementation of an anti-IIa agent. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes previously treated with fondaparinux. Methods: Prospective, controlled registry enrolling 127 consecutive patients submitted to an early invasive stratification during treatment with fondaparinux, with supplementation of intravenous unfractionated heparin at a dose of 85 U/kg at the time of PCI. Results: The rate of the composite primary endpoint including death, acute myocardial infarction, stroke, stent thrombosis or emergency myocardial revascularization was 3.2%. The cumulative incidence of major bleeding and vascular complications was 3.2%. There were no cases of guidecatheter thrombosis or abrupt vessel closure. Conclusions: PCI in patients with acute coronary syndromes receiving fondaparinux is associated with a low rate of major adverse cardiovascular ischemic events and severe hemorrhagic complications. Supplementation of unfractionated heparin during the invasive procedures eliminates the risk of catheter-related thrombosis.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Planejamento da expansão de sistemas de transmissão considerando a retirada de linhas de transmissão
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)