981 resultados para residual interface friction angle


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Oceans are key sources and sinks in the global budgets of significant atmospheric trace gases, termed Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Despite their low concentrations, these species have an important role in the atmosphere, influencing ozone photochemistry and aerosol physics. Surprisingly, little work has been done on assessing their emissions or transport mechanisms and rates between ocean and atmosphere, all of which are important when modelling the atmosphere accurately.rnA new Needle Trap Device (NTD) - GC-MS method was developed for the effective sampling and analysis of VOCs in seawater. Good repeatability (RSDs <16 %), linearity (R2 = 0.96 - 0.99) and limits of detection in the range of pM were obtained for DMS, isoprene, benzene, toluene, p-xylene, (+)-α-pinene and (-)-α-pinene. Laboratory evaluation and subsequent field application indicated that the proposed method can be used successfully in place of the more usually applied extraction techniques (P&T, SPME) to extend the suite of species typically measured in the ocean and improve detection limits. rnDuring a mesocosm CO2 enrichment study, DMS, isoprene and α-pinene were identified and quantified in seawater samples, using the above mentioned method. Based on correlations with available biological datasets, the effects of ocean acidification as well as possible ocean biological sources were investigated for all examined compounds. Future ocean's acidity was shown to decrease oceanic DMS production, possibly impact isoprene emissions but not affect the production of α-pinene. rnIn a separate activity, ocean - atmosphere interactions were simulated in a large scale wind-wave canal facility, in order to investigate the gas exchange process and its controlling mechanisms. Air-water exchange rates of 14 chemical species (of which 11 VOCs) spanning a wide range of solubility (dimensionless solubility, α = 0:4 to 5470) and diffusivity (Schmidt number in water, Scw = 594 to 1194) were obtained under various turbulent (wind speed at ten meters height, u10 = 0:8 to 15ms-1) and surfactant modulated (two different sized Triton X-100 layers) surface conditions. Reliable and reproducible total gas transfer velocities were obtained and the derived values and trends were comparable to previous investigations. Through this study, a much better and more comprehensive understanding of the gas exchange process was accomplished. The role of friction velocity, uw* and mean square slope, σs2 in defining phenomena such as waves and wave breaking, near surface turbulence, bubbles and surface films was recognized as very significant. uw* was determined as the ideal turbulent parameter while σs2 described best the related surface conditions. A combination of both uw* and σs2 variables, was found to reproduce faithfully the air-water gas exchange process. rnA Total Transfer Velocity (TTV) model provided by a compilation of 14 tracers and a combination of both uw* and σs2 parameters, is proposed for the first time. Through the proposed TTV parameterization, a new physical perspective is presented which provides an accurate TTV for any tracer within the examined solubility range. rnThe development of such a comprehensive air-sea gas exchange parameterization represents a highly useful tool for regional and global models, providing accurate total transfer velocity estimations for any tracer and any sea-surface status, simplifying the calculation process and eliminating inevitable calculation uncertainty connected with the selection or combination of different parameterizations.rnrn


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The existence and morphology, as well as the dynamics of micro-scale gas-liquid interfaces is investigated numerically and experimentally. These studies can be used to assess liquid management issues in microsystems such as PEMFC gas flow channels, and are meant to open new research perspectives in two-phase flow, particularly in film deposition on non-wetting surfaces. For example the critical plug volume data can be used to deliver desired length plugs, or to determine the plug formation frequency. The dynamics of gas-liquid interfaces, of interest for applications involving small passages (e.g. heat exchangers, phase separators and filtration systems), was investigated using high-speed microscopy - a method that also proved useful for the study of film deposition processes. The existence limit for a liquid plug forming in a mixed wetting channel is determined by numerical simulations using Surface Evolver. The plug model simulate actual conditions in the gas flow channels of PEM fuel cells, the wetting of the gas diffusion layer (GDL) side of the channel being different from the wetting of the bipolar plate walls. The minimum plug volume, denoted as critical volume is computed for a series of GDL and bipolar plate wetting properties. Critical volume data is meant to assist in the water management of PEMFC, when corroborated with experimental data. The effect of cross section geometry is assessed by computing the critical volume in square and trapezoidal channels. Droplet simulations show that water can be passively removed from the GDL surface towards the bipolar plate if we take advantage on differing wetting properties between the two surfaces, to possibly avoid the gas transport blockage through the GDL. High speed microscopy was employed in two-phase and film deposition experiments with water in round and square capillary tubes. Periodic interface destabilization was observed and the existence of compression waves in the gas phase is discussed by taking into consideration a naturally occurring convergent-divergent nozzle formed by the flowing liquid phase. The effect of channel geometry and wetting properties was investigated through two-phase water-air flow in square and round microchannels, having three static contact angles of 20, 80 and 105 degrees. Four different flow regimes are observed for a fixed flow rate, this being thought to be caused by the wetting behavior of liquid flowing in the corners as well as the liquid film stability. Film deposition experiments in wetting and non-wetting round microchannels show that a thicker film is deposited for wetting conditions departing from the ideal 0 degrees contact angle. A film thickness dependence with the contact angle theta as well as the Capillary number, in the form h_R ~ Ca^(2/3)/ cos(theta) is inferred from scaling arguments, for contact angles smaller than 36 degrees. Non-wetting film deposition experiments reveal that a film significantly thicker than the wetting Bretherton film is deposited. A hydraulic jump occurs if critical conditions are met, as given by a proposed nondimensional parameter similar to the Froude number. Film thickness correlations are also found by matching the measured and the proposed velocity derived in the shock theory. The surface wetting as well as the presence of the shock cause morphological changes in the Taylor bubble flow.


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Interplay of spin, charge, orbital and lattice degrees of freedom in oxide heterostructures results in a plethora of fascinating properties, which can be exploited in new generations of electronic devices with enhanced functionalities. The paradigm example is the interface between the two band insulators LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 that hosts a two-dimensional electron system. Apart from the mobile charge carriers, this system exhibits a range of intriguing properties such as field effect, superconductivity and ferromagnetism, whose fundamental origins are still debated. Here we use soft-X-ray angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy to penetrate through the LaAlO3 overlayer and access charge carriers at the buried interface. The experimental spectral function directly identifies the interface charge carriers as large polarons, emerging from coupling of charge and lattice degrees of freedom, and involving two phonons of different energy and thermal activity. This phenomenon fundamentally limits the carrier mobility and explains its puzzling drop at high temperatures.


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Slowslip forms part of the spectrum of fault behaviour between stable creep and destructive earthquakes. Slow slip occurs near the boundaries of large earthquake rupture zones and may sometimes trigger fast earthquakes. It is thought to occur in faults comprised of rocks that strengthen under fast slip rates, preventing rupture as a normal earthquake, or on faults that have elevated pore-fluid pressures. However, the processes that control slow rupture and the relationship between slow and normal earthquakes are enigmatic. Here we use laboratory experiments to simulate faulting in natural rock samples taken from shallow parts of the Nankai subduction zone, Japan, where very low-frequency earthquakes - a form of slow slip - have been observed.We find that the fault rocks exhibit decreasing strength over millimetre-scale slip distances rather than weakening due to increasing velocity. However, the sizes of the slip nucleation patches in our laboratory simulations are similar to those expected for the very lowfrequency earthquakes observed in Nankai. We therefore suggest that this type of fault-weakening behaviour may generate slow earthquakes. Owing to the similarity between the expected behaviour of slow earthquakes based on our data, and that of normal earthquakes during nucleation, we suggest that some types of slow slip may represent prematurely arrested earthquakes.


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The mechanical behavior of the plate boundary fault zone is of paramount importance in subduction zones, because it controls megathrust earthquake nucleation and propagation as well as the structural style of the forearc. In the Nankai area along the NanTroSEIZE (Kumano) drilling transect offshore SW Japan, a heterogeneous sedimentary sequence overlying the oceanic crust enters the subduction zone. In order to predict how variations in lithology, and thus mechanical properties, affect the formation and evolution of the plate boundary fault, we conducted laboratory tests measuring the shear strengths of sediments approaching the trench covering each major lithological sedimentary unit. We observe that shear strength increases nonlinearly with depth, such that the (apparent) coefficient of friction decreases. In combination with a critical taper analysis, the results imply that the plate boundary position is located on the main frontal thrust. Further landward, the plate boundary is expected to step down into progressively lower stratigraphic units, assisted by moderately elevated pore pressures. As seismogenic depths are approached, the décollement may further step down to lower volcaniclastic or pelagic strata but this requires specific overpressure conditions. High-taper angle and elevated strengths in the toe region may be local features restricted to the Kumano transect.


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Flow transverse bedforms (ripples and dunes) are ubiquitous in rivers and coastal seas. Local hydrodynamics and transport conditions depend on the size and geometry of these bedforms, as they constitute roughness elements at the bed. Bedform influence on flow energy must be considered for the understanding of flow dynamics, and in the development and application of numerical models. Common estimations or predictors of form roughness (friction factors) are based mostly on data of steep bedforms (with angle-of-repose lee slopes), and described by highly simplified bedform dimensions (heights and lengths). However, natural bedforms often are not steep, and differ in form and hydraulic effect relative to idealised bedforms. Based on systematic numerical model experiments, this study shows how the hydraulic effect of bedforms depends on the flow structure behind bedforms, which is determined by the bedform lee side angle, aspect ratio and relative height. Simulations reveal that flow separation behind bedform crests and, thus, a hydraulic effect is induced at lee side angles steeper than 11 to 18° depending on relative height, and that a fully developed flow separation zone exists only over bedforms with a lee side angle steeper than 24°. Furthermore, the hydraulic effect of bedforms with varying lee side angle is evaluated and a reduction function to common friction factors is proposed. A function is also developed for the Nikuradse roughness (k s), and a new equation is proposed which directly relates k s to bedform relative height, aspect ratio and lee side angle.


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The paper presents a consistent set of results showing the ability of Laser Shock Processing (LSP) in modifying the overall properties of the Friction Stir Welded (FSW) joints made of AA 2024-T351. Based on laser beam intensities above 109 W/cm2 with pulse energies of several Joules and pulses durations of nanoseconds, LSP is able of inducing a compression residual stress field, improving the wear and fatigue resistance by slowing crack propagation and stress corrosion cracking, but also improving the overall behaviour of the structure. After the FSW and LSP procedures are briefly presented, the results of micro-hardness measurements and of transverse tensile tests, together with the corrosion resistance of the native joints vs. LSP treated are discussed. The ability of LSP to generate compressive residual stresses and to improve the behaviour of the FSW joints is underscored.


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A methodology is presented to measure the fiber/matrix interface shear strength in composites. The strategy is based on performing a fiber push-in test at the central fiber of highly-packed fiber clusters with hexagonal symmetry which are often found in unidirectional composites with a high volume fraction of fibers. The mechanics of this test was analyzed in detail by means of three-dimensional finite element simulations. In particular, the influence of different parameters (interface shear strength, toughness and friction as well as fiber longitudinal elastic modulus and curing stresses) on the critical load at the onset of debonding was established. From the results of the numerical simulations, a simple relationship between the critical load and the interface shear strength is proposed. The methodology was validated in an unidirectional C/epoxy composite and the advantages and limitations of the proposed methodology are indicated.


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Based on laser beam intensities above 109 W/cm2 with pulse energy of several Joules and duration of nanoseconds, Laser Shock Processing (LSP) is capable of inducing a surface compressive residual stress field. The paper presents experimental results showing the ability of LSP to improve the mechanical strength and cracking resistance of AA2024-T351 friction stir welded (FSW) joints. After introducing the FSW and LSP procedures, the results of microstructural analysis and micro-hardness are discussed. Video Image Correlation was used to measure the displacement and strain fields produced during tensile testing of flat specimens; the local and overall tensile behavior of native FSW joints vs. LSP treated were analyzed. Further, results of slow strain rate tensile testing of the FSW joints, native and LSP treated, performed in 3.5% NaCl solution are presented. The ability of LSP to improve the structural behavior of the FSW joints is underscored.


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In adhesion, the wetting process depends on three fundamental factors: the surface topography of the adherend, the viscosity of the adhesive, and the surface energy of both. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of viscosity and surface roughness on the wetting and their effect on the bond strength. For this purpose, an acrylic adhesive with different viscosities was synthesized and some properties, such as viscosity and surface tension, were studied before adhesive curing took place. Furthermore, the contact angle and the lap-shear strength were analyzed using aluminum adherends with two different roughnesses. Scanning electron microscopy was used to determine the effect of the viscosity and the roughness on the joint interface. The results showed that the adhesive exhibits an optimal value of viscosity. Below this value, at low viscosities, the low neoprene content produces poor bond strength due to the reduced toughness of the adhesive. Additionally, it also produces a high shrinkage during curing, which leads to the apparition of residual stresses that weakens the interfacial strength. However, once the optimum value, an increase in the viscosity produces a negative effect on the joint strength as a result of an important decrease in the wettability.


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La génération des fréquences somme (SFG), une technique spectroscopique spécifique aux interfaces, a été utilisée pour caractériser les changements de la structure macromoléculaire du surfactant cationique chlorure de dodécyltriméthylammonium (DTAC) à l’interface silice/eau dans une plage de pH variant entre 3 et 11. Les conditions expérimentales ont été choisies pour imiter les conditions les plus communes trouvées pendant les opérations de récupération assistée du pétrole. Particulièrement, la silice a été étudiée, car elle est un des composantes des surfaces minérales des réservoirs de grès, et l’adsorption du surfactant a été étudiée avec une force ionique pertinente pour les fluides de la fracturation hydraulique. Les spectres SFG ont présenté des pics détectables avec une amplitude croissante dans la région des étirements des groupes méthylène et méthyle lorsque le pH est diminué jusqu’à 3 ou augmenté jusqu’à 11, ce qui suggère des changements de la structure des agrégats de surfactant à l’interface silice/eau à une concentration de DTAC au-delà de la concentration micellaire critique. De plus, des changements dans l’intensité SFG ont été observés pour le spectre de l’eau quand la concentration de DTAC augmente de 0,2 à 50 mM dans les conditions acide, neutre et alcaline. À pH 3, près du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, l’excès de charge positive en raison de l’adsorption du surfactant cationique crée un champ électrostatique qui oriente les molécules d’eau à l’interface. À pH 7 et 11, ce qui sont des valeurs au-dessus du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, le champ électrostatique négatif à l’interface silice/eau diminue par un ordre de grandeur avec l’adsorption du surfactant comme résultat de la compensation de la charge négative à la surface par la charge positive du DTAC. Les résultats SFG ont été corrélés avec des mesures de l’angle de contact et de la tension interfaciale à pH 3, 7 et 11.


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Nas últimas décadas Friction Surfacing despertou bastante interesse por permitir revestir metais no estado sólido desenvolvendo-se a temperaturas inferiores às de fusão, evitando assim as afetações que dai advém. No presente trabalho existem dois blocos principais, um primeiro onde se caraterizou o material do braço de suspensão do M113, e um segundo onde se produziram revestimentos recorrendo às três técnicas de revestimento em estudo (FS, Fios Fluxados e SER), com o objetivo de se proceder ao seu estudo e comparação. No processo de caraterização do aço do braço, foram realizados diversos ensaios, dos quais se salientam os ensaios de durezas Vickers e os ensaios de faiscamento, concluindo-se que o aço que mais se assemelha com o do braço é o AISI 4140. Para a caraterização dos revestimentos foram definidos diferentes tipos de ensaios, Metalúrgicos e Mecânicos, com a finalidade principal de abranger uma ampla gama de solicitações semelhantes às que são requeridas ao componente em serviço. Nos ensaios Metalúrgicos foram avaliadas as ligações, a existência de defeitos, as ZTA e as alterações metalográficas. A avaliação das propriedades mecânicas foi obtida através de ensaios de dureza, desgaste, flexão em três pontos e Push-Pull. Da realização destes ensaios verificou-se que os revestimentos obtidos por FS apresentam melhores propriedades, tanto Metalúrgicas como Mecânicas Por fim, foi elaborada uma avaliação dos custos operacionais envolvidos na realização da reparação de um braço de suspensão, concluindo-se que FS, apesar de apresentar os revestimentos com melhores propriedades, é ainda uma tecnologia pouco viável economicamente, fato que se deve á baixa eficiência apresentada.


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La génération des fréquences somme (SFG), une technique spectroscopique spécifique aux interfaces, a été utilisée pour caractériser les changements de la structure macromoléculaire du surfactant cationique chlorure de dodécyltriméthylammonium (DTAC) à l’interface silice/eau dans une plage de pH variant entre 3 et 11. Les conditions expérimentales ont été choisies pour imiter les conditions les plus communes trouvées pendant les opérations de récupération assistée du pétrole. Particulièrement, la silice a été étudiée, car elle est un des composantes des surfaces minérales des réservoirs de grès, et l’adsorption du surfactant a été étudiée avec une force ionique pertinente pour les fluides de la fracturation hydraulique. Les spectres SFG ont présenté des pics détectables avec une amplitude croissante dans la région des étirements des groupes méthylène et méthyle lorsque le pH est diminué jusqu’à 3 ou augmenté jusqu’à 11, ce qui suggère des changements de la structure des agrégats de surfactant à l’interface silice/eau à une concentration de DTAC au-delà de la concentration micellaire critique. De plus, des changements dans l’intensité SFG ont été observés pour le spectre de l’eau quand la concentration de DTAC augmente de 0,2 à 50 mM dans les conditions acide, neutre et alcaline. À pH 3, près du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, l’excès de charge positive en raison de l’adsorption du surfactant cationique crée un champ électrostatique qui oriente les molécules d’eau à l’interface. À pH 7 et 11, ce qui sont des valeurs au-dessus du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, le champ électrostatique négatif à l’interface silice/eau diminue par un ordre de grandeur avec l’adsorption du surfactant comme résultat de la compensation de la charge négative à la surface par la charge positive du DTAC. Les résultats SFG ont été corrélés avec des mesures de l’angle de contact et de la tension interfaciale à pH 3, 7 et 11.


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Background: To report the long-term outcome of a series of 49 patients who underwent three horizontal muscle squint surgery for large angle infantile esotropia. Methods: The patient records were retrospectively reviewed of 49 (24 girls [49%], 25 boys) consecutive patients with infantile esotropia of angle greater than or equal to60 Delta, who had undergone three horizontal muscle surgery performed by one surgeon (author GG). Surgery consisted of bilateral medial rectus recession combined with graded unilateral lateral rectus resection. Surgeries were carried out over a 6-year period with a mean follow-up period of 32.9 months (3.7-71.8 months). Results: Using Kaplan-Meier life-table analysis, cumulative surgical success (orthotropia +/-10 Delta) was 93.9% at 1 week, 91.8% at 2 and 6 months, 87.7% at 12 and 18 months, 79.9% at 2 years, 77.1% at 3, 4 and 5 years, and 70.6% at 6 years. The mean preoperative deviation was 68.7 Delta. The mean age at surgery was 12.9 months. The failure rate was independent of preoperative deviation. Prevalence of residual esotropia (>10 Delta) varied from 2.0% at 1 week to 17.0% at 6 years. Similarly the prevalence of consecutive exotropia (>10 Delta) varied from 4.0% at 1 week to 12.4% at 6 years. Conclusion: Operating in a graded fashion on three horizontal muscles in children with large angle infantile esotropia has a high success rate, even over long-term follow up. Based on the study's results, amounts of surgery for a given angle of strabismus are proposed.