989 resultados para reproductive activity alteration
A study with 40 multiparous high yielding dairy cows was conducted to investigate the influence of an induced negative energy balance (NEB) on reproductive performance. Energy restriction of 49% was performed for 3 weeks beginning on oestrous cycle day 12 of first oestrous cycle after day 85 post partum (pp). From day 20 to day 150 pp animals were monitored for ovary activity three times weekly using rectal palpation and transrectal ultrasound scanning and were inseminated around day 150 pp. Additionally, milk progesterone and milk hydrocortisone were analyzed twice a week. Body condition score and body weight as well as blood glucose, plasma nonesterified fatty acids and plasma β-hydroxybutyrate were recorded weekly. According to oestrous cycle activity before (Period 1 = natural energy deficiency), during (Period 2) and after (Period 3) induced energy restriction animals were assigned to the following groups: Delayed first ovulation until day 45 pp, normal oestrous cycle, prolonged oestrous cycle and shortened oestrous cycle. Sporadic significances, but no clear effect of the metabolic state on reproductive performance could be found during Periods 1 and 2. Service success and conception rate were also not influenced. Our results demonstrate a remarkable adaptation of reproductive activity to metabolic challenges. Animals were able to compensate natural NEB in Period 1 as well as induced NEB (Period 2) for preventing metabolic disorders and maintaining reproductive activity. Therefore dietary energy availability had no effect on reproductive performance at more than 85 days in milk in the present study. To understand reproductive failures in dairy cows focus should be laid on genetic disposition of high yielding individuals that cope successful with metabolic challenges.
A exibição do comportamento vocal em muitas espécies de anfíbios anuros é relacionada aos níveis de hormônios esteroides gonadais e interrenais. Esses hormônios poderiam mediar a relação entre intensidade de sinais e imunidade, pois estão envolvidos no desenvolvimento das características sexuais secundárias, comportamento de corte e mobilização de reservas energéticas durante a atividade reprodutiva, enquanto apresentam também efeitos imunomoduladores. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi explorar as relações entre comportamento reprodutivo, imunidade e níveis plasmáticos de testosterona e corticosterona em machos do sapo do semiárido brasileiro, Rhinella granulosa, em atividade reprodutiva e após manipulação hormonal. A precipitação foi o principal determinante ambiental para o aumento dos níveis de testosterona e corticosterona circulantes em machos de R. granulosa, estimulando o comportamento de vocalização. As relações fisiológicas encontradas indicam que os altos níveis plasmáticos de testosterona nos primeiros dias após a chuva devem promover o início do turno vocal, porém a corticosterona deve modular o esforço de vocalização. De forma geral, a exacerbação do comportamento vocal de R. granulosa tem efeitos negativos sobre a imunocompetência, porém alguns indivíduos que apresentam maiores concentrações plasmáticas de corticosterona apresentam concomitantemente alto esforço vocal e alta imunidade. De acordo, a aplicação transdérmica de corticosterona promoveu elevação aguda dos níveis plasmáticos deste glicocorticoide, bem como um aumento da função imune. Assim, apesar de a atenção principal ser comumente colocada no papel da testosterona na mediação de sinais honestos, nossos resultados corroboram a importância da corticosterona na mediação da expressão do comportamento de corte e imunocompetência em machos R. granulosa
Energy production throughout the greater Rocky Mountain Region has increased dramatically in the past decade. Pristine habitat areas historically home to the greater sage grouse are being impaired by these energy development actions. Ongoing studies by state and federal biologists have shown a decrease in overall reproductive activity and a decrease in population on historical mating grounds. This project identifies actions to conserve and restore the habitat of sage grouse populations and reverse the decline of the species. Recommended measures presented in this project include using directional drilling of multiple wells from one single drill pad, creating a GIS mapping data base, funding additional scientific studies regarding impacts from energy development and improved cooperation between state, federal and private agencies.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Ocean acidification is predicted to negatively impact the reproduction of many marine species, either by reducing fertilization success or diverting energy from reproductive effort. While recent studies have demonstrated how ocean acidification will affect larval and juvenile fishes, little is known about how increasing partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and decreasing pH might affect reproduction in adult fishes. We investigated the effects of near-future levels of pCO2 on the reproductive performance of the cinnamon anemonefish, Amphiprion melanopus, from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Breeding pairs were held under three CO2 treatments [Current-day Control (430 µatm), Moderate (584 µatm) and High (1032 µatm)] for a 9-month period that included the summer breeding season. Unexpectedly, increased CO2 dramatically stimulated breeding activity in this species of fish. Over twice as many pairs bred in the Moderate (67% of pairs) and High (55%) compared to the Control (27%) CO2 treatment. Pairs in the High CO2 group produced double the number of clutches per pair and 67% more eggs per clutch compared to the Moderate and Control groups. As a result, reproductive output in the High group was 82% higher than that in the Control group and 50% higher than that in the Moderate group. Despite the increase in reproductive activity, there was no difference in adult body condition among the three treatment groups. There was no significant difference in hatchling length between the treatment groups, but larvae from the High CO2 group had smaller yolks than Controls. This study provides the first evidence of the potential effects of ocean acidification on key reproductive attributes of marine fishes and, contrary to expectations, demonstrates an initially stimulatory (hormetic) effect in response to increased pCO2. However, any long-term consequences of increased reproductive effort on individuals or populations remain to be determined.
The feeding habits and biological aspects of the reproductive cycle of two-spot astyanax, Astyanax cf. lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874) were investigated. Fish samples were captured on a monthly basis, using gillnets of 4 cm mesh size, from the Piató Lake, Assu, Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of September, 2006 to August, 2007. Physico-chemical parameters, such as, temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of the lake were registered. The monthly values of rainfall also were obtained. The 360 individuals captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, and stomach weight and the stage of gonadal maturity were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion with limnological parameters and rainfall. The food items identified were separated into distinct groups according to their origin. Sex ratio and Gonadosomatic Relation of females were verified to determine the spawning period and fecundity. The physico-chemical parameters presented the following annual mean values: temperature = 28.8ºC, electrical conductivity = 992.5 µS.cm-1; dissolved oxygen = 4.9 mg.L-1 during the study period. The annual mean of the rainfall was 63.5 mm. The results indicate that this species present an omnivorous feeding habit with a tendency towards insectivory, with an increase in feeding activity during the dry season. The aquatic oxygen to interfere very importance in the feeding activity than the others factors physico-chemicals of water and rainfall. There was a predominance of females, with a sex proportion of 1M:7F. The macroscopic characteristics of the ovaries and testicles revealed four stages of gonadal development: immature, maturing, mature and spent. A temporal variation was observed for the gonadal development of males and females. There was reproductive activity through out the year, with peaks in the months of February, April and June to correspond with the rain of precipitation of the region. The mean fecundity was 7.681 mature oocytes, varying from 4.476 to 12.036, with mean of 7.681. There was positive relation between fecundity and body mass. Condition Factor is not an efficient indicator of the reproductive period of this species. The species A. cf. lacustris is an opportunist and is well adapted to the conditions of the semi-arid Caatinga Biome
The feeding habits and biological aspects of the reproductive cycle of two-spot astyanax, Astyanax cf. lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874) were investigated. Fish samples were captured on a monthly basis, using gillnets of 4 cm mesh size, from the Piató Lake, Assu, Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of September, 2006 to August, 2007. Physico-chemical parameters, such as, temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of the lake were registered. The monthly values of rainfall also were obtained. The 360 individuals captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, and stomach weight and the stage of gonadal maturity were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion with limnological parameters and rainfall. The food items identified were separated into distinct groups according to their origin. Sex ratio and Gonadosomatic Relation of females were verified to determine the spawning period and fecundity. The physico-chemical parameters presented the following annual mean values: temperature = 28.8ºC, electrical conductivity = 992.5 µS.cm-1; dissolved oxygen = 4.9 mg.L-1 during the study period. The annual mean of the rainfall was 63.5 mm. The results indicate that this species present an omnivorous feeding habit with a tendency towards insectivory, with an increase in feeding activity during the dry season. The aquatic oxygen to interfere very importance in the feeding activity than the others factors physico-chemicals of water and rainfall. There was a predominance of females, with a sex proportion of 1M:7F. The macroscopic characteristics of the ovaries and testicles revealed four stages of gonadal development: immature, maturing, mature and spent. A temporal variation was observed for the gonadal development of males and females. There was reproductive activity through out the year, with peaks in the months of February, April and June to correspond with the rain of precipitation of the region. The mean fecundity was 7.681 mature oocytes, varying from 4.476 to 12.036, with mean of 7.681. There was positive relation between fecundity and body mass. Condition Factor is not an efficient indicator of the reproductive period of this species. The species A. cf. lacustris is an opportunist and is well adapted to the conditions of the semi-arid Caatinga Biome
Diabetes has been implicated in the dryness of the mouth, loss of taste sensation, sialosis, and other disorders of the oral cavity, by impairment of the salivary glands. The aim of the present study was to examine the plasma membrane, microsomal, and homogenate Ca(2+)-ATPase activity in the rat submandibular and parotid salivary glands of streptozotocin-induced diabetes. We have also examined the influence of the acidosis state oil this parameter. Diabetes was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin and acidosis was induced by daily injection of NH(4)Cl. At 15 and 30 days after diabetes induction, the animals were euthanized and the submandibular and parotid salivary glands were removed and analyzed. Ca(2+)-ATPase (total, independent, and dependent) was determined in the homo-enate, microsomal, and plasma membranes of the salivary glands of diabetic and control rats. Calcium concentration was also determined in the glands and showed to be hi-her in the diabetic animals. Ca(2+)-ATPase activity was found to be reduced in all cell fractions studied in the diabetic animals compared with control. Similar results were obtained for the submandibular salivary glands of acidotic animals; however in the parotid salivary glands it was found an increase in the enzyme activity. Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Reproductive experience (i.e., pregnancy and lactation) induces physiological changes in mammals. We recently showed that a previous reproductive experience can modulate the activity of dopaminergic hypothalamic systems while decreasing serum prolactin (PRL) levels and oxidative burst activity in peritoneal macrophages. Dopamine receptor antagonists increase serum PRL levels, and both PRL and dopamine receptors might be involved in the modulation of macrophage activity, providing a means of communication between the nervous and immune systems. The present study evaluated the in vitro effects of PRL and the dopamine receptor 02 antagonist domperidone (DOMP) on the peritoneal activity of macrophages from primiparous and multiparous female rats during lactation. Oxidative bursts and phagocytosis in peritoneal macrophages were evaluated by flow cytometry. Primiparous and multiparous Wistar rats, during the period of lactation (i.e., days 5-7 after parturition) were used. Samples of peritoneal fluid from these rats were first incubated with PRL (10 and 100 nM) for different periods of time. The same procedure was repeated to evaluate the effects of DOMP (10 and 100 nM). Our results showed that macrophages from multiparous rats respond more effectively to in vitro incubation with PRL, especially with regard to oxidative bursts and the percentage of phagocytosis. Additionally, these effects were more pronounced after 30 min of incubation. These data suggest that reproductive experience is associated with a reduction in serum PRL levels, and cells in experienced female animals, including their macrophages, become more sensitive to the effects of PRL (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The action of the ether artemisinin (artemether) on Shistosoma mansoni in mice and the hansters experimentally infected with the LE strain was studied. In mice, the drugs showed high schistosomicidal activity using a single intramuscular dose of 100 mg/Kg/day. By the oral route, this dose showed a low activity. Mice treated with a single intramuscular dose of 200 mg/Kg/day, and examined 15 days after treatment, presented 100% alteration of the oogram; when examined 45 days after treatment, the oogram was normal. With doses of 100 mg/Kg/day, i.m., during 3 or 5 consecutive days, the death rate of mice was very high. Morphologic analysis of the worms collected by perfusion of mice treated with a single dose of 100 mg/Kg/day, i.m., detected a marked decrease in the length of male and female forms, degenerative alterations in the parenchyma and in the reproductive system of the females, with reduction of vitellinic material and in ovary volume; the intestinal contents presented a marked despigmentation. In the male worms signifcant alteration was not apparent by optical microscopy.
In this study, we investigated the expression and activity of liver cytochrome P450s (CYPs) and praziquantel (PZQ) kinetics in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Swiss Webster (SW) mice of both genders were infected (100 cercariae) on postnatal day 10 and killed on post-infection days (PIDs) 30 or 55. Non-infected mice of the same age and sex served as controls. Regardless of mouse sex, infection depressed the activities of CYP1A [ethoxy/methoxy-resorufin-O-dealkylases (EROD/MROD)], 2B9/10 [pentoxy/benzyloxy-resorufin-O-dealkylases (PROD, BROD)], 2E1 [p-nitrophenol-hydroxylase (PNPH)] and 3A11 [erythromycin N-demethylase (END)] on PID 55 but not on PID 30. On PID 55, infection decreased liver CYP mRNA levels (real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction). On PID 30, whereas mRNA levels remained unaltered in males, they were depressed in females. Plasma PZQ (200 and 400 mg/kg body weight intraperitoneally) levels were measured (high-performance liquid chromatography) at different post-treatment intervals. In males and females, infection delayed the PZQ clearance on PID 55, but not on PID 30. Therefore, it can be concluded that schistosomiasis down-modulated CYP expression and activity and delayed PZQ clearance on PID 55, when a great number of parasite eggs were lodged in the liver. On PID 30, when egg-laying was initiated by the worms, no change of CYP expression and activity was found, except for a depression of CYP1A2 and 3A11 mRNAs in female mice.
Pigs are often colonized by more than one bacterial and/or viral species during respiratory tract infections. This phenomenon is known as the porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC). Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) are pathogens that are frequently involved in PRDC. The main objective of this project was to study the in vitro interactions between these two pathogens and the host cells in the context of mixed infections. To fulfill this objective, PRRSV permissive cell lines such as MARC-145, SJPL, and porcine alveolar macrophages (PAM) were used. A pre-infection with PRRSV was performed at 0.5 multiplicity of infection (MOI) followed by an infection with App at 10 MOI. Bacterial adherence and cell death were compared. Results showed that PRRSV preinfection did not affect bacterial adherence to the cells. PRRSV and App co-infection produced an additive cytotoxicity effect. Interestingly, a pre-infection of SJPL and PAM cells with App blocked completely PRRSV infection. Incubation of SJPL and PAM cells with an App cell-free culture supernatant is also sufficient to significantly block PRRSV infection. This antiviral activity is not due to LPS but rather by small molecular weight, heat-resistant App metabolites (,1 kDa). The antiviral activity was also observed in SJPL cells infected with swine influenza virus but to a much lower extent compared to PRRSV. More importantly, the PRRSV antiviral activity of App was also seen with PAM, the cells targeted by the virus in vivo during infection in pigs. The antiviral activity might be due, at least in part, to the production of interferon c. The use of in vitro experimental models to study viral and bacterial co-infections will lead to a better understanding of the interactions between pathogens and their host cells, and could allow the development of novel prophylactic and therapeutic tools.
The gerbil female prostate undergoes morphological and physiological changes resulting from hormonal fluctuations that occur during the reproductive cycle. These repetitive cycles of glandular growth and regression are followed by an extensive reconstruction and remodeling of prostate stroma throughout the reproductive life of the female gerbil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect that the hormonal fluctuations of the reproductive cycle have on the stromal remodeling and the expression and activity of matrix metalloproteinases MMP-2 and -9 in the adult female gerbil prostate. For this, serological, ultrastructural, immunohistochemical and biochemical methods were employed. The results showed that the major stromal alteration coincide with the peak of estradiol, which occurs in estrus, and with the peak of progesterone, occurring during diestrus II. MMP-2 and -9 presented a similar pattern of expression and activity during estrous cycle. The estrus was the phase of greater expression and activity of MMP-2 and -9. On the other hand, in DI and DII, the tissue expression and activity of MMP-2 and -9 was very weak. These results are important since they suggest the involvement of estradiol and progesterone in regulating the expression and activity of MMP-2 and -9 in adult gerbil female prostate. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.
Alterations in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in females determine the transition from regular to irregular reproductive cycles, with loss of fertility. Stimulation of noradrenergic neurons of the anteroventral periventricular neurons (AVPV) is essential for regular reproductive cycles. Therefore, we examined the activity of neurons of the AVPV and measure the noradrenaline (NE) of acyclic rats, in constant estrus, and compared it with that of cyclic rats in estrus. Female cyclic (4-5months) and acyclic (17-18months) rats were euthanized at 10, 14, and 18h in estrus. Brains were processed for immunoreactivity to antigens related to Fos (FRA) in AVPV, and the NE was determined by HPLC-ED. Plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, E2 and P4 were determined. In the acyclic animals, plasma LH was higher but the FSH was lower. There was decreasing P4 at different times, while the E2 was constant and lower in acyclic rats. FRA-ir expression in AVPV neurons of acyclic rats as well as turnover of NE was higher when compared with cyclic group. The preliminary findings showed increased activity in AVPV neurons in aging contribute to changes in the temporal pattern of neuroendocrine signaling, compromising the accuracy of inhibitory and stimulatory effects, causing irregularity in the estrous cycle and determining reproductive senescence.
Synthetic glucocorticoids (GC) are used as a clinical therapeutic to stimulate lung development in fetuses that present the risk of preterm delivery. Previous studies have shown that a prenatal exposure to Dexamethasone (DEX) causes a disturbance in normal GC mediation of neuritic outgrowth, cell signaling, and serotonergic systems. Our hypothesis is that a prenatal exposure to DEX during the third trimester of pregnancy alters 5HT1A receptor function. Pregnant dams were injected daily with 150μg/ml/kg of DEX from gestation day 14 through 19. Control dams were treated with and equal volume of saline. Swim stress followed by elevated plus maze testing was conducted on male rats an hour and a half prior to being sacrificed to induce postnatal acute stress. The non-stressed group was also tested and allowed to return to baseline before sacrifice. Hippocampi were analyzed using a radioligand-receptor binding assay and GTPγS35 incorporation (3H-MPPF antagonist and 8-OH-DPAT agonist, respectively). A significant increase in Kd was found in non-stressed DEX-exposed animals compared to non-stressed controls (p