990 resultados para relaxation times


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Cette thèse concerne l’étude de phase de séparation de deux polymères thermosensibles connus-poly(N-isopropylacylamide) (PNIPAM) et poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) (PIPOZ). Parmi des études variées sur ces deux polymères, il y a encore deux parties de leurs propriétés thermiques inexplicites à être étudiées. Une partie concerne l’effet de consolvant de PNIPAM dans l’eau et un autre solvant hydromiscible. L’autre est l’effet de propriétés de groupes terminaux de chaînes sur la séparation de phase de PIPOZ. Pour ce faire, nous avons d’abord étudié l’effet de l’architecture de chaînes sur l’effet de cosolvant de PNIPAMs dans le mélange de méthanol/eau en utilisant un PNIPAM en étoile avec 4 branches et un PNIPAM cyclique comme modèles. Avec PNIPAM en étoile, l’adhérence de branches PNIPAM de à un cœur hydrophobique provoque une réduction de Tc (la température du point de turbidité) et une enthalpie plus faible de la transition de phase. En revanche, la Tc de PNIPAM en étoile dépend de la masse molaire de polymère. La coopérativité de déhydratation diminue pour PNIPAM en étoile et PNIPAM cyclique à cause de la limite topologique. Une étude sur l’influence de concentration en polymère sur l’effet de cosolvant de PNIPAM dans le mélange méthanol/eau a montré qu’une séparation de phase liquide-liquide macroscopique (MLLPS) a lieu pour une solution de PNIPAM dans le mélange méthanol/eau avec la fraction molaire de méthanol entre 0.127 et 0.421 et la concentration en PNIPAM est constante à 10 g.L-1. Après deux jours d’équilibration à température ambiante, la suspension turbide de PNIPAM dans le mélange méthanol/eau se sépare en deux phases dont une phase possède beaucoup plus de PNIPAM que l’autre. Un diagramme de phase qui montre la MLLPS pour le mélange PNIPAM/eau/méthanol a été établi à base de données expérimentales. La taille et la morphologie de gouttelettes dans la phase riche en polymère condensée dépendent de la fraction molaire de méthanol. Parce que la présence de méthanol influence la tension de surface des gouttelettes liquides, un équilibre lent de la séparation de phase pour PNIPAM/eau/méthanol système a été accéléré et une séparation de phase liquide-liquide macroscopique apparait. Afin d’étudier l’effet de groupes terminaux sur les propriétés de solution de PIPOZ, deux PIPOZs téléchéliques avec groupe perfluorodécanyle (FPIPOZ) ou groupe octadécyle (C18PIPOZ) comme extrémités de chaîne ont été synthétisés. Les valeurs de Tc des polymères téléchéliques ont beaucoup diminué par rapport à celle de PIPOZ. Des micelles stables se forment dans des solutions aqueuses de polymères téléchéliques. La micellization et la séparation de phase de ces polymères dans l’eau ont été étudiées. La séparation de phase de PIPOZs téléchéliques suit le mécanisme de MLLPS. Des différences en tailles de gouttelettes formées à l’intérieur de solutions de deux polymères ont été observées. Pour étudier profondément les différences dans le comportement d’association entre deux polymères téléchéliques, les intensités des signaux de polymères correspondants et les temps de relaxation T1, T2 ont été mesurés. Des valeurs de T2 de protons correspondants aux IPOZs sont plus hautes.


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The paper reports a detailed experimental study on magnetic relaxation of natural horse-spleen ferritin. ac susceptibility measurements performed on three samples of different concentration show that dipole-dipole interactions between uncompensated moments play no significant role. Furthermore, the distribution of relaxation times in these samples has been obtained from a scaling of experimental X" data, obtained at different frequencies. The average uncompensated magnetic moment per protein is compatible with a disordered arrangement of atomic spins throughout the core, rather than with surface disorder. The observed field dependence of the blocking temperature suggests that magnetic relaxation is faster at zero field than at intermediate field values. This is confirmed by the fact that the magnetic viscosity peaks at zero field, too. Using the distribution of relaxation times obtained independently, we show that these results cannot be explained in terms of classical relaxation theory. The most plausible explanation of these results is the existence, near zero field, of resonant magnetic tunneling between magnetic states of opposite orientation, which are thermally populated.


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The effect of variation of the water model on the temperature dependence of protein and hydration water dynamics is examined by performing molecular dynamics simulations of myoglobin with the TIP3P, TIP4P, and TIP5P water models and the CHARMM protein force field at temperatures between 20 and 300 K. The atomic mean-square displacements, solvent reorientational relaxation times, pair angular correlations between surface water molecules, and time-averaged structures of the protein are all found to be similar, and the protein dynamical transition is described almost indistinguishably for the three water potentials. The results provide evidence that for some purposes changing the water model in protein simulations without a loss of accuracy may be possible.


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This work report results from proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), continuous-wave (CW-EPR) and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (P-EPR) and complex impedance spectroscopy of gelatin-based polymer gel electrolytes containing acetic acid. cross-linked with formaldehyde and plasticized with glycerol. Ionic conductivity of 2 x 10(-5) S/cm was obtained at room temperature for samples prepared with 33 wt% of acetic acid. Proton ((1)H) line shapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were measured as a function of temperature. The NMR results show that the proton mobility is dependent on acetic acid content in the plasticized polymer gel electrolytes. The CW-EPR spectra, which were carried out in samples doped with copper perchlorate, indicate the presence of the paramagnetic Cu(2+) ions in axially distorted sites. The P-EPR technique, known as electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM), was employed to show the involvement of both, hydrogen and nitrogen atoms, in the copper complexation of the gel electrolyte. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work we report results from continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies of the vanadium pentoxide xerogel V2O5:nH(2)O (n approximate to 1.6). The low temperature CW-EPR spectrum shows hyperfine structure due to coupling of unpaired V4+ electron with the vanadium nucleus. The analysis of the spin Hamiltonian parameters suggests that the V4+ ions are located in tetragonally distorted octahedral sites. The transition temperature from the rigid-lattice low-temperature regime to the high temperature liquid-like regime was determined from the analysis of the temperature dependence of the hyperfine splitting and the V4+ motional correlation time. The Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation (ESEEM) data shows the signals resulting from the interaction of H-1 nuclei with V4+ ions. The modulation effect was observed only for field values in the center of the EPR absorption spectrum corresponding to the single crystals orientated perpendicular to the magnetic field direction. At least three protons are identified in the xerogel by our magnetic resonance experiments: (I) the OH groups in the equatorial plane, (ii) the bound water molecules in the axial V=O bond and (iii) the free mobile water molecules between the oxide layers. Proton NMR lineshapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were measured in the temperature range between 150 K and 323 K. Our analysis indicates that only a fraction of the xerogel protons contribute to the measured conductivity.


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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and complex impedance spectroscopy have been used to study gelatin-based polymer electrolytes plasticized with glycerol and containing lithium perchlorate. The studied samples were prepared with salt concentration of 7.9 wt% and 10.3 wt%. Ionic conductivity of about 10(-5) S/cm was obtained at room temperature for both samples. Lithium (Li-7) and proton (H-1) lineshapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were measured as a function of temperature. The Li-7 NMR relaxation results indicate that the ionic mobility in this system is comparable to those found in other plasticized polymer electrolytes.


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We have studied the molecular dynamics of one of the major macromolecules in articular cartilage, chondroitin sulfate. Applying (13)C high-resolution magic-angle spinning NMR techniques, the NMR signals of all rigid macromolecules in cartilage can be suppressed, allowing the exclusive detection of the highly mobile chondroitin sulfate. The technique is also used to detect the chondroitin sulfate in artificial tissue-engineered cartilage. The tissue-engineered material that is based on matrix producing chondrocytes cultured in a collagen gel should provide properties as close as possible to those of the natural cartilage. Nuclear relaxation times of the chondroitin sulfate were determined for both tissues. Although T(1) relaxation times are rather similar, the T(2) relaxation in tissue-engineered cartilage is significantly shorter. This suggests that the motions of chondroitin sulfate in data:rat and artificial cartilage different. The nuclear relaxation times of chondroitin sulfate in natural and tissue-engineered cartilage were modeled using a broad distribution function for the motional correlation times. Although the description of the microscopic molecular dynamics of the chondroitin sulfate in natural and artificial cartilage required the identical broad distribution functions for the correlation times of motion, significant differences in the correlation times of motion that are extracted from the model indicate that the artificial tissue does not fully meet the standards of the natural ideal. This could also be confirmed by macroscopic biomechanical elasticity measurements. Nevertheless, these results suggest that NMR is a useful tool for the investigation of the quality of artificially engineered tissue. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 520-532, 2010.


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Impedance spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) were used to investigate the mobility of water molecules located in the interlayer space of H(+) - exchanged bentonite clay. The conductivity obtained by ac measurements was 1.25 x 10(-4) S/cm at 298 K. Proton ((1)H) lineshapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were measured as a function of temperature over the temperature range 130-320 K. The NMR experiments exhibit the qualitative features associated with the proton motion, namely the presence of a (1)H NMR line narrowing and a well-defined spin-lattice relaxation rate maximum. The temperature dependence of the proton spin-lattice relaxation rates was analyzed with the spectral density function appropriate for proton dynamics in a two-dimensional system. The self-diffusion coefficient estimated from our NMR data, D similar to 2 x 10(-7) cm(2)/s at 300 K, is consistent with those reported for exchanged montmorillonite clay hydrates studied by NMR and quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QNS).


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The presence of paramagnetic species in the aqueous ring opening metathesis polymerizations of the exo,exo-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid monomer with RuCl(3) and K(2)[RuCl(5)H(2)O] compounds was studied using ESR techniques. It was observed that the intensities of the Ru(III) signals in the ESR spectra decrease on the time scale of the induction period so that the ROMP can take place. The intensity of the Ru(III) signal almost disappeared 50 min after reacting with K(2)[RuCl(5)H(2)O] and after 100 mm in the case of RuCl(3). Reactions of the cis-[Ru(NH(3))(4)(H(2)O)(2)](tfms)(3) and [Ru(NH(3))(5)H(2)O](tfms)(3) complexes with the monomer and different organic compounds representing the organic functions in the monomer (furan, norbornene, but-2-ene-1,4-diol and formic, acetic, oxalic and maleic acids) were also monitored by ESR and UV/vis spectra. It was deduced that the organic acids provide the disappearance of the Ru(III) signal. The proton NMR relaxation times of the residual water in D(2)O for reactions with oxalic acid suggested that the presence of paramagnetic ions in the solution decreases along with


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In this paper, we show that the steady-state free precession sequence can be used to acquire (13)C high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and applied to qualitative analysis. The analysis of brucine sample using this sequence with 60 degrees flip angle and time interval between pulses equal to 300 ms (acquisition time, 299.7 ms; recycle delay, 300 ms) resulted in spectrum with twofold enhancement in signal-to-noise ratio, when compared to standard (13)C sequence. This gain was better when a much shorter time interval between pulses (100 ms) was applied. The result obtained was more than fivefold enhancement in signal-to-noise ratio, equivalent to more than 20-fold reduction in total data recording time. However, this short time interval between pulses produces a spectrum with severe phase and truncation anomalies. We demonstrated that these anomalies can be minimized by applying an appropriate apodization function and plotting the spectrum in the magnitude mode.


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Utrophin expression is regulated by calcineurin and up-regulating utrophin can decrease the susceptibility of dystrophic skeletal muscle to contraction-induced injury. We overexpressed the constitutively active calcineurin-A α in skeletal muscle of mdx dystrophic mice (mdx CnA*) and examined the tibialis anterior muscle to determine whether the presence of activated calcineurin promotes resistance to muscle damage after lengthening contractions. Two stretches (10 s apart) of 40% strain relative to muscle fibre length were initiated from the plateau of a maximal isometric tetanic contraction. Muscle damage was assessed 1, 5 and 15 min later by the deficit in maximum isometric force and by quantifying the proportion of muscle fibres staining positive for intracytoplasmic albumin. The force deficit at all time points after the lengthening contractions was approximately 80% in mdx muscles and 30% in mdxCnA* muscles. The proportion of albumin-positive fibres was significantly less in control and injured muscles from mdxCnA* mice than from mdx mice. Compared with mdx mice, mean fibre cross-sectional area was 50% less in muscles from mdxCnA* mice. Furthermore, muscles frommdxCnA* mice exhibited a higher proportion of fibres expressing the slow(er) myosin heavy chain (MyHC) I and IIa isoforms, prolonged contraction and relaxation times, lower absolute and normalized maximum forces, and a clear leftward shift of the frequency–force relationship with greater force production at lower stimulation frequencies. These are structural and functional markers of a slower muscle phenotype. Taken together, our findings show that muscles from mdxCnA* mice have a smaller mean fibre cross-sectional area, a greater sarcolemmal to cytoplasmic volume ratio, and an increase in utrophin expression, promoting an attenuated susceptibility to contraction-induced injury. We conclude that increased calcineurin activity may confer functional benefits to dystrophic skeletal muscles.


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Recent studies have shown that composite polymer electrolytes, formed by dispersing nanosized ceramic particles in polyether-based electrolytes, have improved ion transport properties as compared to their unfilled analogues. In the present study polymer electrolytes with different loadings of nano-sized ceramic particles (TiO2) and different polymer chemistry and morphology have been investigated. Of special interest are filler induced effects on polymer, solvent and cationic mobility. Partly crystalline polymer electrolytes based on poly(ethylene oxide) have been compared to fully amorphous polymer electrolytes based on a polyether urethane, as well as gel electrolytes based on PMMA. 7Li pfg-NMR, linewidth and spin–spin relaxation times as well as 1H pfg-NMR and spin–spin relaxation times, were measured as a function of temperature and composition. The 1H spin–spin relaxation measurements reveal increased average polymer mobility with the addition of filler up to a maximum at 4 and 8 wt.% TiO2 for the fully amorphous and the partly crystalline electrolytes, respectively. The 7Li linewidth measurements for the fully amorphous system show a broadening of the linewidth with addition of filler. Based on variable temperature measurements this broadening is interpreted as a result of the inhomogeneity introduced by the filler particles. Pulsed field gradient (pfg) diffusion measurements were employed to determine ion and solvent self-diffusion coefficients. In the case of the PMMA-based gel electrolyte and the fully amorphous electrolytes enhanced cation self-diffusion was observed upon addition of TiO2.


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The copolymerization of lithium 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propane sulfonate (LiAMPS) with N,N ′-dimethylacrylamide has yielded polyelectrolyte systems which can be gelled with an ethylene carbonate/N ′,N ′-dimethylacetamide solvent mixture and show high ionic conductivities. 7Li linewidth and relaxation times as well as 1H NMR diffusion coefficients have been used to investigate the effect of copolymer composition as well as copolymer concentration in the gel electrolyte with respect to ionic transport and polyelectrolyte structure. It appears that ion association is likely even in the case of low lithium salt concentration; however a rapid exchange exists between the associated and non-associated lithium species. Beyond 0.2 M of LiAMPS, both the conductivity and solvent diffusion reach a plateau, whilst lithium ion linewidth and spin-spin relaxation are suggestive, on average, of a less mobile species. The thermal analysis data is also supportive of this association effectively leading to a form of phase separation on the nanoscale, which gives a lower overall activity of lithium ions in the solvent rich regions beyond about 0.2 M of LiAMPS, thereby leading to an increase in the final liquidus temperature of the binary liquid solvent from –9 to +5°C.


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Solid polymer electrolytes based on amorphous polyether-urethane networks combined with lithium or sodium salts and a low molecular weight cosolvent (plasticizer) have been investigated in our laboratories for several years. Conductivity enhancements of up to two orders of magnitude can be obtained whilst still retaining solid elastomeric properties. In order to understand the effects of the plasticizers and their mechanism of conductivity enhancement, multinuclear NMR has been employed to investigate ionic structure in polymer electrolyte systems containing NaCF3SO3, LiCF3SO3 and LiClO3 salts.

With increasing dimethyl formamide (DMF) and propylene carbonate (PC) concentration the increasing cation chemical shift with fixed salt concentration indicates a decreasing anion-cation association consistent with an increased number of charge carriers. 13C chemical shift data for the same systems suggests that whilst DMF also decreases cation-polymer interactions, PC does the opposite, presumably by shielding cation-anion interactions. Temperature dependent 7Li spin-lattice relaxation times indicate the expected increase in ionic mobility upon plasticization with a shift of the T1 minimum to lower temperatures. The magnitude of T1 at the minimum increases upon addition of DMF whereas there is a slight decrease when PC is added. This also supports the suggestion that the DMF preferentially solvates the cation whereas the action of PC is limited to coulomb screening, hence freeing the anion.


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NMR provides a tool whereby the dynamic properties of specific nuclei can be investigated. In the present study, a poly(ethylene oxide-co-propylene oxide) network has been used as the polymer host to prepare solid polymer electrolytes (SPE) containing either LiClO4 or LiCF3SO3. In addition, a low molecular weight plasticizer [propylene carbonate (PC), dimethyl formamide (DMF) or tetraglyme] has been added to several of the samples to enhance the mobility of the polymer and, thus, of the ionic species. The effects of plasticizer and salt concentration on the ionic structure and mobility in these SPEs, as measured by NMR relaxation times, and correlation to the conductivity behaviour in these systems are discussed. Temperature dependent triflate diffusion coefficients, as measured by Pulsed Field Gradient 19F-NMR, in plasticized SPEs are also reported.