941 resultados para quality programs
We compared the effect of three different exercise programs on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease including strength training at 50_80% of one-repetition maximum (1-RM) (ST; N = 11), low-intensity general training (LGT; N = 13), or combined training groups (CT; N = 11). Body composition, muscle strength, treadmill endurance test (TEnd), 6-min walk test (6MWT), Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), and baseline dyspnea (BDI) were assessed prior to and after the training programs (12 weeks). The training modalities showed similar improvements (P > 0.05) in SGRQ-total (ST = 13 ± 14%; CT = 12 ± 14%; LGT = 11 ± 10%), BDI (ST = 1.8 ± 4; CT = 1.8 ± 3; LGT = 1 ± 2), 6MWT (ST = 43 ± 51 m; CT = 48 ± 50 m; LGT = 31 ± 75 m), and TEnd (ST = 11 ± 20 min; CT = 11 ± 11 min; LGT = 7 ± 5 min). In the ST and CT groups, an additional improvement in 1-RM values was shown (P < 0.05) compared to the LGT group (ST = 10 ± 6 to 57 ± 36 kg; CT = 6 ± 2 to 38 ± 16 kg; LGT = 1 ± 2 to 16 ± 12 kg). The addition of strength training to our current training program increased muscle strength; however, it produced no additional improvement in walking endurance, dyspnea or quality of life. A simple combined training program provides benefits without increasing the duration of the training sessions.
A recent assessment of 4400 postgraduate courses in Brazil by CAPES (a federal government agency dedicated to the improvement of the quality of and research at the postgraduate level) stimulated a large amount of manifestations in the press, scientific journals and scientific congresses. This gigantic effort to classify 16,400 scientific journals in order to provide indicators for assessment proved to be puzzling and methodologically erroneous in terms of gauging the institutions from a metric point of view. A simple algorithm is proposed here to weigh the scientometric indicators that should be considered in the assessment of a scientific institution. I conclude here that the simple gauge of the total number of citations accounts for both the productivity of scientists and the impact of articles. The effort spent in this exercise is relatively small, and the sources of information are fully accessible. As an exercise to estimate the value of the methodology, 12 institutions of physics (10 from Brazil, one from the USA and one from Italy) have been evaluated.
Abstract Software product metrics aim at measuring the quality of software. Modu- larity is an essential factor in software quality. In this work, metrics related to modularity and especially cohesion of the modules, are considered. The existing metrics are evaluated, and several new alternatives are proposed. The idea of cohesion of modules is that a module or a class should consist of related parts. The closely related principle of coupling says that the relationships between modules should be minimized. First, internal cohesion metrics are considered. The relations that are internal to classes are shown to be useless for quality measurement. Second, we consider external relationships for cohesion. A detailed analysis using design patterns and refactorings confirms that external cohesion is a better quality indicator than internal. Third, motivated by the successes (and problems) of external cohesion metrics, another kind of metric is proposed that represents the quality of modularity of software. This metric can be applied to refactorings related to classes, resulting in a refactoring suggestion system. To describe the metrics formally, a notation for programs is developed. Because of the recursive nature of programming languages, the properties of programs are most compactly represented using grammars and formal lan- guages. Also the tools that were used for metrics calculation are described.
This study addressed the problem of the quality of life in the Brock Master of Education program. Survey and interview data were used to gain an understanding of satisfaction with the learning achieved and student life experienced. Eighty-seven percent of the study sample reported satisfaction with the program overall. Results suggested the higher the overall satisfaction with a program, the greater the likelihood learning and student life satisfaction were also more positive. Student reflections suggested satisfaction with the quality of life in the program was associated with the program's focus on the student, the use of self-directed learning, and the support of professors to meet student needs. Comparison of the Brock Master of Education survey with the Brock Pre-Service Teacher Education program showed both student groups shared a similar satisfaction with student life in the Faculty. Comparison of Master of Education programs suggested the difference between two programs, a difference which may be influenced by time in the program. The results from the three programs suggested that students beyond the first undergraduate degree favored the school domains of learning acquisition. Supplementary data on the relationship between cognitive and affective opinions suggested the more positive the affective dimension of learning, the greater the likelihood the cognitive dimensions of student life were also more positive. It was concluded that time was a chief factor influencing part-time student satisfaction with both learning and student life in the program. Part-time students, as. the majority in the survey, expressed comments about the need for clarity of communication between the organization and student to promote the effective use of limited time.
Many international, political, and economic influences led to increased demands for development of new quality assurance systems for universities. Like many policies and processes that aim to assure quality, Ontario’s Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) did not define quality. This study sought to explore conceptions of quality and approaches to quality assurance used within Ontario’s universities. A document analysis of the QAF’s rationale and structure suggested that quality was conceived primarily as fitness for purpose, while suggested indicators represented an exceptional conception of quality. Ontario universities perpetuated such confusion by adopting the framework without customizing it to their institutional conceptions of quality. Drawing upon phenomenographic traditions, a qualitative investigation was conducted to better understand various conceptions of quality held by university administrators and to appreciate ways in which they implemented the QAF. Three main approaches to quality assurance were identified: (a) Defending Quality, characterized by conceptions of quality as exceptional, which focuses on administrative accountability and uses a hands-off strategy to defend traditional notions of quality inputs and resources; (b) Demonstrating Quality, characterized by conceptions of quality as fitness for purpose and value for money, which focuses on accountability to students and uses centralized engaged strategies to demonstrate how programs meet current priorities and intended outcomes; and (c) Enhancing Quality, characterized by conceptions of quality as transformation, which focuses on reflection and learning experience and uses engaged strategies to find new ways of improving learning and teaching. The development of a campus culture that values the institution’s function in student learning and quality teaching would benefit from Enhancing Quality approaches to quality assurance. This would require holistic consideration of the beliefs held by members of the institution, a clear articulation of the institution’s conceptions of quality, and a critical analysis of how these conceptions align with institutional practices and policies.
Affiliation: Louise Potvin: Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire en santé, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal
Les sociétés modernes dépendent de plus en plus sur les systèmes informatiques et ainsi, il y a de plus en plus de pression sur les équipes de développement pour produire des logiciels de bonne qualité. Plusieurs compagnies utilisent des modèles de qualité, des suites de programmes qui analysent et évaluent la qualité d'autres programmes, mais la construction de modèles de qualité est difficile parce qu'il existe plusieurs questions qui n'ont pas été répondues dans la littérature. Nous avons étudié les pratiques de modélisation de la qualité auprès d'une grande entreprise et avons identifié les trois dimensions où une recherche additionnelle est désirable : Le support de la subjectivité de la qualité, les techniques pour faire le suivi de la qualité lors de l'évolution des logiciels, et la composition de la qualité entre différents niveaux d'abstraction. Concernant la subjectivité, nous avons proposé l'utilisation de modèles bayésiens parce qu'ils sont capables de traiter des données ambiguës. Nous avons appliqué nos modèles au problème de la détection des défauts de conception. Dans une étude de deux logiciels libres, nous avons trouvé que notre approche est supérieure aux techniques décrites dans l'état de l'art, qui sont basées sur des règles. Pour supporter l'évolution des logiciels, nous avons considéré que les scores produits par un modèle de qualité sont des signaux qui peuvent être analysés en utilisant des techniques d'exploration de données pour identifier des patrons d'évolution de la qualité. Nous avons étudié comment les défauts de conception apparaissent et disparaissent des logiciels. Un logiciel est typiquement conçu comme une hiérarchie de composants, mais les modèles de qualité ne tiennent pas compte de cette organisation. Dans la dernière partie de la dissertation, nous présentons un modèle de qualité à deux niveaux. Ces modèles ont trois parties: un modèle au niveau du composant, un modèle qui évalue l'importance de chacun des composants, et un autre qui évalue la qualité d'un composé en combinant la qualité de ses composants. L'approche a été testée sur la prédiction de classes à fort changement à partir de la qualité des méthodes. Nous avons trouvé que nos modèles à deux niveaux permettent une meilleure identification des classes à fort changement. Pour terminer, nous avons appliqué nos modèles à deux niveaux pour l'évaluation de la navigabilité des sites web à partir de la qualité des pages. Nos modèles étaient capables de distinguer entre des sites de très bonne qualité et des sites choisis aléatoirement. Au cours de la dissertation, nous présentons non seulement des problèmes théoriques et leurs solutions, mais nous avons également mené des expériences pour démontrer les avantages et les limitations de nos solutions. Nos résultats indiquent qu'on peut espérer améliorer l'état de l'art dans les trois dimensions présentées. En particulier, notre travail sur la composition de la qualité et la modélisation de l'importance est le premier à cibler ce problème. Nous croyons que nos modèles à deux niveaux sont un point de départ intéressant pour des travaux de recherche plus approfondis.
Objectif principal: Il n’est pas démontré que les interventions visant à maîtriser voire modérer la médicamentation de patients atteints d’hypertension peuvent améliorer leur gestion de la maladie. Cette revue systématique propose d’évaluer les programmes de gestion contrôlée de la médicamentation pour l’hypertension, en s’appuyant sur la mesure de l’observance des traitements par les patients (CMGM). Design: Revue systématique. Sources de données: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, résumés de conférences internationales sur l’hypertension et bibliographies des articles pertinents. Méthodes: Des essais contrôlés randomisés (ECR) et des études observationnelles (EO) ont été évalués par 2 réviseurs indépendants. L’évaluation de la qualité (de ce matériel) a été réalisée avec l’aide de l’outil de Cochrane de mesure du risque de biais, et a été estimée selon une échelle à quatre niveaux de qualité Une synthèse narrative des données a été effectuée en raison de l'hétérogénéité importante des études. Résultats: 13 études (8 ECR, 5 EO) de 2150 patients hypertendus ont été prises en compte. Parmi elles, 5 études de CMGM avec l’utilisation de dispositifs électroniques comme seule intervention ont relevé une diminution de la tension artérielle (TA), qui pourrait cependant être expliquée par les biais de mesure. L’amélioration à court terme de la TA sous CMGM dans les interventions complexes a été révélée dans 4 études à qualité faible ou modérée. Dans 4 autres études sur les soins intégrés de qualité supérieure, il n'a pas été possible de distinguer l'impact de la composante CMGM, celle-ci pouvant être compromise par des traitements médicamenteux. L’ensemble des études semble par ailleurs montrer qu’un feed-back régulier au médecin traitant peut être un élément essentiel d’efficacité des traitements CMGM, et peut être facilement assuré par une infirmière ou un pharmacien, grâce à des outils de communication appropriés. Conclusions: Aucune preuve convaincante de l'efficacité des traitements CMGM comme technologie de la santé n’a été établie en raison de designs non-optimaux des études identifiées et des ualités méthodologiques insatisfaisantes de celles-ci. Les recherches futures devraient : suivre les normes de qualité approuvées et les recommandations cliniques actuelles pour le traitement de l'hypertension, inclure des groupes spécifiques de patients avec des problèmes d’attachement aux traitements, et considérer les résultats cliniques et économiques de l'organisation de soins ainsi que les observations rapportées par les patients.
Dans cette thèse, nous décrivons les résultats d’un projet de recherche visant à mesurer et évaluer la qualité des soins obstétricaux des hôpitaux de référence au Mali et au Sénégal. Dans ces pays, la mortalité maternelle hospitalière est élevée et est liée en partie à la pratique médicale inadéquate. Cette recherche a été réalisée dans le cadre de l’étude QUARITE, un essai randomisé en grappe évaluant l’efficacité du programme GESTA International visant à réduire la mortalité maternelle hospitalière. GESTA a été mis en œuvre entre 2008 et 2010 et consistait en la formation des professionnels de santé et en la revue des cas de décès maternels. En parallèle de QUARITE, les programmes de prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant (PTME) ont été mis à l’échelle à travers les pays. Ces derniers ayant également la capacité d’augmenter la qualité des soins obstétricaux, nous avons donc évalué les effets des deux programmes (GESTA et PTME) sur la qualité des soins. Dans un premier temps, à l’aide d’une recension des écrits nous avons évalué la capacité d’un audit clinique basé sur des critères à mesurer la qualité des soins obstétricaux. Cet audit vérifiait si l’offre des soins avait respecté les critères cliniques définissant la meilleure prise en charge selon l’évidence scientifique et l’avis des experts. Nous avons démontré que cet outil est largement utilisé dans les pays à faibles et moyens revenus, malgré le peu d’évidence sur sa validité (article 1). Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons développé un audit clinique basé sur des critères qui s’applique au contexte ouest-africain et qui a été approuvé par des experts-obstétriciens nationaux et internationaux. À partir des dossiers obstétricaux, les actes médicaux posés pendant le travail et l’accouchement ont été évalués à l‘aide de cet instrument. La qualité des soins a été estimée sous forme de pourcentage de critères atteints. Appliqué dans différents contextes et par différents auditeurs, nous avons démontré que notre instrument est fiable et valide (article 3). Néanmoins, l’expérience de l’audit nous a amenés à nous questionner sur le mauvais remplissage des dossiers médicaux et ses conséquences sur la qualité des soins (article 2). Dans un troisième temps, l’outil a été appliqué à large échelle pour évaluer les effets de l’intervention GESTA (article 4). Nous avons mené une révision de plus de 800 dossiers obstétricaux dans 32 hôpitaux de référence (16 bénéficiaires de l’intervention et 16 non-bénéficiaires). Grâce à cet audit clinique, nous avons démontré que le programme GESTA contribue à l’amélioration de la qualité des soins, spécifiquement l’examen clinique lors de l’admission et le suivi après l’accouchement. Dernièrement, nous avons utilisé cet instrument afin d’évaluer les effets des programmes de PTME sur la qualité des soins obstétricaux (article 5). Notre travail a documenté que seulement certaines composantes du programme de PTME améliorent la qualité des soins telles que la formation des professionnels et les services complémentaires en nutrition. En conclusion, cette recherche a identifié plusieurs pistes d’intervention pour améliorer la qualité des soins obstétricaux en Afrique de l’Ouest.
Background: Literature on scoliosis screening is vast, however because of the observational nature of available data and methodological flaws, data interpretation is often complex, leading to incomplete and sometimes, somewhat misleading conclusions. The need to propose a set of methods for critical appraisal of the literature about scoliosis screening, a comprehensive summary and rating of the available evidence appeared essential. METHODS: To address these gaps, the study aims were: i) To propose a framework for the assessment of published studies on scoliosis screening effectiveness; ii) To suggest specific questions to be answered on screening effectiveness instead of trying to reach a global position for or against the programs; iii) To contextualize the knowledge through expert panel consultation and meaningful recommendations. The general methodological approach proceeds through the following steps: Elaboration of the conceptual framework; Formulation of the review questions; Identification of the criteria for the review; Selection of the studies; Critical assessment of the studies; Results synthesis; Formulation and grading of recommendations in response to the questions. This plan follows at best GRADE Group (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) requirements for systematic reviews, assessing quality of evidence and grading the strength of recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: In this article, the methods developed in support of this work are presented since they may be of some interest for similar reviews in scoliosis and orthopaedic fields.
Purpose: there are many studies reporting the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation, but few of them exhibit the behavior and activities of these services. This article presents the characteristics of services, parts management and training level of team members, in addition to the variables or instruments used to measure the effectiveness and impact in these programs. Method: it was made a cross sectional convenience sample which included seven pulmonary rehabilitation services in four Colombian cities (Bogotá, Medellín, Manizales and Cali), selected by the coverage, for having at least one year of experience and for being formally established and recognized nationwide. The interdisciplinary team of each service answered a survey that was validated through a pilot test and expert consensus. Participation was voluntary. Results: labor onset pulmonary rehabilitation services correspond to an average of a decade, with COPD and asthma pathologies of attention. The programs are characterized by an outpatient treatment with an average duration of eight to twelve weeks, with a frequency of an hour three times a week. Also, the director of the service is regularly a pulmonologist and the coordinator a physiotherapist (57.14%). The posgradual training of these professionals is notable, and they report to have procedural, administrative and communicative skills, but qualify regular there research skills. The physical and technological resources are well tested. 71.42% have done impact studies, but only 28.57% have been published. All have in common training in upper limbs, lower limbs, respiratory muscles, counseling, functional assessment and quality of life. The effectiveness and impact of programs is measured by the walking test, quality of life questionnaires and activities of daily living.
This article intends to show the relationships between quality practices and the process of organizational learning. When we look at the literature about programs of continuous improvement we see that theoreticians consider that the process of organizational learning is a superior stage in the quality culture adopted by companies. To investigate this possibility, we put together a series of indicators taken from classic authors who have written about organizational learning. Adopting a multiple methodology, we applied these indicators to two plants belonging to the Nestlé food product company which have introduced continuous improvement programs over the last two years.
MOTIVATION: The accurate prediction of the quality of 3D models is a key component of successful protein tertiary structure prediction methods. Currently, clustering or consensus based Model Quality Assessment Programs (MQAPs) are the most accurate methods for predicting 3D model quality; however they are often CPU intensive as they carry out multiple structural alignments in order to compare numerous models. In this study, we describe ModFOLDclustQ - a novel MQAP that compares 3D models of proteins without the need for CPU intensive structural alignments by utilising the Q measure for model comparisons. The ModFOLDclustQ method is benchmarked against the top established methods in terms of both accuracy and speed. In addition, the ModFOLDclustQ scores are combined with those from our older ModFOLDclust method to form a new method, ModFOLDclust2, that aims to provide increased prediction accuracy with negligible computational overhead. RESULTS: The ModFOLDclustQ method is competitive with leading clustering based MQAPs for the prediction of global model quality, yet it is up to 150 times faster than the previous version of the ModFOLDclust method at comparing models of small proteins (<60 residues) and over 5 times faster at comparing models of large proteins (>800 residues). Furthermore, a significant improvement in accuracy can be gained over the previous clustering based MQAPs by combining the scores from ModFOLDclustQ and ModFOLDclust to form the new ModFOLDclust2 method, with little impact on the overall time taken for each prediction. AVAILABILITY: The ModFOLDclustQ and ModFOLDclust2 methods are available to download from: http://www.reading.ac.uk/bioinf/downloads/ CONTACT: l.j.mcguffin@reading.ac.uk.
The development of effective methods for predicting the quality of three-dimensional (3D) models is fundamentally important for the success of tertiary structure (TS) prediction strategies. Since CASP7, the Quality Assessment (QA) category has existed to gauge the ability of various model quality assessment programs (MQAPs) at predicting the relative quality of individual 3D models. For the CASP8 experiment, automated predictions were submitted in the QA category using two methods from the ModFOLD server-ModFOLD version 1.1 and ModFOLDclust. ModFOLD version 1.1 is a single-model machine learning based method, which was used for automated predictions of global model quality (QMODE1). ModFOLDclust is a simple clustering based method, which was used for automated predictions of both global and local quality (QMODE2). In addition, manual predictions of model quality were made using ModFOLD version 2.0-an experimental method that combines the scores from ModFOLDclust and ModFOLD v1.1. Predictions from the ModFOLDclust method were the most successful of the three in terms of the global model quality, whilst the ModFOLD v1.1 method was comparable in performance to other single-model based methods. In addition, the ModFOLDclust method performed well at predicting the per-residue, or local, model quality scores. Predictions of the per-residue errors in our own 3D models, selected using the ModFOLD v2.0 method, were also the most accurate compared with those from other methods. All of the MQAPs described are publicly accessible via the ModFOLD server at: http://www.reading.ac.uk/bioinf/ModFOLD/. The methods are also freely available to download from: http://www.reading.ac.uk/bioinf/downloads/.
Background: Selecting the highest quality 3D model of a protein structure from a number of alternatives remains an important challenge in the field of structural bioinformatics. Many Model Quality Assessment Programs (MQAPs) have been developed which adopt various strategies in order to tackle this problem, ranging from the so called "true" MQAPs capable of producing a single energy score based on a single model, to methods which rely on structural comparisons of multiple models or additional information from meta-servers. However, it is clear that no current method can separate the highest accuracy models from the lowest consistently. In this paper, a number of the top performing MQAP methods are benchmarked in the context of the potential value that they add to protein fold recognition. Two novel methods are also described: ModSSEA, which based on the alignment of predicted secondary structure elements and ModFOLD which combines several true MQAP methods using an artificial neural network. Results: The ModSSEA method is found to be an effective model quality assessment program for ranking multiple models from many servers, however further accuracy can be gained by using the consensus approach of ModFOLD. The ModFOLD method is shown to significantly outperform the true MQAPs tested and is competitive with methods which make use of clustering or additional information from multiple servers. Several of the true MQAPs are also shown to add value to most individual fold recognition servers by improving model selection, when applied as a post filter in order to re-rank models. Conclusion: MQAPs should be benchmarked appropriately for the practical context in which they are intended to be used. Clustering based methods are the top performing MQAPs where many models are available from many servers; however, they often do not add value to individual fold recognition servers when limited models are available. Conversely, the true MQAP methods tested can often be used as effective post filters for re-ranking few models from individual fold recognition servers and further improvements can be achieved using a consensus of these methods.