754 resultados para quality of servcie
Methods. aEuro integral Thirty mothers of disabled children participated in the study. The control group comprised of 18 healthy mothers of children without disabilities. All mothers agreed to participate in the study. They completed the evaluation forms of the SF-36 health survey, a well-documented, self-administered QOL scoring system. Results. aEuro integral The results of our study support the premise that mothers of children with CP, as a group, have poorer QOL than mothers of not disabled children. Conclusions. aEuro integral We also observed that mothers of children with CP and epilepsy have poorer QOL than mothers of children with CP without epilepsy.
Objectives: To verify the consequences of implant-supported fixed oral rehabilitation on the quality of life (QL) of elderly individuals. Material and methods: Fifteen patients were studied, being 10 females and five males; all were aged > 60 years, were completely edentulous, wore removable dentures on both arches, and were treated with implant-supported fixed dentures. Three QL questionnaires were applied, two related to the oral conditions (Oral Impact on Daily Performance - OIDP - and Oral Health Impact Profile, short version - OHIP-14) and one dealing with global aspects (World Health Organization Quality of Life - WHOQOL-BREF), before 3, 6, and 18 months after surgical placement of implants. Results: Scores in the OIDP and OHIP-14 questionnaires were better after dental treatment. The WHOQOL-BREF was less sensitive, confirming the higher reliability of specific questionnaires (focal) compared with general questions in such situations. Conclusion: Treatment with implant-supported fixed prostheses improved QL in the elderly; these effects are better detected by specific instruments focused on the subject.
Purpose : Despite increased interest in quality of life (QOL) as an outcome measure and as a means of identifying client needs in health care, its conceptualisation and the identification of its constituents have been poorly researched for elderly people with stroke in Hong Kong. Method: This article analysed the literature to identify components relevant to the QOL of Chinese elderly people with stroke living in the community in Hong Kong. Results : While common components of QOL for elderly people with and without stroke and regardless of cultural background were identified, a number were specific to an elderly Chinese stroke population. Conclusion : Recommendations for future research have been made with reference to further exploring and validating these components for the target population. A clear understanding of these aspects is essential for the development of sensitive QOL measures to guide and evaluate service delivery to this population.
Background: Measurement and improvement of quality of care is a priority issue in health care. Patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) constitute a high-risk population whose care, if shown to be suboptimal on the basis of available research evidence, may benefit from quality improvement interventions. Aim: To evaluate the quality of in-hospital care for patients with ACS, using explicit quality indicators. Methods: Retrospective case note review was undertaken of 397 patients admitted to three teaching hospitals in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, between 1 October 2000 and 17 April 2001. The main out-come measures were 12 process-of-care quality indicators, calculated as either: (i) the proportion of all patients who received specific interventions or (ii) the proportion of ideal patients who received -specific interventions (i.e. patients with clear indi-cations and lacking contraindications). Results: Quality indicators with values above 80% included: (i) patient selection for thrombolysis (100%) and discharge prescription of beta-blockers (84%), (ii) antiplatelet agents (94%) and (iii) lipid-lowering agents (82%). Indicators with values between 50% and 80% included: (i) timely per-formance of electrocardiogram (ECG) on admission (61%), (ii) early coronary angiography (75%), (iii) measurement of serum lipids (71%) and (iv) discharge prescription of angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (73%). Indicators with values <50% included: (i) timely administration of thrombolysis (35%), (ii) non-invasive risk assessment (23%) and (ii) formal in-hospital and post-hospital cardiac rehabilitation (47% and 7%, respectively). Conclusion: There were delays in performing ECG and administering thrombolysis to patients who presented to emergency departments with ACS. Improvement is warranted in use of non-invasive procedures for identifying high-risk patients who may benefit from coronary revascularization as well as use of serum lipid measurements, ACE inhibitors and cardiac rehabilitation.
The microbiological quality of routinely processed tripe and rumen pillars were compared with those derived after emptying the rumen (paunch) without using water (dry dumping) and after deliberately bursting the paunches before processing. Prior to packing the mean:log(10) aerobic plate counts (APC) for the routinely processed tripe and rumen pillars were 3.55+/-1.08 and 3.28+/-0.87/g respectively. The corresponding mean log(10) total coliform counts (TCC) were 1.27+/-1.28 and 2.08+/-0.87. The mean log(10) APC counts on tripe and rumen pillars after dry-dumping were 3.06+/-0.60 and 3.90+/-0.75/g, respectively. The corresponding mean log(10) TCC were 1.03+/-0.60/g and 2.75+/-1.14/g respectively. After deliberately bursting the paunches, before processing, the mean log(10) APC counts on tripe and rumen pillars were 3.55+/-0.83/g and 3.50+/-0.59/g and the mean log(10) TCC were 1.54+/-0.95/g and 2.66+/-0.82/g respectively. In all cases the prevalence of Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. was less than 3%. The results indicate that both tripe and rumen pillars can be produced after dry dumping without compromising the quality of tripe and rumen pillars. Similarly, incidentally burst paunches that become contaminated with ingesta on the serosal surface can be processed without compromising product quality. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) was used to pre-treat forest soils of south-east Queensland for assessing the effectiveness of iron (Fe) removal, carbon (C) composition using C-13 cross-polarisation (CP) with magic-angle-spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) before and after the HF pre-treatment, and the improvement of C-13 CPMAS NMR spectra. Soil samples were collected from 4 experimental sites of different soil types, harvest residue management or prescribed burning, and tree species. More than 86% of Fe was in all soil types removed by the HF treatment. The C-13 NMR spectral quality was improved with increased resolution, especially in the alkyl C and O-alkyl C regions, and reduced NMR run-time (1-5 h per sample compared with >20 h per sample without the pre-treatment). The C composition appeared to alter slightly after the pre-treatment, but this might be largely due to improved spectrometer conditions and increased resolution leading to more accurate NMR spectral integration. Organic C recovery after HF pre-treatment varied with soil types and forest management, and soluble soil organic matter (SOM) could be lost during the pre-treatment. The Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR) spectra of HF extracts indicated the preferential removal of carboxylic C groups during the pre-treatment, but this could also be due to adsorbed water on the mineral matter. The NMR spectra revealed some changes in C composition and quality due to residue management and decomposition. Overall, the HF treatment was a useful pre-treatment for obtaining semi-quantitative C-13 CPMAS NMR spectra of subtropical Australian forest soils.
We compared the quality of realtime fetal ultrasound images transmitted using ISDN and IP networks. Four experienced obstetric ultrasound specialists viewed standard recordings in a randomized trial and rated the appearance of 30 fetal anatomical landmarks, each on a seven-point scale. A total of 12 evaluations were performed for various combinations of bandwidths (128, 384 or 768 kbit/s) and networks (ISDN or IF). The intraobserver coefficient of variation was 2.9%, 5.0%, 12.7% and 14.7% for the four observers. The mean overall ratings by each of the four observers were 4.6, 4.8, 5.0 and 5.3, respectively (a rating of 4 indicated satisfactory visualization and 7 indicated as good as the original recording). Analysis of variance showed that there were no significant interobserver variations nor significant differences in the mean scores for the different types of videoconferencing machines used. The most significant variable affecting the mean score was the bandwidth used. For ISDN, the mean score was 3.7 at 128 kbit/s, which was significantly worse than the mean score of 4.9 at 384 kbit/s, which was in turn significantly worse than the mean score of 5.9 at 768 kbit/s. The mean score for transmission using IP was about 0.5 points lower than that using ISDN across all the different bandwidths, but the differences were not significant. It appears that IP transmission in a private (non-shared) network is an acceptable alternative to ISDN for fetal tele-ultrasound and one deserving further study.
Purpose: This study aimed to identify the constituents and conceptual characteristics of the quality of life (QOL) of Chinese elderly stroke survivors. living in the community in Hong Kong. Method: A triangulated approach was used to identify the QOL components for this population. This process involved a comparison of QOL components gathered from three different methods, namely, focus group interviews, review of the literature and the contents of the generic Hong Kong Chinese version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (CWHOQOL-HK). Five health professionals were involved in the comparison process. A percentage of inter-judge agreement was used to determine the reliability of the comparisons made between the judges. Results: This study identified 36 components considered to contribute to the QOL of Chinese elderly stroke survivors in Hona Kong. The conceptual characteristics of their QOL generally concurred with those identified in the literature. Conclusion: Both similarities and differences were found in the QOL components identified in this study when compared to those identified in studies of Western populations who are elderly and had a stroke. The contents of the CWHOQOL-HK scale were found to lack adequacy in representing the QOL of Chinese elderly stroke survivors in Hong Kong. Recommendations are given, based on the findings of this study, to overcome this limitation for its application as a QOL measure for this population.
Background: Congestive heart failure (CHF) is an increasingly prevalent poor-prognosis condition for which effective interventions are available. It is -therefore important to determine the extent to which patients with CHF receive appropriate care in Australian hospitals and identify ways for improving suboptimal care, if it exists. Aim: To evaluate the quality of in-hospital acute care of patients with CHF using explicit quality indicators based on published guidelines. Methods: A retrospective case note review was -performed, involving 216 patients admitted to three teaching hospitals in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, between October 2000 and April 2001. Outcome measures were process-of-care quality -indicators calculated as proportions of all, or strongly -eligible (ideal), patients who received -specific interventions. Results: Assessment of underlying causes and acute precipitating factors was undertaken in 86% and 76% of patients, respectively, and objective evaluation of left ventricular function was performed in 62% of patients. Prophylaxis for deep venous thrombosis (DVT) was used in only 29% of ideal patients. Proportions of ideal patients receiving pharmacological treatments at discharge were: (i) angiotensin--converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) (82%), (ii) target doses of ACEi (61%), (iii) alternative vasodilators in patients ineligible for ACEi (20%), (iv) beta-blockers (40%) and (v) warfarin (46%). Conclusions: Opportunities exist for improving quality of in-hospital care of patients with CHF, -particularly for optimal prescribing of: (i) DVT prophylaxis, (ii) ACEi, (iii) second-line vasodilators, (iv) beta-blockers and (v) warfarin. More research is needed to identify methods for improving quality of in-hospital care.