962 resultados para pyruvate dehydrogenase complex e2 subunit antibody


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Skeletal muscle possesses a high degree of plasticity and can adapt to both the physical and metabolic challenges that it faces. An acute bout of exercise is sufficient to induce the expression of a variety of metabolic genes, such as GLUT4, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK-4), uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3), and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-? coactivator 1 (PGC-1). Reducing muscle glycogen levels before exercise potentiates the effect of exercise on many genes. Similarly, altered substrate availability induces transcription of many of these genes. The purpose of this study was to determine whether glucose ingestion attenuates the exercise-induced increase in a variety of exercise-responsive genes. Six male subjects (28 ± 7 yr; 83 ± 3 kg; peak pulmonary oxygen uptake = 46 ± 6 ml·kg–1·min–1) performed 60 min of cycling at 74 ± 2% of peak pulmonary oxygen uptake on two separate occasions. On one occasion, subjects ingested a 6% carbohydrate drink. On the other occasion, subjects ingested an equal volume of a sweet placebo. Muscle samples were obtained from vastus lateralis at rest, immediately after exercise, and 3 h after exercise. PDK-4, UCP3, PGC-1, and GLUT4 mRNA levels were measured on these samples using real-time RT-PCR. Glucose ingestion attenuated (P < 0.05) the exercise-induced increase in PDK-4 and UCP3 mRNA. A similar trend (P = 0.09) was observed for GLUT4 mRNA. In contrast, PGC-1 mRNA increased following exercise to the same extent in both conditions. These data suggest that glucose availability can modulate the effect of exercise on metabolic gene expression.


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Recovery after prolonged or high-intensity exercise is characterised by a substantial increase in adipose tissue lipolysis, resulting in elevated rates of plasma-derived fat oxidation. Despite the large increase in circulating fatty acids (FAs) after exercise, only a small fraction of this is taken up by exercised muscle in the lower extremities. Indeed, the predominant fate of non-oxidised FAs derived from post-exercise lipolysis is reesteriflcation hi the liver. During recovery from endurance exercise, a number of changes also occur hi skeletal muscle that allow for a high metabolic priority towards glycogen resynthesis. Reducing muscle glycogen during exercise potentiates these effects, however the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating substrate oxidation following exercise remain poorly defined. The broad arm of this thesis was to examine the regulation of fat metabolism during recovery from glycogen-lowering exercise hi the presence of altered fat and glucose availability. In study I, eight endurance-trained males completed a bout of exhaustive exercise followed by ingestion of carbohydrate (CHO)-rich meals (64-70% of energy from CHO) at 1, 4, and 7 h of recovery. Duplicate muscle biopsies were obtained at exhaustion and 3, 6 and 18 h of recovery. Despite the large intake of CHO during recovery (491 ± 28 g or 6.8 + 0.3 g • kg-1), respiratory exchange ratio values of 0.77 to 0.84 indicated a greater reliance on fat as an oxidative fuel. Intramuscular triacylglycerol (IMTG) content remained unchanged in the presence of elevated glucose and insulin levels during recovery , suggesting IMTG has a negligible role in contributing to the enhanced fat oxidation after exhaustive exercise. It appears that the partitioning of exogenous glucose towards glycogen resynthesis is of high metabolic priority during immediate post-exercise recovery, supported by the trend towards reduced pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity and increased fat oxidation. The effect of altering plasma FA availability during post-exercise recovery was examined in study II. Eight endurance-trained males performed three trials consisting of glycogen-lowering exercise, followed by infusion of either saline (CON), saline + nicotinic acid (NA) (LFA) or Intralipid and heparin (HFA). Muscle biopsies were obtained at the end of exercise (0 h) and at 3 and 6 h in recovery. Altering the availability of plasma FAs during recovery induced changes in whole-body fat oxidation that were unrelated to differences in skeletal muscle malonyl-CoA. Furthermore, fat oxidation and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation appear to be dissociated after exercise, suggesting mechanisms other than phosphorylation-mediated changes in ACC activity have an important role in regulating malonyl-CoA and fat metabolism in human skeletal muscle after exercise. Alternative mechanisms include citrate and long-chain fatty acyl-CoA mediated changes in ACC activity, or differences in malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (MCD) activity. Reducing plasma FA concentrations with NA attenuated the post-exercise increase in MCD and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) gene expression, suggesting that FAs and/or other factors induced by NA are involved hi the regulation of these genes. Despite marked changes hi plasma FA availability, no significant changes in IMTG concentration were detected, providing further evidence that plasma-derived FAs are the preferential fuel source contributing to the enhanced fat oxidation post-exercise during recovery. To further examine the effect of substrate availability after exercise, Study III investigated the regulation of fat metabolism during a 6 h recovery period with or without glucose infusion. Enhanced glucose availability significantly increased CHO oxidation compared with the fasted state, although no differences in whole-body fat oxidation were apparent. Consistent with the similar rates of fat metabolism, no difference hi AMPK or ACCβ phosphorylation were observed between trials. In addition, no significant treatment or time effects for IMTG concentration were detected during recovery. The large exercise-induced PDK4 gene expression was attenuated when plasma FAs were reduced during glucose infusion, supporting the hypothesis that PDK4 is responsive to sustained changes in lipid availability and/or changes in plasma insulin. Furthermore, the possibility exists that the suppression of PDK4 mRNA also reduced PDK activity and thus maintained PDH activity to account for the higher rates of CHO oxidation observed during glucose infusion compared with the control trial.


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Low-volume ‘sprint’ interval training (SIT) stimulates rapid improvements in muscle oxidative capacity that are comparable to levels reached following traditional endurance training (ET) but no study has examined metabolic adaptations during exercise after these different training strategies. We hypothesized that SIT and ET would induce similar adaptations in markers of skeletal muscle carbohydrate (CHO) and lipid metabolism and metabolic control during exercise despite large differences in training volume and time commitment. Active but untrained subjects (23 ± 1 years) performed a constant-load cycling challenge (1 h at 65% of peak oxygen uptake before and after 6 weeks of either SIT or ET (n = 5 men and 5 women per group). SIT consisted of four to six repeats of a 30 s ‘all out’ Wingate Test (mean power output ∼500 W) with 4.5 min recovery between repeats, 3 days per week. ET consisted of 40–60 min of continuous cycling at a workload that elicited ∼65% (mean power output ∼150 W) per day, 5 days per week. Weekly time commitment (∼1.5 versus ∼4.5 h) and total training volume (∼225 versus ∼2250 kJ week−1) were substantially lower in SIT versus ET. Despite these differences, both protocols induced similar increases (P < 0.05) in mitochondrial markers for skeletal muscle CHO (pyruvate dehydrogenase E1α protein content) and lipid oxidation (3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase maximal activity) and protein content of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α. Glycogen and phosphocreatine utilization during exercise were reduced after training, and calculated rates of whole-body CHO and lipid oxidation were decreased and increased, respectively, with no differences between groups (all main effects, P < 0.05). Given the markedly lower training volume in the SIT group, these data suggest that high-intensity interval training is a time-efficient strategy to increase skeletal muscle oxidative capacity and induce specific metabolic adaptations during exercise that are comparable to traditional ET.


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RATIONALE: Defects in muscle glucose metabolism are linked to type 2 diabetes. Mechanistic studies examining these defects rely on the use of high fat-fed rodent models and typically involve the determination of muscle glucose uptake under insulin-stimulated conditions. While insightful, they do not necessarily reflect the physiology of the postprandial state. In addition, most studies do not examine aspects of glucose metabolism beyond the uptake process. Here we present an approach to study rodent muscle glucose and intermediary metabolism under the dynamic and physiologically relevant setting of the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). METHODS AND RESULTS: In vivo muscle glucose and intermediary metabolism was investigated following oral administration of [U-(13)C] glucose. Quadriceps muscles were collected 15 and 60 min after glucose administration and metabolite flux profiling was determined by measuring (13)C mass isotopomers in glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. While no dietary effects were noted in the glycolytic pathway, muscle from mice fed a high fat diet (HFD) exhibited a reduction in labelling in TCA intermediates. Interestingly, this appeared to be independent of alterations in flux through pyruvate dehydrogenase. In addition, our findings suggest that TCA cycle anaplerosis is negligible in muscle during an OGTT. CONCLUSIONS: Under the dynamic physiologically relevant conditions of the OGTT, skeletal muscle from HFD fed mice exhibits alterations in glucose metabolism at the level of the TCA cycle.


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Rationale Cardiac metabolism is thought to be altered in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Our understanding of the regulation of cardiac substrate metabolism and insulin sensitivity has largely been derived from ex vivo preparations which are not subject to the same metabolic regulation as in the intact heart in vivo. Studies are therefore required to examine in vivo cardiac glucose metabolism under physiologically relevant conditions. Objective To determine the temporal pattern of the development of cardiac insulin resistance and to compare with dynamic approaches to interrogate cardiac glucose and intermediary metabolism in vivo. Methods and results Studies were conducted to determine the evolution of cardiac insulin resistance in C57Bl/6 mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for between 1 and 16 weeks. Dynamic in vivo cardiac glucose metabolism was determined following oral administration of [U-13C] glucose. Hearts were collected after 15 and 60 min and flux profiling was determined by measuring 13C mass isotopomers in glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates. Cardiac insulin resistance, determined by euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp, was evident after 3 weeks of HFD. Despite the presence of insulin resistance, in vivo cardiac glucose metabolism following oral glucose administration was not compromised in HFD mice. This contrasts our recent findings in skeletal muscle, where TCA cycle activity was reduced in mice fed a HFD. Similar to our report in muscle, glucose derived pyruvate entry into the TCA cycle in the heart was almost exclusively via pyruvate dehydrogenase, with pyruvate carboxylase mediated anaplerosis being negligible after oral glucose administration. Conclusions Under experimental conditions which closely mimic the postprandial state, the insulin resistant mouse heart retains the ability to stimulate glucose metabolism.


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Obesity is rampant in modern society and growth hormone (GH) could be useful as adjunct therapy to reduce the obesity-induced cardiovascular damage. To investigate GH effects on obesity, initially 32 male Wistar rats were divided into two groups (n = 16): control (C) was fed standard-chow and water and hyper-caloric (H) was fed hypercaloric chow and 30% sucrose in its drinking water. After 45 days, both C and H groups were divided into two subgroups (n = 8): C + PL was fed standard-chow, water and received saline subcutaneously; C + GH was fed standard-chow, water, and received 2 mg/kg/day GH subcutaneously; H + PL was fed hypercaloric diet, 30% sucrose in its drinking water, and received saline subcutaneously; and H + GH was fed hypercaloric diet, 30% sucrose in its drinking water, and received GH subcutaneously. After 75 days of total experimental period, H + PL rats were considered obese, having higher body weight, body mass index, Lee-index, and atherogenic index (AI) compared to C + PL. Obesity was accompanied by enhanced myocardial lipid hydroperoxide (LH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), as well of depressed energy expenditure (RMR) and oxygen consumption(VO(2))/body weight. H + GH rats had higher fasting RMR, as well as lower AI and myocardial LH than H + PL. Comparing C + GH with C + PL, despite no effects on morphometric parameters, lipid profile, myocardial LH, and LDH activity, GH enhanced fed RMR and myocardial pyruvate dehydrogenase. In conclusion, the present study brought new insights into the GH effects on obesity related cardiovascular damage demonstrating, for the first time, that GH regulated cardiac metabolic pathways, enhanced energy expenditure and improved the lipid profile in obesity condition. Growth hormone in standard fed condition also offered promising therapeutic value enhancing pyruvate-dehydrogenase activity and glucose oxidation in cardiac tissue, thus optimizing myocardial energy metabolism.


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This study investigated the effects of growth hormone therapy on energy expenditure, lipid profile, oxidative stress and cardiac energy metabolism in aging and obesity conditions. Life expectancy is increasing in world population and with it, the incidence of public health problems such as obesity and cardiac alterations. Because growth hormone (GH) concentration is referred to be decreased in aging conditions, a question must be addressed: what is the effect of GH on aging related adverse changes? To investigate the effects of GH on cardiac energy metabolism and its association with calorimetric parameters, lipid profile and oxidative stress in aged and obese rats, initially 32 male Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups (n = 16), C: given standard-chow and water; H: given hypercaloric-chow and receiving 30 % sucrose in its drinking water. After 45 days, both C and H groups were divided into 2 subgroups (n = 8), C + PL: standard-chow, water, and receiving saline subcutaneously; C + GH: standard-chow, water, and receiving 2 mg/kg/day rhGH subcutaneously; H + PL: hypercaloric-chow, 30 % sucrose, receiving saline subcutaneously; H + GH: hypercaloric-chow, 30 % sucrose, receiving rhGH subcutaneously. After 30 days, C + GH and H + PL rats had higher body mass index, Lee-index, body fat content, percent-adiposity, serum triacylglycerol, cardiac lipid-hydroperoxide, and triacylglycerol than C + PL. Energy-expenditure (RMR)/body weight, oxygen consumption and fat-oxidation were higher in H + GH than in H + PL. LDL-cholesterol was highest in H + GH rats, whereas cardiac pyruvate-dehydrogenase and phosphofrutokinase were higher in H + GH and H + PL rats than in C + PL. In conclusion, the present study brought new insights on aging and obesity, demonstrating for the first time that GH therapy was harmful in aged and obesity conditions, impairing calorimetric parameters and lipid profile. GH was disadvantageous in control old rats, having undesirable effects on triacylglycerol accumulation and cardiac oxidative stress.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We sought to explore the effects of doxorubicin on inflammatory profiles and energy metabolism in the hypothalamus of rats. To investigate these effects, we formed two groups: a control (C) group and a Doxorubicin (DOXO) group. Sixteen rats were randomly assigned to either the control (C) or DOXO groups. The hypothalamus was collected. The levels of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α and energy metabolism (malate dehydrogenase, complex I and III activities) were analysed in the hypothalamus. The DOXO group exhibited a decreased body weight (p < 0.01). Hypothalamic malate dehydrogenase activity was reduced when compared with control (p < 0.05). In addition, pro-inflammatory cytokine levels were unchanged. Therefore, our results demonstrate that doxorubicin leads to an impairment of \hypothalamic energy metabolism, but do not affect the inflammatory pathway. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Conflict of Interest Significance paragraph The hypothalamus is a central organ that regulates a great number of functions, such as food intake, temperature and energy expenditure, among others. Doxorubicin can lead to deep anorexia and metabolic chaos; thus, we observed the effect of this chemotherapeutic drug on the inflammation and metabolism in rats after the administration of doxorubicin in order to understand the central effect in the hypothalamus. Drug treatment by doxorubicin is used as a cancer therapy; however the use of this drug may cause harmful alterations to the metabolism. Thus, further investigations are needed on the impact of drug therapy over the long term.


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Recently it has been shown in rodent malaria models that immunisation with genetically attenuated Plasmodium parasites can confer sterile protection against challenge with virulent parasites. For the mass production of live attenuated Plasmodium parasites for vaccination, safety is a prerequisite. Knockout of a single gene is not sufficient for such a strategy since the parasite can likely compensate for such a genetic modification and a single surviving parasite is sufficient to kill an immunised individual. Parasites must therefore be at least double-attenuated when generating a safe vaccine strain. Genetic double-attenuation can be achieved by knocking out two essential genes or by combining a single gene knockout with the expression of a protein toxic for the parasite. We generated a double-attenuated Plasmodium berghei strain that is deficient in fatty acid synthesis by the knockout of the pdh-e1α gene, introducing a second attenuation by the liver stage-specific expression of the pore-forming bacterial toxin perfringolysin O. With this double genetically attenuated parasite strain, a superior attenuation was indeed achieved compared with single-attenuated strains that were either deficient in pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)-E1 or expressed perfringolysin O. In vivo, both single-attenuated strains resulted in breakthrough infections even if low to moderate doses of sporozoites (2,000-5,000) were administered. In contrast, the double genetically attenuated parasite strain, given at moderate doses of 5,000 sporozoites, did not result in blood stage infection and even when administered at 5- to 20-fold higher doses, only single and delayed breakthrough infections were observed. Prime booster immunisation with the double genetically attenuated parasite strain completely protected a susceptible mouse strain from malaria and even a single immunisation conferred protection in some cases and lead to a markedly delayed onset of blood stage infection in others. Importantly, premature rupture of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane by liver stage-specific perfringolysin O expression did not induce host cell death and soluble parasite proteins, which are released into the host cell cytoplasm, have the potential to be processed and presented via MHC class I molecules. This, in turn, might support immunological responses against Plasmodium-infected hepatocytes.