1000 resultados para pulse combustion


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The participation of aluminum in the decomposition reaction of ammonium perchlorate (AP) is enhanced if magnesium is added—either as a mixture of Al and Mg powders or as an alloy of Mg in Al. The differential thermal analyses of the compositions show a sensitization in the temperatures of decomposition, as well as increase in the heat of reaction. The AP-Mg and Ap-(Mg---Li) alloy pellets also show increased reactivity. The burning rates of AP-(Al-10% Mg) alloy pellets increase with increase in the alloy content, while calorimetric values peak at 40% alloy content. The combustion product gases of AP-40% (Al-10% Mg) alloy contain large quantities of hydrogen.


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A study of the burning rates of compressed mixtures of ammonium perchlorate (AP) and trimethylammonium perchlorate (TMAP) has been carried out at ambient pressure. The overall increase in the linear burning rate, showing a maximum at a composition having 80% TMAP, has been discussed in terms of factors such as stoichiometry, presence of faster burning component, and eutectic melt formation. The thermal decomposition studies of the mixtures, using isothermal thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis techniques, indicate the possibility of eutectic melt formation.


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Synthesis of fine particle α-alumina and related oxide materials such as MgAl2O4, CaAl2O4, Y3Al5O12 (YAG), Image , β′-alumina, LaAlO3 and ruby powder (Image ) has been achieved at low temperatures (500°C) by the combustion of corresponding metal nitrate-urea mixtures. Solid combustion products have been identified by their characteristic X-ray diffraction patterns. The fine particle nature of α-alumina and related oxide materials has been investigated using SEM, TEM, particle size analysis and surface area measurements.


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Management of Tobacco streak virus in sunflower and pulse crops.


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Diseases remain a significant impediment to the achievement of maximum yield potential of pulses (chickpea, peanut and mungbean) and sunflowers in the GRDC northern region. This project worked closely with public and private breeding programs to identify sources of resistance to the major diseases of pulses and sunflower that dominate in the region. Through varied surveillance activities, a watching brief on pulse and sunflower diseases was maintained and a timely and appropriate response was made to several significant disease outbreaks. Information on the biology and management of diseases was extended to clients in a wide variety of ways.


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Epidemiology and management of tobacco streak virus in sunflower and pulse crops.


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The heats of combustion of mono-, di-, tri- and tetramethylammonium perchlorates have been determined by bomb calorimetry. The data have been used to explain why the thermal behavior of ammonium perchlorate (AP) is considerably modified in presence of these compounds as shown by differential thermal analysis. Above a particular concentration of methylammonium perchlorate (MAP), AP ignites in a single step around 290°C. The minimum concentration of a MAP (mono-, di-, tri- or tetra-) needed to cause ignition of AP in a single step depends on intramolecular “elemental stoichiometric coefficient” of the mixtures that has the same value regardless of the MAP. Furthermore, the calorimetric values of these mixtures are the same. The heat evolved on ignition of such a composition appears to determine the lower concentration limit of combustion of its mixture with AP.


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The theory of transient mode locking for an active modulator in an intracavity frequency-doubled laser is presented. The theory is applied to mode-locked and intracavity frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser and the mode-locked pulse width is plotted as a function of number of round trips inside the cavity. It is found that the pulse compression is faster and the system takes a very short time to approach the steady state in the presence of a second harmonic generating crystal inside the laser cavity. The effect of modulation depth and the second harmonic conversion efficiency on the temporal behavior of the pulse width is discussed.


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A strip of Whatman filter paper (α-cellulose) dipped in an aqueous solution of dihydrazinium phosphate, (N2H5)2HPO4(DHP), and dried, carbonized without flame when ignited. The observed flame retardancy of DHP on α-cellulose has been studied using TG, DTA and mass spectrometry. Dihydrazinium phosphate appears to catalyze the dehydration of α-cellulose, minimizing the depolymerization which produces flammable tars, with the formation of water and char. Flame retardancy of DHP is compared with that of diammonium phosphate and phosphoric acid.


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The stability of the steady-state solutions of mode-locking of cw lasers by a fast saturable absorber is imvestigated. It is shown that the solutions are stable if the condition (Ps/Pa) = (2/3) (P0Pa) is satisfied, where (Ps/Pa) is the steady-state la ser power, (P0/Pa) is the power at mode-locking threshold, and Pa is the saturated power of the absorber.


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Combustion behaviour of ammonium perchlorate-potassium perchlorate pellets is studied using Crawford strand burners. At low concentrations of potassium perchlorate (up to 30 percent potassium perchlorate) the burning rate of ammonium perchlorate-potassium perchlorate condensed mixtures increases with potassium perchlorate content. Above 40 percent potassium perchlorate content, combustion sustenance becomes difficult. Decomposition products of ammonium perchlorate sensitize the melting and subsequent decomposition of potassium perchlorate. The results are explained in terms of the melt layer thickness, flame temperature and the resultant surface temperature, and heat wave penetration into the solid. The study suggests the importance of melt layer on the burning surface in the deflagration behaviour of ammonium perchlorate-potassium perchlorate condensed mixtures


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Need to analyze particles in a flow? This system takes electrical pulses from acoustical or optical sensors and groups them into bands representing ranges of particle sizes.


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A study of the essential features of piston rings in the cylinder liner of an internal combustion engine reveals that the lubrication problem posed by it is basically that of a slider bearing. According to steady-flow-hydrodynamics, viz. Image the oil film thickness becomes zero at the dead centre positions as the velocity, U = 0. In practice, however, such a phenomenon cannot be supported by consideration of the wear rates of pistion rings and cylinder liners. This can be explained by including the “squeeze” action term in the


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NMR spectroscopy enables the study of biomolecules from peptides and carbohydrates to proteins at atomic resolution. The technique uniquely allows for structure determination of molecules in solution-state. It also gives insights into dynamics and intermolecular interactions important for determining biological function. Detailed molecular information is entangled in the nuclear spin states. The information can be extracted by pulse sequences designed to measure the desired molecular parameters. Advancement of pulse sequence methodology therefore plays a key role in the development of biomolecular NMR spectroscopy. A range of novel pulse sequences for solution-state NMR spectroscopy are presented in this thesis. The pulse sequences are described in relation to the molecular information they provide. The pulse sequence experiments represent several advances in NMR spectroscopy with particular emphasis on applications for proteins. Some of the novel methods are focusing on methyl-containing amino acids which are pivotal for structure determination. Methyl-specific assignment schemes are introduced for increasing the size range of 13C,15N labeled proteins amenable to structure determination without resolving to more elaborate labeling schemes. Furthermore, cost-effective means are presented for monitoring amide and methyl correlations simultaneously. Residual dipolar couplings can be applied for structure refinement as well as for studying dynamics. Accurate methods for measuring residual dipolar couplings in small proteins are devised along with special techniques applicable when proteins require high pH or high temperature solvent conditions. Finally, a new technique is demonstrated to diminish strong-coupling induced artifacts in HMBC, a routine experiment for establishing long-range correlations in unlabeled molecules. The presented experiments facilitate structural studies of biomolecules by NMR spectroscopy.