998 resultados para pulmonary valve stenosis
The South Carolina Birth Defects Program began in July 2006 after passage of the SC Birth Defects Act. This law mandates active surveillance of major birth defects identified before birth through age 2. South Carolina monitors over 50 birth defects recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Birth Defects Prevention Network. The most common birth defects in South Carolina in 2014 were: 1. Ventricular Septal Defect 2. Down Syndrome 3. Pulmonary Valve Atresia and Stenosis 4. Obstructive Genitourinary Defect.
Aortic Valve Stenosis (AVS) has been explained as an atherosclerotic process of the valve as they often exhibit inflammatory changes with infiltration of macrophages, T lymphocytes and lipid infiltration. The present study investigated whether the bacteria Chlamydia pneumoniae (CP) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP), detected previously in atherosclerotic plaques, are also present in AVS. Ten valves surgically removed from patients with AVS were analyzed by immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, and electron microscopy. The mean and standard deviation of the percentage areas occupied by CP antigens and MP - DNA were respectively 6.21 +/- 5.41 and 2.27 +/- 2.06 in calcified foci; 2.8 +/- 3.33 and 1.78+/- 3.63 in surrounding fibrotic areas, and 0.21 +/- 0.17 and 0.12 +/- 0.13 in less injured parts of the valve. There was higher amount of CP and MP in the calcified foci and in the surrounded fibrosis than in more preserved valvular regions. In conclusion, the fact that there were greater amounts of CP and MP in calcification foci of AVS favors the hypothesis that AS is not an inevitable degenerative process due to aging, but rather that it may be a response to the presence of these bacteria, similarly to the morphology detected in atherosclerosis damage.
A atrésia pulmonar com septo interventricular intacto (AtrP-SI) é uma cardiopatia congénita rara e de prognóstico reservado. Apresenta grande variabilidade anatómica, com diversos graus de hipoplasia do ventrículo direito (VD) o que condiciona a abordagem terapêutica. Idealmente, o objectivo é a reconstituição de uma circulação de tipo biventricular. Para o efeito, dispomos de técnicas cirúrgicas e percutâneas. A perfuração da válvula pulmonar com energia de radiofrequência (RF) é um método válido para doentes com atresia de tipo membranoso, VD sem hipoplasia marcada (bipartido ou tripartido) e circulação coronária não dependente do VD. Por vezes, há necessidade de suplementar a circulação pulmonar implantando um stent no canal arterial. Desta forma é possível tratar alguns doentes com técnicas exclusivamente percutâneas. Relatamos o primeiro caso conhecido em Portugal de um recém-nascido com AtrP-SI submetido a perfuração com radiofrequência e, num segundo tempo, implantação de stent no canal arterial.
Os doentes com cardiopatias submetidos a intervenção cirúrgica com implantação de condutos entre o ventrículo direito e a artéria pulmonar (VD-AP) podem desenvolver estenose e/ou insuficiência pulmonares ao longo do tempo. Nestas situações, associadas a arritmias cardíacas, disfunção ventricular direita e morte súbita, a re-intervenção cirúrgica permanece um desafio pela complexidade, mortalidade e morbilidade significativas. A implantação percutânea de válvulas pulmonares (IPVP), recentemente desenvolvida, representa uma abordagem alternativa para estes doentes. Objectivo: Reportar a experiência inicial com a IPVP, analisando o seu impacto no manejo destes doentes. Material e Métodos: Avaliação prospectiva dos dados clínicos, ecocardiográficos, da ressonância magnética, hemodinâmicos e angiográficos dos doentes submetidos a IPVP. Resultados: Seis doentes em classe funcional igual ou superior a II com disfunção do conduto VD-AP foram submetidos a IPVP. Tinham todos evidência de insuficiência e 5/6 de estenose. O procedimento consistiu na implantação de stents não cobertos no conduto para reforçar a sua rigidez e prevenir fracturas dos stents valvulados pulmonares Melody ® (Medtronic), que foram em seguida implantados com sucesso em todos. Obteve-se uma redução da pressão ventricular direita (94±27 para 44±7mmHg), da relação entre a pressão ventricular direita e esquerda (94±27 para 44±7%), do gradiente do conduto (65±28 para 11±4mmHg) e ausência de regurgitação pulmonar. O procedimento teve uma duração mediana de 180 minutos e decorreu sem complicações major. Os doentes tiveram alta em mediana dois dias após o procedimento. Na última avaliação, em mediana 7,8 meses após o procedimento, os doentes encontramse em classe funcional I (5) ou II (1), sem evidência não invasiva de disfunção do conduto. Conclusões: Os nossos resultados acompanham a experiência actual com esta modalidade terapêutica, com excelentes resultados nestes grupo de doentes complexos. A implementação da IPVP em doentes com cardiopatia congénita que requerem re-intervenção no tracto de saída do ventrículo direito tem-se revelado uma técnica promissora, embora complexa, alternativa a mais uma intervenção cirúrgica.
Descrevem-se 4 casos de Insuficiência Pulmonar Valvular Congénita com septo interventricular intacto em crianças de sexo masculino com idades compreendidas entre os 20 meses e os 10 anos, na 1a observação na Consulta de Cardiologia Pediátrica. 0 diagnóstico clínico de regurgitação pulmonar foi confirmado por electrocardiograma, fonocardiograma e radiografia de tórax em todos os doentes e também por ecocardiograma, exame hemodinâmico e angiocardiográfico em 3 deles. Após um follow-up que variou entre 1 e 9 anos, média 5 anos e 2 meses, concluiu-se que a Insuficiência Pulmonar Valvular Congénita, como cardiopatia isolada, é bem tolerada em idades pediátricas e compatível com desenvolvimento físico e actividade normais.
OBJECTIVE: To assess by Doppler echocardiography the structural and functional alterations of rat heart with surgical induced extensive myocardial infarction. METHODS: Five weeks after surgical ligature of the left coronary artery, 38 Wistar-EPM rats of both sexes, 10 of them with extensive infarction, undergone anatomical and functional evaluation by Doppler echocardiography and then euthanized for anatomopathological analysis. RESULTS: Echocardiography was 100% sensible and specific to anatomopathological confirmed extensive miocardial infarction. Extensive infarction lead to dilatation of left ventricle (diastolic diameter: 0.89cm vs.0.64cm; systolic: 0.72cm vs. 0.33cm) and left atrium (0.55cm vs. 0.33cm); thinning of left ventricular anterior wall (systolic: 0.14cm vs. 0.23cm, diastolic: 0.11cm vs. 0.14cm); increased mitral E/ A wave relation (6.45 vs. 1.95). Signals of increased end diastolic ventricle pressure, B point in mitral valve tracing in 62.5% and signs of pulmonary hypertension straightening of pulmonary valve (90%) and notching of pulmonary systolic flow (60%) were observed in animals with extensive infarction. CONCLUSION: Doppler echocardiography has a high sensitivity and specificity for detection of chronic extensive infarction. Extensive infarction caused dilatation of left cardiac chambers and showed in Doppler signals of increased end diastolic left ventricular pressure and pulmonary artery pressure.
OBJECTIVE - To report the results of percutaneous occlusion of persistent ductus arteriosus with the Amplatzer prosthesis in 2 Brazilian cardiological centers. METHODS - From May 1998 to July 2000, 33 patients with clinical and laboratory diagnosis of persistent ductus arteriosus underwent attempts at percutaneous implantation of the Amplatzer prosthesis. The median age was 36 months (from 6 months to 38 years), and the median weight was 14kg (from 6 to 92kg). Sixteen patients (48.5%) were under 2 years of age at the time of the procedure. All patients were followed up with periodical clinical and echocardiographic evaluations to assess the presence and degree of residual shunt and possible complications, such as pseudocoarctation of the aorta and left pulmonary artery stenosis. RESULTS - The minimum diameter of the arterial ducts ranged from 2.5 to 7.0mm (mean of 4.0±1.0, median of 3.9). The rate of success for implantation of the prosthesis was 100%. Femoral pulse was lost in 1 patient. The echocardiogram revealed total closure prior to hospital discharge in 30 patients, and in the follow-up visit 3 months later in the 3 remaining patients. The mean follow-up duration was 6.4±3.4 months. All patients were clinically well, asymptomatic, and did not need medication. No patient had narrowing of the left pulmonary artery or of the aorta. No early or late embolic events occurred, nor did infectious endarteritis. A new hospital admission was not required for any patient. CONCLUSION - The Amplatzer prosthesis for persistent ductus arteriosus is safe and highly effective for occlusion of ductus arteriosus of varied diameters, including large ones in small symptomatic infants.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the variables that may be involved in the persistence of symptoms (functional class II, III, or IV vs. I) in patients being followed up for 30 years after surgical repair of tetralogy of Fallot. METHODS: Fifty-three patients (27 women), who underwent corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot between 1960 and 1970, were studied. Their ages ranged from 7 months to 26 years. At the end of follow-up, 13 patients were asymptomatic and the remaining were in functional class II (N=24), III (N=15), and IV (N=1). To differentiate asymptomatic from symptomatic patients, the following variables were analyzed: age at surgery, need for widening the pulmonary ring and trunk, need for a second (2nd OP) or 3rd operation, residual defect of the interventricular septum, residual regurgitation of the pulmonary valve, systolic gradient through the right ventricular outflow tract, right ventricular dilation or hypertrophy (RVH), cardiothoracic index (CTI), right and left ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF/LVEF), and arrhythmias. RESULTS: The univariate analysis showed an association between the presence of symptoms and the 2nd OP (P=0.03), an increase in the CTI (P=0.0001), moderate to severe RVH (P=0.002), and dilation (P=0.0003). In the logistic regression model, the combination of the 2nd OP (P=0.008), the RVH (P=0.002), and the reduction in RVEF (P=0.01) determined the presence of symptoms. CONCLUSION: Despite the surgical treatment, right ventricular remodeling and performance were the major determinants in the late follow-up of tetralogy of Fallot.
Fundamentos: O implante por cateter de bioprótese valvar aórtica (TAVI) consolidou-se como alternativa para o tratamento de pacientes com estenose aórtica importante de alto risco cirúrgico. Contudo, há poucos dados na literatura com respeito à obstrução coronária que, apesar de rara, trata-se de grave complicação do TAVI. Objetivo: Avaliar, no contexto brasileiro, a presença dessa importante complicação. Métodos: Foram avaliados todos os casos de obstrução coronária incluídos no Registro Brasileiro de TAVI. Foram coletados dados clínicos, do procedimento, do manejo e de evolução intra-hospitalar. Resultados: Entre 418 pacientes consecutivos do registro, ocorreram três casos de obstrução coronária (incidência de 0,72%). Em sua totalidade, os pacientes eram do sexo feminino, sem cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM) prévia, com idade média de 85 ± 3 anos, EuroSCORE logístico de 15 ± 6% e STS de 9 ± 4%. Todos os casos foram realizados com a válvula balão-expansível Sapien XT. Em um dos pacientes, com dados de tomografia computadorizada pré-procedimento, verificaram-se origem das artérias coronárias baixa e seio de Valsalva estreito. Todos os pacientes apresentaram-se clinicamente com hipotensão importante e mantida, imediatamente após o implante da válvula, e, apesar de angioplastia com implante de stent, todos os pacientes foram a óbito, sendo dois periprocedimento e um durante hospitalização. Conclusão: A obstrução coronária como complicação do TAVI, apesar de rara, é potencialmente fatal, podendo ocorrer mais frequentemente em mulheres e com as próteses expansíveis por balão. Fatores anatômicos podem estar relacionados com sua ocorrência, ressaltando-se a importância de boa avaliação pré-procedimento no sentido de evitar essa grave complicação.
Background: Several researchers seek methods for the selection of homogeneous groups of animals in experimental studies, a fact justified because homogeneity is an indispensable prerequisite for casualization of treatments. The lack of robust methods that comply with statistical and biological principles is the reason why researchers use empirical or subjective methods, influencing their results. Objective: To develop a multivariate statistical model for the selection of a homogeneous group of animals for experimental research and to elaborate a computational package to use it. Methods: The set of echocardiographic data of 115 male Wistar rats with supravalvular aortic stenosis (AoS) was used as an example of model development. Initially, the data were standardized, and became dimensionless. Then, the variance matrix of the set was submitted to principal components analysis (PCA), aiming at reducing the parametric space and at retaining the relevant variability. That technique established a new Cartesian system into which the animals were allocated, and finally the confidence region (ellipsoid) was built for the profile of the animals’ homogeneous responses. The animals located inside the ellipsoid were considered as belonging to the homogeneous batch; those outside the ellipsoid were considered spurious. Results: The PCA established eight descriptive axes that represented the accumulated variance of the data set in 88.71%. The allocation of the animals in the new system and the construction of the confidence region revealed six spurious animals as compared to the homogeneous batch of 109 animals. Conclusion: The biometric criterion presented proved to be effective, because it considers the animal as a whole, analyzing jointly all parameters measured, in addition to having a small discard rate.
Introduction: Residual pulmonary artery (PA) anomalies are a major concern after surgery for cono-truncal malformations. This study sought to assess residual PA anomalies using MRI/MRA. Methods: 43 MRI/MRA studies were performed in 37 patients after corrective surgery for cono-truncal malformations. MRI/MRA studies comprised spin-echo, cine, velocity-encoded and 3D Gadolinium-enhanced MRA sequences. Residual PA anomalies were searched in ail patients; angiographie data were available in 13 patients and a comparison with MRI/MRA was made. Results: 32/37 patients had postoperative anomalies of the pulmonary arterial tree. Left pulmonary artery stenosis was the most common finding (14/32), followed by stenosis at multiple sites (11/32). Isolated right pulmonary artery stenosis was rare (2/32). The median time interval between MRI/MRA and angiography in the 13 patients undergoing both types of studies was 54 days. The findings between the two examinations were identical regarding stenoses and collateral vessels. In 4 patients, the MRI/MRA study allowed to plan interventional catheterization with balloon dilatation and/or stenting of the obstructed arteries or co il-occlusion of systemic collaterals. Eleven patients had additional surgery based on MRI/MRA findings. Conclusions: Post-operative anomalies of the PA in cono-truncal malformations can reliably be detected with MRI/MRA. This technique allows planning of the intervention al or surgical procedure to correct the residual anomalies and may th us replace or precede catheterization during the follow-up of surgically corrected cono-truncal malformations.
Mitral regurgitation (MR) involves systolic retrograde flow from the left ventricle into the left atrium. While trivial MR is frequent in healthy subjects, moderate to severe MR constitutes the second most prevalent valve disease after aortic valve stenosis. Major causes of severe MR in Western countries include degenerative valve disease (myxomatous disease, flail leaflet, annular calcification) and ischaemic heart disease, while rheumatic disease remains a major cause of MR in developing countries. Chronic MR typically progresses insidiously over many years. Once established, however, severe MR portends a poor prognosis. The severity of MR can be assessed by various techniques, Doppler echocardiography being the most widely used. Mitral valve surgery is the only treatment of proven efficacy. It alleviates clinical symptoms and prevents ventricular dilatation and heart failure (or, at least, it attenuates further progression of these abnormalities). Valve repair significantly improves clinical outcomes compared with valve replacement, reducing mortality by approximately 70%. Reverse LV remodelling after valve repair occurs in half of patients with functional MR. Percutaneous, catheter-based to mitral valve repair is a novel approach currently under clinical scrutiny, with encouraging preliminary results. This modality may provide a valuable alternative to mitral valve surgery, especially in critically ill patients.