857 resultados para psychology of religion


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De acuerdo con las especificaciones de Estudios Religiosos de AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance) para los niveles AS y A2, el libro del profesor incluye preguntas de examen sobre filosofía de la religión necesarias para evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos (el argumento cosmológico, experiencia religiosa, psicología y religión, ateísmo y postmodernismo, debates filosóficos sobre los milagros, la creación, religión y ciencia, mecánica cuántica y una visión religiosa del mundo, argumentos ontológicos, lenguaje religioso, vida después de la muerte, la existencia del diablo).


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De acuerdo con las especificaciones de Estudios Religiosos de AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance) para los niveles AS y A2, el libro presenta los contenidos sobre filosofía de la religión necesarios para la superación del examen (el argumento cosmológico, experiencia religiosa, psicología y religión, ateísmo y postmodernismo, debates filosóficos sobre los milagros, la creación, religión y ciencia, mecánica cuántica y una visión religiosa del mundo, argumentos ontológicos, lenguaje religioso, vida después de la muerte, la existencia del diablo) Al final de cada capítulo se incluyen preguntas de examen para evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos.


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De acuerdo con las especificaciones de Estudios Religiosos de AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance) para los niveles AS y A2, el libro del profesor incluye preguntas de examen sobre filosofía de la religión necesarias para evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos (el argumento cosmológico, experiencia religiosa, psicología y religión, ateísmo y postmodernismo, debates filosóficos sobre los milagros, la creación, religión y ciencia, mecánica cuántica y una visión religiosa del mundo, argumentos ontológicos, lenguaje religioso, vida después de la muerte, la existencia del diablo).


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Neste artigo, pretendo delimitar alguns dos mais importantes e recentes avanços na análise e na teorização que a Sociologia das Religiões sofreu na Alemanha, França e no mundo anglo-saxónico, nomeadamente os conceitos de "new cultural sociology", "new paradigm", e o debate sobre a dessecularização da sociedade. O centro encontra-se na crescente importancia da subjectividade e da espiritualidade. Por forma a não se reduzirem a simples aspectos teóricos, relacionamo-los com as alterações societais das sociedades modernas. Contudo, afirmamos que esta nossa abordagem foca especialmente o fenómeno descrito na Europa Central, assim como nas sociedades anglo-saxónicas. Afastando-nos deste enfoque, desejamos que também em Portugal e no Brasil se desenvolvam estudos sobre estes procesos teóricos e as suas relações com as mudanças nas sociedades.


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The thematic and anathematic in music-making a reflection occurring after listening to an art song and a pop song from the 19th and 20th century Levantine music. Bach’s Orchestral Suites keep popping up, elegantly unveiling “the truth”.


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This paper examines the implications of ‘cultural defence’ in the nature of democracy and the stability of the political system in Greece. It focuses on the Greek Orthodox Church’s maintenance of power and political relevance by virtue of its strong link to national identity. We argue that the inhibition of secularization in Greece as a result of cultural defence has significant policy implications, especially in times of crises, when the role of nationalism as a cohesive factor against perceived threats is intensified. The paper further explores three policy/politics areas: (1) political orientation; (2) religious pluralism; and (3) education.


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The number of students in special schools has increased at a rapid rate in some Australian states, due in part to increased enrolment under the categories of emotional disturbance (ED) and behaviour disorder (BD). Nonetheless, diagnostic distinctions between ED and BD are unclear. Moreover, despite international findings that students with particular backgrounds are over-represented in special schools, little is known about the backgrounds of students entering such settings in Australia. This study examined the government school enrolment data from New South Wales, the most populous of the Australian states. Linear and quadratic trends were used to describe the numbers and ages of students enrolled in special schools in the ED and BD categories. Changes between 1997 and 2007 were observed. Results showed an over-representation of boys that increased across the decade and a different pattern across age for boys and girls. Consistent with international findings, these results indicate that trends in special school placements are unrelated to disability prevalence in the population. Rather, it is suggested that schools act to preserve time and resources for others by removing their more challenging students: most typically, boys.


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The outcome of an audience study supports theories stating that stories are a primary means by which we make sense of our experiences over time. Empirical examples of narrative impact are presented in which specific fiction film scenes condense spectators' lives, identities and beliefs. One conclusion is that spectators test the emotional realism of the narative for greater significance, connecting diegetic fiction experiences with their extra-diegetic world in their quest for meaning, self and identity. The 'banal' notion of the mediatization of religion theory is questioned as unsatisfactory in the theoretical context of individualized meaning-making processes. As a semantically negatively charged concept, it is problematic when analyzing empirical examples of spectators' use of fictional narratives, especially when trying to characterize the idiosyncratic and complex interplay between spectators' fiction emotions and their testing of mediated narratives in an exercise to find moral significance in extra-filmic life. Instead vernacular meaning-making is proposed.


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It is claimed that Comparative Philosophy of Religion (CPR) mistakenly builds on the dogmas of comparative religion (or history of religions) and philosophy of religion. Thus, the belief that there are things common and therefore comparable between two or more traditions and that these objects of comparison are of philosophical or theological significance are questions that continue to trouble the field. Just what does one compare, how does one choose what to compare or why, through what methodological and epistemic tools, and who is it that carries out the tasks? But what has remained unasked and unanalyzed are the larger meta-questions concerning the motivation, civilizational presuppositions, cultural parochialism, or legacies of orientalism, modernity, and (post-)colonialism that together affect the boundedness of certain key categories and thematic issues in the comparative enterprise such as God or the Transcendent, Creation, the Problem of Evil, the Afterlife, Sin, Redemption, Purpose, and the End. Is difference with respect to alterity and altarity permissible? If so, what a postcolonial, differently gendered, cross-cultural critique would look like and what is left of CPR are two such questions explored here.