964 resultados para protein C


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Soft tissue tumors represent a group of neoplasia with different histologic and biological presentations varying from benign, locally confined to very aggressive and metastatic tumors. The molecular mechanisms responsible for such differences are still unknown. The understanding of these molecular alterations mechanism will be critical to discriminate patients who need systemic treatment from those that can be treated only locally and could also guide the development of new drugs` against this tumors. Using 102 tumor samples representing a large spectrum of these tumors, we performed expression profiling and defined differentially expression genes that are likely to be involved in tumors that are locally aggressive and in tumors with metastatic potential. We described a set of 12 genes (SNRPD3, MEGF9, SPTAN-1, AFAP1L2, ENDOD1, SERPIN5, ZWINTAS, TOP2A, UBE2C, ABCF1, MCM2, and ARL6IP5) showing opposite expression when these two conditions were compared. These genes are mainly related to cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions and cell proliferation and might represent helpful tools for a more precise classification and diagnosis as well as potential drug targets.


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Objective: Our objective was to delineate the potential role of adipogenesis in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Obesity is characterized by an increase in adipose tissue mass resulting from enlargement of existing fat cells (hypertrophy) and/or from increased number of adipocytes (hyperplasia). The inability of the adipose tissue to recruit new fat cells may cause ectopic fat deposition and insulin resistance.

Research Methods and Procedures: We examined the expression of candidate genes involved in adipocyte proliferation and/or differentiation [ CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) alpha, C/EBPdelta, GATA domain-binding protein 3 (GATA3), C/EBPbeta, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma2, signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A (STAT5A), Wnt-10b, tumor necrosis factor alpha, sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP1c), 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, PPARG angiopoietin-related protein (PGAR), insulin-like growth factor 1, PPARitalic gamma coactivator 1alpha, PPARitalic gamma coactivator 1beta, and PPARdelta] in subcutaneous adipose tissue from 42 obese individuals with type 2 diabetes and 25 non-diabetic subjects matched for age and obesity.

Results: Insulin sensitivity was measured by a 3-hour 80 mU/m2 per minute hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp (100 mg/dL). As expected, subjects with type 2 diabetes had lower glucose disposal (4.9 plusminus 1.9 vs. 7.5 plusminus 2.8 mg/min per kilogram fat-free mass; p < 0.001) and larger fat cells (0.90 plusminus 0.26 vs. 0.78 plusminus 0.17 mum; p = 0.04) as compared with obese control subjects. Three genes (SREBP1c, p < 0.01; STAT5A, p = 0.02; and PPARitalic gamma2, p = 0.02) had significantly lower expression in obese type 2 diabetics, whereas C/EBPbeta only tended to be lower (p = 0.07).

Discussion: This cross-sectional study supports the hypothesis that impaired expression of adipogenic genes may result in impaired adipogenesis, potentially leading to larger fat cells in subcutaneous adipose tissue and insulin resistance.


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Caloric restriction (CR) has been widely accepted as a mechanism explaining increased lifespan (LS) in organisms subjected to dietary restriction (DR), but recent studies investigating the role of nutrients have challenged the role of CR in extending longevity. Fuelling this debate is the difficulty in experimentally disentangling CR and nutrient effects due to compensatory feeding (CF) behaviour. We quantified CF by measuring the volume of solution imbibed and determined how calories and nutrients influenced LS and fecundity in unmated females of the Queensland fruit fly, Bactocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae). We restricted flies to one of 28 diets varying in carbohydrate:protein (C:P) ratios and concentrations. On imbalanced diets, flies overcame dietary dilutions, consuming similar caloric intakes for most dilutions. The response surface for LS revealed that increasing C:P ratio while keeping calories constant extended LS, with the maximum LS along C:P ratio of 21:1. In general, LS was reduced as caloric intake decreased. Lifetime egg production was maximized at a C:P ratio of 3:1. When given a choice of separate sucrose and yeast solutions, each at one of five concentrations (yielding 25 choice treatments), flies regulated their nutrient intake to match C:P ratio of 3:1. Our results (i) demonstrate that CF can overcome dietary dilutions; (ii) reveal difficulties with methods presenting fixed amounts of liquid diet; (iii) illustrate the need to measure intake to account for CF in DR studies and (iv) highlight nutrients rather than CR as a dominant influence on LS.


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AZEVEDO, George Dantas de et al. Procoagulant state after raloxifene therapy in postmenopausal women. Fertility and Sterility, Estados Unidos, v.84, n.6, p.1680-1684, 2005


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O efeito da amonização com uréia (5,0% matéria seca) do feno de Brachiaria brizantha, com dois teores de umidade (15 ou 30% de umidade), associado a três fontes de urease (feno de capim Brachiaria decumbens, capim-elefante [Pennisetum purpureum] e leucena [Leucaena leucocephala]), foi avaliado. Foram determinados os teores de proteína bruta (PB), fração solúvel (A), frações de proteína verdadeira solúvel e insolúvel em borato fosfato (B1 e B2), fração de proteína potencialmente degradável (B3) e fração da proteína insolúvel em detergente ácido (C). Avaliaram-se os teores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), celulose (CEL), hemicelulose (HEM) e lignina (LIG) e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos inteiramente casualizados, com 10 tratamentos (dois controles, 15 e 30% umidade, sem uréia e sem urease; dois controles, 15 e 30% umidade, com uréia e sem urease; seis combinações de fontes de urease e conteúdo de umidade) e três repetições. A amonização dos fenos com diferentes conteúdos de umidade, associados a fontes de urease, aumentou os teores de PB e da fração A, mas não afetou B1 e B2. Contudo, as frações B3 e C diminuíram em reposta à amonização. A aplicação de uréia nos fenos de 30% de umidade, associados ou não a fontes de urease, diminuiu os teores de FDN. A adição de fontes de urease não alterou os teores dos constituintes da parede celular, quando comparada aos tratamentos amonizados com uréia. Os tratamentos aplicados não proporcionaram efeitos consistentes sobre os teores de FDA e de CEL dos fenos e não afetaram os teores de LIG. A aplicação de uréia associada a 15 ou 30% de umidade foi favorável para aumentar o nitrogênio solúvel do feno de Brachiaria brizantha e diminuir o nitrogênio indisponível para o ruminante.


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The influence of small amounts of bovine serum albumin (BSA) (nM concentration) on the lateral organization of phospholipid monolayers at the air-water interface and transferred onto solid substrates as one-layer Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films was investigated. The kinetics of adsorption of BSA onto the phospholipid monolayers was monitored with surface pressure isotherms in a Langmuir trough, for the zwitterionic dipalmitoylphosphatidyl ethanolamine (N,N-dimethyl-PE) and the anionic dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA). A monolayer of N,N-dimethyl-PE or DMPA incorporating BSA was transferred onto a solid substrate using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of one-layer LB films displayed protein-phospholipid domains, whose morphology was characterized using dynamic scaling theories to calculate roughness exponents. For DMPA-BSA films the surface is characteristic of self-affine fractals, which may be described with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. on the other hand, for N,N-dimethyl-PE-BSA films, the results indicate a relatively flat surface within the globule. The height profile and the number and size of globules varied with the type of phospholipid. The overall results, from kinetics of adsorption on Langmuir monolayers and surface morphology in LB films, could be interpreted in terms of the higher affinity of BSA to the anionic DMPA than to the zwitterionic N,N-dimethyl-PE. Furthermore, the effects from such small amounts of BSA in the monolayer point to a cooperative response of DMPA and N,N-dimethyl-PE monolayers to the protein. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) is a fruit distributed throughout the Brazilian savanna and contains a seed with a high protein content, whose properties have been rarely explored. The purpose of this study was to characterize this protein, especially by isolation and quantifying its fractions and measuring some of its molecular properties.RESULTS: Baru seeds contain 244 g kg(-1) protein on a dry weight basis. Solubility profiles showed a preponderance of globulins. This fraction dominated the seed composition, with 61.7 wt% of the total soluble proteins. Albumins and glutelins accounted for 14 and 3.3 wt%, respectively. SDS-PAGE resolution of albumin and globulin showed main bands with molecular weights of 84 kDa and 64,66 and 73 kDa, respectively. The total protein of the flour and the globulin showed values of in vitro digestibility of 85.59% and 90.54%, relative to casein. Total globulin produced only one chromatographic peak, both on Sepharose CL-6B gel filtration and on DEAE-cellulose ion-exchange columns, eluted at a concentration of 0.12 mol L(-1) NaCl.CONCLUSION: The baru seed had high protein content with large quantities of storage proteins. The chromatographic and solubility profiles indicate the predominance of a fraction with characteristics of a legumin-type protein. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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Nos últimos anos tem havido referências à limitação da resposta metabólica nas duas primeiras semanas após trauma cranioencefálico (TCE). Foi feita proposta de estudo a partir de experimento clínico em pacientes com trauma encefálico grave, que foram avaliados por volta de 7 dias após a lesão (M1). A segunda avaliação ocorreu 4 dias após (M2), e a terceira 3 a 4 dias após (M3). em um período de 2 anos, foram selecionados 28 pacientes do sexo masculino, com trauma encefálico grave, escala de gravidade de Glasgow entre 4 e 6. Dentre os 28 pacientes, 6 completaram o estudo proposto. Os pacientes foram acompanhados clinicamente durante toda a fase do experimento. em cada um dos momentos de análise, foram feitas análises da excreção nitrogenada e proteínas de fase aguda. da mesma forma foram feitas determinações da glicemia plasmática, N-amínico e triglicerídeos. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram não haver modificações no balanço nitrogenado, normalização da proteína-C-reativa e redução relativa da glicemia ao final do experimento. Os autores tecem considerações sobre os possíveis mecanismos envolvidos na modulação da resposta metabólica e concluem que o hipermetabolismo, a basear-se na análise da glicemia e das proteínas de fase aguda, não persiste além do 13° dia do período de recuperação pós-trauma. São feitas sugestões de estudos futuros que possam elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos na normalização do hipercatabolismo e hipermetabolismo observados nas duas primeiras semanas após TCE.


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An experiment was conducted to study ileal digestibility of nutrients and to verify the ability of broilers to select feed in order to meet their requirements for protein and energy. The treatments consisted of six diets: R+S: free-choice feeding with rice bran (energy) and soybean meal (protein); C+G: free-choice feeding with corn (energy) and corn gluten meal (protein); R+G: free-choice feeding with rice bran (energy) and corn gluten meal (protein); C+S: free-choice feeding with corn (energy) and soybean meal (protein); R+C+G+S: free-choice feeding with rice bran and corn (energy) and corn gluten meal and soybean meal (protein); and BD: basal diet represented by a complete diet composed of 63% corn and 33% soybean meal. The results indicated that the adjustment to nutritional requirements does not depend only on the ability of birds to select feed. It might also depend on intake and ingredient quality, since some ingredients did not provide a balanced amount of nutrients. The birds were able to fulfill their requirements for maintenance, that is, they consumed the minimum amount of amino acids (g per day) for maximum growth. The free-choice group with corn gluten meal as the protein source had the worst performance, which indicated that this feed is not recommended as a primary source of amino acids for broilers. The C+G diet presented the highest digestibility coefficient of dry matter and crude protein, whereas the C+S diet resulted in the highest digestibility coefficient of ether extract and nitrogen-free extract, indicating that diet digestibility was affected by the type of feed used as energy and protein sources. In general, the high digestibility values indicate that broilers are able to efficiently digest and absorb the supplied feed.


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Nine foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) type A isolates recovered from the field FMD foci in São Paulo State, Brazil, during 1994 and 1995 (a period preceding the last reported focus of FMD in 1996 in this state) were compared among themselves and with the reference vaccine strain A(24)Cruzeiro. The techniques used were sandwich ELISA, virus neutralization (VN), polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of the structural polypeptides and direct sequencing of the VP1-coding region (1D gene). Results of VN were recorded as serological relationships R and those from ELISA were expressed as percentage of the homologous reaction r. ELISA and VN gave comparable results (correlation coefficient, 0.936) allowing assignment of these field viruses to four groups which were distinct from the A(24)Cruzeiro strain. PAGE and ID nucleotide sequencing were also able to distinguish between these viruses. The high level:of genetic and antigenic variation found when comparing the A(24)Cruzeiro vaccine strain and type A strains recovered, from the last identified foci of FMD came from a formerly endemic area where vaccination with polyvalent vaccines (O(1)Campos, A(24)Cruzciro and C(3)Indaial) had been extensively applied. The similarity between the results of the serological and genetic analyses suggest that the antigenic differences found are mainly located in the 1D protein. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Após cerca de 50 anos de experiência com a heparina e antagonistas da vitamina K (AVK), pesquisas e estudos com novos anticoagulantes vêm evoluindo de forma crescente nos últimos anos. Embora consagrados pelo uso, os anticoagulantes tradicionais têm limitações importantes em termos de controle laboratorial, complicações, efeitos colaterais, interações com medicamentos e dieta. A heparina não fracionada (HNF) tem interação com proteínas plasmáticas e parede vascular, pode desencadear trombocitopenia induzida pela heparina (TIH), só pode ser administrada por via parenteral, exige controle laboratorial pelo teste da tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPa), pode provocar osteoporose e alopecia quando usada por períodos prolongados e sua produção tem origem biológica. A AVK tem a vantagem de poder ser ministrada por via oral, mas o controle (feito pela razão normatizada internacional) pode ser difícil em alguns casos, já que tem início de ação demorado, janela terapêutica estreita, interação com dieta e grande número de medicamentos, pode provocar necrose de pele em portadores de deficiência de antitrombina e de proteínas C e S, e pode induzir alterações fetais quando usada na gravidez. Na década de 1980, surgiram as heparinas de baixo peso molecular, que foram uma evolução da heparina não fracionada, pois apresentaram maior biodisponibilidade, dosagem por peso corporal, sem necessidade de controle laboratorial, administração por via subcutânea, menor risco de trombocitopenia induzida pela heparina, e eficácia e segurança similares à heparina não fracionada. Na última década surgiram, então, uma série de novos anticoagulantes no mercado, os quais têm apresentado resultados promissores em várias situações de profilaxia e tratamento do tromboembolismo venoso. Nesta revisão, são apresentados as novas heparinas de baixo peso molecular, as heparinas de ultrabaixo peso molecular, os pentassacarídeos, os novos inibidores diretos do fator Xa e inibidores do fator IIa.


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Snake venom serine proteinases (SVSPs) are hemostatically active toxins that perturb the maintenance and regulation of both the blood coagulation cascade and fibrinolytic feedback system at specific points, and hence, are widely used as tools in pharmacological and clinical diagnosis. The crystal structure of a thrombin-like enzyme (TLE) from Bothrops jararacussu venom (Jararacussin-I) was determined at 2.48 Å resolution. This is the first crystal structure of a TLE and allows structural comparisons with both the Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix Protein C Activator and the Trimeresurus stejnegeri plasminogen activator. Despite the highly conserved overall fold, significant differences in the amino acid compositions and three-dimensional conformations of the loops surrounding the active site significantly alter the molecular topography and charge distribution profile of the catalytic interface. In contrast to other SVSPs, the catalytic interface of Jararacussin-I is highly negatively charged, which contributes to its unique macromolecular selectivity. © 2012 The Protein Society.


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In the present work we analyzed the effect of the chronic administration of risperidone (2mg/kg over 65 days) on behavioural, morphological and molecular aspects in an experimental model of schizophrenia obtained by bilateral injection of ibotenic acid into the ventral hippocampus of new-born rats. Our results show that during their adult lives the animals with hippocampal lesions exhibit different alterations, mainly at behavioural level and in the gene expression of dopamine D2 and 5-HT2A receptors. However, at morphological level the study performed on the prefrontal cortex did not reveal any alterations in either the thickness or the number of cells immunoreactive for c-Fos, GFAP, CBP or PV. Overall, risperidone administration elicited a trend towards the recovery of the values previously altered by the hippocampal lesion, approaching the values seen in the animals without lesions. It may be concluded that the administration of risperidone in the schizophrenia model employed helps to improve the altered functions, with no significant negative effects. © 2013.


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The nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) is the primary site of visceral afferents to the central nervous system. In the present study, we investigated the effects of lesions in the commissural portion of the NTS (commNTS) on the activity of vasopressinergic neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei, plasma vasopressin, arterial pressure, water intake, and sodium excretion in rats with plasma hyperosmolality produced by intragastric 2 M NaCl (2 ml/rat). Male Holtzman rats with 15-20 days of sham or electrolytic lesion (1 mA; 10 s) of the commNTS were used. CommNTS lesions enhanced a 2 M NaCl intragastrically induced increase in the number of vasopressinergic neurons expressing c-Fos in the PVN (28 ± 1, vs. sham: 22 ± 2 c-Fos/AVP cells) and SON (26 ± 4, vs. sham: 11 ± 1 c-Fos/AVP cells), plasma vasopressin levels (21 ± 8, vs. sham: 6.6 ± 1.3 pg/ml), pressor responses (25 ± 7 mmHg, vs. sham: 7 ± 2 mmHg), water intake (17.5 ± 0.8, vs. sham: 11.2 ± 1.8 ml/2 h), and natriuresis (4.9 ± 0.8, vs. sham: 1.4 ± 0.3 meq/1 h). The pretreatment with vasopressin antagonist abolished the pressor response to intragastric 2 M NaCl in commNTS-lesioned rats (8 ± 2.4 mmHg at 10 min), suggesting that this response is dependent on vasopressin secretion. The results suggest that inhibitory mechanisms dependent on commNTS act to limit or counterbalance behavioral, hormonal, cardiovascular, and renal responses to an acute increase in plasma osmolality. © 2013 the American Physiological Society.


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The cysteine proteinase inhibitor cystatin C inhibited RANKL-stimulated osteoclast formation in mouse bone marrow macrophage cultures, an effect associated with decreased mRNA expression of Acp5, Calcr, Ctsk, Mmp9, Itgb3, and Atp6i, without effect on proliferation or apoptosis. The effects were concentration dependent with half-maximal inhibition at 0.3 μM. Cystatin C also inhibited osteoclast formation when RANKL-stimulated osteoclasts were cultured on bone, leading to decreased formation of resorption pits. RANKL-stimulated cells retained characteristics of phagocytotic macrophages when cotreated with cystatin C. Three other cysteine proteinase inhibitors, cystatin D, Z-RLVG-CHN2 (IC50 0.1 μM), and E-64 (IC 50 3 μM), also inhibited osteoclast formation in RANKL-stimulated macrophages. In addition, cystatin C, Z-RLVG-CHN2, and E-64 inhibited osteoclastic differentiation of RANKL-stimulated CD14+ human monocytes. The effect by cystatin C on differentiation of bone marrow macrophages was exerted at an early stage after RANKL stimulation and was associated with early (4 h) inhibition of c-Fos expression and decreased protein and nuclear translocation of c-Fos. Subsequently, p52, p65, IκBα, and Nfatc1 mRNA were decreased. Cystatin C was internalized in osteoclast progenitors, a process requiring RANKL stimulation. These data show that cystatin C inhibits osteoclast differentiation and formation by interfering intracellularly with signaling pathways downstream RANK. © FASEB.