963 resultados para prostatic nodular hyperplasia


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Objectives: To investigate the impact of different PSA testing policies and health-care systems on prostate cancer incidence and mortality in two countries with similar populations, the Republic of Ireland (RoI) and Northern Ireland (NI).

Methods: Population-level data on PSA tests, prostate biopsies and prostate cancer cases 1993–2005 and prostate cancer deaths 1979–2006 were compiled. Annual percentage change (APC) was estimated by joinpoint regression.

Results: Prostate cancer rates were similar in both areas in 1994 but increased rapidly in RoI compared to NI. The PSA testing rate increased sharply in RoI (APC = +23.3%), and to a lesser degree in NI (APC = +9.7%) to reach 412 and 177 tests per 1,000 men in 2004, respectively. Prostatic biopsy rates rose in both countries, but were twofold higher in RoI. Cancer incidence rates rose significantly, mirroring biopsy trends, in both countries reaching 440 per 100,000 men in RoI in 2004 compared to 294 in NI. Median age at diagnosis was lower in RoI (71 years) compared to NI (73 years) (p < 0.01) and decreased significantly over time in both countries. Mortality rates declined from 1995 in both countries (APC = -1.5% in RoI, -1.3% in NI) at a time when PSA testing was not widespread.

Conclusions: Prostatic biopsy rates, rather than PSA testing per se, were the main driver of prostate cancer incidence. Because mortality decreases started before screening became widespread in RoI, and mortality remained low in NI, PSA testing is unlikely to be the explanation for declining mortality.


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Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is a family of autosomal recessive disorders involving impaired synthesis of cortisol from cholesterol by adrenal cortex. The predominant causes of the disorder are mutations in the CYP21A2 gene that encodes a Cytochrome P450 21-hydroxylase enzyme, which is central to steroidogenesis. The severity of the disease depends upon the extent of impaired enzymatic activity and can be classified under severe Classical form or the mild Non-Classical form, Molecular characterisation of CYP21A2 mutations can be used to predict clinical phenotype and disease severity based upon changes it brings in 21-hydroxylase enzyme structure. A humanized model of CYP21A2 has been used to map and investigate the structural role of all known disease-causing mutations. A structural explanation of clinical manifestation allows us to put forward criteria that might allow the prediction of clinical severity of the disease.


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Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) diagnosis and grading are affected by uncertainties which arise from the fact that almost all knowledge of PIN histopathology is expressed in concepts, descriptive linguistic terms, and words. A Bayesian belief network (BBN) was therefore used to reduce the problem of uncertainty in diagnostic clue assessment, while still considering the dependences between elements in the reasoning sequence. A shallow network was used with an open-tree topology, with eight first-level descendant nodes for the diagnostic clues (evidence nodes), each independently linked by a conditional probability matrix to a root node containing the diagnostic alternatives (decision node). One of the evidence nodes was based on the tissue architecture and the others were based on cell features. The system was designed to be interactive, in that the histopathologist entered evidence into the network in the form of likelihood ratios for outcomes at each evidence node. The efficiency of the network was tested on a series of 110 prostate specimens, subdivided as follows: 22 cases of non-neoplastic prostate or benign prostatic tissue (NP), 22 PINs of low grade (PINlow), 22 PINs of high grade (PINhigh), 22 prostatic adenocarcinomas with cribriform pattern (PACcri), and 22 prostatic adenocarcinomas with large acinar pattern (PAClgac). The results obtained in the benign and malignant categories showed that the belief for the diagnostic alternatives is very high, the values being in general more than 0.8 and often close to 1.0. When considering the PIN lesions, the network classified and graded most of the cases with high certainty. However, there were some cases which showed values less than 0.8 (13 cases out of 44), thus indicating that there are situations in which the feature changes are intermediate between contiguous categories or grades. Discrepancy between morphological grading and the BBN results was observed in four out of 44 PIN cases: one PINlow was classified as PINhigh and three PINhigh were classified as PINlow. In conclusion, the network can grade PlN lesions and differentiate them from other prostate lesions with certainty. In particular, it offers a descriptive classifier which is readily implemented and which allows the use of linguistic, fuzzy variables.


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Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of periprostatic lignocaine injection in trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS) -guided biopsy of the prostate gland.

Methods: Ninety- six men (mean age 65 years, range 47-74) undergoing TRUS biopsy were randomised into the local anaesthetic (LA) or placebo group. Six to twelve biopsy cores were taken, the majority being 10 cores. Patients were asked to fill in the expected pain score on a visual analogue scale (VAS) prior to the procedure. They also completed the actual pain experienced on VAS after the biopsy. The incidence of complications was documented.

Results: The age, mean prostate specific antigen (PSA) were comparable in both groups. The expected pain score was also comparable (5.2 +/- 1.6 in LA, 5.0 +/- 1.4 in Placebo). In the LA group, the mean actual pain score was 3.0 +/- 1.8 and in the placebo group it was 6.5 +/- 2.2 (P = 0.0001). When patients were asked whether they would undergo the procedure again in the same way, 100% of the LA group and only 64% of the placebo group responded 'yes'(P=0.002 using Fisher's test). The complication rates were not significantly different between the two groups.

Conclusion: Peri-prostatic injection of local anaesthetic is safe and reduces discomfort significantly, and should be routinely offered to patients.


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BACKGROUND: The ovarian surface epithelium responds to cytokines and hormonal cues to initiate proliferation and migration following ovulation. Although insulin and IGF are potent proliferative factors for the ovarian surface epithelium and IGF is required for follicle development, increased insulin and IGF activity are correlated with at least two gynecologic conditions: polycystic ovary syndrome and epithelial ovarian cancer. Although insulin and IGF are often components of in vitro culture media, little is known about the effects that these growth factors may have on the ovarian surface epithelium morphology or how signaling in the ovarian surface may affect follicular health and development.

METHODS: Ovaries from CD1 mice were cultured in alginate hydrogels in the presence or absence of 5 μg/ml insulin or IGF-I, as well as small molecule inhibitors of IR/IGF1R, PI 3-kinase signaling, or MAPK signaling. Tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for expression of cytokeratin 8 to mark the ovarian surface epithelium, Müllerian inhibiting substance to mark secondary follicles, and BrdU incorporation to assess proliferation. Changes in gene expression in the ovarian surface epithelium in response to insulin or IGF-I were analyzed by transcription array. Extracellular matrix organization was evaluated by expression and localization of collagen IV.

RESULTS: Culture of ovarian organoids with insulin or IGF-I resulted in formation of hyperplastic OSE approximately 4-6 cell layers thick with a high rate of proliferation, as well as decreased MIS expression in secondary follicles. Inhibition of the MAPK pathway restored MIS expression reduced by insulin but only partially restored normal OSE growth and morphology. Inhibition of the PI 3-kinase pathway restored MIS expression reduced by IGF-I and restored OSE growth to a single cell layer. Insulin and IGF-I altered organization of collagen IV, which was restored by inhibition of PI 3-kinase signaling.

CONCLUSIONS: While insulin and IGF are often required for propagation of primary cells, these cytokines may act as potent mitogens to disrupt cell growth, resulting in formation of hyperplastic OSE and decreased follicular integrity as measured by MIS expression and collagen deposition. This may be due partly to altered collagen IV deposition and organization in the ovary in response to insulin and IGF signaling mediated by PI 3-kinase.


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Aberrant activation of Wnts is common in human cancers, including prostate. Hypermethylation associated transcriptional silencing of Wnt antagonist genes SFRPs (Secreted Frizzled-Related Proteins) is a frequent oncogenic event. The significance of this is not known in prostate cancer. The objectives of our study were to (i) profile Wnt signaling related gene expression and (ii) investigate methylation of Wnt antagonist genes in prostate cancer. Using TaqMan Low Density Arrays, we identified 15 Wnt signaling related genes with significantly altered expression in prostate cancer; the majority of which were upregulated in tumors. Notably, histologically benign tissue from men with prostate cancer appeared more similar to tumor (r = 0.76) than to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH; r = 0.57, p < 0.001). Overall, the expression profile was highly similar between tumors of high (≥ 7) and low (≤ 6) Gleason scores. Pharmacological demethylation of PC-3 cells with 5-Aza-CdR reactivated 39 genes (≥ 2-fold); 40% of which inhibit Wnt signaling. Methylation frequencies in prostate cancer were 10% (2/20) (SFRP1), 64.86% (48/74) (SFRP2), 0% (0/20) (SFRP4) and 60% (12/20) (SFRP5). SFRP2 methylation was detected at significantly lower frequencies in high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN; 30%, (6/20), p = 0.0096), tumor adjacent benign areas (8.82%, (7/69), p < 0.0001) and BPH (11.43% (4/35), p < 0.0001). The quantitative level of SFRP2 methylation (normalized index of methylation) was also significantly higher in tumors (116) than in the other samples (HGPIN = 7.45, HB = 0.47, and BPH = 0.12). We show that SFRP2 hypermethylation is a common event in prostate cancer. SFRP2 methylation in combination with other epigenetic markers may be a useful biomarker of prostate cancer.


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PURPOSE: IGFBP7 belongs to a family of insulin-like growth factor-1 regulatory binding proteins. IGFBP7 hypermethylation is associated with its down-regulation in various carcinomas. In prostate cancer IGFBP7 down-regulation has been widely reported but to our knowledge the mechanisms behind this event are unknown. We performed a denaturing high performance liquid chromatography screening and validation strategy to profile the methylation status of IGFBP7 in prostate cancer.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We combined denaturing high performance liquid chromatography and bisulfite sequencing to examine IGFBP7 methylation in a panel of prostate cancer cell lines. Quantitative methylation specific polymerase chain reaction was used to determine methylation levels in prostate tissue specimens of primary prostate cancer, histologically benign prostate adjacent to tumor, high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and benign prostatic hyperplasia. IGFBP7 gene expression was measured by quantitative methylation specific polymerase chain reaction in cell lines and tissue specimens.

RESULTS: IGFBP7 was methylated in the 4 prostate cancer cell lines DU145, LNCaP, PC-3 and 22RV1. Quantitative methylation specific polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed that promoter methylation was associated with decreased IGFBP7 expression. Quantitative methylation specific polymerase chain reaction showed that IGFBP7 methylation was more frequently detected in prostate cancer (60% (31/52)) and high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (40% (6/15)) samples compared to histologically benign prostate adjacent to tumor (10%) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (0%) samples.

CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the first report of aberrant IGFBP7 promoter hypermethylation and concurrent IGFBP7 gene silencing in prostate cancer cell lines. Results demonstrate that CpG methylation of IGFBP7 may represent a novel biomarker of prostate cancer and pre-invasive neoplasms. Thus, future examination of IGFBP7 methylation and expression in a larger patient cohort, including bodily fluids, is justified to further evaluate its role in a diagnostic and prognostic setting.


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AIMS: Improved prostate cancer (PCa)-specific biomarkers are urgently required to distinguish between indolent and aggressive disease, in order to avoid overtreatment. In this study, we investigated the prostatic tissue expression of secreted frizzled-related protein (SFRP)-2.

METHODS AND RESULTS: Following immunohistochemical analysis on PCa tissue microarrays with samples from 216 patients, strong/moderate SFRP-2 expression was observed in epithelial cells of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and negative/weak SFRP-2 expression was observed in the majority of tumour epithelia. However, among Gleason grade 5 carcinomas, 40% showed strong/moderate SFRP-2 expression and 60% showed negative SFRP-2 expression in epithelial cells. Further microscopic evaluation of Gleason grade 5 tumours revealed different morphological patterns, corresponding with differential SFRP-2 expression. The first subgroup (referred to as Type A) appeared to have a morphologically solid growth pattern, whereas the second subgroup (referred to as Type B) appeared to have a more diffuse pattern. Furthermore, 100% (4/4) of Type A patients experienced biochemical recurrence, as compared with 0% (0/6) of Type B patients.

CONCLUSIONS: These results imply: (i) that there is a loss of SFRP-2 expression from benign to malignant prostate glands; and (ii) differential SFRP-2 expression among two possible subgroups of Gleason grade 5 tumours.


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BACKGROUND: Aberrant DNA methylation has been implicated as a key survival mechanism in cancer, whereby promoter hypermethylation silences genes essential for many cellular processes including apoptosis. Limited data is available on the methylation profile of apoptotic genes in prostate cancer (CaP). The aim of this study was to profile methylation of apoptotic-related genes in CaP using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC).

METHODS: Based on an in silico selection process, 13 genes were screened for methylation in CaP cell lines using DHPLC. Quantitative methylation specific PCR was employed to determine methylation levels in prostate tissue specimens (n = 135), representing tumor, histologically benign prostate, high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Gene expression was measured by QRT-PCR in cell lines and tissue specimens.

RESULTS: The promoters of BIK, BNIP3, cFLIP, TMS1, DCR1, DCR2, and CDKN2A appeared fully or partially methylated in a number of malignant cell lines. This is the first report of aberrant methylation of BIK, BNIP3, and cFLIP in CaP. Quantitative methylation analysis in prostate tissues identified 5 genes (BNIP3, CDKN2A, DCR1, DCR2 and TMS1) which were frequently methylated in tumors but were unmethylated in 100% of benign tissues. Furthermore, 69% of tumors were methylated in at least one of the five-gene panel. In the case of all genes, except BNIP3, promoter hypermethylation was associated with concurrent downregulation of gene expression.

CONCLUSION: Future examination of this "CaP apoptotic methylation signature" in a larger cohort of patients is justified to further evaluate its value as a diagnostic and prognostic marker.


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Promoter hypermethylation is central in deregulating gene expression in cancer. Identification of novel methylation targets in specific cancers provides a basis for their use as biomarkers of disease occurrence and progression. We developed an in silico strategy to globally identify potential targets of promoter hypermethylation in prostate cancer by screening for 5' CpG islands in 631 genes that were reported as downregulated in prostate cancer. A virtual archive of 338 potential targets of methylation was produced. One candidate, IGFBP3, was selected for investigation, along with glutathione-S-transferase pi (GSTP1), a well-known methylation target in prostate cancer. Methylation of IGFBP3 was detected by quantitative methylation-specific PCR in 49/79 primary prostate adenocarcinoma and 7/14 adjacent preinvasive high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, but in only 5/37 benign prostatic hyperplasia (P < 0.0001) and in 0/39 histologically normal adjacent prostate tissue, which implies that methylation of IGFBP3 may be involved in the early stages of prostate cancer development. Hypermethylation of IGFBP3 was only detected in samples that also demonstrated methylation of GSTP1 and was also correlated with Gleason score > or =7 (P=0.01), indicating that it has potential as a prognostic marker. In addition, pharmacological demethylation induced strong expression of IGFBP3 in LNCaP prostate cancer cells. Our concept of a methylation candidate gene bank was successful in identifying a novel target of frequent hypermethylation in early-stage prostate cancer. Evaluation of further relevant genes could contribute towards a methylation signature of this disease.