936 resultados para professional communication


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In recent years international policies have aimed to stimulate the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of health care. Belgium has also been affected by these developments and, for example, health electronic regional networks ("HNs") are established. Thanks to a qualitative case study we have explored the implementation of such innovations (HN) to better understand how health professionals collaborate through the HN and how the HN affect their relationships. Within the HNs studied a common good unites the actors: the continuity of care for a better quality of care. However behind this objective of continuity of care other individual motivations emerge. Some controversies need also to be resolved in order to achieve cooperative relationships. HNs have notably to take national developments into account. These developments raise the question of the control of medical knowledge and medical practice. Professional issues, and not only practical changes, are involved in these innovations. © 2008 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


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Interaction with ecological models can improve stakeholder participation in fisheries management. Problems exist in efficiently communicating outputs to stakeholders and an objective method of structuring stakeholder differences is lacking. This paper aims to inform the design of a multi-user communication interface for fisheries management by identifying functional stakeholder groups. Intuitive categorisation of stakeholders, derived from survey responses, is contrasted with an Evidence-Based method derived from analysis of stakeholder literature. Intuitive categorisation relies on interpretation and professional judgement when categorising stakeholders among conventional stakeholder groups. Evidence-Based categorisation quantitatively characterises each stakeholder with a vector of four management objective interest-strength values (Yield, Employment, Profit and Ecosystem Preservation). Survey respondents agreed little in forming intuitive groups and the groups were poorly defined and heterogeneous in interests. In contrast the Evidence-Based clusters were well defined and largely homogeneous, so more useful for identifying functional relations with model outputs. The categorisations lead to two different clusterings of stakeholders and suggest unhelpful stereotyping of stakeholders may occur with the Intuitive categorisation method. Stakeholder clusters based on literature-evidence show a high degree of common interests among clusters and is encouraging for those seeking to maximise dialogue and consensus forming. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Much is already known about medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) in terms of incidence, presentation and current treatment. What needs to be urgently addressed is a strategy for dealing with patients and their conditions, particularly when they do not fall neatly into medical frameworks or pathologies where the syndrome can be easily explained. This article will consider the provision of health and social care support for patients with MUS within an interprofessional education context. The author will contend that a sensitive and valued service for this large client group is dependent upon services without professional boundaries and practitioners with a clinical interest that can work together and agree an appropriate way forward in terms of care, support and strategic service provision. The article will support the idea that clear guidelines through the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence can offer clear clinical direction for practitioners working in primary and secondary care settings to work together interprofessionally to ensure a seamless and sensitive service for people with this condition.


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Background: Development programmes to support newly qualified practitioners gain confidence in their first professional role often show varied levels of engagement, due to competing priorities and demands. In Scotland, the Flying Start NHS® programme uses a structured programme of online and work-based learning with associated mentoring, to support individuals through an often difficult transition to become capable, confident practitioners. . Whilst the programme was generally well received, the factors leading to widely varying completion rates between professions and organisations were not well understood. Aim: to identify the factors leading to successful completion of Flying Start, a transition programme for newly qualified practitioners. Method: A qualitative approach was adopted to gather data from two groups of participants. Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with strategic and management level participants (n=23), from five health boards in Scotland. Semi-structured interviews (n=22) and focus groups (n=11) were conducted with practitioners within 6 months either side of completing the programme. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using framework analysis. Results: Four key themes related to successful completion emerged from the analysis: organisational support; the format of the programme; understanding completion; motivation and incentives to complete. Factors leading to successful completion were identified at programme, organisational and individual level. These included clear communication and signposting, up-to-date and relevant content, links with continuing professional development frameworks, effective leadership, mentor and peer support, setting clear standards for assessment, and facilitating appropriate IT access. Conclusions: A strong strategic commitment to embedding a development programme for newly qualified practitioners can ensure the necessary support is available to encourage timely completion. The mentor’s role - to provide face-to-face support - is identified as a key factor in completion and is achieved through setting attainable targets, monitoring progress, and providing motivation. However organisational structures that facilitate the mentoring relationship are also necessary.


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Emails have become a central genre in business communication, reflecting both how people communicate and how they go about their professional practices. This chapter examines embedded business emails as reflections of the professional practices of the regulatory and policy department of a multinational based in London, UK. It argues that the nature of online communication in international organisations, with its high levels of intertextuality and interdiscursivity, requires multidimensional analytical approaches that are capable of capturing its complexity and dynamics. To this end, the chapter introduces electronic discourse analysis networks (EDANs) as one example of such approaches. It begins with a brief review of the literature that has informed the study reported on here before it discusses EDANs as its analytical framework. Using a group of embedded emails and a number of networked data sets, the chapter shows how EDANs can be used to further our understanding of professional online communication.


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This paper discusses the changes brought by the communication revolution in teaching and learning in the scope of LSP. Its aim is to provide an insight on how teaching which was bi-dimensional, turned into a multidimensional system, gathering other complementary resources that have transformed, in a incredibly short time, the ways we receive share and store information, for instance as professionals, and keep in touch with our peers. The increasing rise of electronic publications, the incredible boom of social and professional networks, search engines, blogs, list servs, forums, e-mail blasts, Facebook pages, YouTube contents, Tweets and Apps, have twisted the way information is conveyed. Classes ceased to be predictable and have been empowered by digital platforms, innumerous and different data repositories (TILDE, IATE, LINGUEE, and so many other terminological data banks) that have definitely transformed the academic world in general and tertiary education in particular. There is a bulk of information to be digested by students, who are no longer passive but instead responsible and active for their academic outcomes. The question is whether they possess the tools to select only what is accurate and important for a certain subject or assignment, due to that overflow? Due to the reduction of the number of course years in most degrees, after the implementation of Bologna and the shrinking of the curricula contents, have students the possibility of developing critical thinking? Both teaching and learning rely on digital resources to improve the speed of the spreading of knowledge. But have those changes been effective to promote really communication? Furthermore, with the increasing Apps that have already been developed and will continue to appear for learning foreign languages, for translation among others, will the students feel the need of learning them once they have those Apps. These are some the questions we would like to discuss in our paper.


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This qualitative investigation explored the professional experiences of 3 Ontario teachers who have mobility challenges. The study’s participants (2 male and 1 female) were Ontario teachers who have permanent physical disabilities that challenge their means of mobility. Each participant has an Ontario Certified Teaching License and has either taught or is currently teaching in an Ontario school. My primary source of data collection was a semi-structured face-to-face interview with each participant. The focus of the interview was participant perspectives. Data analysis was accomplished in 3 phases. Data analysis generated 5 prominent themes of commonality among participants: (a) independence and sacrifice, (b) living with pain, (c) barriers and obstacles, (d) the importance of communication, and (e) professional benefits and personal rewards.


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La présente recherche a pour objet la pratique orthophonique en suppléance à la communication (SC) auprès de personnes qui ont une déficience intellectuelle (DI). Des recherches ont montré que les aides à la communication à sortie vocale (ACSV) pouvaient améliorer la communication des personnes ayant une DI. Cependant, la plupart de ces recherches ont été menées dans des conditions idéales qui ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles que l’on retrouve dans les milieux cliniques typiques. On connaît peu de choses sur les pratiques professionnelles en SC auprès des personnes ayant une DI. Le but de cette recherche est de décrire la pratique orthophonique, de documenter les perspectives des utilisateurs sur les résultats des interventions et de décrire l’implication des parents et leurs habiletés à soutenir leur enfant dans l’utilisation d’une ACSV afin de proposer un modèle d’intervention en SC auprès de cette clientèle qui tienne compte de ces différentes perspectives. Une méthode qualitative a été choisie pour réaliser la recherche. Des entrevues individuelles semi-structurées ont été réalisées avec onze orthophonistes francophones et avec des parents ou familles d’accueil de dix utilisateurs d’ACSV et des entrevues structurées ont été menées avec huit utilisateurs d’ACSV. Un outil d’entrevue a été conçu à l’aide de pictogrammes pour permettre aux utilisateurs d’ACSV de répondre à des questions portant sur leur appréciation et utilisation de leur ACSV, leur satisfaction et priorités de communication. Un cadre conceptuel a été conçu à partir des guides de pratique clinique et un codage semi-ouvert a été utilisé pour réaliser les analyses thématiques des données provenant des orthophonistes. Un codage ouvert a servi à analyser les données provenant des parents. Des analyses descriptives ont servi à examiner les réponses des utilisateurs. Diverses procédures ont assuré la crédibilité des analyses. Entre autres, les analyses des entrevues des orthophonistes ont été validées lors d’un groupe de discussion avec sept participantes orthophonistes. Les résultats montrent que les ACSV sont utilisées surtout dans le milieu scolaire. Elles sont parfois utilisées lors des loisirs et dans la communauté, mais ces contextes sont ceux où les utilisateurs ont exprimé le plus d’insatisfaction et où se situe la majeure partie des priorités qu’ils ont identifiées. Les analyses ont permis d’identifier les facteurs qui rendent compte de ces résultats. Les orthophonistes manquent d’outils pour réaliser des évaluations exhaustives des capacités des clients et elles manquent de procédures pour impliquer les parents et obtenir d’eux une description complète des besoins de communication de leur enfant. Conséquemment, l’ACSV attribuée et le vocabulaire programmé ne répondent pas à l’ensemble des besoins de communication. Certaines orthophonistes manquent de connaissances sur les ACSV ou n’ont pas le matériel pour faire des essais avec les clients. Il en résulte un appariement entre la personne et l’ACSV qui n’est pas toujours parfait. À cause d’un manque de ressources en orthophonie, les parents sont parfois laissés sans soutien pour apporter les changements à la programmation lors des transitions dans la vie de leur enfant et certains ne reçoivent pas d’entraînement visant à soutenir l’utilisation de l’ACSV. Un modèle d’intervention en SC est proposé afin d’améliorer la pratique orthophonique auprès de cette population.


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La préparation scolaire de l’enfant en maternelle est associée, selon maintes études, à sa réussite scolaire future. Plusieurs facteurs sont liés à la préparation scolaire, dont l’implication parentale en milieu scolaire, quoiqu’il n’y ait pas consensus à ce sujet. Ainsi, la présente étude vise deux objectifs. Il s’agit tout d’abord de définir quelles sont les caractéristiques de l’enseignant, de la famille et de l’enfant étant associées à l’implication parentale. L’objectif principal se centre, pour sa part, sur les liens possibles entre l’implication parentale et la préparation scolaire de l’enfant en maternelle. Les résultats révèlent que l’âge de l’enseignant et son expérience professionnelle, l’âge des parents et la scolarité de la mère sont les caractéristiques liées à l’implication parentale. De plus, chacune des dimensions de la préparation scolaire des enfants en maternelle (santé physique et bien-être, développement cognitif, intégration sociale et autorégulation) est associée à la communication entre l’enseignant et les parents et à la participation parentale à la vie scolaire de l’enfant. Ainsi, notre étude offre un apport intéressant au domaine des sciences de l’éducation en montrant que l’implication parentale est liée à la préparation scolaire de l’enfant.


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Cette thèse porte sur l’appropriation de l’Internet et du multimédias dans la population universitaire d’Afrique francophone, en l’an 2001. Elle couvre six pays : le Bénin, le Burkina Faso, le Cameroun, la Côte d’Ivoire, le Mali et le Togo. La recherche porte sur le recensement des centres de recherche démographique en Afrique francophone subsaharienne et sur une enquête auprès des universités de Yaoundé II et de Douala au Cameroun. La problématique de l’accès et de l’usage est centrale dans notre démarche. Elle est traduite dans la question de recherche suivante : « Dans un contexte dominé par les représentations des NTIC comme symboles de modernité et facteurs d’intégration à l’économie mondiale, quelles sont les modalités d’appropriation de ces technologies par les universitaires des institutions de l’enseignement et de la recherche en Afrique considérées dans cette étude ? » Pour aborder le matériel empirique, nous avons opté pour deux approches théoriques : les théories du développement en lien avec les (nouveaux) médias et la sociologie des innovations techniques. Enracinées dans la pensée des Lumières, complétée et affinée par les approches évolutionnistes inspirées de Spencer, le fonctionnalisme d’inspiration parsonienne et l’économie politique axée sur la pensée de W. W. Rostow, les théories du développement ont largement mis à contribution les théories de la communication pour atteindre leur objet. Alors que la crise de la modernité occidentale menace de délégitimer ces paradigmes, les technologies émergentes leur donnent une nouvelle naissance : dans la continuité de la pensée d’Auguste Comte, le développement est désormais pensé en termes d’intégration à un nouveau type de société, la société de l’information. Cette nouvelle promesse eschatologique et cette foi dans la technique comme facteur d’intégration à la société et à l’économie en réseau habitent tous les projets menés sur le continent, que ce soit le NEPAD, le Fond de solidarité numérique, le projet d’ordinateur à 100$ pour les enfants démunis ou le projet panafricain de desserte satellitaire, le RASCOM. Le deuxième volet de notre cadre de référence théorique est axé sur la sociologie des innovations techniques. Nous mobilisons la sociopolitique des usages de Vedel et Vitalis pour ramener la raison critique dans le débat sur le développement du continent africain, dans l’optique de montrer que la prérogative politique assumée par les États a encore sa place, si l’on veut que les ressources numériques servent à satisfaire les demandes sociales et non les seules demandes solvables essentiellement localisées dans les centres urbains. En refusant le déterminisme technique si courant dans la pensée sur le développement, nous voulons montrer que le devenir de la technique n’est pas inscrit dans son essence, comme une ombre portée, mais que l’action des humains, notamment l’action politique, peut infléchir la trajectoire des innovations techniques dans l’optique de servir les aspirations des citoyens. Sur le plan méthodologique, la démarche combine les méthodes quantitatives et les méthodes qualitatives. Les premières nous permettront de mesurer la présence d’Internet et du multimédia dans l’environnement des répondants. Les secondes nous aideront à saisir les représentations développées par les usagers au contact de ces outils. Dans la perspective socioconstructiviste, ces discours sont constitutifs des technologies, dans la mesure où ils sont autant de modalités d’appropriation, de construction sociale de l’usage. Ultimement, l’intégration du langage technique propre aux outils multimédias dans le langage quotidien des usagers traduit le dernier stade de cette appropriation. À travers cette recherche, il est apparu que les usagers sont peu nombreux à utiliser les technologies audiovisuelles dans le contexte professionnel. Quand à l’Internet et aux outils multimédias, leur présence et leurs usages restent limités, l’accès physique n’étant pas encore garanti à tous les répondants de l’étude. Internet suscite de grandes espérances, mais reste, là aussi, largement inaccessible en contexte professionnel, la majorité des usagers se rabattant sur les lieux publics comme les cybercafés pour pallier l’insuffisance des ressources au sein de leurs institutions d’appartenance. Quant aux représentations, elles restent encore largement tributaires des discours politiques et institutionnels dominants, selon lesquels l’avenir sera numérique ou ne sera pas. La thèse va cependant au-delà de ces données pour dessiner la carte numérique actuelle du continent, en intégrant dans la nouvelle donne technologique la montée fulgurante de la téléphonie cellulaire mobile. Il nous est apparu que l’Internet, dont la diffusion sur le continent a été plus que modeste, pourrait largement profiter de l’émergence sur le continent de la culture mobile, que favorise notamment la convergence entre les mini-portables et la téléphonie mobile.


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Depuis le début des années 80, les systèmes d’éducation à travers le monde recommandent l’intégration des élèves malentendants en classe ordinaire. Malgré l’utilisation d’aides auditives et de système MF, les élèves vivent des périodes où l’amplification reçue est insuffisante ou non optimale. Ces périodes sont causées par des facteurs influençant leurs conditions de communication et cela peut nuire à leurs apprentissages. Pourtant, les études sur ces situations vécues par les élèves ont très peu considéré leur point de vue. L’étude présentée vise à 1) de documenter les perceptions des situations de communication en classe mentionnées par des élèves malentendants intégrés, appareillés et ayant un système MF décerné ou rapportées à des professionnels; 2) de comprendre le contexte dans lequel des conditions non optimales de communication surviennent; 3) d’identifier les stratégies compensatoires rapportées par l’élève ou son locuteur ou déployées lors de leur participation aux activités de classe. Cette étude de cas multiples combine des données qualitatives et quantitatives recueillies à partir d’entrevues en profondeur auprès de huit élèves malentendants, de courtes entrevues avec leur enseignant et leur intervenant principal et une session d’observation en classe au cours de laquelle le niveau de bruit a été mesuré et les positions de l’enseignant ont été notées. Les données ont été analysées de manière longitudinale afin de décrire les participants et transversale afin de les comparer. Les résultats montrent que les élèves malentendants parlent de leurs situations de communication en classe, surtout les plus difficiles en associant toutes leurs difficultés au locuteur ou au milieu et non à eux-mêmes. Pour ce qui est du contexte, des niveaux élevés de bruit ont été mesurés et les positions des enseignants montrent qu’ils sont généralement loin de l’enfant malentendant ou qu’ils ne lui font pas face. Par ailleurs, les enseignants mentionnent ne pas avoir assez d’informations pour bien venir en aide à ces élèves. Enfin, les élèves et leurs enseignants utilisent différentes stratégies de communication, mais celles-ci ne sont pas toujours efficaces pour faciliter la communication. Toutes ces constatations mènent à des pistes de solutions visant à améliorer les situations de communication en classe et le contexte dans lequel les élèves apprennent, notamment l’accroissement des connaissances des divers acteurs et de leur collaboration entre eux.


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Objective: An interprofessional steering committee was created at Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine to examine how social media are integrated in medical and health professional education in universities across the globe, and to propose a strategic plan for integrating social media in the Faculty’s various curricula. This presentation will summarize the steering committee’s work and describe the librarian’s contribution. Methods: The Committee’s project leader first conducted a literature search on best practices of social media in medical and health professional curricula. A reference website was then created (mse.med.umontreal.ca) to provide easy access to a large number of the articles and resources reviewed. A steering committee was constituted and 11 meetings were held over a 9-month period. The Committee comprised 18 members and included assistant deans, academic program directors, professors, communication advisors, undergraduate and graduate students and a librarian. An online survey on social media use by students and professors of the Faculty was conducted, ten pilot projects were put forward and a three-year strategic plan was proposed. Results: A total of 1508 students and 565 professors participated in the survey. Results showed that both groups had a strong interest in learning how social media could be integrated in academic and professional activities. Participants reported concern with risks associated with social media use and expressed the need for a Faculty policy and guidelines. The librarian’s contribution to the steering committee included: writing posts on the website’s internal blog, assisting in the design of the survey questionnaires and writing the final report’s survey results chapter. She also proposed two pilot projects: creating a social media learning portal and an altmetrics workshop. Conclusions: Based on the literature review and the survey results, the Committee affirmed the importance of integrating social media in the various study programs of the Faculty of Medicine. Despite the restricted timeline, this interprofessional steering committee was able to carry out its mandate because of the leadership and expertise of each of its members. As the librarian had the most experience with the use of social media in a professional context, her knowledge was instrumental in assisting the project leader in a group mainly composed of social media non-users.


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Information and communication technologies are the tools that underpin the emerging “Knowledge Society”. Exchange of information or knowledge between people and through networks of people has always taken place. But the ICT has radically changed the magnitude of this exchange, and thus factors such as timeliness of information and information dissemination patterns have become more important than ever.Since information and knowledge are so vital for the all round human development, libraries and institutions that manage these resources are indeed invaluable. So, the Library and Information Centres have a key role in the acquisition, processing, preservation and dissemination of information and knowledge. ln the modern context, library is providing service based on different types of documents such as manuscripts, printed, digital, etc. At the same time, acquisition, access, process, service etc. of these resources have become complicated now than ever before. The lCT made instrumental to extend libraries beyond the physical walls of a building and providing assistance in navigating and analyzing tremendous amounts of knowledge with a variety of digital tools. Thus, modern libraries are increasingly being re-defined as places to get unrestricted access to information in many formats and from many sources.The research was conducted in the university libraries in Kerala State, India. lt was identified that even though the information resources are flooding world over and several technologies have emerged to manage the situation for providing effective services to its clientele, most of the university libraries in Kerala were unable to exploit these technologies at maximum level. Though the libraries have automated many of their functions, wide gap prevails between the possible services and provided services. There are many good examples world over in the application of lCTs in libraries for the maximization of services and many such libraries have adopted the principles of reengineering and re-defining as a management strategy. Hence this study was targeted to look into how effectively adopted the modern lCTs in our libraries for maximizing the efficiency of operations and services and whether the principles of re-engineering and- redefining can be applied towards this.Data‘ was collected from library users, viz; student as well as faculty users; library ,professionals and university librarians, using structured questionnaires. This has been .supplemented by-observation of working of the libraries, discussions and interviews with the different types of users and staff, review of literature, etc. Personal observation of the organization set up, management practices, functions, facilities, resources, utilization of information resources and facilities by the users, etc. of the university libraries in Kerala have been made. Statistical techniques like percentage, mean, weighted mean, standard deviation, correlation, trend analysis, etc. have been used to analyse data.All the libraries could exploit only a very few possibilities of modern lCTs and hence they could not achieve effective Universal Bibliographic Control and desired efficiency and effectiveness in services. Because of this, the users as well as professionals are dissatisfied. Functional effectiveness in acquisition, access and process of information resources in various formats, development and maintenance of OPAC and WebOPAC, digital document delivery to remote users, Web based clearing of library counter services and resources, development of full-text databases, digital libraries and institutional repositories, consortia based operations for e-journals and databases, user education and information literacy, professional development with stress on lCTs, network administration and website maintenance, marketing of information, etc. are major areas need special attention to improve the situation. Finance, knowledge level on ICTs among library staff, professional dynamism and leadership, vision and support of the administrators and policy makers, prevailing educational set up and social environment in the state, etc. are some of the major hurdles in reaping the maximum possibilities of lCTs by the university libraries in Kerala. The principles of Business Process Re-engineering are found suitable to effectively apply to re-structure and redefine the operations and service system of the libraries. Most of the conventional departments or divisions prevailing in the university libraries were functioning as watertight compartments and their existing management system was more rigid to adopt the principles of change management. Hence, a thorough re-structuring of the divisions was indicated. Consortia based activities and pooling and sharing of information resources was advocated to meet the varied needs of the users in the main campuses and off campuses of the universities, affiliated colleges and remote stations. A uniform staff policy similar to that prevailing in CSIR, DRDO, ISRO, etc. has been proposed by the study not only in the university libraries in kerala but for the entire country.Restructuring of Lis education,integrated and Planned development of school,college,research and public library systems,etc.were also justified for reaping maximum benefits of the modern ICTs.


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The library professional in an academic institution has to anticipate the changing expectations of the users, and be flexible in adopting new skills and levels of awareness. Technology has drastically changed the way librarians define themselves and the way they think about their profession and the institutions they serve. In addition to the technical and professional skills, commitment to user centred services and skills for effective oral and written communication; they must have other skills, including business and management, teaching, leadership, etc. Eventually, library and information professionals in academic libraries need to update their knowledge and skills in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as they play the role of key success factor in enabling the library to perform its role as an information support system for the society.


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Development of new technologies in the field of library and information science especially in academic libraries has resulted in the need for library staff to be flexible in adopting new skills and levels of awareness. In addition to core technology skills, importance is to be given to other skills in communication, management, etc. This paper attempts to describe in brief the competencies and skills required for an academic library professional in the digital era .