964 resultados para potassium sulphate
Columnar cell apical membranes (CCAM) in series with goblet cell apical membranes (GCAM) form an electroosmotic barrier separating the midgut lumen from epithelial cell cytoplasm. A unique K+ ATPase in GCAM generates three gradients across this barrier. A greater than 180 mV electrical gradient (lumen positive) drives amino acid uptake through voltage-dependent K+ symports. A greater than 1000-fold [H+] gradient (lumen alkaline) and a greater than 10-fold [K+] gradient (lumen concentrated) are adaptations to the high tannin and high K+ content, respectively, in dietary plant material. Agents which act on the apical membrane and disrupt the PD, H+, or K+ gradients are potential insecticides. Insect sensory epithelia and mammalian stria vascularis maintain similar PD and K+ gradients but would not be exposed to ingested anti-apical membrane insecticides. Following the demonstration by Sacchi et al. that Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin (Bt) induces specifically a K+ conductance increase in CCAM vesicles, we find that the K+ channel blocking agent, Ba2+, completely reverses Bt inhibition of the K+-carried short circuit current in the isolated midgut of Manduca sexta. Progress in characterizing the apical membrane includes finding that fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine binds specifically to certain GCAM polypeptides and that CCAM vesicles can be mass produced by Ca2+ or Mg2+ precipitation from Manduca sexta midgut.
Biocorrosion means any process of corrosion in wich microorganisms are somehow involved. As far as the petroleum industry is concerned, the anaerobic type is the more important, with Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria (SRB) accouting for half of the described processes. SRB are obligate anaerobs that use sulphur, sulphate or other oxidized sulphur compounds as oxidizing agents when decomposing organic material. A typical product of SRB metabolism, hydrogen sulphide -H2S-, is extremely toxic. In the present work we review the literature on mechanisms underlying biocorrosive process in wich SRB are involved and summarize some of the ultrastructural and eletrochemical work developed using SRB obtained from water injection flow in wells located on PETROBRAS offshore marine plataforms, sampled directly in the field over metallic probes, or cultured under laboratory conditions. Biofilms develop when SRB adhere to inert surfaces. A high diversity of morphological types is found inside these biofilms. Their extracellular matrix is highly hydrated and mainly anionic, as shown by its avid reaction with cationic compounds like ruthenium red. We have noted that variations in iron contet lead to interesting changes in the ultrastructure of the bacterial cell coat and also in the rate of corrosion induced in metallic test cupons. Since routine methods to prevent and treat SRB contamination and biodeterioration involve the use of biocides that are toxic and always have some environmental impact, an accurate diagnosis of biocorrosion is always required prior to a treatment decision. We developed a method that detects and semi-quantifies the presence of living or dead SRB by using free silver potentials as an indicator of corrosive action by SRB-associated sulphides. We found a correlation between sulphide levels (determined either by spectrophotometry, or using a silver electrode -E(Ag)- that measured changes in free potentials induced by the presence of exogeneously added sulphide) and SRB concentration (enumerated by a culturing method). E (Ag) was characterized under a variety of conditions andwas found to be relatively immune to possible interference resulting from aeration of media or from the psence of iron corrosion products. The method offers a simple, rapid, and effective means of diagnosing biocorrosive processes prior to their control.
The role of cell type-specific Na+,K+-ATPase isozymes in function-related glucose metabolism was studied using differentiated rat brain cell aggregate cultures. In mixed neuron-glia cultures, glucose utilization, determined by measuring the rate of radiolabeled 2-deoxyglucose accumulation, was markedly stimulated by the voltage-dependent sodium channel agonist veratridine (0.75 micromol/L), as well as by glutamate (100 micromol/L) and the ionotropic glutamate receptor agonist N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) (10 micromol/L). Significant stimulation also was elicited by elevated extracellular potassium (12 mmol/L KCl), which was even more pronounced at 30 mmol/L KCl. In neuron-enriched cultures, a similar stimulation of glucose utilization was obtained with veratridine, specific ionotropic glutamate receptor agonists, and 30 mmol/L but not 12 mmol/L KCl. The effects of veratridine, glutamate, and NMDA were blocked by specific antagonists (tetrodotoxin, CNQX, or MK801, respectively). Low concentrations of ouabain (10(-6) mol/L) prevented stimulation by the depolarizing agents but reduced only partially the response to 12 mmol/L KCl. Together with previous data showing cell type-specific expression of Na+,K+-ATPase subunit isoforms in these cultures, the current results support the view that distinct isoforms of Na+,K+-ATPase regulate glucose utilization in neurons in response to membrane depolarization, and in glial cells in response to elevated extracellular potassium.
Sixty-nine entire male pigs with different halothane genotype (homozygous halothane positive – nn –, n=36; and homozygous halothane negative – NN-, n=33) were fed with a supplementation of magnesium sulphate (Mg) and/or L-tryptophan (Trp) in the diet for 5 days before slaughter. Animals were housed individually and were submitted to stressful ante mortem conditions (mixed in the lorry according to treatments and transported 1 hour on rough roads). Individual feed intake was recorded during the 5-d treatment. At the abattoir, pig behaviour was assessed in the raceway to the stunning system and during the stunning period by exposure to CO2. Muscle pH, colour, water holding capacity, texture and cathepsin activities were determined to assess meat quality. The number of pigs with an individual feed intake lower than 2 kg/d was significantly different among diets (P&0.05; Control: 8.7 %; Mg&Trp: 43.5 %; Trp: 17.4 %) and they were considered to have inadequate supplement intake. During the ante mortem period, 15.2 % of pigs included in the experiment died, and this percentage decreased to 8.7 % in those pigs with a feed intake & 2kg/day, all of them from the stress-sensitive pigs (nn). In general, no differences were observed in the behaviour of pigs along the corridor leading to the stunning system and inside the CO2 stunning system. During the stunning procedure, Trp diet showed shorter periods of muscular excitation than control and Mg&Trp diets. The combination of a stressful ante mortem treatment and Mg&Trp supplementation led to carcasses with high incidence of severe skin lesions. Different meat quality results were found when considering all pigs or considering only those with adequate supplement intake. In this later case, Trp increased pH45 (6.15) vs Control diet (5.96) in the Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle (P&0.05) and pH at 24h (Trp: 5.59 vs C: 5.47) led to a higher incidence of dark, firm and exudative (DFD) traits in SM muscle (P&0.05). Genotype affected negatively all the meat quality traits. Seventy-five percent of LT and 60.0 % of the SM muscles from nn pigs were classified as pale, soft and exudative (PSE), while none of the NN pigs showed these traits (P&0.0001). No significant differences were found between genotypes on the incidence of DFD meat. Due to the negative effects observed in the Mg&Trp group in feed intake and carcass quality, the utilization of a mixture of magnesium sulphate and tryptophan is not recommended.
Nosocomial infections are a relevant factor in complicating the recovery of patients interned for even minor causes. In attempt to determine their origin it is crucial to consider that their origin is of an endogenous nature. Looking for an acessible expression of intestinal colonization we analyzed fecal samples from 3 separate groups of hospital patients collected after different lenghts of time. For practical reasons one group was studied prospectively and two other groups (patients hospitalized for up to 7 days and patients hospitalized for more than 7 days) were compared to one another. We looked for the emergence of tellurite resistance among Enterobacteriaceae using a selective medium. MacConkey potassium tellurite (MCPT). The frequence of prospectively studied patients with tellurite resistant strains was significantly greater after 7 days of hospitalization. For the two other groups, patients with more than 7 days of hospitalization showed a significant increase of bacterial species and of strains with new antimicrobial resistance markers. High molecular weigth plasmids were detected in some of these strains. These data show that the MCPT medium is a useful tool for the investigation of bowel colonization in hospitalized patients by drug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae.
BACKGROUND: Potassium-enriched diets exert renal and cardiovascular protective effects, but the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. METHODS: Using the dorsal skinfold chamber model for intravital microscopy, we examined endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation of precapillary resistance arterioles in response to acetylcholine or the NO donor SNAP in awake mice. Experiments were performed in uni-nephrectomized one renin gene (Ren-1c) C57BL/6 mice (control group) and in mice having received a continuous administration of deoxycorticosterone acetate and a dietary supplementation of 1% sodium chloride for 8weeks (DOCA/salt group). An additional group of DOCA/salt treated animals received a dietary supplement of 0.4% KCl for 3weeks prior to the experiments (DOCA/salt + potassium group). RESULTS: DOCA/salt treatment for 8weeks resulted in hypokalemia, but blood pressure remained unchanged. In DOCA/salt mice, relaxation of resistance arterioles was blunted in response to acetylcholine, and to a lesser extent to SNAP, suggesting endothelial dysfunction. Endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation was restored by the potassium-enriched diet. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to demonstrate a protective effect of potassium on endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in the absence of confounding anti-hypertensive effects, as observed in most animal models and the clinical situation. We propose that the known cardio- and nephro-protective effects of potassium might - at least in part - be mediated by the salutary effects on endothelium-dependent arteriolar relaxation.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major cause of peripheral neuropathy. More than 220 million people worldwide suffer from type 2 DM, which will, in approximately half of them, lead to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. While of significant medical importance, the pathophysiological changes present in DPN are still poorly understood. To get more insight into DPN associated with type 2 DM, we decided to use the rodent model of this form of diabetes, the db/db mice. During the in-vivo conduction velocity studies on these animals, we observed the presence of multiple spiking followed by a single stimulation. This prompted us to evaluate the excitability properties of db/db peripheral nerves. Ex-vivo electrophysiological evaluation revealed a significant increase in the excitability of db/db sciatic nerves. While the shape and kinetics of the compound action potential of db/db nerves were the same as for control nerves, we observed an increase in the after-hyperpolarization phase (AHP) under diabetic conditions. Using pharmacological inhibitors we demonstrated that both the peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) and the increased AHP were mostly mediated by the decreased activity of Kv1-channels. Importantly, we corroborated these data at the molecular level. We observed a strong reduction of Kv1.2 channel presence in the juxtaparanodal regions of teased fibers in db/db mice as compared to control mice. Quantification of the amount of both Kv1.2 isoforms in DRG neurons and in the endoneurial compartment of peripheral nerve by Western blotting revealed that less mature Kv1.2 was integrated into the axonal membranes at the juxtaparanodes. Our observation that peripheral nerve hyperexcitability present in db/db mice is at least in part a consequence of changes in potassium channel distribution suggests that the same mechanism also mediates PNH in diabetic patients. ∗Current address: Department of Physiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Astrocytes play a central role in the brain by regulating glutamate and extracellular potassium concentrations ([K+]0), both released by neurons into the extracellular space during neuronal activity. Glutamate uptake is driven by the inwardly directed sodium gradient across the astrocyte membrane and involves the influx of three sodium ions and one proton and the efflux of one K+ ion per glutamate molecule. The glutamate transport induced rise in intracellular sodium stimulates the Na+/K+-ATPase which leads to significant energetic costs in astrocytes. To evaluate how these two fundamental functions of astrocytes, namely glutamate transport and K+ buffering, which are directly associated with neuronal activity, coexist and if they influence each other, in this thesis work we examined different cellular parameters of astrocytes. We therefore investigated the impact of altered [K+]0 on glutamate transporter activity. To assess this question we measured intracellular sodium fluctuations in mouse primary cultured astrocytes using dynamic fluorescence imaging. We found that glutamate uptake was tightly modulated both in amplitude and kinetics by [K+]0. Elevated [K+]0 strongly decreased glutamate transporter activity, with significant consequences on the cells energy metabolism. To ultimately evaluate potential effects of [K+]0 and glutamate on the astrocyte mitochondrial energy production we extended these studies by investigating their impact on the cytosolic and mitochondrial pH. We found that both [K+],, and glutamate strongly influenced cytosolic and mitochondrial pH, but in opposite directions. The effect of a simultaneous application of K+ and glutamate, however, did not fit with the arithmetical sum of each individual effects, suggesting that an additional non¬linear process is involved. We also investigated the impact of [K+]0 and glutamate transport, respectively, on intracellular potassium concentrations ([K+]0 in cultured astrocytes by characterizing and applying a newly developed Insensitive fluorescent dye. We observed that [K+]i followed [K+]0 changes in a nearly proportional way and that glutamate superfusion caused a reversible, glutamate-concentration dependent drop of [K+],, Our study shows the powerful influence of [K+]u on glutamate capture. These findings have strong implications for our understanding of the tightly regulated interplay between astrocytes and neurons in situations where [K+]0 undergoes large activity-dependent fluctuations. However, depending on the extent of K+ versus glutamate extracellular rise, energy metabolism in astrocytes will be differently regulated. Moreover, the novel insights obtained during this thesis work help understanding some of the underlying processes that prevail in certain pathologies of central nervous system, such as epilepsy and stroke. These results will possibly provide a basis for the development of novel therapeutic strategies. -- Les astrocytes jouent un rôle central dans le cerveau en régulant les concentrations de potassium (K+) et de glutamate, qui sont relâchés par les neurones dans l'espace extracellulaire lorsque ceux- ci sont actifs. La capture par les astrocytes du glutamate est un processus secondairement actif qui implique l'influx d'ions sodium (Na+) et d'un proton, ainsi que l'efflux d'ions K+, ce processus entraîne un coût métabolique important. Nous avons évalué comment ces fonctions fondamentales des astrocytes, la régulation du glutamate et du K+ extracellulaire, qui sont directement associés à l'activité neuronale, coexistent et si elles interagissent, en examinant différents paramètres cellulaires. Dans ce projet de thèse nous avons évalué l'impact des modifications de la concentration de potassium extracellulaire ([K+],,) sur le transport du glutamate. Nous avons mesuré le transport du glutamate par le biais des fluctuations internes de Na+ grâce à un colorant fluorescent en utilisant de l'imagerie à fluorescence dynamique sur des cultures primaires d'astrocytes. Nous avons trouvé que la capture du glutamate était étroitement régulée par [K+]0 aussi bien dans son amplitude que dans sa cinétique. Par la suite, nous avons porté notre attention sur l'impact de [K+]0 et du glutamate sur le pH cytosolique et mitochondrial de l'astrocyte dans le but, in fine, d'évaluer les effets potentiels sur la production d'énergie par la mitochondrie. Nous avons trouvé qu'autant le K+ que le glutamate, de manière individuelle, influençaient fortement le pH, cependant dans des directions opposées. Leurs effets individuels, ne peuvent toutefois pas être additionnés ce qui suggère qu'un processus additionnel non-linéaire est impliqué. En appliquant une nouvelle approche pour suivre et quantifier la concentration intracellulaire de potassium ([K+]0 par imagerie à fluorescence, nous avons observé que [K+]i suivait les changements de [K+]0 de manière quasiment proportionnelle et que la superfusion de glutamate induisait un décroissement rapide et réversible de [K+]i, qui dépend de la concentration de glutamate. Notre étude démontre l'influence de [K+]0 sur la capture du glutamate. Ces résultats permettent d'améliorer notre compréhension de l'interaction entre astrocytes et neurones dans des situations où [K+]0 fluctue en fonction de l'activité neuronale. Cependant, en fonction de l'importance de l'augmentation extracellulaire du K+ versus le glutamate, le métabolisme énergétique des astrocytes va être régulé de manière différente. De plus, les informations nouvelles que nous avons obtenues durant ce travail de thèse nous aident à comprendre quelques- uns des processus sous-jacents qui prévalent dans certaines pathologies du système nerveux central, comme par exemple l'épilepsie ou l'accident vasculaire cérébral. Ces informations pourront être importantes à intégrer dans la cadre du développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques.
This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of zinc sulphate both in vitro and in an animal model against both strains of old world cutaneous leishmaniasis. The in vitro sensitivities of promastigotes and axenic amastigotes of both Leishmania major and L. tropica to zinc sulphate was determined, the LD50 calculated and compared to the standard treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis pentavalent antimony compounds. The results show that the two forms of both strains were sensitive to zinc sulphate and their respective LD50 were lower compared to the pentavalent antimony compound. Furthermore the sensitivities of the forms of both strains were tested using a simple slide method and compared to results of the standard method. To confirm this result, zinc sulphate was administered orally to mice infected with cutaneous leishmaniasis both therapeutically and prophylactically. Results showed that oral zinc sulphate was effective in both treatment and prophylaxis for cutaneous leishmaniasis. These results encourage the use of oral zinc sulphate in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis clinically.
This report describes the partial purification and the characteristics of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC from an amphibian source. Toad kidney microsomes were solubilized with sodium deoxycholate and further purified by sodium dodecyl sulphate treatment and sucrose gradient centrifugation, according to the methods described by Lane et al. [(1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 7197--7200], Jørgensen [(1974) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 356, 36--52] and Hayashi et al. [(1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 482, 185--196]. (Na+ + K+)-ATPase preparations with specific activities up to 1000 mumol Pi/mg protein per h were obtained. Mg2+-ATPase only accounted for about 2% of the total ATPase activity. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed three major protein bands with molecular weights of 116 000, 62 000 and 26 000. The 116 000 dalton protein was phosphorylated by [gamma-32P]ATP in the presence of sodium but not in the presence of potassium. The 62 000 dalton component stained for glycoproteins. The Km for ATP was 0.40 mM, for Na+ 12.29 mM and for K+ 1.14 mM. The Ki for ouabain was 35 micron. Temperature activation curves showed two activity peaks at 37 degrees C and at 50 degrees C. The break in the Arrhenius plot of activity versus temperature appeared at 15 degrees C.
Sm14 was the first fatty acid-binding protein homologue identified in helminths. Thereafter, members of the same family were identified in several helminth species, with high aminoacid sequence homology between them. In addition, immune crossprotection was also reported against Fasciola hepatica infection, in animals previously immunized with the Schistosoma mansoni vaccine candidate, r-Sm14. In the present study, data on preliminary sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting analysis of nine different helminth extracts focusing the identification of Sm14 related proteins, is reported. Out of these, three extracts - Ascaris suum (males and females), Echinostoma paraensei, and Taenia saginata - presented components that comigrated with Sm14 in SDS-PAGE, and that were recognized by anti-rSm14 policlonal serum, in Western blotting tests.
Protamine sulphate/DNA complexes have been shown to protect DNA from DNase digestion in a lipid system for gene transfer. A DNA-based vaccine complexed to protamine sulphate was used to induce an immune response against Schistosoma mansoni anchored-glycosylphosphatidylinositol tegumental antigen in BALB/c mice. The protection elicited ranged from 33 to 44%. The spectrum of the elicited immune response induced by the vaccine formulation without protamine was characterized by a high level of IgG (IgG1> IgG2a). Protamine sulphate added to the DNA vaccine formulation retained the green fluorescent protein encoding-plasmid longer in muscle and spleen. The experiments in vivo showed that under protamine sulphate effect, the scope of protection remained unchanged, but a modulation in antibody production (IgG1= IgG2a) was observed.
In this review, we discuss genetic evidence supporting Guyton's hypothesis stating that blood pressure control is critically depending on fluid handling by the kidney. The review is focused on the genetic dissection of sodium and potassium transport in the distal nephron and the collecting duct that are the most important sites for the control of sodium and potassium balance by aldosterone and angiotensin II. Thanks to the study of Mendelian forms of hypertension and their corresponding transgenic mouse models, three main classes of diuretic receptors (furosemide, thiazide, amiloride) and the main components of the aldosterone- and angiotensin-dependent signaling pathways were molecularly identified over the past 20years. This will allow to design rational strategies for the treatment of hypertension and for the development of the next generation of diuretics.