978 resultados para population ageing


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A esperança média de vida tem vindo a aumentar, resultando no envelhecimento da população mundial e, consequentemente, num aumento das populações com idades mais avançadas. Torna-se, por isso, importante estudar as especificidades do envelhecimento para que possamos trazer bem-estar e qualidade de vida a esta população que é cada vez mais numerosa, já que o envelhecimento traz mudanças a nível do corpo humano que se vão repercutir na saúde geral e na saúde oral. Os idosos apresentam, normalmente, pobres condições de saúde oral, sendo as doenças orais que mais acometem a esta população a perda dentária, a experiência de cárie, as altas taxas de prevalência de doença periodontal, a xerostomia e o pré-cancro/cancro oral. Além do envelhecimento populacional, têm sido notadas, ao longo do tempo, mudanças na estrutura familiar. Tudo isto leva a que o número de idosos institucionalizados aumente. Neste estudo foram utilizados dados, ainda não publicados, recolhidos no âmbito do projeto Sorrisos de Porta em Porta, que pertence à Mundo a Sorrir – Associação de Médicos Dentistas Portugueses. Este projeto visa a promoção de hábitos de saúde oral na população idosa e atua através da realização de ações de sensibilização subordinadas à temática da saúde oral no idoso e realização de rastreios de saúde oral aos idosos que se encontrem no âmbito de uma reposta social. Foram observados um total de 3586 idosos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, onde 70,3% eram do género masculino. A idade média (desvio padrão) encontrada foi 81,9 (±7,5) e a maioria referiu ser autónoma nos cuidados de higiene oral, no entanto, observou-se que grande parte dos idosos não realizava a escovagem diária e mais de metade destes disse não sentir necessidade de o fazer. Observou-se também, que apenas 13,7% tinham tido a sua última consulta de Medicina Dentária nos últimos 6 meses e a maioria disse visitar o Médico Dentista por razões de dor dentária. A média (desvio padrão) obtida para o Índice CPOd foi 26,3 (±8,4), sendo a componente “Perdidos” a mais significativa. Relativamente ao Índice de Placa, a maioria apresentava um acúmulo de placa bacteriana maior de 1/3 mas menor de 2/3. Quanto ao tipo de desdentação a maior percentagem era a de idosos desdentados parciais sem prótese. Foi também realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Com este estudo concluiu-se que o estado de saúde oral dos idosos é bastante pobre consequência de uma pobre higiene oral e de falta de cuidados de saúde oral. Há uma grande necessidade de se instruir as pessoas relativamente à importância da Medicina Dentária e dos problemas que uma má saúde oral pode trazer para a saúde em geral.


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Population ageing in sub-Saharan Africa raises new concerns about mature adult mortality patterns and differentials, but little is known in this region due to the lack of data. This study examines the long term effects of reproductive history on female mortality in three local rural areas in Senegal where population have been followed up for decades. We study mortality differentials according to the past reproductive history of females aged between 50 and 70 in the period 1985-2011. We find that age at first and last deliveries impact mortality levels, as does the number of children ever born. Looking at the sex of the childrenand their vital status at age 5, we note that the number of boys is negatively associated with mortality rates, by a larger extent than the number of girls. In virilocal societies, social factors probably have a strong impact. This result opens future research avenues on the issue of the care of the elderly.


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Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder with major expansion worldwide. It’s estimated that the number of diabetes sufferers increase rapidly in the coming decades due to the population ageing (Ena,2016;IDF,2015). The nutrition intervention emphasizing the promotion of healthy eating has been shown to be an importante point in Diabetes Mellitus treatment since it fosters a better glycemic control and lipid profile (ADA2016).


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Dissertação de Mastrado, Gestão de Unidades de Saúde, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gerontologia Social, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Escola Superior de Saúde, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Despite the prominent use of the pubic symphysis for age estimation in forensic anthropology, little has been documented regarding the quantitative morphological and micro-architectural changes of this surface. Specifically, utilising post-mortem computed tomography data from a large, contemporary Australian adult population, this study aimed to evaluate sexual dimorphism in the morphology and bone composition of the symphyseal surface; and temporal characterisation of the pubic symphysis in individuals of advancing age. The sample consisted of multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) scans of the pubic symphysis(slice thickness: 0.5 mm, overlap: 0.1 mm) of 200 individuals of Caucasian ancestry aged 15–70 years, obtained in 2011. Surface rendering reconstruction of the symphyseal surface was conducted in OsiriX1 (v.4.1) and quantitative analyses in Rapidform XOSTM and OsteomeasureTM. Morphometric variables including inter-pubic distance, surface area, circumference, maximum height and width of the symphyseal surface and micro-architectural assessment of cortical and trabecular bone compositions were quantified using novel automated engineering software capabilities. The major results of this study are correlated with the macroscopic ossification and degeneration pattern of the symphyseal surface, demonstrating significant age-related changes in the morphometric and bone tissue variables between 15 and 70 years. Regardless of sex, the overall dimensions of the symphyseal surface increased with age, coupled with a decrease in bone mass in the trabecular and cortical bone compartments. Significant differences between the ventral, dorsal and medial cortical surfaces were observed, which may be correlated to bone formation activity dependent on muscle activity and ligamentous attachments. Our study demonstrates significant sexual dimorphism at this site, with males exhibiting greater surface dimensions than females. These baseline results provide a detailed insight into the changes in the structure of the pubic symphysis with ageing and sexually dimorphic features associated with the cortical and trabecular bone profiles.


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As Asia experiences the demographic imbalance between working and ageing populations, the need for attention in this area is highlighted. The shift of a country's age structure that results from people having small families and living long lives, where previously they had large families and lived short lives, results in more workers and fewer dependents creating economic growth, known as the demographic dividend. However for a generation after this bulge and dividend, a disproportionate number of older people must be supported by a smaller working population, a current concern in Asia with its rapidly growing number of older adults. This extended abstract draws practical and unique insights from three of the oldest and richest nations in Asia - Japan, South Korea and China, on the perspective of interactive technology design for older adults. ICT has powerful potential to ameliorate the imbalance in the population demographic through its potential to leverage various kinds of support. As HCI researchers, this is a challenge we embrace; a challenge for the ageing society of unique individuals to exploit the technologies that they have helped to create. The paper draws lessons from key sample studies, one from each country, which aimed to understand their ageing population. The insights for interaction designers are presented in the form of a practical set of reflections to guide the authors, who are in the early stages of research on technology design for older adults.


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Chapter 11 Intrinsic Motivation and Design of ICT for ... Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems provide an increasingly promising platform with which to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare, ...


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Older people often find it difficult to learn to use new technology. Although they may want to adopt it, they can find the learning process challenging and frustrating and subsequently lose motivation. This paper looks at how psychological theories of intrinsic motivation could be applied to make the ICT learning process more engaging for older users and describes an experiment set up to test the applicability of these theories to user interface (UI) design. The results of the experiment confirmed that intrinsic motivation theory is a valid lens through which to look at current ICT design and also uncovered significant gender differences in reaction to different kinds of learning tasks. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The proportion of adults over the age of 60 years is expanding rapidly across European Union countries, including the Republic of Ireland. As the older population has grown faster than the total population, the proportion of older persons relative to the rest of the population has increased considerably (Figure 1). This trend mirrors the arrival of the “baby boomer� generation into early old age and will have wide ranging effects on social, political and economic spheres as well as presenting significant challenges for healthcare delivery and public healthcare policy.