993 resultados para plant stem


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Lasiodiplodia theobromae was found causing stem rot on commercial production of Begonia x elatior in São Paulo, Brazil. Illustrations, morphological and molecular description are provided. Based on the morphology, this fungus was recognized as L. theobromae. However, L. theobromae has high similarity with other Lasiodiplodia species, some of which are not possible to be separated by morphological characters. Molecular identification of the fungus isolated from the infected tissues was conducted. The strain from begonia clustered with other isolates of L. theobromae. This is the first report of the occurrence of L. theobromae on B. elatior. © 2012 Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.


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Hebanthe eriantha (Poir.) Pedersen, a climbing species of the Amaranthaceae increases in stem thickness by forming successive cambia. The family is dominated by herbaceous species and is constantly under discussion due to its disputed nature of the meristem. In the young stem small alternate segments of vascular cambium cease to divide and new arc of cambium initiates outside to it. The newly formed arcs connect with pre-existing alternate segments of cambium to complete the ring. On the contrary, in thick stems, instead of small segments, complete ring of cambium is replaced by new one. These new alternate segments/cambia originate from the parenchyma cells located outside to the phloem produced by previous cambium. Cambium is storied and exclusively composed of fusiform initials while ray cells remain absent at least in the early part of the secondary growth. However, large heterocellular rays are observed in 15-mm diameter stems but their frequency is much lower. In some of the rays, ray cells become meristematic and differentiate into radially arranged xylem and phloem elements. In fully grown plants, stems are composed of several successive rings of secondary xylem alternating with secondary phloem. Secondary xylem is diffuse-porous and composed of vessels, fibres, axial parenchyma while exceptionally large rays are observed only in the outermost regions of thick stems. Vessel diameter increases progressively from the centre towards the periphery of stems. Although the origin of successive cambia and composition of secondary xylem of H. eriantha remains similar to other herbaceous members of Amaranthaceae, the occurrence of relatively wider and thick-walled vessels and large rays in fully grown plants is characteristic to climbing habit. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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“Um desidro-rotenóide produzido por cultura de calos e por raízes de plantas silvestres de Boerhaavia coccinea”. Cultura de calos foram estabelecidos de folhas e galhos finos de plântula de B. coccinea produzida in vitro e analisada para isofl avonóide. A quantificação do 6,9,11-triidroxi-6a,12a-desidro-rotenóide isolado das raízes de B. coccinea P Miller, coletada em seu habitat natural, e do mesmo rotenóide produzido na cultura de células estão descritos neste artigo. A análise rotineira em CLAE mostrou que a cultura de calos produziu o mesmo isoflavonóide encontrado nas raízes da planta do campo. A quantidade do metabólito secundário produzido in vitro foi de 955.35


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do aumento da concentração de CO2 do ar sobre o crescimento de plantas e sobre a mancha foliar causada por Cylindrocladium candelabrum em Eucalyptus urophylla. As mudas foram cultivadas durante 30 dias, a 451, 645, 904, 1.147 µmol mol-1 de CO2 ; em seguida, elas foram inoculadas com o patógeno e mantidas nas mesmas condições por sete dias. O aumento da concentração de CO2 aumentou a altura de plantas e a massa de matéria seca da parte aérea, e diminuiu a incidência e a severidade da doença. O diâmetro do caule não foi afetado pelos tratamentos. O aumento das concentrações de CO2 atmosférico afeta favoravelmente o crescimento de plântulas de eucalipto e reduz a severidade da mancha foliar.


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The goal of this study was to evaluate the concentrations of non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) and of total nitrogen (N), as well as, to evaluate the root system in Tanzania-grass pastures fertilized with doses of urea in fall, spring and summer. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of Iguatemi, Maringa, Parana, Brazil, from March 2007 to March 2008. The experimental design was complete random blocks with subplots and four repetitions. The plots showed doses of N (50, 100 e 150 kg ha(-1) of N) plus the control (no N fertilization), and the subplots the season of the year. Root samples were taken at depths of 0-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm. Root biomass showed a trend for mass accumulation up to a dosage of 100 kg ha(-1) for all seasons evaluated. Also, about 80% of the root system of Tanzaniagrass plants was found on the 0-10 cm layer for all dosages of N. Nitrogen fertilizer above 100 kg ha(-1) may foster fast forage plant growth reducing its NSC root storage capacity although favoring NSC and total N storage at stem base. NSC and total N concentrations were highest in fall, demonstrating that its usage is greater in spring due to the weather conditions being favorable to plant growth. In the regrowth, the largest reserve of total N was at the 0-10 cm root layer and the largest NSC reserve is at stem base.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Leaf and wood plasticity are key elements in the survival of widely distributed plant species. Little is known, however, about variation in stomatal distribution in the leaf epidermis and its correlation with the dimensions of conducting cells in wood. This study aimed at testing the hypothesis that Podocarpus lambertii, a conifer tree, possesses a well-defined pattern of stomatal distribution, and that this pattern can vary together with the dimensions of stem tracheids as a possible strategy to survive in climatically different sites. Leaves and wood were sampled from trees growing in a cold, wet site in south-eastern Brazil and in a warm, dry site in north-eastern Brazil. Stomata were thoroughly mapped in leaves from each study site to determine a spatial sampling strategy. Stomatal density, stomatal index and guard cell length were then sampled in three regions of the leaf: near the midrib, near the leaf margin and in between the two. This sampling strategy was used to test for a pattern and its possible variation between study sites. Wood and stomata data were analysed together via principal component analysis. The following distribution pattern was found in the south-eastern leaves: the stomatal index was up to 25 higher in the central leaf region, between the midrib and the leaf margin, than in the adjacent regions. The inverse pattern was found in the north-eastern leaves, in which the stomatal index was 10 higher near the midrib and the leaf margin. This change in pattern was accompanied by smaller tracheid lumen diameter and length. Podocarpus lambertii individuals in sites with higher temperature and lower water availability jointly regulate stomatal distribution in leaves and tracheid dimensions in wood. The observed stomatal distribution pattern and variation appear to be closely related to the placement of conducting tissue in the mesophyll.