107 resultados para photosensitizers


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential application of biodegradable nanoparticles containing a photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy. The poly (D,L lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles were studied by steady-state techniques, time-resolved fluorescence, and laser flash photolysis. The external morphology of the nanoparticles was established by scanning electron microscopy, and the biological activity was evaluated by in vitro cell culture by 3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2,5 biphenyl) tetrazolium bromide assay. The particles were spherical in shape exhibiting a 435 nm diameter with a low tendency to aggregate. The loading efficiency was 77%. The phthalocyanine-loaded-nanoparticles maintained their photophysical behavior after encapsulation. The cellular viability was determined, obtaining 70% of cellular death. All the performed physical-chemical, photophysical, and photobiological measurements indicated that the phthalocyanine-loaded-nanoparticles are a promising drug delivery system for photodynamic therapy and photoprocesses. (C) 2012 Laser Institute of America.


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Sevenfold enhancement of photoconversion efficiency was achieved by incorporation of peripheral ruthenium complexes to a porphyrin dye, generating supramolecular effects capable of playing several key roles (e.g., transferring energy to, inhibiting aggregation, and accepting the hole generated in the porphyrin center after electron injection), providing new insights for the design of better DSSC photosensitizers.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy (PDT) for the disinfection of complete dentures. Biofilm samples were collected from dentures of 60 denture users who were randomly divided into four experimental groups (n = 15 each): subjects whose maxillary dentures were sprayed with 50 and 100 mg/l of PhotogemA (R) suspension (groups P50S and P100S) and patients whose maxillary dentures were treated with 50 and 100 mg/l of PhotogemA (R) gel (groups P50G and P100G). Dentures with photosensitizers were left in the dark for 30 min (pre-irradiation time) and then irradiated with blue LED light at 37.5 J/cm(2) (26 min). Denture samples were taken with sterile cotton swab before (left side surfaces) and after (right side surfaces) PDT. All microbial material was diluted and plated on selective media for Candida spp., Staphylococcus mutans spp., streptococci and a non-selective media. After incubation (48 h/37A degrees C), the number of colony-forming units (cfu/ml) was counted. Microorganisms grown on selective media were identified using biochemical methods before and after PDT. The data were submitted to McNemar and Kruskal-Wallis tests (alpha = 0.05). No growth after PDT was observed in 60, 53, 47, and 40% of dentures from P100G, P50G, P100S, and P50S groups, respectively. When evidence of microorganisms' growth was observed, PDT regimens eliminated over 90% of microorganisms on dentures. This clinical study showed that PDT was effective for disinfecting dentures.


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Photosensitizers (PS) photodynamic activities are regulated by their location in the biological target, which modulates their photophysical and photochemical features. In this work the PS partition for the Xanthene Dyes Fluorescein (FSC), Eosin Y(EOS), Erythrosin B (ERY) and Rose Bengal B (RBB) in biomimetic models (SDS, CTAB and Pluronic P-123 micelles) and the effects on their photophysical characteristics are evaluated. The hydrophobic and electrostatic forces that govern the PS-micelle interaction are analyzed. At physiological pH (7.25), the ability of the dianionic protolytic form of the dyes to be positioned into the micelle palisade and its micelle interaction depends not only on the hydrophobicity of the dye but also on the micellar surface charge. The Binding Constants obey exactly the same order of the Partition Coefficients for the dyes in P-123 and CTAB micelles. The Stern-Volmer treatment pointed out that dyes are located inside the micelle, especially ERY and RBB. The magnitude of the dye-micelle interaction increased from SDS, P-123 and finally CTAB micelles due to the charges between dye and micelle, and among the xanthenes, their hydrophobic characteristics. Within the micelle pseudo phase, ERY and RBB are still very efficient photosensitizers exhibiting high quantum yield of singlet oxygen, which turns them very attractive especially with P-123 polymeric system as drug delivery systems in photodynamic therapy. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Up-regulation of stress-activated proteins in cancer cells plays a protective role against photodynamic induced apoptosis. Post photodynamic therapy extracted normal rat liver tissue usually shows a fraction of surviving cells, the photodynamic resistant cells, residing in the necrotic region. To treat these photo-dynamic resistant cells a technique has been proposed based on fractionated drug administration of diluted photosensitizer, keeping the net concentration (5 mg/kg) constant, and subsequently varying drug light interval (DLI). Flourescence measurements were made for the presence of photosensitizer in a tissue. For qualitative analysis both histological and morphological studies were made. Although preliminary aim of this approach was not achieved but there were some interesting observation made i.e. for higher dilution of photosensitizer there was a sharp boundary between necrotic and normal portion of tissue. An increase in the absorption coefficient (alpha) from 2.7 -> 2.9 was observed as photosensitizer was diluted while the corresponding threshold dose (D (th)) persistently decreases from (0.10 -> 0.02) J/cm(2) when irradiated with a 635 nm laser fluence of 150 J/cm(2).


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is based on the synergism of a photosensitive drug (a photosensitizer) and visible light to destroy target cells (e.g., malignant, premalignant, or bacterial cells). The aim of this study was to investigate the response of normal rat tongue mucosa to PDT following the topical application of hematoporphyrin derivative (Photogem®), Photodithazine®, methylene blue (MB), and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles loaded with MB. One hundred and thirty three rats were randomly divided in various groups: the PDT groups were treated with the photosensitizers for 10 min followed by exposure to red light. Those in control groups received neither photosensitizer nor light, and they were subjected to light exposure alone or to photosensitizer alone. Fluorescent signals were obtained from tongue tissue immediately after the topical application of photosensitizers and 24 h following PDT. Histological changes were evaluated at baseline and at 1, 3, 7, and 15 days post-PDT treatment. Fluorescence was detected immediately after the application of the photosensitizers, but not 24 h following PDT. Histology revealed intact mucosa in all experimental groups at all evaluation time points. The results suggest that there is a therapeutic window where PDT with Photogem®, Photodithazine®, MB, and MB-loaded PLGA nanoparticles could safely target oral pathogenic bacteria without damaging normal oral tissue.


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Einige Arzneistoffe verursachen unter dem Einfluss von Sonnenlichtstrahlung folgenschwere Hautveränderungen. In der Arbeit wurden für sechs Photosensibilisatoren erstmals „Fingerabdrücke“ des zellfreien und zellulären photoinduzierten DNA Schadens in Form von Schadensprofilen erstellt. Untersucht wurden das Phenothiazin Chlorpromazin, sowie dessen Derivate 2-Hydroxypromazin, Chlorpromazinsulfoxid und Promazin; die Fluorchinolone Ciprofloxacin und Lomefloxacin; sowie Doxycyclin und Methylenblau unter Bestrahlung mit künstlich erzeugtem Sonnenlicht. Neben Strangbrüchen in der DNA konnten durch den Einsatz von spezifischen DNA-Reparaturendonukleasen als Sonden die Mengen an oxidativen Purinmodifikationen, oxidative Pyrimidinmodifikationen und abasische Stellen bestimmt werden. Durch Verwendung von modulierenden Zusätzen wurde die Beteiligung von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies überprüft. Besonders bei den Phenothiazinen zeigten sich Besonderheiten hinsichtlich der DNA-Schädigung. Promazin induziert unter Photoaktivierung, vermutlich über einen reduktiven Angriff an der DNA, eine hohe Anzahl sonst selten beobachteter Läsionen, nämlich abasischen Stellen und Dihydropyrimidine. Photoaktiviertes Chlorpromazin konnte in Zellen unerwarteterweise wahrscheinlich über die Reaktion von Photolyseprodukten mit einem endogenen Chromophor sonnenlichtinduzierte oxidative DNA-Modifikationen verhindern. Eine Schädigung zellfreier DNA fand nur statt, wenn der Photosensibilisator im Überschuss gegenüber den DNA-Basenpaaren vorlag, vermutlich weil ansonsten die Photolyse des Chlorpromazins durch Interkalation in die DNA verhindert wurde. Fluorchinolone zeigten eine starke Generierung von DNA-Strangbrüchen in Zellen, welche möglicherweise auf photoinduzierte Reaktionen der Arzneistoffe mit der eukaryotischen Topoisomerase zurückzuführen ist. Die Korrelation der gemessenen DNA-Schäden mit der Mikrokerninduktion führte zu der Annahme, dass besonders abasische Stellen bei der Entstehung von Mikrokernen eine Rolle spielen könnten.


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The efficacy of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with 5-aminolevulinate and methyl aminolevulinate in the treatment of actinic keratosis has been demonstrated in a large number of clinical studies over the last several years. Here, we recapitulate the major findings, comparing the various photosensitizers, light sources and therapeutic regimens, and present a retrospective analysis of 142 own cases treated with 259 PDTs. In addition, we also discuss the value of PDT in comparison with cryotherapy or 5-fluorouracil. The efficacy and the low risk of side effects of PDT have resulted in a high patient preference in clinical trials.


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In any physicochemical process in liquids, the dynamical response of the solvent to the solutes out of equilibrium plays a crucial role in the rates and products: the solvent molecules react to the changes in volume and electron density of the solutes to minimize the free energy of the solution, thus modulating the activation barriers and stabilizing (or destabilizing) intermediate states. In charge transfer (CT) processes in polar solvents, the response of the solvent always assists the formation of charge separation states by stabilizing the energy of the localized charges. A deep understanding of the solvation mechanisms and time scales is therefore essential for a correct description of any photochemical process in dense phase and for designing molecular devices based on photosensitizers with CT excited states. In the last two decades, with the advent of ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopies, microscopic models describing the relevant case of polar solvation (where both the solvent and the solute molecules have a permanent electric dipole and the mutual interaction is mainly dipole−dipole) have dramatically progressed. Regardless of the details of each model, they all assume that the effect of the electrostatic fields of the solvent molecules on the internal electronic dynamics of the solute are perturbative and that the solvent−solute coupling is mainly an electrostatic interaction between the constant permanent dipoles of the solute and the solvent molecules. This well-established picture has proven to quantitatively rationalize spectroscopic effects of environmental and electric dynamics (time-resolved Stokes shifts, inhomogeneous broadening, etc.). However, recent computational and experimental studies, including ours, have shown that further improvement is required. Indeed, in the last years we investigated several molecular complexes exhibiting photoexcited CT states, and we found that the current description of the formation and stabilization of CT states in an important group of molecules such as transition metal complexes is inaccurate. In particular, we proved that the solvent molecules are not just spectators of intramolecular electron density redistribution but significantly modulate it. Our results solicit further development of quantum mechanics computational methods to treat the solute and (at least) the closest solvent molecules including the nonperturbative treatment of the effects of local electrostatics and direct solvent−solute interactions to describe the dynamical changes of the solute excited states during the solvent response.


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The ability to detect, characterize, and manipulate specific biomolecules in complex media is critical for understanding metabolic processes. Particularly important targets are oxygenases (cytochromes P450) involved in drug metabolism and many disease states, including liver and kidney dysfunction, neurological disorders, and cancer. We have found that Ru photosensitizers linked to P450 substrates specifically recognize submicromolar cytochrome P450cam in the presence of other heme proteins. In the P450:Ru-substrate conjugates, energy transfer to the heme dramatically accelerates the Ru-luminescence decay. The crystal structure of a P450cam:Ru-adamantyl complex reveals access to the active center via a channel whose depth (Ru-Fe distance is 21 Å) is virtually the same as that extracted from an analysis of the energy-transfer kinetics. Suitably constructed libraries of sensitizer-linked substrates could be employed to probe the steric and electronic properties of buried active sites.


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Ftalocianina de alumínio-cloro (AlClPc) é um fotossensibilizador de segunda geração em terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) caracterizado por seu caráter anfifílico e tendência de auto-agregação em meio aquoso, o que prejudica seu potencial de aplicação. O aCHC é um substrato de transportadores de monocarboxilato (MCT) superexpresso em células de MCF-7. Objetivando a solubilização da AlClPc e aumento de internalização em tecidos neoplásicos nos propomos aqui o uso de DSPC e DOPC em diferentes proporções para formar vesículas lipidicas mistas (LV) na presença de aCHC como sistemas veiculadores de fármaco. Lv foi preparado pelo método de injeção etanólica e formou vesículas de dimensões nanométricas (aproximadamente 100 nm) com bom índice de polidispersão, valores negativos de potencial zeta e estáveis em meio aquoso por mais de 50 dias. AlClPc se complexou com o fosfato das LV o que conferiu uma localização interfacial às moléculas de AlClPc como demonstrado pelos resultados de supressão de fluorescência. Medidas de anisotropia, fluorescência estática e resolvida no tempo corroboram com estes resultados e demonstram que a auto-agregação da AlClPc ocorre mesmo em lipossomas. Entretanto, a veiculação da AlClPc por LV em carcinoma de células escamosas oral (OSCC) levou a um processo de desagregação demonstrado por (FLIM). Este incrível comportamento é novo e aumenta o conhecimento científico sobre o mecanismo intracelular de ação de fotossensibilizadores em TFD. Em TFD, ambos os sistemas LVIII+AlClPc e LVIII+AlClPc+aCHC não apresentaram toxicidade no escuro no período de incubação de 3 h com as concentrações de lipídios, AlClPc e aCHC iguais a 0,15 mmol/L, 0,5 umol/L e 10,0 umol/L, respectivamente. De maneira inesperada, o sistema LVIII+AlClPc foi mais eficiente em TFD que o sistema LVIII+AlClPc+aCHC, devido ao caráter antioxidante do aCHC. Estes resultados abrem uma nova perspectiva do potencial uso de LV-AlClPc para o tratamento fotodinâmico.


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A nanotecnologia tem sido aplicada para o desenvolvimento de materiais para diversas aplicações inclusive na inativação de patógenos. As nanopartículas de sílica (npSi) destacam-se pela alta área superficial, facilidade na alteração da superfície para aumento da eficiência adsortiva, penetrabilidade e toxicidade para bactérias gram-negativas sendo biocompatíveis para células de mamíferos e mais foto-estáveis que a maioria dos compostos orgânicos. Devido as suas vantagens, as npSi podem ser usadas para veicular fotossensibilizadores (FSs) uma vez que permitem sua utilização em solução aquosa em que os FSs geralmente são insolúveis. Além disso, o uso de FSs em vez de antibióticos, permite a inativação microbiológica pela Terapia Fotodinâmica sem que as bactérias adquiram resistência por mecanismos genéticos. Esse processo ocorre pela interação entre um FS, luz e oxigênio molecular produzindo oxigênio singleto que é extremamente reativo danificando estruturas celulares. O objetivo desse estudo foi otimizar a fotoinativação dinâmica de E .coli utilizando Azul de Metileno (AM) e Azul de Toluidina O (ATO) veiculados por npSi. As npSi foram preparadas pela metodologia sol-gel, caracterizadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e submetidas à adsorção de AM e ATO em sua superfície. A presença de AM e ATO na superfície das npSi foram analisadas por espectroscopia no infravermelho; espectroscopia de fluorescência por raio-X e análise termogravimétrica. O planejamento experimental, iniciado pelo fatorial 23 e modelado ao composto central em busca das condições ótimas foi adotado pela primeira vez nessa aplicabilidade, visando a fotoinativação de E. coli empregando AM e ATO em solução e em seguida com npSi. AM e ATO veiculados por npSi permitem a fotoinativação em concentrações mais baixas de FS (20 e 51% respectivamente), causando desestruturação da integridade bacteriana demonstrada por MEV. Os resultados sugerem que a veiculação de AM e ATO por npSi é extremamente efetiva para a fotoinativação dinâmica de E. coli e que o planejamento composto central pode levar à completa inativação das bactérias.


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Estudos com tratamento hipertérmico de tumores utilizando nanopartículas metálicas têm sido realizados durante as últimas décadas e mostram resultados bons quanto à remissão de tumores, por vezes chegando à cura completa. O mesmo acontece em relação aos tratamentos baseados em ação fotodinâmica de fotossensibilizadores. Tratamentos aliando a terapia hipertérmica com nanopartículas de ouro e a terapia fotodinâmica com diversos fotossensibilizadores tem efeito sinérgico e apresenta excelente potencial terapêutico, em que pese serem necessários mais estudos para que uma nova terapia conjunta possa ser implementada. A proposta deste trabalho foi investigar esse efeito sinérgico utilizando nanobastões de ouro complexados com fotossensibilizadores. Após a síntese dos nanobastões pelo método de seeding, a eficácia do tratamento fotodinâmico e da terapia hipertérmica, separadamente, foi investigada. A metodologia do recobrimento dos nanobastões por fotossensibilizador, em um primeiro momento, não logrou êxito com a porfirina, porém com a ftalocianina tetracarboxilada se mostrou mais eficaz. A taxa de fotodegradação da ftalocianina em solução foi investigada como parâmetro para a eficiência em geração de oxigênio singlete. Após centrifugação e lavagem das nanopartículas, no entanto, evidenciou-se por espectrofotometria que o fotossensibilizador não permaneceu aderido aos nanobastões. Em um segundo momento, optamos por recobrir os nanobastões por porfirinas tetrassulfonadas, com ou sem grupamentos metil-glucamina. Após o processo de recobrimento, essas ftalocianinas formaram complexos iônicos com o CTAB que recobre os nanobastões. Os complexos nanobastões-ftalocianinas foram analisados por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e as taxas de geração de oxigênio singlete e de radical hidroxil foram investigadas. Além disso, foram utilizadas para testes in vivo e in vitro com células de melanoma melanótico (B16F10) ou amelanótico (B16G4F). As células tumorais em cultura ou os tumores em camundongos C57BL6 foram irradiados com luz em 635 nm e os tumores foram observados por 15 dias após o tratamento. Houve evidente aumento na geração de oxigênio singlete por ambos fotossensibilizadores, e maior geração de radicais livres por parte do fotossensibilizador metilglucaminado. O oposto ocorre com o fotossensibilizador sem metilglucamina. Houve, também, moderada citotoxicidade no escuro quando células foram incubadas com nanopartículas recobertas por ftalocianinas ou não. Quando ativados pela luz, os complexos ftalocianinas-nanobastões desencadearam um aumento de 5ºC no meio de cultura das células, e a morte celular observada foi extensa (91% para a linhagem B16G4F e 95% para a linhagem B16F10). Tanto os resultados in vitro quanto os in vivo indicam que as propriedades das ftalocianinas testadas são melhoradas significativamente quando elas estão complexadas aos nanobastões. Este é um estudo pioneiro por utilizar duas porfirinas tetrassulfonadas específicas e por utilizar o mesmo comprimento de onda para a ativação dos fotossensibilizadores e nanobastões.


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Although photodynamic therapy have been used as a useful tool over the past 30 years in oncology, few clinical trials have been conducted in dentistry. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses non - toxic photosensitizers and selective which are administered in target cells followed by local application of visible light, producing reactive oxygen species capable of causing cell death by apoptosis or necrosis, injured the local vasculature, and exert important effects on the im mune system. New generations of photosensitizing agents, such as nanoparticulate phthalocyanines, has shown excellent results in antitumor and antibacterial activity . In this context, the present work constitutes the first clinical protocol of local appli cation of nanoemulsion chloro - aluminum phthalocyanine (AlClFc) followed by irradiation in human gingiva, and analyzed descriptively and comparatively , by means of immunohistochemistry , the expression of RANK , RANKL , OPG and VEGF in a split - mouth model . Eight healthy volunteers with clinical indication for extraction were included in the study . Seven days before the extraction, was injected in the gingiva of participants, 5 μ M of nanoemulsion AlClFc followed by irra diation with diode laser (660nm , 7 J/cm2 ), the contralateral side was used as control. Tissue specimens were removed seven days after the TFD is performed. Tissues sample were divided into two groups (test and con trol groups) for histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Patients were monitored at days, 0, 7, 14 and 30 to assess adverse effects of the therapy. Vascular alterations were seen in gingival samples that received PDT. Areas of edema and vascular con gestion, and intense vascularization were viewed . Additionally, dystrophic calcification in subepithelial region were observed in the test group. The results showed a similar pattern of immunostaining scores of RANK, RANKL and VEGF between the test and co ntrol groups, with no statistically significant difference (p = 0.317, p = 0.777, p = 0 .814, respectively). RANK and RANKL exhibited weak or absent immunostaining in most specimens analyzed. There was n o immunostaining for OPG. VEGF showed moderate to stro ng immunostaining in specimens from the test group. In addition, the clinical study showed that therapy was well tolerated by all patients. Adverse effects were short - time and completely reversible. Taken together, the results presented in this study showe d that PDT mediated by nanoemulsion containing AlClPc is safe for clinical application in gingival tissue and suggests that a strong immunostaining for VEGF after therapy .


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Ce projet de recherche mené en collaboration industrielle avec St-Jean Photochimie Inc. / PCAS Canada vise le développement et la caractérisation de dérivés dipyrrométhène pour des applications dans le domaine du photovoltaïque. La quête du récoltage des photons se situant dans le proche-infrarouge a été au centre des modifications structurales explorées afin d’augmenter l’efficacité de conversion des cellules solaires de type organique et à pigments photosensibles. Trois familles de composés intégrant le motif dipyrrométhène ont été synthétisées et caractérisées du point de vue spectroscopique, électrochimique, structural ainsi que par modélisation moléculaire afin d’établir des relations structures-propriétés. La première famille comporte six azadipyrrométhènes au potentiel de coordination tétradentate sur des centres métalliques. Le développement d’une nouvelle voie synthétique asymétrique combinée à l’utilisation d’une voie symétrique classique ont permis d’obtenir l’ensemble des combinaisons de substituants possibles sur les aryles proximaux incluant les noyaux 2-hydroxyphényle, 2-méthoxyphényle et 2- pyridyle. La modulation du maximum d’absorption dans le rouge a pu être faite entre 598 et 619 nm. De même, la présence de groupements méthoxyle ou hydroxyle augmente l’absorption dans le violet (~410 nm) tel que démontré par modélisation. La caractérisation électrochimique a montré que les dérivés tétradentates étaient en général moins stables aux processus redox que leur contre-parti bidentate. La deuxième famille comporte dix dérivés BODIPY fusionnés de façon asymétrique en position [b]. L’aryle proximal a été modifié de façon systématique afin de mieux comprendre l’impact des substituents riches en électron et de la fusion de cycles aromatiques. De plus, ces dérivés ont été mis en relation avec une vaste série de composés analogues. Les résultats empiriques ont montré que les propriétés optoélectroniques de la plateforme sont régies par le degré de communication électronique entre l’aryle proximal, le pyrrole sur lequel il est attaché et le noyau indolique adjacent à ce dernier. Les maximums d’absorption dans le rouge sont modulables entre 547 et 628 nm et la fluorescence des composés se situe dans le proche- infrarouge. L’un des composé s’est révélé souhaitable pour une utilisation en photovoltaïque ainsi qu’à titre de sonde à pH. La troisième famille comporte cinq complexes neutres de RuII basés sur des polypyridines et portant un ligand azadipyrrométhène cyclométalé. Les composés ont montré une forte absorption de photons dans la région de 600 à 800 nm (rouge à proche- infrarouge) et qui a pu être étendue au-delà de 1100 nm dans le cas des dérivés portant un ligand terpyridine. L’analyse des propriétés optoélectroniques de façon empirique et théorique a montré un impact significatif de la cyclométalation et ouvert la voie pour leur étude en tant que photosensibilisateurs en OPV et en DSSC. La capacité d’un des complexes à photo-injecter un électron dans la bande de conduction du semi-conducteur TiO2 a été démontré en collaboration avec le groupe du Pr Gerald J. Meyer à University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, premier pas vers une utilisation dans les cellules solaires à pigments photosensibles. La stabilité des complexes en solution s’est toutefois avérée problématique et des pistes de solutions sont suggérées basées sur les connaissances acquises dans le cadre de cette thèse.