970 resultados para personal narrative - drug addicts


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This qualitative case study was limited to an eighteen-hour workshop on “Constructing a Reflective Teacher Portfolio.” The study was conducted at the Nova Center, a research and development school, in the Broward County Public School System. Six participants took part in the study. The study examined the process used by the participants as they constructed their portfolios, explored the reflective aspect of their construction, and investigated the impact that constructing a portfolio had on them and their work. ^ Data was gathered using interviews, observations, and artifacts. Content analysis and the combined frameworks of Van Manen (1977), Smyth (1989), and Pugach and Johnson (1990) were used to examine the data. The data indicates that the portfolios and workshop were not as effective as anticipated in encouraging the participants to examine their work. The following themes emerged as a result of this study: (a) teachers begin constructing their portfolios by gathering material that represents past successes; (b) examining philosophies of education, writing a personal narrative and sharing with colleagues stimulates reflective practice; (c) teachers have difficulty expressing their personal beliefs about education; (d) creating a reflective portfolio is a constructivist process that encourages divergent products; (e) teachers initially do not recognize a strong connection between constructing a portfolio and improving their work; and (f) constructing a portfolio may be an inside-out approach to educational reform. ^ Recommendations were presented to improve the workshop, specifically focusing on teachers examining their practices and learning from students' work. Additional study is needed to evaluate the influence of these changes in the workshop. ^


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Studying abroad is generally viewed as an opportunity for personal and educational transformation for students. In recent years, various studies have been conducted in the area of study abroad. Most of these studies primarily involve quantitative analyses, and do not fully explore the lived experience of this opportunity. Recently, researchers have started exploring the qualitative aspects and impact of studying abroad, but from an external perspective. This study attends to the phenomenon of a foreign curricular experience from an insider’s perspective and explicates the experience through a personal narrative. Countries usually have educational curricula that serve their particular needs. The rise of the number of students studying abroad has made study abroad a lucrative industry but it has also increasingly exposed foreign students to curricula that are different than those of their countries of origin. Subjecting students to dissimilar, and sometimes competing, curricula interrupts their habitual ways of knowing and being. My study is a qualitative study that explores the foreign curricular experience of one Pakhtun student. Specifically, through an autobiography, this study aims to explore how a foreign curricular experience acts as a ‘transitional space’ for a student and how it deeply affects her learning self and identity. This study contributes to the body of literature on the effects of a foreign curriculum on study abroad students by adding narrative to explain the lived experience of studying abroad.


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Landfall considers the arbitrariness of our attachments to both people and places, while at the same time marveling at the inevitability and necessity of those attachments. The importance of place in these poems, most prominently that of southern Louisiana, is pervasive, and the insistent description of landscape becomes inextricable from an interrogation of personal and familial relationships. The power of such bonds seems to defy any satisfactory explanation, but by drawing on personal narrative as well as on the natural world, these poems begin, cautiously and in fragments, to approach and confront that power.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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Alexandre von Humboldt (1769-1859), dernier savant universel, membre de l’Académie des sciences française et président de la Société de géographie de Paris, est reconnu dans le monde scientifique pour son exploration du continent américain qu’il a amplement décrit dans ses écrits en français et en allemand. Dans ce travail, nous étudions les traductions en espagnol et en anglais de l’ouvrage le plus notoire d’Alexandre von Humboldt, Relation historique du Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, (1799-1804). Dans une optique descriptive (Toury, 1995), nous menons une étude socio-culturelle (Lépinette, 1997) des traductions en espagnol et en anglais de la Relation historique. La méthodologie employée est celle développée par D’hulst (2001 et 2014). Dans cette méthode, il propose de répondre, entre autres, aux questions pourquoi, quand, qui, où, quoi traduit-on. Pour ce faire, nous nous penchons sur les paratextes (Genette, 1987) qui accompagnent tant l’original que les traductions. Notre étude a révélé qu’aucune des traductions en espagnol intègrent complètement le contenu de l’original et que les parties sélectionnées l’ont été pour des questions identitaires.


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Alexandre von Humboldt (1769-1859), dernier savant universel, membre de l’Académie des sciences française et président de la Société de géographie de Paris, est reconnu dans le monde scientifique pour son exploration du continent américain qu’il a amplement décrit dans ses écrits en français et en allemand. Dans ce travail, nous étudions les traductions en espagnol et en anglais de l’ouvrage le plus notoire d’Alexandre von Humboldt, Relation historique du Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, (1799-1804). Dans une optique descriptive (Toury, 1995), nous menons une étude socio-culturelle (Lépinette, 1997) des traductions en espagnol et en anglais de la Relation historique. La méthodologie employée est celle développée par D’hulst (2001 et 2014). Dans cette méthode, il propose de répondre, entre autres, aux questions pourquoi, quand, qui, où, quoi traduit-on. Pour ce faire, nous nous penchons sur les paratextes (Genette, 1987) qui accompagnent tant l’original que les traductions. Notre étude a révélé qu’aucune des traductions en espagnol intègrent complètement le contenu de l’original et que les parties sélectionnées l’ont été pour des questions identitaires.


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Os comportamentos de saúde e de risco são comuns em toxicodependentes. Este trabalho foi conduzido no âmbito da análise descritiva da amostra, nomeadamente, caracterização sócio-demográfica e variáveis cognitivas, seguindo-se um segundo objectivo que consistiu na descrição dos comportamentos, crenças e atitudes face à saúde que os adictos apresentam. A amostra é constituída por 75 sujeitos, do sexo masculino, com uma média de idade de 34,07 anos. A metodologia utilizada caracteriza o estudo de quantitativo-correlacionai, uma vez que se pretende efectuar a descrição das características da amostra e os comportamentos de saúde e de risco que apresentam. Os resultados revelam que os adictos apresentam comportamentos de risco, logo, são menores os comportamentos de saúde adoptados durante os consumos. É necessário intervir nas várias áreas de saúde do adicto, nomeadamente, nas práticas sexuais, na prevenção de doenças, nos cuidados alimentares, na conduta rodoviária e na preocupação com o exercício físico-desportivo. /ABSTRACT: Health behaviors and risk factors are common in drug addicts. This work was conducted under the descriptive analysis, including socio-demographic and cognitive variables, followed by a second objective was to describe the altitudes, beliefs and altitudes towards health that addicts have. The sample consists of 75 subjects were mala, with a mean age of 34.07 years. The methodology characterizes the quantitative and correlational study, since we intend to perform the description of sample characteristics and health behaviors and risk they present. The results show that addicts exhibit risky behavior, so they are smaller health behaviors adopted during the intake. lt is necessary to intervene in several areas of health of the addict, including sexual practices, disease prevention, care food, conduct road and the concern that physical exercise I sports.


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 Resumen  Palabras clave: drogas, psiquiatrización, medicalización, control social.AbstractThe article addresses the connections between medicalization and the prosecution of the consumption of substances called narcotics and their effects on the subject- a subject who, at the same time, is entitled to rights. Through the examination of six judicial warrants for compulsory admissions to a "psychiatric colony", the working of the interconnection between legal and psychiatric practices is analyzed. What is also analysed are the effects such interconnection has on the construction of a broader spectrum of action and intervention, both of the judiciary and the medical practices, beyond the framework of the statutory regulations upon which such admissions are based. From the examined material two main aspects come to light: firstly, the medical and mental-health arguments from which decisions about psychiatric hospital admissions in drug or alcohol abuse cases will be made. Secondly, there is also an indication of the purpose or objective of such hospital admissions. This paper also deals with the processes that Foucault calls "indefinite medicalization « and the real productions that go beyond therapeutic aspects, relating the effects of the former with the workings of the control of subjects through the different diagnoses categories of addicts, be it alcoholics or drug addicts.Keywords: drug, psychiatrization, medicalization, social control. 


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Prostate cancers form a heterogeneous group of diseases and there is a need for novel biomarkers, and for more efficient and targeted methods of treatment. In this thesis, the potential of microarray data, RNA interference (RNAi) and compound screens were utilized in order to identify novel biomarkers, drug targets and drugs for future personalized prostate cancer therapeutics. First, a bioinformatic mRNA expression analysis covering 9873 human tissue and cell samples, including 349 prostate cancer and 147 normal prostate samples, was used to distinguish in silico prevalidated putative prostate cancer biomarkers and drug targets. Second, RNAi based high-throughput (HT) functional profiling of 295 prostate and prostate cancer tissue specific genes was performed in cultured prostate cancer cells. Third, a HT compound screen approach using a library of 4910 drugs and drug-like molecules was exploited to identify potential drugs inhibiting prostate cancer cell growth. Nine candidate drug targets, with biomarker potential, and one cancer selective compound were validated in vitro and in vivo. In addition to androgen receptor (AR) signaling, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) function, arachidonic acid (AA) pathway, redox homeostasis and mitosis were identified as vital processes in prostate cancer cells. ERG oncogene positive cancer cells exhibited sensitivity to induction of oxidative and ER stress, whereas advanced and castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) could be potentially targeted through AR signaling and mitosis. In conclusion, this thesis illustrates the power of systems biological data analysis in the discovery of potential vulnerabilities present in prostate cancer cells, as well as novel options for personalized cancer management.


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Objective: To evaluate an experimental heroin maintenance programme.


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The writer served successively on the staffs of Generals T. Williams, T.W. Sherman, and W.B. Franklin, 1862-1864 and E.R.S. Canby, 1865 in Louisiana and the lower Mississippi Valley; and was assistant secretary and secretary of the U.S. legation at Paris, 1866-1871.


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This doctoral study aims to understand how experiences of critical illness or bereavement affect the way managers view and approach their work and their relationships at work. This is an interpretative phenomenological study examining the subjective meanings of personal experience and is underpinned by biographic narratives from four participants and interviews with their nominated workplace witnesses (i.e. colleagues who worked alongside the individual at the time of their trauma). As a consequence of the findings that have emerged across this study, three contributions to theory are presented. All four participants described their traumas as a professional growth experience for themselves as managers, which resulted in self-reported and observed behaviour change at work. Consequently, the first area of theoretical contribution is a suggested extension to the post-traumatic growth (PTG) framework (Calhoun & Tedeschi, 2006) with the addition of a new behavioural dimension called ‘managerial growth’, when applied to the context of ‘ordinary’ organizations. The second area of theoretical contribution arose through the reflexive process that was created during data collection where participants and their witnesses remembered episodes of compassion interaction at work. The second area of contribution thus seeks to extend the existing model of compassion at work (Dutton, Worline, Frost and Lilius, 2006), by conceptualising compassion as a dyadic process between a compassion ‘giver’ and a compassion ‘receiver’ in which the compassion receiver ‘trusts or ‘mistrusts’; ‘discloses’ or ‘withholds’; ‘connects’ or ‘disconnects’ with the compassion giver. The third area of contribution is a new conceptualisation of reflexivity, ‘three-dimensional reflexivity’ (3DR) (Armstrong, Butler and Shaw, 2013). 3DR brings together three of the elements that have been missing from critically reflexive management research; by working with multiple variants of reflexivity in the same study; surfacing different reflexive voices to guard against the researcher’s (potentially) solipsistic own; and remaining sensitive to the concept of reflexive time. In doing so, 3DR not only provides a deeper understanding of individual lived experience; it is also a vehicle in which self-insight is gained. Furthermore, by engaging in its practice, those involved in this study have developed both personally and professionally as a result.