907 resultados para personal identity
Este artículo propone estudiar el Catalogo de las Naves desde una perspectiva nueva, diferente a la forma tradicional a como éste ha sido abordado por los arqueólogos. La geografía cultural trata sobre los temas de identidad y paisaje, y dentro de este contexto se puede afirmar que el catálogo recrea el paisaje de donde proviene los dos grupos de héroes, nos muestra un escenario rugoso y montañoso para los aqueos, que refleja el propio territorio de Grecia, y otro fértil y con muchos ríos para los troyanos que evoca la planicie de Anatolia. Se argumenta que el Catalogo construye identidades ligadas al tema del territorio y que es una expresión del Panhelenismo.
Este artículo propone estudiar el Catalogo de las Naves desde una perspectiva nueva, diferente a la forma tradicional a como éste ha sido abordado por los arqueólogos. La geografía cultural trata sobre los temas de identidad y paisaje, y dentro de este contexto se puede afirmar que el catálogo recrea el paisaje de donde proviene los dos grupos de héroes, nos muestra un escenario rugoso y montañoso para los aqueos, que refleja el propio territorio de Grecia, y otro fértil y con muchos ríos para los troyanos que evoca la planicie de Anatolia. Se argumenta que el Catalogo construye identidades ligadas al tema del territorio y que es una expresión del Panhelenismo.
El propósito de la presente tesis es realizar una lectura de la crítica al concepto de subjetividad en la filosofía de Theodor W. Adorno. Los objetivos de tal lectura son fundamentalmente dos: por un lado, particularizar la crítica adorniana en el marco de otras críticas al concepto de subjetividad que marcaron el campo de la filosofía contemporánea y, al mismo tiempo, establecer un diálogo con las lecturas que de la filosofía adorniana hicieron algunos miembros más jóvenes de la denominada Escuela de Frankfurt: Jürgen Habermas, Albrecht Wellmer -críticas al compromiso con una filosofía de la conciencia- así como Axel Honneth -crítica al modelo funcionalista de análisis de lo social-. Para esto se pondrá de relieve la centralidad del materialismo adorniano en el que el concepto de naturaleza cumple un rol central, así como el carácter crítico-normativo que de este materialismo se podría plantear. Con esto se hará posible tanto diferenciar la crítica adorniana como defenderla según la confianza de que con ella se puede hacer pensable un concepto de subjetividad no represivo capaz de desarticular la rigidez del modelo moderno de identidad personal
Es necesario optimizar aspectos referentes a las capacidades y actitudes de los alumnos con síndrome de Down. Estos aspectos mejorables ayudarán a su desarrollo personal. Pretendemos que los alumnos con esta discapacidad, progresen y mejoren su visión personal, aumenten su autoestima y autonomía y logren desenvolverse adecuadamente en su vida cotidiana. Para ello vamos a crear y poner en práctica una unidad didáctica de Educación Física adaptada, donde el baloncesto será la herramienta fundamental. Dicha unidad didáctica pretende que el alumnado desarrolle su identidad personal al máximo. Para conseguir esto hay que conocer las necesidades individuales de cada uno y darles respuesta a través de una metodología específica y óptima. En nuestra UD, priorizaremos métodos que favorezcan la experiencia directa, la comunicación o la iniciativa; emplearemos estrategias para motivar y desarrollar el interés de los alumnos; diseñaremos diversas actividades para trabajar un mismo contenido; realizaremos ejercicios individuales o grupales y adecuaremos tiempos entre otras adaptaciones. Y todo ello con el apoyo verbal, visual o manual del docente. Con todo lo expuesto esperamos atender y satisfacer las necesidades que cada alumno plantee. ABSTRACT It is important to optimize aspects relating to the skills and attitudes of students with Down Syndrome. The areas for improvement will help with their personal development, self-esteem and increase their personal autonomy to deal with their daily lives. To do this we will create and implement an adapted educational unit using basketball as a fundamental tool. This educational unit is intended for students to develop their personal identity (individuality) to the fullest. To achieve this we must meet the individual needs of each student and apply them through specific and optimal (ideal). In our educational unit, we will prioritize methods that favour the direct experience, communication or initiative. By employing strategies that motivate and develop the student´s interests along with designing various activities that work the same content, for individual and group exercises. All exercises whether verbal, visual or manual will be done under teacher´s supervision. With all the above we hope to serve and meet the needs of each student.
Historians have yet to realize the depth of artist Janet Sobel’s artistic aptitude and ingenuity. This paper focuses on understanding how unique Sobel and her art were due to her distinctive world experiences and her ability to express her feelings about these experiences through her art. It also demonstrates the importance of her Jewish and Ukrainian heritage, showing how this influenced her artistic development. Sobel immigrated to the United States at a young age and struggled with her identity. Her art was a way for her to define and accept her personal identity as an immigrant Eastern European Jew in America. In addition to this heritage, Sobel experienced many traumatic events in her early life. Her art therefore served as a way for Sobel to work through this past trauma and come to terms with it.
This dissertation thesis consists of an investigation where two components join, one of a practical nature, the other theoretical. The practical component results in two artistic proposals, a series of drawing instalations and a series of cyanotypes, which motivate the development of the theoretical component. The theme which intersects the whole dissertation is set in the construction of personal identity. Since personal identity is based on experiences shared in a certain environment, what I propose to explore is the importance of the other in the constitution of personal identity. This problem is thought through the study of two authors, Paul Ricoeur and Anthony Giddens, and three works: Atlas Mnemosyne by Aby Warburg, Gabinete > Panero by Pedro Saraiva and Pierrot Le Fou by Jean-Luc Godard. The practical component builds an expanded self-portrait based on visual memories from a familiar and day-to-day environment which, at first tends to belong to a single one, ends up revealing itself as the result of multiple others.
Each volume has also special t.-p.
v.1. The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature. Of personal identity. Of the nature of virtue.--v.2. Sermons. A charge delivered to the clergy at the primary visitation of the diocese of Durham, in the year MDCCLI. Notes to the charge, by the editor. Correspondence between Dr. Butler and Dr. Clarke.
Life of Dr. Butler / by Dr. Kippis -- Preface / by Bishop Halifax -- Of natural religion -- Of revealed religion -- Two dissertations on personal identity.
Includes indexes.
Includes the Life of Dr. Butler, by Dr. Kippis, the Preface, by Bishop Hallifax and two dissertations: Of personal identity. Of the nature of virtue.
Includes index.
Shihāb al-Dīn Suhrawardī (d.687/1191) proposed a theory of apperception that constitutes the core of his “illuminative” epistemology. His theory of apperception purports to account for the soul’s immediate, reflexive, and unmediated knowledge of its own essence. Apperception may be defined as the direct experience the soul has of its essence. A closer examination of the Avicennan tradition (Avicenna died in 420/1037) reveals the existence of a number of arguments for the demonstration of an apperception of the self/soul similar to the arguments Suhrawardī later proposes. Contrary to admitted views, Avicenna had tackled issues related to the soul’s apperception, a type of perception distinct from the soul’s intellection of its essence. Avicenna alluded to the existence of a mode of perception specific to the soul that would guarantee both the soul’s unity and its personal identity. This apperception is defined as an unmediated presence of the soul to itself. These elements recur in Suhrawardī’s theory of apperception and numerous versions of Avicenna’s arguments for the demonstration of the presential nature of apperception
Objective: To adapt the Family Wellbeing empowerment program, which was initially designed to support adults to take greater control and responsibility for their decisions and lives, to the needs of Indigenous school children living in remote communities. Method. At the request of two schools in remote Indigenous communities in far north Queensland, a pilot personal development and empowerment program based on the adult Family Wellbeing principles was developed, conducted and evaluated in the schools. The main aims of the program were to build personal identity and to encourage students to recognise their future potential and be more aware of their place in the community and wider society. Results: Participation in the program resulted in significant social and emotional growth for the students. Outcomes described by participating students and teachers included increased analytical and reflective skills, greater ability to think for oneself and set goals, less teasing and bullying in the school environment, and an enhanced sense of identity, friendship and,social relatedness'. Conclusion: This pilot implementation of the Family Wellbeing Program adapted for schools demonstrated the program's potential to enhance Indigenous young people's personal growth and development. Challenges remain in increasing parental/ family involvement and ensuring the program's sustainability and transferability. The team has been working with relevant stakeholders to further develop and package the School-based Family Wellbeing program for Education Queensland's New Basics curriculum framework.
A adolescência é um processo dinâmico entre a infância e a idade adulta: inicia-se com a puberdade e termina com a aquisição da identidade, da autonomia, bem como da elaboração de projetos de vida e de integração na sociedade. Os modelos de identidade são transferidos dos pais para os adolescentes, de modo a permitir a construção de idéias e afetos próprios. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar como o adolescente vivencia tornar-se portador da doença crônica o diabetes. Para tanto, recorremos a abordagem qualitativa, utilizando como instrumento de coleta a entrevista semi-estruturada. Participaram do estudo cinco sujeitos, com idade variando de 10 a 17 anos, com diagnóstico do diabetes mellitus tipo 1 há pelo menos um ano. A partir das entrevistas, organizamos os dados em três temas: o impacto do diagnóstico no adolescente, convivendo com mudanças e a busca de identidade. Considerando-se que a adolescência é um período de vida marcado pela busca da identidade, no qual o adolescente esta revendo suas posições infantis frente a incerteza dos papéis adultos que se apresentam a ele, e aliado a este momento vem a doença crônica o diabetes. Parece-nos importante que haja compreensão, um grande apoio social e um efetivo trabalho de educação em diabetes que possibilitará a integração social e psicológica do portador do diabetes.