834 resultados para pelvic inflammatory disease


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A periodontite é um processo inflamatório crônico de origem bacteriana mediado por citocinas, em especial, interleucina-1 (IL1) e fator de necrose tumoral (TNFα). Polimorfismos genéticos de IL1 e TNFA têm sido associados com a variação de expressão dessas proteínas, o que poderia justificar as diferenças interindividuais de manifestação da doença. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar possíveis associações entre os genes IL1B, IL1RN e TNFA e a suscetibilidade à periodontite agressiva e à periodontite crônica severa. Foram selecionados 145 pacientes do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 43 com periodontite agressiva (PAgr) (33,1 4,8 anos), 52 com periodontite crônica severa (PCr) (50,6 5,8 anos) e 50 controles (40,1 7,8 anos). Os DNAs genômicos dos integrantes dos grupos PAgr, PCr e controle foram obtidos através da coleta de células epiteliais bucais raspadas da parte interna da bochecha com cotonete. Os SNPs IL1B -511C>T, IL1B +3954C>T e TNFA -1031T>C foram analisados pela técnica de PCR-RFLP, utilizando as enzimas de restrição Ava I Taq I e Bpi I, respectivamente. O polimorfismo de número variável de repetições in tandem (VNTR) no intron 2 do gene IL1RN foi feita pela análise direta dos amplicons. Todos os polimorfismos foram analisados por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida 8%. As frequências alélica e genotípica do polimorfismo IL1B +3954C>T no grupo PCr foram significativamente diferentes das observadas no grupo controle (p=0,003 e p=0,041, respectivamente). A freqüência do alelo A2 do polimorfismo IL1RN VNTR intron2 no grupo PAgr foi significativamente maior do que no grupo controle (p=0,035). Não houve associação entre os polimorfismos IL1B -511C>T e TNFA -1031T>C e as periodontites agressiva e crônica. A presença dos alelos 2 nos genótipos combinados de IL1RN VNTR intron2 e IL1B +3954C>T no grupo PCr foi significativamente maior quando comparada ao grupo controle (p=0,045). Entretanto, não se observou associação entre as combinações genotípicas IL1B -511C>T / IL1B +3954C>T e IL1RN VNTR / IL1B -511C>T e a predisposição à doença periodontal. De acordo com os nossos resultados podemos sugerir que, para a população estudada, o polimorfismo IL1B +3954C>T interfere no desenvolvimento da periodontite crônica, enquanto a presença do alelo A2 do polimorfismo IL1RN VNTR intron2 pode ser considerado como indicador de risco para a periodontite agressiva. O presente estudo também nos permite sugerir que a ausência de homozigose dos alelos 1 nos genótipos combinados de IL1RN VNTR intron2 e IL1B +3954C>T pode representar maior suscetibilidade à periodontite crônica severa.


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A asma brônquica é uma doença inflamatória crônica das vias aéreas inferiores que resulta da interação entre fatores genéticos e ambientais.Teve como objetivo estudar o polimorfismo Arg16Gly e Gln27Glu do Gene β2-ADR e a sensibilização fúngica associada ao controle e gravidade da asma. Trata-se de um estudo observacional analítico caso controle em portadores de asma, assistidos no Programa de Assistência ao Paciente Asmático do Hospital Universitário Presidente Dutra (PAPA-HUPD). Foram incluídos no estudo 83 pacientes com asma brônquica e 46 não asmáticos como controles. Os participantes coletaram duas amostra de 5ml de sangue, para genotipagem do gene β2AR-16 e β2AR-27 por PCR-RFLP e teste de sensibilização Elisa específico para fungos. Os dados de controle foram obtidos através do Teste de Controle da Asma (ACT) e os dados clínicos dos prontuários. As análises de polimorfismo não apresentaram associação com o estado de controle da asma para o gene β2-ADR-16 e β2-ADR-27. Entre asmáticos e não asmáticos foi observado diferença estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) com maior expressão do alelo Glu (74%) entre os não asmáticos. O homozigoto Glu/Glu também foi mais frequentes entre os não asmáticos, sugerindo que o alelo Glu-27 pode estar associado ao risco diminuído para asma. Quanto à sensibilização fúngica, não houve associação significante com os genótipos estudados. O estudo mostrou que, asmáticos graves são mais sensibilizados que não asmáticos e asmáticos moderados. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre controle da asma e sensibilização fúngica, no entanto houve associação significativa com a gravidade. Associações isoladas entre sensibilização fúngica e asma, assim como entre polimorfismo e asma ficou evidente neste estudo.


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A asma é uma doença inflamatória crônica caracterizada por hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, acúmulo de eosinófilos, secreção de muco e remodelamento. No decorrer do estabelecimento do processo inflamatório, há liberação de mediadores endógenos que atuam limitando a evolução do quadro patológico e garantindo a manutenção da homeostasia (COHN, ELIAS e CHUPP, 2004). Dentre estes recebem destaque os hormônios glicocorticóides, reconhecidos por sua atividade anti-inflamatória, dependente, em parte, da geração de fatores intermediários como a proteína anexina-1 (AnxA1) (KAMAL, FLOWER e PERRETTI, 2005; PERRETTI, 2003). Neste estudo investigou-se o papel regulatório da AnxA1 e do peptídeo derivado Ac2-26 (50 - 200 g/animal) no modelo experimental de asma alérgica murina. Camundongos BALB/c (AnxA1+/+) e depletados do gene codificante para AnxA1 (AnxA1-/-) foram sensibilizados com ovoalbumina (OVA 50 g) e hidróxido de alumínio (5 mg), por via subcutânea. Após 14 dias, foi feito reforço com OVA (25 g), por via intraperitoneal, e nos dias 19, 20 e 21 foram desafiados com OVA (25 g), por via intranasal. O tratamento consistiu na administração intranasal do peptídeo Ac2-26 (50 - 200 g), 1 h antes de cada desafio. As análises foram feitas 24 h após o último desafio e incluíram: i) função pulmonar (resistência e elastância) e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina (3 27 mg/ml) através de pletismografia invasiva; ii) alterações morfológicas através de histologia clássica; iii) quantificação de colágeno e iv) quantificação de mediadores inflamatórios através de ELISA. Verificou-se que camundongos AnxA1-/-, quando ativamente sensibilizados e desafiados com OVA apresentaram exacerbação do quadro de hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, assim como do número de eosinófilos no lavado broncoalveolar e no infiltrado peribrônquico, deposição de colágeno e nos níveis de IL-13 em comparação aos controles AnxA1+/+. Em paralelo, observou-se que o peptídeo Ac2-26 levou a uma redução da hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas frente à estimulação com metacolina nos animais AnxA1+/+. O peptídeo Ac2-26 reduziu o infiltrado inflamatório no parênquima pulmonar e o número de eosinófilos peribronquiolares, além da produção de muco no tecido pulmonar e da geração IL-4, IL-13, eotaxina-1 e -2. Em conjunto, nossos achados mostram que os camundongos AnxA1-/- mostraram-se mais responsivos à estimulação antigênica, o que foi indicativo de que a AnxA1 parece exercer um papel regulatório importante sobre a resposta inflamatória alérgica murina. Além disso, o efeito inibitório do peptídeo Ac2-26 sobre a resposta alérgica pulmonar foi indicativo de que este se coloca como um composto anti-inflamatório e anti-alérgico promissor para utilização na terapia da asma.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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To determine whether polymorphisms in the interferon-? (IFN?)/interleukin-26 (IL-26; formerly, AK155) gene cluster contribute to sex-based differential susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA).


Four microsatellite markers, located in a 118-kb interval that contains both the IFN? and IL-26 genes on chromosome 12q15, were typed in 251 patients with RA and 198 unrelated healthy controls (all of whom lived in Northern Ireland) by means of polymerase chain reaction–based fragment analysis.


Marker D12S2510, which is located 3 kb 3' from the IL-26 gene, was significantly associated with RA in women (corrected P [Pcorr] = 0.008, 2 degrees of freedom [2 df]) but not in men (P = 0.99, 2 df). A 3-marker haplotype, IFNGCA*13;D12S2510*8;D12S2511*9, was inferred that showed significant underrepresentation in women with RA (odds ratio 0.50, 95% confidence interval 0.32–0.78; P = 0.002, Pcorr = 0.03) but not in men with RA.


Our results demonstrate that common polymorphisms in the IFN?/IL-26 gene region may contribute to sex bias in susceptibility to RA, by distorting the propensity of female carriers versus male carriers to contract this disease. These results conform to our recent observations of a role for this gene cluster in sex-based differential susceptibility to another Th1-type inflammatory disease, multiple sclerosis.


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Background: The study of periodontitis provides a unique model for assessing the involvement of neuropeptides in inflammatory disease.


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Neutrophil Elastase (NE) is a pro-inflammatory protease present at higher than normal levels in the lung during inflammatory disease. NE regulates IL-8 production from airway epithelial cells and can activate both EGFR and TLR4. TACE/ADAM17 has been reported to trans-activate EGFR in response to NE. Here, using 16HBE14o-human bronchial epithelial cells we demonstrate a new mechanism by which NE regulates both of these events. A high molecular weight soluble metalloprotease activity detectable only in supernatants from NE-treated cells by gelatin and casein zymography was confirmed to be meprin alpha by Western immunoblotting. In vitro studies demonstrated the ability of NE to activate meprin alpha, which in turn could release soluble TGFa and induce IL-8 production from 16HBE14o- cells. These effects were abrogated by actinonin, a specific meprin inhibitor. NE-induced IL-8 expression was also inhibited by meprin alpha siRNA. Immunoprecipitation studies detected EGFR/TLR4 complexes in NE-stimulated cells overexpressing these receptors. Confocal studies confirmed colocalization of EGFR and TLR4 in 16HBE14o- cells stimulated with meprin alpha. NF?B was also activated via MyD88 in these cells by meprin alpha. In bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from NE knock-out mice infected intra-tracheally with Pseudomonas aeruginosa meprin alpha was significantly decreased compared with control mice, and was significantly increased and correlated with NE activity, in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from individuals with cystic fibrosis but not healthy controls. The data describe a previously unidentified lung metalloprotease meprin alpha, and its role in NE-induced EGFR and TLR4 activation and IL-8 production.


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Periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory disease of the tissues supporting the teeth, is characterized by an exaggerated host immune and inflammatory response to periopathogenic bacteria. Toll-like receptor activation, cytokine network induction, and accumulation of neutrophils at the site of inflammation are important in the host defense against infection. At the same time, induction of immune tolerance and the clearance of neutrophils from the site of infection are essential in the control of the immune response, resolution of inflammation, and prevention of tissue destruction. Using a human monocytic cell line, we demonstrate that Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is a major etiological factor in periodontal disease, induces only partial immune tolerance, with continued high production of interleukin-8 (IL-8) but diminished secretion of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-) after repeated challenge. This cytokine response has functional consequences for other immune cells involved in the response to infection. Primary human neutrophils incubated with P. gingivalis LPS-treated naïve monocyte supernatant displayed a high migration index and increased apoptosis. In contrast, neutrophils treated with P. gingivalis LPS-tolerized monocyte supernatant showed a high migration index but significantly decreased apoptosis. Overall, these findings suggest that induction of an imbalanced immune tolerance in monocytes by P. gingivalis LPS, which favors continued secretion of IL-8 but decreased TNF- production, may be associated with enhanced migration of neutrophils to the site of infection but also with decreased apoptosis and may play a role in the chronic inflammatory state seen in periodontal disease.


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The pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy is multifactorial, and a range of hyperglycemia-linked pathways have been implicated in the initiation and progression of this condition. All cells in the retina are affected by the diabetic milieu, and in view of such disease and tissue complexity, it is unlikely that any single process is solely responsible for retinal pathophysiology. Nevertheless, establishing causal mechanisms remains an important research goal. This review concentrates on the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and the role they play in diabetic retinopathy. Perspective is provided on advanced glycation in the retina, the impact that this process has on retinal cell function, and how it relates to other pathogenic pathways. Emphasis is also placed the modulatory role of the receptor for AGEs (RAGE) and how its activation could evoke retinal inflammatory disease. Further research is needed to achieve a clear understanding of the cellular and molecular processes that underpin diabetic retinopathy's initiation and progression. Such advances in basic mechanisms may lead to effective treatments that can prevent progression of retinopathy from the point of the diagnosis of diabetes to sight-threatening proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) and diabetic macular edema (DME).


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Neutrophils are activated by immunoglobulin G (IgG)-containing immune complexes through receptors that recognize the Fc portion of IgG (Fc gamma Rs). Here, we used genetic and pharmacological approaches to define a selective role for the beta isoform of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K beta) in Fc gamma R-dependent activation of mouse neutrophils by immune complexes of IgG and antigen immobilized on a plate surface. At low concentrations of immune complexes, loss of PI3K beta alone substantially inhibited the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by neutrophils, whereas at higher doses, similar suppression of ROS production was achieved only by targeting both PI3K beta and PI3K delta, suggesting that this pathway displays stimulus strength-dependent redundancy. Activation of PI3K beta by immune complexes involved cooperation between Fc gamma Rs and BLT1, the receptor for the endogenous proinflammatory lipid leukotriene B-4. Coincident activation by a tyrosine kinase-coupled receptor (Fc gamma R) and a heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein)-coupled receptor (BLT1) may provide a rationale for the preferential activation of the beta isoform of PI3K. PI3K beta-deficient mice were highly protected in an Fc gamma R-dependent model of autoantibody-induced skin blistering and were partially protected in an Fc gamma R-dependent model of inflammatory arthritis, whereas combined deficiency of PI3K beta and PI3K delta resulted in near-complete protection in the latter case. These results define PI3K beta as a potential therapeutic target in inflammatory disease.


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Propionibacterium acnes is an anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium that forms part of the normal human cutaneous microbiota and is thought to play a central role in acne vulgaris, a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit (I. Kurokawa et al., Exp. Dermatol. 18:821-832, 2009). Here we present the whole genome sequence of P. acnes type IB strain 6609, which was recovered from a skin sample from a woman with no recorded acne history and is thus considered a nonpathogenic strain (I. Nagy, Microbes Infect. 8:2195-2205, 2006).


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GM-CSF is a potent proinflammatory cytokine that plays a pathogenic role in the CNS inflammatory disease experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. As IL-27 alleviates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, we hypothesized that IL-27 suppresses GM-CSF expression by T cells. We found that IL-27 suppressed GM-CSF expression in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in splenocyte and purified T cell cultures. IL-27 suppressed GM-CSF in Th1, but not Th17, cells. IL-27 also suppressed GM-CSF expression by human T cells in nonpolarized and Th1- but not Th17-polarized PBMC cultures. In vivo, IL-27p28 deficiency resulted in increased GM-CSF expression by CNS-infiltrating T cells during Toxoplasma gondii infection. Although in vitro suppression of GM-CSF by IL-27 was independent of IL-2 suppression, IL-10 upregulation, or SOCS3 signaling, we observed that IL-27-driven suppression of GM-CSF was STAT1 dependent. Our findings demonstrate that IL-27 is a robust negative regulator of GM-CSF expression in T cells, which likely inhibits T cell pathogenicity in CNS inflammation.


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IFN-ß, IL-27, and IL-10 have been shown to exert a range of similar immunoregulatory effects in murine and human experimental systems, particularly in Th1- and Th17-mediated models of autoimmune inflammatory disease. In this study we sought to translate some of our previous findings in murine systems to human in vitro models and delineate the interdependence of these different cytokines in their immunoregulatory effects. We demonstrate that human IL-27 upregulates IL-10 in T cell-activated PBMC cultures and that IFN-ß drives IL-27 production in activated monocytes. IFN-ß-driven IL-27 is responsible for the upregulation of IL-10, but not IL-17 suppression, by IFN-ß in human PBMCs. Surprisingly, IL-10 is not required for the suppression of IL-17 by either IL-27 or IFN-ß in this model or in de novo differentiating Th17 cells, nor is IL-27 signaling required for the suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) by IFN-ß in vivo. Furthermore, and even more surprisingly, IL-10 is not required for the suppression of Th17-biased EAE by IL-27, in sharp contrast to Th1-biased EAE. In conclusion, IFN-ß and IL-27 both induce human IL-10, both suppress human Th17 responses, and both suppress murine EAE. However, IL-27 signaling is not required for the therapeutic effect of IFN-ß in EAE. Suppression of Th17-biased EAE by IL-27 is IL-10-independent, in contrast to its mechanism of action in Th1-biased EAE. Taken together, these findings delineate a complex set of interdependent and independent immunoregulatory mechanisms of IFN-ß, IL-27, and IL-10 in human experimental models and in murine Th1- and Th17-driven autoimmunity.