992 resultados para path-integral bosonization


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In this work we review the basic principles of the theory of the relativistic bosonic string through the study of the action functionals of Nambu-Goto and Polyakov and the techniques required for their canonical, light-cone, and path-integral quantisation. For this purpose, we briefly review the main properties of the gauge symmetries and conformal field theory involved in the techniques studied.


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We find the probability distribution of the fluctuating parameters of a soliton propagating through a medium with additive noise. Our method is a modification of the instanton formalism (method of optimal fluctuation) based on a saddle-point approximation in the path integral. We first solve consistently a fundamental problem of soliton propagation within the framework of noisy nonlinear Schrödinger equation. We then consider model modifications due to in-line (filtering, amplitude and phase modulation) control. It is examined how control elements change the error probability in optical soliton transmission. Even though a weak noise is considered, we are interested here in probabilities of error-causing large fluctuations which are beyond perturbation theory. We describe in detail a new phenomenon of soliton collapse that occurs under the combined action of noise, filtering and amplitude modulation. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the theoretical and numerical computation of rare transitions in simple geophysical turbulent models. We consider the barotropic quasi-geostrophic and two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations in regimes where bistability between two coexisting large-scale attractors exist. By means of large deviations and instanton theory with the use of an Onsager–Machlup path integral formalism for the transition probability, we show how one can directly compute the most probable transition path between two coexisting attractors analytically in an equilibrium (Langevin) framework and numerically otherWe adapt a class of numerical optimization algorithms known as minimum action methods to simple geophysical turbulent models. We show that by numerically minimizing an appropriate action functional in a large deviation limit, one can predict the most likely transition path for a rare transition between two states. By considering examples where theoretical predictions can be made, we show that the minimum action method successfully predicts the most likely transition path. Finally, we discuss the application and extension of such numerical optimization schemes to the computation of rare transitions observed in direct numerical simulations and experiments and to other, more complex, turbulent systems.


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We investigate a class of simple models for Langevin dynamics of turbulent flows, including the one-layer quasi-geostrophic equation and the two-dimensional Euler equations. Starting from a path integral representation of the transition probability, we compute the most probable fluctuation paths from one attractor to any state within its basin of attraction. We prove that such fluctuation paths are the time reversed trajectories of the relaxation paths for a corresponding dual dynamics, which are also within the framework of quasi-geostrophic Langevin dynamics. Cases with or without detailed balance are studied. We discuss a specific example for which the stationary measure displays either a second order (continuous) or a first order (discontinuous) phase transition and a tricritical point. In situations where a first order phase transition is observed, the dynamics are bistable. Then, the transition paths between two coexisting attractors are instantons (fluctuation paths from an attractor to a saddle), which are related to the relaxation paths of the corresponding dual dynamics. For this example, we show how one can analytically determine the instantons and compute the transition probabilities for rare transitions between two attractors.


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We give a relativistic spin network model for quantum gravity based on the Lorentz group and its q-deformation, the Quantum Lorentz Algebra. We propose a combinatorial model for the path integral given by an integral over suitable representations of this algebra. This generalises the state sum models for the case of the four-dimensional rotation group previously studied in gr-qc/9709028. As a technical tool, formulae for the evaluation of relativistic spin networks for the Lorentz group are developed, with some simple examples which show that the evaluation is finite in interesting cases. We conjecture that the `10J' symbol needed in our model has a finite value.


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Dendrites form the major components of neurons. They are complex branching structures that receive and process thousands of synaptic inputs from other neurons. It is well known that dendritic morphology plays an important role in the function of dendrites. Another important contribution to the response characteristics of a single neuron comes from the intrinsic resonant properties of dendritic membrane. In this paper we combine the effects of dendritic branching and resonant membrane dynamics by generalising the "sum-over-trips" approach [Abbott, L.F., Fahri, E., Gutmann, S.: The path integral for dendritic trees. Biological Cybernetics 66, 49--60 (1991)]. To illustrate how this formalism can shed light on the role of architecture and resonances in determining neuronal output we consider dual recording and reconstruction data from a rat CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cell. Specifically we explore the way in which an $I_{h}$ current contributes to a voltage overshoot at the soma.


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Using the path-integral technique we examine the mutual information for the communication channel modeled by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with additive Gaussian noise. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation is one of the fundamental models in nonlinear physics, and it has a broad range of applications, including fiber optical communications - the backbone of the internet. At large signal-to-noise ratio we present the mutual information through the path-integral, which is convenient for the perturbative expansion in nonlinearity. In the limit of small noise and small nonlinearity we derive analytically the first nonzero nonlinear correction to the mutual information for the channel.


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The Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm is adapted to the simulation of a system of classical degrees of freedom coupled to non self-interacting lattices fermions. The diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix is avoided by introducing a path-integral formulation of the problem, in d + 1 Euclidean space–time. A perfect action formulation allows to work on the continuum Euclidean time, without need for a Trotter–Suzuki extrapolation. To demonstrate the feasibility of the method we study the Double Exchange Model in three dimensions. The complexity of the algorithm grows only as the system volume, allowing to simulate in lattices as large as 163 on a personal computer. We conclude that the second order paramagnetic–ferromagnetic phase transition of Double Exchange Materials close to half-filling belongs to the Universality Class of the three-dimensional classical Heisenberg model.


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In this paper, a fractional order proportional-integral controller is developed for a miniature air vehicle for rectilinear path following and trajectory tracking. The controller is implemented by constructing a vector field surrounding the path to be followed, which is then used to generate course commands for the miniature air vehicle. The fractional order proportional-integral controller is simulated using the fundamentals of fractional calculus, and the results for this controller are compared with those obtained for a proportional controller and a proportional integral controller. In order to analyze the performance of the controllers, four performance metrics, namely (maximum) overshoot, control effort, settling time and integral of the timed absolute error cost, have been selected. A comparison of the nominal as well as the robust performances of these controllers indicates that the fractional order proportional-integral controller exhibits the best performance in terms of ITAE while showing comparable performances in all other aspects.


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A forced landing is an unscheduled event in flight requiring an emergency landing, and is most commonly attributed to engine failure, failure of avionics or adverse weather. Since the ability to conduct a successful forced landing is the primary indicator for safety in the aviation industry, automating this capability for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will help facilitate their integration into, and subsequent routine operations over civilian airspace. Currently, there is no commercial system available to perform this task; however, a team at the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA) is working towards developing such an automated forced landing system. This system, codenamed Flight Guardian, will operate onboard the aircraft and use machine vision for site identification, artificial intelligence for data assessment and evaluation, and path planning, guidance and control techniques to actualize the landing. This thesis focuses on research specific to the third category, and presents the design, testing and evaluation of a Trajectory Generation and Guidance System (TGGS) that navigates the aircraft to land at a chosen site, following an engine failure. Firstly, two algorithms are developed that adapts manned aircraft forced landing techniques to suit the UAV planning problem. Algorithm 1 allows the UAV to select a route (from a library) based on a fixed glide range and the ambient wind conditions, while Algorithm 2 uses a series of adjustable waypoints to cater for changing winds. A comparison of both algorithms in over 200 simulated forced landings found that using Algorithm 2, twice as many landings were within the designated area, with an average lateral miss distance of 200 m at the aimpoint. These results present a baseline for further refinements to the planning algorithms. A significant contribution is seen in the design of the 3-D Dubins Curves planning algorithm, which extends the elementary concepts underlying 2-D Dubins paths to account for powerless flight in three dimensions. This has also resulted in the development of new methods in testing for path traversability, in losing excess altitude, and in the actual path formation to ensure aircraft stability. Simulations using this algorithm have demonstrated lateral and vertical miss distances of under 20 m at the approach point, in wind speeds of up to 9 m/s. This is greater than a tenfold improvement on Algorithm 2 and emulates the performance of manned, powered aircraft. The lateral guidance algorithm originally developed by Park, Deyst, and How (2007) is enhanced to include wind information in the guidance logic. A simple assumption is also made that reduces the complexity of the algorithm in following a circular path, yet without sacrificing performance. Finally, a specific method of supplying the correct turning direction is also used. Simulations have shown that this new algorithm, named the Enhanced Nonlinear Guidance (ENG) algorithm, performs much better in changing winds, with cross-track errors at the approach point within 2 m, compared to over 10 m using Park's algorithm. A fourth contribution is made in designing the Flight Path Following Guidance (FPFG) algorithm, which uses path angle calculations and the MacCready theory to determine the optimal speed to fly in winds. This algorithm also uses proportional integral- derivative (PID) gain schedules to finely tune the tracking accuracies, and has demonstrated in simulation vertical miss distances of under 2 m in changing winds. A fifth contribution is made in designing the Modified Proportional Navigation (MPN) algorithm, which uses principles from proportional navigation and the ENG algorithm, as well as methods specifically its own, to calculate the required pitch to fly. This algorithm is robust to wind changes, and is easily adaptable to any aircraft type. Tracking accuracies obtained with this algorithm are also comparable to those obtained using the FPFG algorithm. For all three preceding guidance algorithms, a novel method utilising the geometric and time relationship between aircraft and path is also employed to ensure that the aircraft is still able to track the desired path to completion in strong winds, while remaining stabilised. Finally, a derived contribution is made in modifying the 3-D Dubins Curves algorithm to suit helicopter flight dynamics. This modification allows a helicopter to autonomously track both stationary and moving targets in flight, and is highly advantageous for applications such as traffic surveillance, police pursuit, security or payload delivery. Each of these achievements serves to enhance the on-board autonomy and safety of a UAV, which in turn will help facilitate the integration of UAVs into civilian airspace for a wider appreciation of the good that they can provide. The automated UAV forced landing planning and guidance strategies presented in this thesis will allow the progression of this technology from the design and developmental stages, through to a prototype system that can demonstrate its effectiveness to the UAV research and operations community.


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Data-flow analysis is an integral part of any aggressive optimizing compiler. We propose a framework for improving the precision of data-flow analysis in the presence of complex control-flow. W initially perform data-flow analysis to determine those control-flow merges which cause the loss in data-flow analysis precision. The control-flow graph of the program is then restructured such that performing data-flow analysis on the resulting restructured graph gives more precise results. The proposed framework is both simple, involving the familiar notion of product automata, and also general, since it is applicable to any forward data-flow analysis. Apart from proving that our restructuring process is correct, we also show that restructuring is effective in that it necessarily leads to more optimization opportunities. Furthermore, the framework handles the trade-off between the increase in data-flow precision and the code size increase inherent in the restructuring. We show that determining an optimal restructuring is NP-hard, and propose and evaluate a greedy strategy. The framework has been implemented in the Scale research compiler, and instantiated for the specific problem of Constant Propagation. On the SPECINT 2000 benchmark suite we observe an average speedup of 4% in the running times over Wegman-Zadeck conditional constant propagation algorithm and 2% over a purely path profile guided approach.


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The concept of domain integral used extensively for J integral has been applied in this work for the formulation of J(2) integral for linear elastic bimaterial body containing a crack at the interface and subjected to thermal loading. It is shown that, in the presence of thermal stresses, the J(k) domain integral over a closed path, which does not enclose singularities, is a function of temperature and body force. A method is proposed to compute the stress intensity factors for bimaterial interface crack subjected to thermal loading by combining this domain integral with the J(k) integral. The proposed method is validated by solving standard problems with known solutions.


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The relations between partial and integral properties of ternary solutions along composition trajectories suggested by Kohler, Colinet and Jacob, and along an arbitrary path are derived. The chemical potentials of the components are related to the slope of integral free energy by expressions involving the binary compositions generated by the intersections of the composition trajectory with the sides of the ternary triangle. Only along the Kohler composition trajectory it is possible to derive the integral free energy from the variation of the chemical potential of a single component with composition or vice versa. Along all other paths the differential of the integral free energy is related to two chemical potentials. The Gibbs-Duhem integration proposed by Darken for the ternary system uses the Kohler isogram. The relative merits of different limits for integration are discussed.


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A new composition path, Xi-Xj=constant, is suggested for the semi-empirical calculation of the thermodynamic properties of ternary ‘substitutional’ solutions from binary data, when the binary systems show deviations from the regular solution model. A comparison is made between the results obtained for integral and partial properties using this composition path and those calculated employing other composition paths suggested in literature. It appears that the best estimate of the ternary properties is obtained when binary data at compositions closest to the ternary composition are used.


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This paper considers the problem of determining the time-optimal path of a fixed-wing Miniature Air Vehicle (MAV), in the presence of wind. The MAV, which is subject to a bounded turn rate, is required to eventually converge to a straight line starting from a known initial position and orientation. Earlier work in the literature uses Pontryagin's Minimum Principle (PMP) to solve this problem only for the no-wind case. In contrast, the present work uses a geometric approach to solve the problem completely in the presence of wind. In addition, it also shows how PMP can be used to partially solve the problem. Using a 6-DOF model of a MAV the generated optimal path is tracked by an autopilot consisting of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. The simulation results show the path generation and tracking for cases with steady and time-varying wind. Some issues on real-time path planning are also addressed.