990 resultados para particle physics - cosmology connection


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Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory describing interaction between quarks and gluons. At low temperatures, quarks are confined forming hadrons, e.g. protons and neutrons. However, at extremely high temperatures the hadrons break apart and the matter transforms into plasma of individual quarks and gluons. In this theses the quark gluon plasma (QGP) phase of QCD is studied using lattice techniques in the framework of dimensionally reduced effective theories EQCD and MQCD. Two quantities are in particular interest: the pressure (or grand potential) and the quark number susceptibility. At high temperatures the pressure admits a generalised coupling constant expansion, where some coefficients are non-perturbative. We determine the first such contribution of order g^6 by performing lattice simulations in MQCD. This requires high precision lattice calculations, which we perform with different number of colors N_c to obtain N_c-dependence on the coefficient. The quark number susceptibility is studied by performing lattice simulations in EQCD. We measure both flavor singlet (diagonal) and non-singlet (off-diagonal) quark number susceptibilities. The finite chemical potential results are optained using analytic continuation. The diagonal susceptibility approaches the perturbative result above 20T_c$, but below that temperature we observe significant deviations. The results agree well with 4d lattice data down to temperatures 2T_c.


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Discoveries at the LHC will soon set the physics agenda for future colliders. This report of a CERN Theory Institute includes the summaries of Working Groups that reviewed the physics goals and prospects of LHC running with 10 to 300 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity, of the proposed sLHC luminosity upgrade, of the ILC, of CLIC, of the LHeC and of a muon collider. The four Working Groups considered possible scenarios for the first 10 fb(-1) of data at the LHC in which (i) a state with properties that are compatible with a Higgs boson is discovered, (ii) no such state is discovered either because the Higgs properties are such that it is difficult to detect or because no Higgs boson exists, (iii) a missing-energy signal beyond the Standard Model is discovered as in some supersymmetric models, and (iv) some other exotic signature of new physics is discovered. In the contexts of these scenarios, the Working Groups reviewed the capabilities of the future colliders to study in more detail whatever new physics may be discovered by the LHC. Their reports provide the particle physics community with some tools for reviewing the scientific priorities for future colliders after the LHC produces its first harvest of new physics from multi-TeV collisions.


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Inflation is a period of accelerated expansion in the very early universe, which has the appealing aspect that it can create primordial perturbations via quantum fluctuations. These primordial perturbations have been observed in the cosmic microwave background, and these perturbations also function as the seeds of all large-scale structure in the universe. Curvaton models are simple modifications of the standard inflationary paradigm, where inflation is driven by the energy density of the inflaton, but another field, the curvaton, is responsible for producing the primordial perturbations. The curvaton decays after inflation as ended, where the isocurvature perturbations of the curvaton are converted into adiabatic perturbations. Since the curvaton must decay, it must have some interactions. Additionally realistic curvaton models typically have some self-interactions. In this work we consider self-interacting curvaton models, where the self-interaction is a monomial in the potential, suppressed by the Planck scale, and thus the self-interaction is very weak. Nevertheless, since the self-interaction makes the equations of motion non-linear, it can modify the behaviour of the model very drastically. The most intriguing aspect of this behaviour is that the final properties of the perturbations become highly dependent on the initial values. Departures of Gaussian distribution are important observables of the primordial perturbations. Due to the non-linearity of the self-interacting curvaton model and its sensitivity to initial conditions, it can produce significant non-Gaussianity of the primordial perturbations. In this work we investigate the non-Gaussianity produced by the self-interacting curvaton, and demonstrate that the non-Gaussianity parameters do not obey the analytically derived approximate relations often cited in the literature. Furthermore we also consider a self-interacting curvaton with a mass in the TeV-scale. Motivated by realistic particle physics models such as the Minimally Supersymmetric Standard Model, we demonstrate that a curvaton model within the mass range can be responsible for the observed perturbations if it can decay late enough.


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Models of Maximal Flavor Violation (MxFV) in elementary particle physics may contain at least one new scalar SU$(2)$ doublet field $\Phi_{FV} = (\eta^0,\eta^+)$ that couples the first and third generation quarks ($q_1,q_3$) via a Lagrangian term $\mathcal{L}_{FV} = \xi_{13} \Phi_{FV} q_1 q_3$. These models have a distinctive signature of same-charge top-quark pairs and evade flavor-changing limits from meson mixing measurements. Data corresponding to 2 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the CDF II detector in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV are analyzed for evidence of the MxFV signature. For a neutral scalar $\eta^0$ with $m_{\eta^0} = 200$ GeV/$c^2$ and coupling $\xi_{13}=1$, $\sim$ 11 signal events are expected over a background of $2.1 \pm 1.8$ events. Three events are observed in the data, consistent with background expectations, and limits are set on the coupling $\xi_{13}$ for $m_{\eta^0} = 180-300$ GeV/$c^2$.


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In this thesis, the possibility of extending the Quantization Condition of Dirac for Magnetic Monopoles to noncommutative space-time is investigated. The three publications that this thesis is based on are all in direct link to this investigation. Noncommutative solitons have been found within certain noncommutative field theories, but it is not known whether they possesses only topological charge or also magnetic charge. This is a consequence of that the noncommutative topological charge need not coincide with the noncommutative magnetic charge, although they are equivalent in the commutative context. The aim of this work is to begin to fill this gap of knowledge. The method of investigation is perturbative and leaves open the question of whether a nonperturbative source for the magnetic monopole can be constructed, although some aspects of such a generalization are indicated. The main result is that while the noncommutative Aharonov-Bohm effect can be formulated in a gauge invariant way, the quantization condition of Dirac is not satisfied in the case of a perturbative source for the point-like magnetic monopole.


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In this thesis the current status and some open problems of noncommutative quantum field theory are reviewed. The introduction aims to put these theories in their proper context as a part of the larger program to model the properties of quantized space-time. Throughout the thesis, special focus is put on the role of noncommutative time and how its nonlocal nature presents us with problems. Applications in scalar field theories as well as in gauge field theories are presented. The infinite nonlocality of space-time introduced by the noncommutative coordinate operators leads to interesting structure and new physics. High energy and low energy scales are mixed, causality and unitarity are threatened and in gauge theory the tools for model building are drastically reduced. As a case study in noncommutative gauge theory, the Dirac quantization condition of magnetic monopoles is examined with the conclusion that, at least in perturbation theory, it cannot be fulfilled in noncommutative space.


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Modern elementary particle physics is based on quantum field theories. Currently, our understanding is that, on the one hand, the smallest structures of matter and, on the other hand, the composition of the universe are based on quantum field theories which present the observable phenomena by describing particles as vibrations of the fields. The Standard Model of particle physics is a quantum field theory describing the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions in terms of a gauge field theory. However, it is believed that the Standard Model describes physics properly only up to a certain energy scale. This scale cannot be much larger than the so-called electroweak scale, i.e., the masses of the gauge fields W^+- and Z^0. Beyond this scale, the Standard Model has to be modified. In this dissertation, supersymmetric theories are used to tackle the problems of the Standard Model. For example, the quadratic divergences, which plague the Higgs boson mass in the Standard model, cancel in supersymmetric theories. Experimental facts concerning the neutrino sector indicate that the lepton number is violated in Nature. On the other hand, the lepton number violating Majorana neutrino masses can induce sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillations in any supersymmetric model. In this dissertation, I present some viable signals for detecting the sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillation at colliders. At the e-gamma collider (at the International Linear Collider), the numbers of the electron-sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillation signal events are quite high, and the backgrounds are quite small. A similar study for the LHC shows that, even though there are several backrounds, the sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillations can be detected. A useful asymmetry observable is introduced and studied. Usually, the oscillation probability formula where the sneutrinos are produced at rest is used. However, here, we study a general oscillation probability. The Lorentz factor and the distance at which the measurement is made inside the detector can have effects, especially when the sneutrino decay width is very small. These effects are demonstrated for a certain scenario at the LHC.


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QCD factorization in the Bjorken limit allows to separate the long-distance physics from the hard subprocess. At leading twist, only one parton in each hadron is coherent with the hard subprocess. Higher twist effects increase as one of the active partons carries most of the longitudinal momentum of the hadron, x -> 1. In the Drell-Yan process \pi N -> \mu^- mu^+ + X, the polarization of the virtual photon is observed to change to longitudinal when the photon carries x_F > 0.6 of the pion. I define and study the Berger-Brodsky limit of Q^2 -> \infty with Q^2(1-x) fixed. A new kind of factorization holds in the Drell-Yan process in this limit, in which both pion valence quarks are coherent with the hard subprocess, the virtual photon is longitudinal rather than transverse, and the cross section is proportional to a multiparton distribution. Generalized parton distributions contain information on the longitudinal momentum and transverse position densities of partons in a hadron. Transverse charge densities are Fourier transforms of the electromagnetic form factors. I discuss the application of these methods to the QED electron, studying the form factors, charge densities and spin distributions of the leading order |e\gamma> Fock state in impact parameter and longitudinal momentum space. I show how the transverse shape of any virtual photon induced process, \gamma^*(q)+i -> f, may be measured. Qualitative arguments concerning the size of such transitions have been previously made in the literature, but without a precise analysis. Properly defined, the amplitudes and the cross section in impact parameter space provide information on the transverse shape of the transition process.


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We revisit the rare kaon decays K -> pi l(+)l(-) which are of special interest due to the recent measurements of the charged kaon decay spectra. We compute the contribution of the 27-plet to the decay amplitudes in one loop SU(3) chiral perturbation theory. We estimate the resulting impact to be similar to 10% to the branching ratios of the charged kaon decays, and also noticeably influence the shape of the spectra. With current values of the constants G(8) associated with the octet and G(27) associated with the 27-plet, the contribution of the latter pushes the spectrum in the correct direction, towards the charged lepton spectra. We also discuss the impact for neutral decay rates and spectra.


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We estimate transverse spin single spin asymmetry(TSSA) in the process e + p(up arrow) -> J/psi + X using color evaporation model of charmonium production. We take into account transverse momentum dependent(TMD) evolution of Sivers function and parton distribution function and show that the there is a reduction in the asymmetry as compared to our earlier estimates wherein the Q(2) - evolution was implemented only through DGLAP evolution of unpolarized gluon densities.


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Noncommutative geometry is a source of particle physics models with matter Lagrangians coupled to gravity. One may associate to any noncommutative space (A, H, D) its spectral action, which is defined in terms of the Dirac spectrum of its Dirac operator D. When viewing a spin manifold as a noncommutative space, D is the usual Dirac operator. In this paper, we give nonperturbative computations of the spectral action for quotients of SU(2), Bieberbach manifolds, and SU(3) equipped with a variety of geometries. Along the way we will compute several Dirac spectra and refer to applications of this computation.


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In this thesis, we test the electroweak sector of the Standard Model of particle physics through the measurements of the cross section of the simultaneous production of the neutral weak boson Z and photon γ, and the limits on the anomalous Zγγ and ZZγ triple gauge couplings h3 and h4 with the Z decaying to leptons (electrons and muons). We analyze events collected in proton-proton collisions at center of mass energy of sqrt(s) = 7 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 inverse femtobarn. The analyzed events were recorded by the Compact Muon Solenoid detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2011.

The production cross section has been measured for hard photons with transverse momentum greater than 15 GeV that are separated from the the final state leptons in the eta-phi plane by Delta R greater than 0.7, whose sum of the transverse energy of hadrons over the transverse energy of the photon in a cone around the photon with Delta R less than 0.3 is less than 0.5, and with the invariant mass of the dilepton system greater than 50 GeV. The measured cross section value is 5.33 +/- 0.08 (stat.) +/- 0.25 (syst.) +/- 0.12 (lumi.) picobarn. This is compatible with the Standard Model prediction that includes next-to-leading-order QCD contributions: 5.45 +/- 0.27 picobarn.

The measured 95 % confidence-level upper limits on the absolute values of the anomalous couplings h3 and h4 are 0.01 and 8.8E-5 for the Zγγ interactions, and, 8.6E-3 and 8.0E-5 for the ZZγ interactions. These values are also compatible with the Standard Model where they vanish in the tree-level approximation. They extend the sensitivity of the 2012 results from the ATLAS collaboration based on 1.02 inverse femtobarn of data by a factor of 2.4 to 3.1.


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A central objective in signal processing is to infer meaningful information from a set of measurements or data. While most signal models have an overdetermined structure (the number of unknowns less than the number of equations), traditionally very few statistical estimation problems have considered a data model which is underdetermined (number of unknowns more than the number of equations). However, in recent times, an explosion of theoretical and computational methods have been developed primarily to study underdetermined systems by imposing sparsity on the unknown variables. This is motivated by the observation that inspite of the huge volume of data that arises in sensor networks, genomics, imaging, particle physics, web search etc., their information content is often much smaller compared to the number of raw measurements. This has given rise to the possibility of reducing the number of measurements by down sampling the data, which automatically gives rise to underdetermined systems.

In this thesis, we provide new directions for estimation in an underdetermined system, both for a class of parameter estimation problems and also for the problem of sparse recovery in compressive sensing. There are two main contributions of the thesis: design of new sampling and statistical estimation algorithms for array processing, and development of improved guarantees for sparse reconstruction by introducing a statistical framework to the recovery problem.

We consider underdetermined observation models in array processing where the number of unknown sources simultaneously received by the array can be considerably larger than the number of physical sensors. We study new sparse spatial sampling schemes (array geometries) as well as propose new recovery algorithms that can exploit priors on the unknown signals and unambiguously identify all the sources. The proposed sampling structure is generic enough to be extended to multiple dimensions as well as to exploit different kinds of priors in the model such as correlation, higher order moments, etc.

Recognizing the role of correlation priors and suitable sampling schemes for underdetermined estimation in array processing, we introduce a correlation aware framework for recovering sparse support in compressive sensing. We show that it is possible to strictly increase the size of the recoverable sparse support using this framework provided the measurement matrix is suitably designed. The proposed nested and coprime arrays are shown to be appropriate candidates in this regard. We also provide new guarantees for convex and greedy formulations of the support recovery problem and demonstrate that it is possible to strictly improve upon existing guarantees.

This new paradigm of underdetermined estimation that explicitly establishes the fundamental interplay between sampling, statistical priors and the underlying sparsity, leads to exciting future research directions in a variety of application areas, and also gives rise to new questions that can lead to stand-alone theoretical results in their own right.


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O escopo desse trabalho é a observação de dijatos de difração simples em colisões pp com ps = 7 TeV, durante os primeiros períodos de aquisição de dados do experimento CMS/LHC. A técnica utilizada foi a medida da multiplicidade no calorímetro HF. Os dados foram analisados para diferentes períodos de aquisição de dados do ano de 2010, com ∫ Ldt ~_ 3,2 pb-1. Comparamos os dados observados com o Monte Carlo simulado com efeito de empilhamento e sem esse efeito.


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Cloud chambers were essential devices in early nuclear and particle physics research. Superseded by more modern detectors in actual research, they still remain very interesting pedagogical apparatus. This thesis attempts to give a global view on this topic. To do so, a review of the physical foundations of the diffusion cloud chamber, in which an alcohol is supersaturated by cooling it with a thermal reservoir, is carried out. Its main results are then applied to analyse the working conditions inside the chamber. The analysis remarks the importance of using an appropriate alcohol, such as isopropanol, as well as a strong cooling system, which for isopropanol needs to reach −40ºC. That theoretical study is complemented with experimental tests that were performed with what is the usual design of a home-made cloud chamber. An effective setup is established, which highlights details such as a grazing illumination, a direct contact with the cooling reservoir through a wide metal plate, or the importance of avoiding vapour removal. Apart from that, video results of different phenomena that cloud chamber allow to observe are also presented. Overall, it is aimed to present a physical insight that pedagogical papers usually lack.