925 resultados para pacs: desktop publishing
La I Trobada de Coordinadors Ambientals tuvo lugar el día 10 de mayo de 2004 en el CEP de Palma y se organizó en colaboración con el Seminario de Ambientalización de centros escolares (SACE). El autor es profesor del IES Son Pacs y miembro de SAE
Copy of widely available guide to academic writing Hartley, J., 2008. Academic writing and publishing: A practical handbook, Routledge.3. the Manchester Phrase bank (linked here too) gives example phrases for writing Also Chapter on writing introductions from book aimed at students for whom English is not their first language
Este documento pretende dar una visión general sobre que son los raster en base de datos y que ventajas aportan sobre otro tipo de almacenamiento, así como una visión particular sobre como PostGIS raster trabaja con este tipo de coberturas. En este sentido se centra sobre sus capacidades, dando también datos sobre que tipo de infraestructura es necesaria para almacenar nuestra cartografía raster en esta base de datos y en que estado se encuentra actualmente el desarrollo de este módulo. Un aspecto importante que aquí se trata y sobre el que se centra este articulo es el acceso a la información raster en postGIS desde un Sistema de Información Geográfica como es gvSIG Desktop. En el contexto del proyecto España Virtual se han realizado avances tanto en líneas de trabajo que evolucionan la parte de acceso a base de datos como la integración de un cliente en una aplicación SIG. En este caso gvSIG se ha mostrado con excelentes capacidades para el acceso a este tipo de servicios y puede ser integrado este nuevo ac eso a datos aprovechando las posibilidades de procesamiento que la aplicación ya posee. Finalmente se hace un repaso sobre otras tecnologías de este tipo que hay disponibles, haciendo una breve comparativa
Big Decisions and Sparse Data: Adapting Scientific Publishing to the Needs of Practical Conservation
The biggest challenge in conservation biology is breaking down the gap between research and practical management. A major obstacle is the fact that many researchers are unwilling to tackle projects likely to produce sparse or messy data because the results would be difficult to publish in refereed journals. The obvious solution to sparse data is to build up results from multiple studies. Consequently, we suggest that there needs to be greater emphasis in conservation biology on publishing papers that can be built on by subsequent research rather than on papers that produce clear results individually. This building approach requires: (1) a stronger theoretical framework, in which researchers attempt to anticipate models that will be relevant in future studies and incorporate expected differences among studies into those models; (2) use of modern methods for model selection and multi-model inference, and publication of parameter estimates under a range of plausible models; (3) explicit incorporation of prior information into each case study; and (4) planning management treatments in an adaptive framework that considers treatments applied in other studies. We encourage journals to publish papers that promote this building approach rather than expecting papers to conform to traditional standards of rigor as stand-alone papers, and believe that this shift in publishing philosophy would better encourage researchers to tackle the most urgent conservation problems.
Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) is gaining attention among portal developers and vendors to enable easy development, increased richness in functionality, pluggability, and flexibility of deployment. Whilst currently not supporting all WSRP functionalities, open-source portal frameworks could in future use WSRP Consumers to access remote portlets found from a WSRP Producer registry service. This implies that we need a central registry for the remote portlets and a more expressive WSRP Consumer interface to implement the remote portlet functions. This paper reports on an investigation into a new system architecture, which includes a Web Services repository, registry, and client interface. The Web Services repository holds portlets as remote resource producers. A new data structure for expressing remote portlets is found and published by populating a Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registry. A remote portlet publish and search engine for UDDI has also been developed. Finally, a remote portlet client interface was developed as a Web application. The client interface supports remote portlet features, as well as window status and mode functions. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Many well-established statistical methods in genetics were developed in a climate of severe constraints on computational power. Recent advances in simulation methodology now bring modern, flexible statistical methods within the reach of scientists having access to a desktop workstation. We illustrate the potential advantages now available by considering the problem of assessing departures from Hardy-Weinberg (HW) equilibrium. Several hypothesis tests of HW have been established, as well as a variety of point estimation methods for the parameter which measures departures from HW under the inbreeding model. We propose a computational, Bayesian method for assessing departures from HW, which has a number of important advantages over existing approaches. The method incorporates the effects-of uncertainty about the nuisance parameters--the allele frequencies--as well as the boundary constraints on f (which are functions of the nuisance parameters). Results are naturally presented visually, exploiting the graphics capabilities of modern computer environments to allow straightforward interpretation. Perhaps most importantly, the method is founded on a flexible, likelihood-based modelling framework, which can incorporate the inbreeding model if appropriate, but also allows the assumptions of the model to he investigated and, if necessary, relaxed. Under appropriate conditions, information can be shared across loci and, possibly, across populations, leading to more precise estimation. The advantages of the method are illustrated by application both to simulated data and to data analysed by alternative methods in the recent literature.