997 resultados para pé-franco
Comprend : Aperçu historique sur les arts
Fil: Salazar, Oscar. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y Diseño
Case law report - online
This study evaluated bone response to a Ca- and P- enriched titanium (Ti) surface treated by a multiphase anodic spark deposition coating (BSP-AK). Two mongrel dogs received bilateral implantation of 3 Ti cylinders (4.1 x 12 mm) in the humerus, being either BSP-AK treated or untreated (machined - control). At 8 weeks postimplantation, bone fragments containing the implants were harvested and processed for histologic and histomorphometric analyses. Bone formation was observed in cortical area and towards the medullary canal associated to approximately 1/3 of implant extension. In most cases, in the medullary area, collagen fiber bundles were detected adjacent and oriented parallel to Ti surfaces. Such connective tissue formation exhibited focal areas of mineralized matrix lined by active osteoblasts. The mean percentages of bone-to-implant contact were 2.3 (0.0-7.2 range) for BSP-AK and 0.4 (0.0-1.3 range) for control. Although the Mann-Whitney test did not detect statistically significant differences between groups, these results indicate a trend of BSP-AK treated surfaces to support contact osteogenesis in an experimental model that produces low bone-to-implant contact values.
The aim of this study is to describe the changes in nursing education during the process prior to and after the establishment of democracy in Spain. It begins with the hypothesis that differences in social and political organization influenced the way the system of nursing education evolved, keeping it in line with neopositivistic schemes and exclusively technical approaches up until the advent of democracy. The evolution of a specific profile for nursing within the educational system has been shaped by the relationship between the systems of social and political organization in Spain. To examine the insertion of subjects such as the anthropology of healthcare into education programs for Spanish nursing, one must consider the cultural, intercultural and transcultural factors that are key to understanding the changes in nursing education that allowed for the adoption of a holistic approach in the curricula. Until the arrival of democracy in 1977, Spanish nursing education was solely technical in nature and the role of nurses was limited to the tasks and procedures defined by the bureaucratic thinking characteristic of the rational-technological paradigm. Consequently, during the long period prior to democracy, nursing in Spain was under the influence of neopositivistic and technical thinking, which had its effect on educational curricula. The addition of humanities and anthropology to the curricula, which facilitated a holistic approach, occurred once nursing became a field of study at the university level in 1977, a period that coincided with the beginnings of democracy in Spain.
Non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NS CL/P) is a complex disease in which heritability estimates vary widely depending on the population studied. To evaluate the importance of genetic contribution to NS CL/P in the Brazilian population, we conducted a study with 1,042 families from five different locations (Santarem, Fortaleza, Barbalha, Maceio, and Rio de Janeiro). We also evaluated the role of consanguinity and ethnic background. The proportion of familial cases varied significantly across locations, with the highest values found in Santarem (44%) and the lowest in Maceio (23%). Heritability estimates showed a higher genetic contribution to NS CL/P in Barbalha (85%), followed by Santarem (71%), Rio de Janeiro (70%), Fortaleza (64%), and Maceio (45%). Ancestry was not correlated with the occurrence of NS CL/P or with the variability in heritability. Only in Rio de Janeiro was the coefficient of inbreeding significantly larger in NS CL/P families than in the local population. Recurrence risk for the total sample was approximately 1.5-1.6%, varying according to the location studied (0.6-0.7% in Maceio to 2.2-2.8% in Barbalha). Our findings show that the degree of genetic contribution to NS CL/P varies according to the geographic region studied, and this difference cannot be attributed to consanguinity or ancestry. These findings suggest that Barbalha is a promising region for genetic studies. The data presented here will be useful in interpreting results from molecular analyses and show that care must be taken when pooling samples from different populations for association studies. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro osteogenic potential of subcultured human osteoblastic cells derived from alveolar bone on a titanium (Ti) surface produced by an anodized alkali treatment (BSP-AK). Primary osteoblastic cells were subcultured on BSP-AK and machined Ti discs (control) and grown for periods of up to 21 days under osteogenic conditions. Morphologic and biochemical methods were used to assess important parameters of in vitro bone-like tissue formation. Although no major differences were observed between the BSP-AK and the control Ti surface in terms of cell attachment and mineralized matrix formation, a significant increase in cell population, ALP activity, and collagen content was detected in cultures on BSP-AK surface. Our results demonstrate that human osteoblastic cells are sensitive to the BSP-AK-modified Ti surface during the transitional stage between the end of the proliferative phase and the onset of the differentiation /matrix maturation ones. Together with the good mechanical properties exhibited by the Ca- and P- coating, our findings suggest that BSP-AK treatment could be useful for the development of a new surface for dental and orthopedic implants. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.J Biomed Mater Res 88A: 841-848, 2009
O presente trabalho, desenvolvido pela Diretoria de Pesquisa e Difus??o da ENAP, tem como escopo apresentar um diagn??stico da condi????o das servidoras federais, comparando-o com a situa????o nas mesmas condi????es dos servidores masculinos. Nesse diagn??stico, apresentam-se dados sobre a inser????o do segmento feminino na administra????o p??blica federal: distribui????o por minist??rios em geral e por miss??o institucional, por natureza jur??dica (autarquias e funda????es), por faixa et??ria, por cargos e carreiras, por inscri????o e habilita????o em concursos p??blicos e por cargos comissionados (DAS). Na primeira parte, ser??o apresentados os dados levantados junto ?? Secretaria de Recursos Humanos do Minist??rio da Administra????o Federal e Reforma do Estado. Em paralelo, s??o elaboradas observa????es acerca dos aspectos mais relevantes no tocante a estas distribui????es
Foi estudada a mortalidade de menores de um ano do município de Osasco, no período de 1967 a 1971, utilizando-se a mortalidade proporcional por idade, bem como os coeficientes de mortalidade infantil e coeficientes específicos de mortalidade para menores de um dia, crianças de um a 6 dias e de 7 a 27 dias. Com os resultados obtidos pretende-se caracterizar o município de Osasco como uma área não desenvolvida, quanto a este aspecto na qual está ocorrendo uma piora das condições de saúde, da assistência à infância e à maternidade, bem como do saneamento do meio.
The objective of the present study was to develop an efficient and reproducible protocol of immunization of guinea pigs with P. brasiliensis antigens as an animal model for future studies of protective immunity mechanisms. We tested three different antigens (particulate, soluble and combined) and six protocols in the presence and absence of Freund's complete adjuvant and with different numbers of immunizing doses and variable lenght of time between the last immunizing dose and challenge. The efficacy of the immunizing protocol was evaluated by measuring the humoral and cellular anti-P. brasiliensis immune response of the animals, using immuno-diffusion, skin test and macrophage migration inhibition test. It was observed that: 1. Three immunizing doses of the antigens induced a more marked response than two doses; 2. The highest immune response was obtained with the use of Freund's complete adjuvant; 3. Animals challenged a long time (week 6) after the last immunizing dose showed good anti-P. brasiliensis immune response; 4. The particulate antigen induced the lowest immune response. The soluble and the combined antigens were equally efficient in raising good humoral and cellular anti-P. brasiliensis immune response
Aquest article resumeix el desenvolupament del programa INTERREG i la cooperació a la frontera franc-britànica en els últims vint anys. Això és seguit per una anàlisi de la forma transfronterera cooperació pot entendre recorrent a les discussions conceptuals de canviar la governança europea i les relacions de poder entre els diferents nivells de govern. Aquestes idees conceptuals proporcionen un context per a un examen en profunditat de la iniciativa INTERREG IIIA, a la frontera franc-britànica que es destaquen alguns dels principals problemes i les contradiccions de la cooperació transfronterera.
The Franco-German axis has been a transcendent force behind the European integration ever since the early years of the EEC. Nevertheless, since the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, the perception of a progressive distancing between France and Germany as far as the EU politics is concerned, has increased. There has not been a definitive break in Franco-German relations. However, the influence of the Franco-German axis in the EU has been reduced in the 90s. Finally, in the Nice IGC (December 2000), the misunderstandings of these two “big” states about their weight in the Council, almost caused the failure to conclude the Treaty of Nice, clearing the way for the Eastern enlargement. The traditional balance between France and Germany has been eroded. Germany has consolidated its role of leadership in the EU, and above all towards the candidate countries. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the fifth enlargement as one of the causes of the decline of the Franco-German axis as the motor of the process of European integration.