996 resultados para oxygen partial pressure


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The Gibbs free energies of formation of strontium and barium zirconates have been determined in the temperature range 960 to 1210 K using electrochemical cells incorporating the respective alkaline-earth fluoride single crystals as solid electrolytes. Pure strontium and barium monoxides were used in the reference electrodes. During measurements on barium zirconate, the oxygen partial pressure in the gas phase over the electrodes was maintained at a low value of 18.7 Pa to minimize the solubility of barium peroxide in the monoxide phase. Strontium zirconate was found to undergo a phase transition from orthorhombic perovskite to) with space group Cmcm; D-2h(17) to tetragonal perovskite (t) having the space group 14/mcm; D-4h(18) at 1123 (+/- 10) K. Barium zirconate does not appear to undergo a phase transition in the temperature range of measurement. It has the cubic perovskite (c) structure. The standard free energies of formation of the zirconates from their component binary oxides AO (A = Sr, Ba) with rock salt (rs) and ZrO2 with monoclinic (m) structures can be expressed by the following relations:SrO (rs) + ZrO2 (m) --> SrZrO3 (o) Delta G degrees = -74,880 - 14.2T (+/-200) J mol(-1) SrO (rs) + ZrO2 (m) --> SrZrO3 (t) Delta G degrees = -73,645 - 15.3T (+/-200) J mol(-1) BaO (rs) + ZrO2 (m) --> BaZrO4 (c) Delta G degrees = -127,760 - 1.79T (+/-250) J mol(-1) The results of this study are in reasonable agreement with calorimetric measurements reported in the literature. Systematic trends in the stability of alkaline-earth zirconates having the stoichiometry AZrO(3) are discussed.


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A simple method for the preparation of monophasic beta-SiAlON using nitridation of Si and AIN with an oxygen partial pressure of 10(-4) atm is described. The effect of the AlN/Si ratio in the initial mixture on the formation of beta-SiAlON is discussed. The likely mechanism of the formation of beta-SiAlON is outlined.


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The standard Gibbs energies of formation of lanthanum orthoferrite (LaFeO3-delta) and hexaferrite (LaFe12O19)were determined using solid-state electrochemical cells incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at ambient pressure as the reference electrode. From emf of the solid-state cell, the Gibbs energy of formation of nonstoichiometric orthoferrite (LaFeO3-delta) is obtained. To derive values for the stoichiometric phase, variation of the oxygen nonstoichiometric parameter with oxygen partial pressure was measured using thermogravimetry under controlled gas mixtures. The results obtained for LaFeO3 and LaFe12O19 can be summarized by the following equations, which represent the formation of ternary oxides from their component binary oxides: 1/2 La2O3 + 1/2 Fe2O3 -> LaFeO3: Delta G degrees (LaFeO3) (+/- 450) (J mol(-1)) = -62920 - 2.12T (K), and 1/2 La2O3 + 9/2Fe(2)O(3) + Fe3O4 -> LaFe12O19; Delta G degrees (LaFe12O19) (+/- 200) (J mol(-1)) = -103900 + 21.25T (K). These data are discussed critically in comparison with thermodynamic values reported in the literature from a variety of measurements. The values obtained in this study are consistent with calorimetric entropy and enthalpy of formation of the perovskite phase and with some of the Gibbs energy measurements reported in the literature. For the lanthanum hexaferrite (LaFe12O19) there are no prior thermodynamic measurements for comparison. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aluminium nitride (AlN)-Al matrices reinforced with Al2O3 particulate have been fabricated by reactive infiltration of Al-2% Mg alloy into Al2O3 preforms in N-2 in the temperature range of 900-1075 degreesC. The growth of composites of useful thickness was facilitated by the presence of a Mg-rich external getter, in the absence of which composite growth is self-limiting and terminates prematurely. Successful growth of composites has been attributed to the reduction in residual oxygen partial pressure brought about by the reaction with oxygen of highly volatile Mg in the getter alloy. The microstructure of the matrix consists of AlN-rich regions contiguous with the particulate with metal-rich channels in-between, thereby suggesting that nitridation initiates by preferential wicking of alloy along the particle surfaces. The increase in nitride content of the matrix with temperature is consistent with hardness values that vary between similar to3 and 10 GPa. (C) 2002 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thin films of ferroelectric ABi2Ta2O9 bismuth-layered structure, where A = Ba, Sr and Ca, were prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si(100) substrates. The influence of substrate temperature between 500 to 750°C, and oxygen partial pressure 100-300 mTorr, on the structural and electrical properties of the films was investigated. The films deposited above 650°C substrate temperature showed complete Aurivillius layered structure. Films annealed at 750°C for 1h in oxygen atmosphere have exhibited better electrical properties. Atomic force microscopy study of surface topography shows that the films grown at lower temperature has smaller grains and higher surface roughness. This paper discusses the pronounced influence of A-site cation substitution on the structural and ferroelectric properties with the aid of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and electrical properties. The degradation of ferroelectric properties with Ba and Ca substitution at A-sites is attributed to the higher structural distortion caused by changing tolerance factor. A systematic proportionate variation of coercive field is attributed to electronegativity difference of A-site cations.


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Titanium dioxide films have been deposited using DC magnetron sputtering technique onto well-cleaned p-silicon substrates at an oxygen partial pressure of 7 x 10(-5) mbar and at a sputtering pressure (Ar + O-2) Of I X 10(-3) mbar. The deposited films were calcinated at 673 and 773 K. The composition of the films as analyzed using Auger electron spectroscopy reveals the stoichiometry with an 0 and Ti ratio 2.08. The influence of post-deposition annealing at 673 and 773 K on the structural properties of the titanium dioxide thin films have been studied using XRD and Raman scattering. The structure of the films deposited at the ambient was found to be amorphous and the films annealed at temperature 673 K and above were crystalline with anatase structure. The lattice constants, grain size, microstrain and the dislocation density of the film are calculated and correlated with annealing temperature. The Raman scattering study was performed on the as-deposited and annealed samples and the existence of Raman active modes A(1g), B-1g and E-g corresponding to the Raman shifts are studied and reported. The improvement of crystallinity of the TiO2 films was also studied using Raman scattering studies. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Silicon oxide films were deposited by reactive evaporation of SiO. Parameters such as oxygen partial pressure and substrate temperature were varied to get variable and graded index films. Films with a refractive index in the range 1.718 to 1.465 at 550 nm have been successfully deposited. Films deposited using ionized oxygen has the refractive index 1.465 at 550 nm and good UV transmittance like bulk fused quartz. Preparation of graded index films was also investigated by changing the oxygen partial pressure during deposition. A two layer antireflection coating at 1064nm has been designed using both homogeneous and inhomogeneous films and studied their characteristics.


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he thermodynamic properties of mono- and dicalcium stannates have been determined in the temperature range 973–-1423°K from the electromotive force measurements on solid oxide galvanic cells[dformula Pt, Ni + NiO//CaO - ZrO[sub 2]/Y[sub 2]0[sub 3] - ThO[sub 2]//SnO[sub 2] + Sn, W, Pt][dformula Pt, Ni + NiO//CaO - ZrO[sub 2]/Y[sub 2]O[sub 3] - ThO[sub 2]//CaSnO[sub 3] + SnO[sub 2] + Sn, W, Pt][dformula Pt, Ni + NiO//CaO - ZrO[sub 2]/Y[sub 2]O[sub 3] - ThO[sub 2]/Ca[sub 2]SnO[sub 4] + CaSnO[sub 3] + Sn, W, Pt]and [dformula Pt, Ni + NiO//CaO - ZrO[sub 2]sol;Y[sub 2]O[sub 3] - ThO[sub 2]//Ca[sub 2]SnO[sub 4] + CaO, W, Pt] The Gibbs free energy changes accompanying the formation of the stannates from component oxides may be represented by the equations[dformula 2CaO + SnO[sub 2] --> Ca[sub 2]SnO[sub 4]][dformula Delta G[degree] = - 17,040 + 0.85T ([plus-minus]300) cal][dformula CaO + SnO[sub 2] --> CaSnO[sub 3]][dformula Delta G[degree] = - 17,390 + 2.0T ([plus-minus]300) cal]The partial pressures of the tin bearing oxide species resulting from the decomposition of the stannates have been calculated as a function of the oxygen partial pressure by combining the results of this study with published information on the partial pressures and composition of oxide species over stannic oxide.


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The compositions of the (Mn,Co)O solid solution with rock salt structure in equilibrium with (Mn,Co)Cr2O4 and (Mn,Co)Al2O4 spinel solid solutions have been determined by X-ray diffraction measurements at 1100° C and an oxygen partial pressure of 10–10 atm. The ion exchange equilibria are quantitatively analysed, using values for activities in the (Mn,Co)O solid solution available in the literature, in order to obtain activities in the spinel solid solutions. The MnAl2O4-CoAl2O4 solid solution exhibits negative deviations from Raoult's law, consistent with the estimated cation disorder in the solid solution, while the MnCr2O4-CoCr2O4 solid solution shows slightly positive deviations. The difference in the Gibbs free energy of formation of the two pure chromites and aluminates derived from the results of this study are in good agreement with recent results obtained from solid oxide galvanic cells and gas-equilibrium techniques.


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The standard Gibbs energies of formation of platinum-rich intermetallic compounds in the systems Pt-Mg, Pt-Ca, and Pt-Ba have been measured in the temperature range of 950 to 1200 K using solid-state galvanic cells based on MgF2, CaF2, and BaF2 as solid electrolytes. The results are summarized by the following equations: ΔG° (MgPt7) = −256,100 + 16.5T (±2000) J/mol ΔG° (MgPt3) = −217,400 + 10.7T (±2000) J/mol ΔG° (CaPt5) = −297,500 + 13.0T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (Ca2Pt7) = −551,800 + 22.3T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (CaPt2) = −245,400 + 9.3T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (BaPt5) = −238,700 + 8.1T (±4000) J/mol ΔG° (BaPt2) = −197,300 + 4.0T (±4000) J/mol where solid platinum and liquid alkaline earth metals are selected as the standard states. The relatively large error estimates reflect the uncertainties in the auxiliary thermodynamic data used in the calculation. Because of the strong interaction between platinum and alkaline earth metals, it is possible to reduce oxides of Group ILA metals by hydrogen at high temperature in the presence of platinum. The alkaline earth metals can be recovered from the resulting intermetallic compounds by distillation, regenerating platinum for recycling. The platinum-slag-gas equilibration technique for the study of the activities of FeO, MnO, or Cr2O3 in slags containing MgO, CaO, or BaO is feasible provided oxygen partial pressure in the gas is maintained above that corresponding to the coexistence of Fe and “FeO.”


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The high temperature ceramic oxide superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-x (1–2–3 compound) is generally synthesized in an oxygen-rich environment. Hence any method for determining its thermodynamic stability should operate at a high oxygen partial pressure. A solid-state cell incorporating CaF2 as the electrolyte and functioning under pure oxygen at a pressure of 1·01 × 105 Pa has been employed for the determination of the Gibbs’ energy of formation of the 1–2–3 compound. The configuration of the galvanic cell can be represented by: Pt, O2, YBa2Cu3O7−x , Y2BaCuO5, CuO, BaF2/CaF2/BaF2, BaZrO3, ZrO2, O2, Pt. Using the values of the standard Gibbs’ energy of formation of the compounds BaZrO3 and Y2BaCuO5 from the literature, the Gibbs’ energy of formation of the 1–2–3 compound from the constituent binary oxides has been computed at different temperatures. The value ofx at each temperature is determined by the oxygen partial pressure. At 1023 K for O content of 6·5 the Gibbs’ energy of formation of the 1–2–3 compound is −261·7 kJ mol−1.


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The standard Gibbs' free energies of formation of compounds of type Cu2L%05 (Ln = Tb,Dy,Er,Yb) were measured using the solid state cell in the temperature range of 970 to 1323 K For formation of Cu2L?O5 compounds from their binary component oxides according to the reaction 2 CUO (s) + L%03 (s) -, Cu,,L%05 (s),the Gibbs' free energy changes can be represented by the following equations:AGO = 13 080 - 13.70 'I" (+80) J mol-' (Ln = Tb)AGq = 11 480 - 13.51 T (260) J mol-I (Ln = Dy)AGO = 10 750 - 13.99 T (260) J mol-I (Ln = Er)AGO = 9 920 - 13.90 T (260) J mol-' (Ln = Yb) Since formation of the compounds is endothermic, the compounds become thermodynamically unstable with respect to their component oxides below 955 K for Cu2Tb205, 850 K for Cu2Dy205, 768 K for Cu2Er205 and 714 K for Cu2Yb2OS When the oxygen partial pressure over Cu2L%05 is lowered, they decompose according to the scheme, 2 CU,L%O, (s) -r 2 L%03 (s) +2 cu20 (s) + 02(g)The equilibrium chemical potentials of oxygen corresponding to the dissociation reactions are computed from the emf data and auxiliary information on Cu20 and CuO. The computed decomposition temperatures at an oxygen partial pressure of 5.0 x ld Pa are compared with those obtained directly from combined thermogravimetric (TGA) and differential thermal analyses (DTA).The free energy, enthalpy and entropy of formation of Cu2Ln205 compounds show systematic variation with the ionic radius of the trivalent lanthanide ion. The trends obtained in this study are compared with information available in the literature. The staZbility of Cu2Ln205 compounds increases with the decrease in ionic radii of the ~ n ion~. +


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Activities of FeCr2O4 in the spinel solid solutions Fe X Mg1−X Cr2O4 (0oxygen partial pressure corresponding to the two three-phase regions, Fe + Fe X Mg1−X Cr2O4 + Cr2O3 and Fe + Fe Y Mg1−Y O + Fe X Mg1−X Cr2O4, have been evaluated as a function of composition at 1200 K.


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Structure and phase transition of LaO1−xF1+2x, prepared by solid-state reaction of La2O3 and LaF3, was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry for both positive and negative values of the nonstoichiometric parameter x. The electrical conductivity was investigated as a function of temperature and oxygen partial pressure using AC impedance spectroscopy. Fluoride ion was identified as the migrating species in LaOF by coulometric titration and transport number determined by Tubandt technique and EMF measurements. Activation energy for conduction in LaOF was 58.5 (±0.8) kJ/mol. Conductivity increased with increasing fluorine concentration in the oxyfluoride phase, suggesting that interstitial fluoride ions are more mobile than vacancies. Although the values of ionic conductivity of cubic LaOF are lower, the oxygen partial pressure range for predominantly ionic conduction is larger than that for the commonly used stabilized-zirconia electrolytes. Thermodynamic analysis shows that the oxyfluoride is stable in atmospheres containing diatomic oxygen. However, the oxyfluoride phase can degrade with time at high temperatures in atmospheres containing water vapor, because of the higher stability of HF compared with H2O.


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he standard Gibbs energy of formation of CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) from CaTiO3, CuO and TiO2 has been determined as a function of temperature from 925 to 1350 K using a solid-state electrochemical cell with yttria-stabilized zirconia as the solid electrolyte. Combining this result with information in the literature on CaTiO3, the standard Gibbs energy of formation of CCTO from its component binary oxides, CaO, CuO and TiO2, has been obtained: View the MathML source (CaCu3Ti4O12)/J mol−1 (±600) = −125231 + 6.57 (T/K). The oxygen chemical potential corresponding to the reduction of CCTO to CaTiO3, TiO2 and Cu2O has been calculated from the electrochemical measurements as a function of temperature and compared on an Ellingham diagram with those for the reduction of CuO to Cu2O and Cu2O to Cu. The oxygen partial pressures corresponding to the reduction reactions at any chosen temperature can be read using the nomograms provided on either side of the diagram. The effect of the oxygen partial pressure on phase relations in the pseudo-ternary system CaO–CuO/Cu2O–TiO2 at 1273 K has been evaluated. The phase diagrams allow identification of secondary phases that may form during the synthesis of the CCTO under equilibrium conditions. The secondary phases may have a significant effect on the extrinsic component of the colossal dielectric response of CCTO.