986 resultados para ossidazione parziale catalitica del metano rodio ceria allumina coprecipitazione


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The Early Years Generalizing Project (EYGP) involves Australian years 1 to 4 (age 5 to 9) students and investigates how they grasp and express generalizations. This paper focuses on data collected from 6 Year 1 students in an exploratory study within a clinical interview setting that required students to identify function rules. Preliminary findings suggest that the use of gestures (both by students and interviewers), self-talk (by students), and concrete acting out, assisted students to reach generalizations and to begin to express these generalities. It also appears that as students became aware of the structure, their use of gestures and selftalk tended to decrease.


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Objetivo Establecer una posible relación entre la fuerza (Jamar), el dolor (EVA) y la capacidad funcional referida por el paciente (DASH) determinando en qué grado influyen unas en otras. Estudio observacional transversal analítico. Participantes Muestra de 72 pacientes que presentaban una artrosis trapecio metacarpiana grado 2-3 de Eaton. Los pacientes fueron reclutados cuando acudían a la Unidad de Cirugía de mano. Método Se realizaron mediciones de fuerza de agarre, pinza, valoración del dolor y funcionalidad, y se establecieron las correlaciones entre cada una de ellas. Resultados El modelo más significativo para la función (R2 =0.83) incluye la variable dolor y la fuerza. Pero es la fuerza punta contra punta la que presenta una mayor correlación con el cuestionario DASH (B-estandarizado: â57). Respecto al dolor, influye en todas las mediciones de fuerza realizadas con el dinamómetro, siendo también la fuerza de la pinza punta contra punta la que presenta una mayor correlación. Conclusiones Los hallazgos corroboran que existe una correlación significativa entre la función referida por el paciente y variables que podemos medir en consulta, como la fuerza del puño y la pinza. Pero también esta correlación es significativa entre las variables función y dolor entre sí, pero es la pinza punta contra punta la que presenta una mayor asociación con el cuestionario DASH. Abstract in English Objective To assess the relationship between muscle strength (Jama), and pain (VAS) levels with hand function (DASH) in patients with trapeziometarcapal osteoarthritis. Cross-sectional study. Participants Sample of 72 patients with osteoarthritis stage 2-3 (Eaton) and trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis. Patients were recruited when they came to the Hand Surgery Unit. Method Grip strength, pinch, pain and hand function were measured, and correlation and regression coefficients between them were obtained. Results For function, the most significant model (R2 = 0.83) included pain and strength. But it is tip to tip pinch force which has a stronger relationship with DASH (Standardized B: â57) questionnaire. Pain also influenced strength measured with the dynamometer but it was tip to tip pinch force that was the most affected. Conclusions Findings confirm that there is a significant correlation between function referred by the patient and variables that can be measured in the clinic such as grip strength and pinch. The correlation between pain intensity and function was also significant, but tip to tip pinch strength had the greatest impact on the function.


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Objetivo El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar las Etapas del cambio en relación con la actividad física y el estado de salud general entre personas que participaron en un Programa de promoción de la actividad física (PPAF) de 12 semanas frente a un grupo control. Diseño Ensayo clínico aleatorizado. Participantes Noventa y ocho personas inactivas de ambos sexos con una edad media de 62,82 años procedentes de 2 centros de Atención Primaria del Distrito Sanitario Costa del Sol. Intervención Un PPAF organizado en grupos y siguiendo los criterios del Colegio Americano de Medicina del Deporte, 2 sesiones semanales de 60 min durante 12 semanas. Mediciones principales La variable principal de resultado fue resistencia al cambio en relación con la actividad física. La variable secundaria fue el estado de salud general (componentes físicos y mentales), determinado con el cuestionario de salud general SF12. Resultados Se encontraron diferencias significativas en las etapas del cambio a favor del grupo experimental (p < 0,05). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre grupos después de la intervención en el estado general de salud. Conclusión Las etapas del cambio se modificaron en las personas inactivas que realizaron el PPAF en Atención Primaria. Futuros estudios son necesarios para identificar qué factores del entorno de los participantes influyen en la resistencia al cambio de la actividad física. Abstract Objective This study has aimed to evaluate the stages of change in relation to physical activity and overall health status among persons who participated in a 12-week Physical activity promotion program (PAPP) compared to a control group. Design Randomized clinical trial. Participants The study included 98 inactive persons of both sexes with a mean age of 62.82 years from 2 of Primary Care Centers of the Malaga Health Care District. Interventions A PAPP organized in groups according to the American College of Sports Medicine criteria including two weekly sessions of 60 minutes each for 3 months. Main measures The primary outcome was to assess resistance to change in relation to physical activity. The secondary variable was overall health (physical and mental components) determined with the SF12 general health questionnaire. Results Significant differences were found in the stages of change (P<.05). There were no significant differences found in general health status improvement in regards to the initial assessment. Conclusion The stages of change were modified in the inactive persons who carried out the PAPP in Primary Care. Future studies are needed to identify which environmental factors influence the resistance to change in physical activity of the participants.


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The study of 1777 male and female adolescent students of 11-19 years in the Colombian Caribbean had two objectives: development and validation of two reproductive health intention scales and analyze gender differences. The pilot of the scale consisted of 8 items and was reduced to 6, to check the reliability and validity using factor analysis and principal components with VARIMAX rotation yielded two factors: Intention and Intention Risk Protection, explained between 69.4% and 70% respectively. In the male Protection Intent (M = 3.87 and SD = 1.29) and risk (M = 2.56 and SD = 1.18) obtained an alpha between 0.74 and 0.86, and in Protection of Intent to female (M = 3.49 and SD = 1.35) and risk (M = 1.50 and SD = 0.89) ranged between 0.78 and 086. In conclusion, the reliability and structural stability are adequate and there are gender differences in the scales.


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Prepositioner är välkända fÃr sin polysemi eller betydelsemÃ¥ngfald, och utgÃ¥ngspunkten fÃr den här uppsatsen har varit ett intresse av att undersÃka om det är mÃjligt att fÃr en av de mest mÃ¥ngtydiga spanska prepositionerna, DE, finna en sammanhängande semantisk struktur, eller om det är nÃdvändigt att se de olika betydelserna som inbÃrdes orelaterade. FÃr att utreda den här frÃ¥gan och ge den ett diakroniskt perspektiv undersÃker jag i den här uppsatsen användningen av den spanska prepositionen DE i tvÃ¥ romaner ur den spanska litteraturhistorien, Libro del caballero Zifar och El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, del I. Uppsatsen bestÃ¥r av tre delar. I kapitel tvÃ¥ ger jag en teoretisk Ãversikt Ãver spanskans prepositionssystem och prepositionerna beskrivs bÃ¥de ur syntaktisk och semantisk synvinkel. Dessutom presenteras den kognitiva grammatiken och dess synsätt pÃ¥ prepositioner. Huvuddelen av arbetet koncentrerar sig pÃ¥ att presentera prepositionen DE pÃ¥ tvÃ¥ sätt och enligt tvÃ¥ skilda metoder. I kapitel tre presenteras de olika kontextuella användningarna av DE enligt den traditionella, historisk-komparativa metoden. Med utgÃ¥ngspunkt i dessa kontextuella användningar ställer jag i kapitel fyra med stÃd av den kognitiva grammatikens begreppssystem upp en semantisk nätverksmodell av de olika betydelser som jag fastställt fÃr DE i den funktionella analysen. FÃr den semantiska beskrivningen har jag använt mig av den kognitiva grammatiken, eftersom denna grammatikuppfattning i motsats till den traditionella grammatiken ser polysemin som regel och utgÃ¥ngspunkt i den semantiska strukturen. Analysdelen av uppsatsen inleds med den funktionella presentationen av användningarna av DE av tvÃ¥ grundläggande skäl: FÃr det fÃrsta anser jag det ändamÃ¥lsenligt att fÃr den semantiska beskrivningen ha en solid bas av exempel där användningen av DE analyserats med hänsyn till kontexten. Kapitel tre är därfÃr indelat i fyra huvuddelar, enligt vilken ordklass DEs huvudord tillhÃr, t.ex.: substantiv, adjektiv, verb. I exemplen i den fjärde gruppen fungerar prepositionsfrasen som inleds av DE som en mer fristÃ¥ende bestämning pÃ¥ frasnivÃ¥, där huvudordets ordklasstillhÃrighet inte är av avgÃrande betydelse. FÃr det andra utgÃ¥r jag frÃ¥n att en viss utveckling av DE har skett under de 300 Ã¥r som tidsmässigt skiljer de bÃ¥da romanerna Ã¥t, bÃ¥de vad gäller dess användning och dess semantik. FÃr att komma underfund med och beskriva utsträckningen hos denna utveckling är det nÃdvändigt att den komparativa delen presenteras innan den semantiska beskrivningen kan inledas. Resultaten av den komparativa analysen är att ett antal smärre skillnader i användningen fÃrekommer, men detta till trots har ingen betydande semantisk utveckling kunnat iakttas. Detta innebär att den semantiska beskrivningen av DE kan gÃras utifrÃ¥n ett relativt enhetligt material. Jag har fÃljaktligen ocksÃ¥ kunnat ställa upp en enhetlig semantisk nätverksmodell av tolv olika, relaterade betydelser hos DE. UtgÃ¥ende frÃ¥n mitt material är det sÃ¥lunda mÃjligt att se DEs polysemi som ett sammanhängande nätverk, trots att vissa av betydelserna kan verka sinsemellan motstridiga och att 300 Ã¥r skiljer Ã¥t de tvÃ¥ bÃckerna. Nyckelord: prepositioner, DE: semantik och användning, polysemi, kognitiv grammatik, diakroni


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Tutkimuksen aihe on subjektipronominin ei-pakollinen käyttà finiittisten verbimuotojen yhteydessä espanjan ja portugalin kielessä. Tutkimuskohteena ovat yksikÃn ensimmäisen persoonan verbimuodot Espanjassa ja Portugalissa kerätyissä puhekielen korpuksissa. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää, mitkä semanttiset ja pragmaattiset tekijät vaikuttavat subjektipronominin ei-pakollisen käytÃn yleisyyteen ja mitä systemaattisia eroja subjektipronominin käytÃssä on espanjan ja portugalin välillä. Tutkimus kuuluu korpuslingvistiikan alaan ja ensisijaisena tutkimusmetodina on kvantitatiivinen vertailu. Tutkimus osoittaa, että yksikÃn ensimmäisen persoonan subjektipronominin ei-pakollinen käyttà on käytännÃssä kaikissa konteksteissa yleisempää portugalissa kuin espanjassa. Tätä eroa voidaan selittää kielten konstituenttirakenteen typologisella erilaisuudella. Subjektin semanttinen rooli on tutkimuksen perusteella sidoksissa subjektipronominin käyttÃÃn enemmän espanjassa kuin portugalissa, mutta kummassakaan kielessä subjektipronominin käyttÃä ei voida selittää pelkästään subjektin semanttisella roolilla. Molemmissa kielissä samanviitteisyys edellisen subjektin kanssa vähentää subjektipronominin käyttÃä, kun taas subjektipronominin ei-referentiaalinen käyttà ja toisaalta verbin ilmaiseman toiminnan irreaalisuus lisäävät sitä. Tutkimustulokset antavat aihetta lisätutkimukseen pronominien ja verbien ei-referentiaalisesta ja irreaalisesta käytÃstä espanjassa ja portugalissa sekä typologi-seen tutkimukseen subjektipronominien käyttÃÃn vaikuttavista tekijÃistä eri kielissä.


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Prickly acacia, a Weed of National Significance or WONS, is a serious problem in Queensland particularly the Mitchell grass downs where it was once planted to provide shade for livestock. The chapter summarises current knowledge about the taxonomy, biology, distribution, ecology, impacts and biological control of the weed. Queensland has been trying to achieve biological control of prickly acacia since 1980 when it began foreign exploration in Pakistan. Since then further exploration was undertaken in Kenya, South Africa and presently India. Six insects have been released in Queensland but only two of these are established. Greater emphasis is being placed on climate matching, plant response to herbivory and genotype matching in present work and it is hoped that this approach will allow more rigorous evaluations of agent performance and better understanding of reasons for success or failure of agents.


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The objective of my dissertation Pull (or Draught, or Moves) at the Parnassus , is to provide a deeper understanding of Nordic Middle Class radicalism of the 1960 s as featured in Finland-Swedish literature. My approach is cultural materialist in a broad sense; social class is regarded a crucial aspect of the contents and contexts of the novels and literary discussions explored. In the first volume, Middle Class With A Human Face , novels by Christer Kihlman, Jarl SjÃblom, Marianne Alopaeus, and Ulla-Lena Lundberg, respectively, are read from the points of view of place, emotion, and power. The term "cryptotope" is used to designate the hidden places found to play an important role in all of these four narratives. Also, the "chronotope of the provincial small town", described by Mikhail Bakhtin in 1938, is exemplified in Kihlman s satirical novel, as is the chronotope of of war (Algeria, Vietnam) in those of Alopaeus and Lundberg s. All the four novels signal changes in the way general "scripts of emotions", e.g. jealousy, are handled and described. The power relations in the novels are also read, with reference to Michel Foucault. As the protagonists in two of them work as journalists, a critical discussion about media and Bourgeois hegemony is found; the term "repressive legitimation" is created to grasp these patterns of manipulation. The Modernist Debate , part II of the study, concerns a literary discussion between mainly Finland-Swedish authors and critics. Essayist Johannes Salminen (40) provided much of the fuel for the debate in 1963, questioning the relevance to contemporary life of the Finland-Swedish modernist tradition of the 1910 s and 1920 s. In 1965, a group of younger authors and critics, including poet Claes Andersson (28), followed up this critique in a debate taking place mainly in the newspaper Vasabladet. Poets Rabbe Enckell (62), Bo Carpelan (39) and others defended a timeless poetry. This debate is contextualized and the changing literary field is analyzed using concepts provided by sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. In the thesis, the historical moment of Middle Class radicalism with a human face is regarded a temporary luxury that new social groups could afford themselves, as long as they were knocking over the statues and symbols of the Old Bourgeoisie. This is not to say that all components of the Sixties strategy have lost their power. Some of them have survived and even grown, others remain latent in the gene bank of utopias, waiting for new moments of change.


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La presenta investigación centra su atención en evaluar el impacto de las Condiciones de Trabajo en la Calidad de Vida Laboral del talento humano de sector manufacturero de la región Caribe colombiana. Para analizar este proceso se entrevistaron a 518 empleados del sector. El diseño utilizado fue no experimental de tipo transversal descriptivo, puesto que a cada participante se le aplicó una entrevista con el instrumento de Condiciones de Trabajo y la Herramienta de Calidad de Vida Laboral (Condiciones Salariales y Subjetivas). Los datos fueron analizados mediante análisis de correlación y modelos de regresión logística. Los resultados mostraron que el ambiente térmico y las normas de seguridad en el trabajo afectan de forma positiva la Calidad de Vida Laboral de los empleados del sector. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que la relación entre las condiciones de trabajo y la CVL se basa en la competencia y distan de ser una relación lineal y simple relacionada con la consideración de la presencia o la ausencia de las condiciones de trabajo. Ello tiene implicaciones a la hora de formular políticas, programas e intervenciones para prevenir, erradicar y amortiguar los efectos negativos de las condiciones de trabajo y mejorar la seguridad industrial dentro de las empresas.


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The increasing rate of pregnancies in teenagers and the high incident of the infections of sexual transmission (HIV/ AIDS, for example), these are health related issues (and especially the sexual and reproductive health), which have received great attention on the part of investigators and of the public opinion in general. Recently, there has been evidenced that teenagers carry out very easily risk sexual behaviors, and those who have not presented the above mentioned behaviors also show high levels of intention to carry out them. There is the hypothesis that besides cognitive variables such as attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and intention, the personality of the young persons is an aspect that plays an important paper in their sexual and reproductive health. Significant correlations were found between the variales of the TPB and the personality traits; the results suggest that the direction of these correlations is associated with the specific type of behavior or situation that is assessed. Keywords: personality, theory of planned behavior, adolescents, reproductive sexuality.