956 resultados para ore deposit


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The chemical compositions, modal mineralogy, and textural variability of interstitial minerals in sandstones of the Athabasca Group strata in the vicinity of the McArthur River unconformity-related uranium deposit were characterized using a combination of short wave infrared spectroscopy (SWIR), lithogeochemistry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and laser ablation mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to determine the residence sites of pathfinder trace elements. The importance of integrating in-situ mineral chemistry with whole-rock analyses resides in the possibility to establish the mineralogical and paragenetic context of geochemical signatures in defining the footprint of the deposit. Located in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada, the deposit is situated below ~550 m of quartz arenitic sandstones that are strongly silicified between depths of approximately 200-400 m. The silicified layer exhibits significant control on the distribution of alteration minerals, and appears to have restricted both the primary and secondary dispersion of pathfinder trace elements, which include U, radiogenic Pb isotopes, V, Ni, Co, Cu, Mo, As, Zn, and REEs. Diagenetic background sandstones contain assemblages of illite, dickite, aluminum-phosphate-sulfate (APS) minerals, apatite, and Fe-Ti oxide minerals. Altered sandstones contain assemblages of Al-Mg chlorite (sudoite), alkali-deficient dravite, APS minerals, kaolinite, illite, and oxide minerals. Throughout the sandstones, APS minerals account for the majority of the Sr and LREE concentrations, whereas late pre-ore chlorite, containing up to 0.1 wt.% Ni, accounts for the majority of Ni concentrations. Cobalt, Cu, Mo, and Zn occur predominantly in cryptic sub-micron sulfide and sulfarsenide inclusions in clay mineral aggregates and in association with paragenetically-late Fe-Ti oxides. Uranium occurs predominantly in cryptic micro-inclusions associated with pyrite in late-stage quartz overgrowths, and with paragenetically late Fe-Ti oxide micro-inclusions in kaolinite. Additionally, up to 0.2 wt.% U is cryptically distributed in post-ore Fe-oxide veins. Early diagenetic apatite, monazite and apatite inclusions in detrital quartz, and detrital zircon also contribute significant U and HREE to samples analyzed with an aggressive leach such as Aqua Regia. Detailed LA-ICP-MS chemical mapping of interstitial assemblages, detrital grains, and cements provides new insights into the distribution and inventory of pathfinder elements in the footprint of the McArthur River uranium deposit.


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Microwave reduction testing using activated charcoal as a reducing agent was performed on a sample of Black Thor chromite ore from the Ring of Fire deposit in Northern Ontario. First, a thermodynamic model was constructed for the system. Activity coefficients for several species were found in the literature. The model predicted chromium grades of 61.60% and recoveries of 93.43% for a 15% carbon addition. Next, reduction testing on the chromite ore was performed. Tests were performed at increasing power levels and reduction times. Testing atmospheres used were air, argon, and vacuum. The reduced product had maximum grades of 72.89% and recoveries of 80.37%. These maximum values were obtained in the same test where an argon atmosphere was used, with a carbon addition of 15%, optimal power level of 1200 W (actual 1171 W), and a time of 400 seconds. During this test, 17.53% of the initial mass was lost as gas, a carbon grade of 1.95% was found for the sintered core product. Additional work is recommended to try and purify the sintered core product as well as reduce more of the initial sample. Changing reagent schemes or a two step reduction / separation process could be implemented.


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In Theodore v Mistford Pty Ltd [2005] HCA 45, the High Court considered certain principles governing the creation of an equitable mortgage by the deposit of a title deed as first developed by the English courts of equity with respect to old system conveyancing. The decision will be of interest to Queensland practitioners as it concerned the application of these equitable principles to Torrens land regulated by the provisions of the Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) and, in particular, the operation of s 75 of the Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) which provides: (i) An equitable mortgage of a lot may be created by leaving a certificate of title with the mortgagee (ii) Subsection (1) does not affect the ways in which an equitable mortgage may be created.


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Open pit mine operations are complex businesses that demand a constant assessment of risk. This is because the value of a mine project is typically influenced by many underlying economic and physical uncertainties, such as metal prices, metal grades, costs, schedules, quantities, and environmental issues, among others, which are not known with much certainty at the beginning of the project. Hence, mining projects present a considerable challenge to those involved in associated investment decisions, such as the owners of the mine and other stakeholders. In general terms, when an option exists to acquire a new or operating mining project, , the owners and stock holders of the mine project need to know the value of the mining project, which is the fundamental criterion for making final decisions about going ahead with the venture capital. However, obtaining the mine project’s value is not an easy task. The reason for this is that sophisticated valuation and mine optimisation techniques, which combine advanced theories in geostatistics, statistics, engineering, economics and finance, among others, need to be used by the mine analyst or mine planner in order to assess and quantify the existing uncertainty and, consequently, the risk involved in the project investment. Furthermore, current valuation and mine optimisation techniques do not complement each other. That is valuation techniques based on real options (RO) analysis assume an expected (constant) metal grade and ore tonnage during a specified period, while mine optimisation (MO) techniques assume expected (constant) metal prices and mining costs. These assumptions are not totally correct since both sources of uncertainty—that of the orebody (metal grade and reserves of mineral), and that about the future behaviour of metal prices and mining costs—are the ones that have great impact on the value of any mining project. Consequently, the key objective of this thesis is twofold. The first objective consists of analysing and understanding the main sources of uncertainty in an open pit mining project, such as the orebody (in situ metal grade), mining costs and metal price uncertainties, and their effect on the final project value. The second objective consists of breaking down the wall of isolation between economic valuation and mine optimisation techniques in order to generate a novel open pit mine evaluation framework called the ―Integrated Valuation / Optimisation Framework (IVOF)‖. One important characteristic of this new framework is that it incorporates the RO and MO valuation techniques into a single integrated process that quantifies and describes uncertainty and risk in a mine project evaluation process, giving a more realistic estimate of the project’s value. To achieve this, novel and advanced engineering and econometric methods are used to integrate financial and geological uncertainty into dynamic risk forecasting measures. The proposed mine valuation/optimisation technique is then applied to a real gold disseminated open pit mine deposit to estimate its value in the face of orebody, mining costs and metal price uncertainties.


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In this paper, a generic and flexible optimisation methodology is developed to represent, model, solve and analyse the iron ore supply chain system by integrating of iron ore shipment, stockpiles and railing within a whole system. As a result, an integrated train-stockpile-ship timetable is created and optimised for improving efficiency of overall supply chain system. The proposed methodology provides better decision making on how to significantly improve rolling stock utilisation with the best cost-effectiveness ratio. Based on extensive computational experiments and analysis, insightful and quantitative advices are suggested for iron ore mine industry practitioners. The proposed methodology contributes to the sustainability of the environment by reducing pollution due to better utilisation of transportation resources and fuel.


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Before even thinking of approaching charitable trusts for funding, consideration needs to be given to a whole range of issues. As with many endeavours, preparation paves the way for success...


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Fossils and sediments preserved in caves are an excellent source of information for investigating impacts of past environmental changes on biodiversity. Until recently studies have relied on morphology-based palaeontological approaches, but recent advances in molecular analytical methods offer excellent potential for extracting a greater array of biological information from these sites. This study presents a thorough assessment of DNA preservation from late Pleistocene–Holocene vertebrate fossils and sediments from Kelly Hill Cave Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Using a combination of extraction techniques and sequencing technologies, ancient DNA was characterised from over 70 bones and 20 sediment samples from 15 stratigraphic layers ranging in age from >20 ka to ∼6.8 ka. A combination of primers targeting marsupial and placental mammals, reptiles and two universal plant primers were used to reveal genetic biodiversity for comparison with the mainland and with the morphological fossil record for Kelly Hill Cave. We demonstrate that Kelly Hill Cave has excellent long-term DNA preservation, back to at least 20 ka. This contrasts with the majority of Australian cave sites thus far explored for ancient DNA preservation, and highlights the great promise Kangaroo Island caves hold for yielding the hitherto-elusive DNA of extinct Australian Pleistocene species.